Like Minded Lushes - Septemeber 2011



  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Welcome Sarahmary!

    Question for Kat...Is that five drinks a week? a night? a sitting? an hour? Just curious so we can help :laugh:

    AFM: Sunday - 3 glasses of white wine. I am sooooo happy it's football season but the Falcons (lived near Atlanta for 19 years now) looked like crap today :grumble:

    Hope everyone accomplishes their goals next week!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I went to the pool and and a great swim instead of sitting watching the Chargers play a crappy first half and drinking beer and eating all the snacks the boys had. I'm proud of myself.

    Of course now I'm having wine and about to enjoy some grilled fajitas and homemade salsa. I'll skip the tortillas and cheese probably. I'm still not ready for summer to be over. I guess that's why I live in San Diego. :glasses:
    Have a great week everyone!
  • martinimcbride
    I lived in San Diego for 31 years & go back every summer : ) Proud of myself, didn't have any alcohol till after 8pm. Hubby asked if I was alright. Ha! I said I thought I was shakey cuz I had too much Arizona diet tea. Having my 3 vodka tonics now. No more shakes, LOL.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Oh I found my thread here!

    I haven't had any alcohol since joining MFP on Tuesday... but normally I'd have maybe a glass of wine every other night, or a beer a week. It's always tied into what I'm eating, and I find that I keep myself in check that way. If I ever feel like having a binger, I find that I'll overeat while I'm drinking... but I've been known to do that every other month or so.

    My faves - a glass of Crown, neat, with about 1/4 bar of Lindt's Excellence Chili Bar.

    Oh yesssss.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I lived in San Diego for 31 years & go back every summer : ) Proud of myself, didn't have any alcohol till after 8pm. Hubby asked if I was alright. Ha! I said I thought I was shakey cuz I had too much Arizona diet tea. Having my 3 vodka tonics now. No more shakes, LOL.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    Where ya live now??
    Love my vodka t's too. Friend request on your way. ;)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Welcome Sarahmary!

    Question for Kat...Is that five drinks a week? a night? a sitting? an hour? Just curious so we can help :laugh:

    AFM: Sunday - 3 glasses of white wine. I am sooooo happy it's football season but the Falcons (lived near Atlanta for 19 years now) looked like crap today :grumble:

    Hope everyone accomplishes their goals next week!

    Haha thanks for wanting to know for support. 5 drinks whenever I happen to drink, that could be daily or sometimes weekly. I mean that if I am going to drink daily, I would like to hold it to 5 or less drinks and I'd like to do the same, say when we have our Halloween party or Christmas party. I think it's doable and especially now since I want to lose some weight. Luckily alcohol takes away my appetite so I don't get hungry or the munchies. I'm stopping at slightly over 5 tonight (bottle of wine).
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Whew! Husband came home and saved me from the whole bottle. So, only 3 glasses tonight but that vodka in the freezer is calling me. S.....a.....r.....a......h......I taste good with diet cheery coke.........

    I'm really low on calories tonight and had a great dinner so why not? Bed in an hour or so anyways. Maybe some tea instead? Totally lame.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Meh, I'm all congested.

    So, I had a night out with a friend for her birthday--Olive Garden for dinner and out for drinks afterwards. Hubs drove, so I was free to drink. I didn't do too badly...I didn't eat a ton, had a double-tall vodka and soda pre-dinner, about 1/2 a bottle of Roscato with dinner and then a cuke martini afterwards...and we were home by 10:30. I'm getting old!


    Shooting for 0 this week. I'm getting sick, so not drinking shouldn't be an issue. :wink:

    Any of the new lushes, feel free to friend me!
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    ya it was lame but I drank tea last night bf bed. save the vodka for another night. :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday-2 glasses of wine
    Saturday-bloody mary, colorado bulldog, vodka lemonade, bud light lime, taster flight of oktoberfest brews, coors light.
    and then I passed out. I blame the antibiotic I took, 6 drinks isn't that much!
    Sunday=0 drinks
  • HerbieSue
    So I was really able to do it last night. I successfully convinced myself not to give in and just have one. I am so amped for staying alcohol free for a whole other week. (probably the best thing since I am traveling on business) I checked out all the hotels I am staying at and they all have fitness centers so instead of going up to my room with a bottle of wine, I will work out for a couple of hours. The good news is that I am officially back under my ticker weight this morning. I will post a loss probably tomorrow. (I creeped up almost 6 pounds but refused to change the ticker:blushing: )

    I am really reveling in my food again. Breakfast is so good when I didn't drink too much the night before. I do miss dinner (protein shakes are keeping me on track but my inner gourmet is screaming at me) I will be spending the next couple of months trying to find the right balance between new found love of exersize, moderate drinking and good food. I am such a work in progress.

    Don't worry dear lushes, Mama Lush will always be ready and waiting to down another bottle of wine or a bunch of alcohol, I just have to get back on top of it. Much love to you all:flowerforyou:

    You are doing awesome..........and I hope to be back to where my ticket says I am sooooooon too!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 5 vodka sodas
    Tuesday, 9 drinks, marathon day...1/2 bottle of wine, 4 vodka drinks, 2's embarrassing to post this...comp starts tomorrow and their will be zeros, I swear.
    Wednesday, 0 drinks...weigh-in for contest
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 2 glasses of wine and 3 vodkas soda...Hubs was away so I watch a movie while doing some deep cleaning
    Saturday, 0 drinks
    Sunday, 6 vodka/sodas

    Goal: >12

    Total: 25

    Well, could be much better and it could be much worse....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 6-8 drinks
    Friday, 6-8 drinks
    Saturday, 6-8 drinks
    Sunday, 0 drinks

    Goal: 18-24

    With very lushy family & friends for WI Warrior Dash, last year we averaged 33 beers per person and it was a day shorter. That's when I joined this thread last June.

    I'm gonna have to bring a shot glass for, I have to be very careful not to snack on chips and dip/crackers things
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    Looks like my kinda group! Trying to remove the pounds and still have a pleasurable life!!

    Wino Forever
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    5 drinks last night

    Started today with a big plate of egg whites with sautéed onions & hot sauce as well as a glass of grapefruit juice. Good 'n' full & ready for a work out & housework.
  • juggalojester72
    well not a single drink last week and after two weeks of half *kitten* diet and working out I have stoped gaining and even lost 5lb. So if I can scrouge up the change I think there will be a few empty 40 bottles layin around my painting easel tonight! lol
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Drank 4 Bud55's last night and 2 or 3 shots of Underground and a shot or 2 of Vodka. Didn't think that was TOO much since I started early....but didn't sleep well last night and felt pretty crappy this morning - didn't work, since I'm feeling better I'm planning on getting a good workout in around 5pm - and being good this entire week.
    No drinks Mon-Thurs (goal) and Friday will be light since I have to travel and won't get a chance to workout - and will get home late, so might get to have a glass of wine or so.....

    Have a great week lushies, make good choices!
  • grey625
    Mind if I join you? I read through the posts and it is relieving to know there are others out there :happy:

    My husband works for a liquor warehouse, so we are probably stocked better than our local bar. Thank goodness I only prefer tequila or I think I would be in huge trouble. I drink tequilla and diet grapefruit soda every night - which usually ends up being the whole bottle of tequila and a 12 pack of soda at the end of the week :blushing: Just like to get to that nice relaxed state.

    I really need to work on incorporating the calories into my daily allotment so I can see this weight come off.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    ya it was lame but I drank tea last night bf bed. save the vodka for another night. :)

    Tea is what I turn do when I go booze free for a night. However, I was just rationalizing that I shouldn't have to go a night without wine since it is so loaded with important anti-oxidants. She is a good friend and completely agreed ;) My current goal is to not go over 2 on a given night...and to stay within the calorie goal.
    It is nice to see everybody's updates, and welcome to the new faces :)

    It is only Monday. May the force be with you all, and Friday come again quickly!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    wed - 2 bottles of wine
    thurs - 0
    fri - 1 light beer
    sat - 1 bottle of wine.
    sun - 3 beers.
    mon - 0

    No more lunch/dinner outings now until Fri night so I'm set to lose lose lose :bigsmile: