Less Alcohol - DECEMBER 2020 - One Day At A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    I do Heather Robinson/Robertson too! I like the 30 minute HIIT with weights. I do it a couple of times per week.
    Every single day I do Fitness Marshall, songs are like 3 minutes and I do as many songs as I have time for.

    Glad that your friend survived Covid, but really sorry to hear that she doesn't think that it kills people.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    New home for the thread, but the same goals for me, 16-20 AF days per month.

    Tuesday December 01 - AF - Super long and stressful work day, I really wanted a drink when I finally got home, but over the past months I have been trying to "save up" my drinking days for happy occasions, not to relieve stress. Planning AF for tomorrow also.
    Wednesday December 02 - AF - I think that this might be my 4th AF day in a row.
    Thursday December 03 - Drinks. Work Stress drinks. I had just finished saying that I was trying not to do that. Instead of my usual 3, I had 2. It took the edge off. The 2 drinks prevented me from quitting this one particular job outright (I am a Merchandiser and work for several companies). I will sleep on it.
    Friday December 04 - AF - Had to use resistance and a few 6 minute waits to not have a drink. I walked across the ice today of that bird sanctuary that I have posted a few times. Skating there tomorrow for sure! Photos from my lake walk to come later because I can't help it : - )
    Saturday December 05 - Drinks. Skated on a lake today!!! Wondrous!! A friend joined me and then we had cocoa with peppermint schnapps after.
    Sunday December 06 - AF - Tomorrow will be too.
    Monday December 07 - AF - Added a little glitter, skated on a different lake today. Photos to follow.
    Tuesday December 08 - AF - Argh, it warmed up to +7 (Celsius, 0=32F). I couldn't get out of work even for a quick trip to skate, hope it all doesn't melt again! Long day, too tired for drinks tonight.
    Wednesday December 09 - AF - It rained here all day, so no skating. Planning on drinks tomorrow night.
    Thursday December 10 - 2 drinks. I enjoyed them.

    Rolling total: 7AF days out of 10 days
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    I am hoping for AF weekend, that will be a first.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    Planning an AF weekend also...I find it necessary, for me, to have a weekend to-do list prepped this way I stay busy, distracted, and stay out of trouble. Putting on my Santa hat and finishing off holiday online shopping...

    No store shopping on weekends! Busy where I am at and see loads of out-of-town folks not social distancing or wearing their masks under their chin!!! It's holiday Covid season and stress and temptation out there is not something I need....
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    2 wine this evening.

    Dec accountability: 1/11 days AF
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    I might have gone overbeered.qfb6xfat4pgw.jpg

    Are we having a little par-ty Lisa? Drinking beer in those warm longies??
    Read the blurb on the side of the lime green and cream colored carton. Love the name "Partake Brewing" Do a taste test and let us know which ones are drinkable.

    If you and Jamie hit our towns botanical gardens lights show this year let me know and I will get you some of that jalapeno beer to try.(I live on the same road less than 1/4 mile from the entrance)