March 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited March 2021
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    It's Sunday and Hal scheduled a weird workout. I started with 4x 100m at prace pace, with 100m rest in between. Then a 10k run at 10k race pace, for a total of around 13.5k.

    It was great, the second 100m was going up a reasonable hill. But then it was flat for a few km and I settled into a nice easy 5:35min/k pace. It was wonderful. At around 8k I hit another hill that went for about 0.5k, and I managed to keep my pace to around 6:15. It was HARD! I was so relieved to get to the top of that one. I ended with a 1km walk to cool down.

    My overall pace was 6:10 min/k but the 10k portion was 5:48min/k. My pace has definitely improved over the last couple of weeks, or perhaps my confidence to go with those paces?? I feel confident atm in keeping that pace over 21k, especially on a flat course.

    3 weeks today!

    It's amazing how much faster a new watch helps you go!


    It keeps telling me I need more anaerobic workouts. That would do it!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,023 Member
    Great job on the 6 + miles @pfeiferlindsey !

    @WhatMeRunning Hahaha. She might indeed need some backup.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Just 5k on the railroad access road. Saw some pretty hawks, beautiful day for running.

    @katharmonic way to tough it out! I hope you feel great for your hiking trip.

    I’m behind on reading, hope to catch up later.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,023 Member
    @martaindale Great pictures. So glad you had a great week of hiking with the family! Love the picture of you and your 12 year old. One of my granddaughter's just turned 12 and it is hard to imagine her being "adult-like" already.

    @polskagirl01 Great job on your 20K trash pick up, non-race. 1st place is awesome! :wink: That looks like a great place for an actual race.

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Great job to everyone who had races or long runs this weekend!

    Saturday, I had my RIPPED class, and then my friends and I participated in another of those live Clue-type murder mystery games. We walked about 3.5 miles around downtown during the game.

    Yesterday, I ran 3 miles but spent much of the rest of the day studying for a certification I’m trying to get and helping hubby with a few things.

    Hoping to pick up the miles some this week.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    edited March 2021
    March 1 – Exercise Bike (6.33 miles) + Strength training
    March 2 – 5.07 miles
    March 3 – Exercise Bike (7 miles) + strength
    March 4 – 5.35 miles (morning) + 3.05 miles (evening – hill repeats)
    March 5 – rest
    March 6 – 12.01 miles
    March 7 – Hiking – 2.27 miles – 1340 elevation gain
    March 8 – 5.18 miles
    March 9 – 3.34 miles
    March 10 – 5.18 miles
    March 11 – 5.21 miles
    March 12 – Hiking – 4.5 miles
    March 13 – 13.13 miles
    March 14 – Rest
    March 15 – 5.02 miles + strength + 1.24 mile walk at lunch
    March 16 – 3.45 miles + biking (5 miles)
    March 17 – Strength + Walk (2.18 miles)
    March 18 – 5.44 miles + Exercise Bike (12 miles)
    March 19 – Strength
    March 20 – 10 miles and lots of birthday cake!
    March 21 – 2 miles + 0.25 cooldown walk + biking (5.2 miles)
    March 22 – 5.08 miles

    Felt like I was wearing my concrete shoes and running through quicksand this morning. Lots of stars in the sky when I started out at 6:00 am but still pretty dark, windy and 37F. I took my parents for their second COVID vaccination yesterday which brings a lot of relief to me. They have been so careful, staying home as much as possible for the last year and it’s taken a toll on them. I’ve also been so worried that I would unknowingly give it to them since I’ve been their shopper for the last year.

    Love the hiking pictures @martaindale and you’re daughter is a mini you!

    @polskagirl01 – that’s a great idea to have a trash pick-up race. I get so upset when I see all the litter beside our roads. What are people thinking? I picked up a couple of bags last week during my lunch walk and like you by the time I got back home with the loaded bags it was a struggle. Too bad the race director didn’t have a drop point along the route where runners could drop the garbage bag and someone could load them up. Good cross training workout for you and congrats on 1st place!

    Maybe the wind helped your fast walk @quilteryoyo! Either way fantastic!

    Nice run @kgirlhart. I always forget about my sleeves until I read about you wearing yours!

    Sounds like a fun murder mystery game @marisap2010. Good luck with your certification.
  • MissAtomicBomb238
    MissAtomicBomb238 Posts: 65 Member
    I see everyone running this morning and yesterday, like @scott6255 and @marisap2010 and @kgirlhart and all I can think is ouchhhhh.

    How much time do y’all take off after a race? I feel pretty stagnant but I’m trying to avoid injury as I have a half marathon at the end of May.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,023 Member
    Ugh. I truly dislike my internet. It is so spotty. Had a whole post typed up and got some weird timed out error, so had to reload the page and lost my post. I could get so much more done if I had a better internet connection. Anywho, I'll try to recreate.

    @kgirlhart Glad you enjoyed your run. It's always hard to know what to wear this time of year and the wind can be a bugger.

    @marisap2010 Sounds like you had a great weekend. Good luck with your certifications and runs this week.

    @Teresa502 Sorry your run was so hard. Great job hanging in there and getting it done. I'm glad your parents have both vaccinations now. I know that is a relief. It's been a hard year on everyone, but especially the elderly.

    @Scott6255 I guess today is one of those days where gravity is stronger than normal, making your and @Teresa502's legs heavier than normal. Glad you felt better by mile 3. I have heard the same thing about the CoVID vaccines. Mom and I had it in Dec and got our first shots last week. All either of us experienced was a sore arm. I'm hoping that means our second one will be a piece of cake. I hope you have the same experience.

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    3-1 7k slow
    3-2 7k easy
    3-3 7k easy
    3-4 7k slow
    3-5 7k easy
    3-6 7k measy (between moderate and easy)
    3-7 7k slow
    3-8 7k moderate
    3-9 7k easy
    3-10 7k tempo-ish
    3-11 7k easy
    3-12 7k measy
    3-13 7k tempo
    3-14 7k measy
    3-15 7k easy
    3-16 7k easy
    3-17 7k easy
    3-18 5k treadmill
    3-19 7k slow
    3-20 7k moderate
    3-21 7k easy
    3-22 7k moderate

    March Total: 152k
    March Goal: 150k

    Sunny and mid 40s F, with a breeze from the south. Snuck out in shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt. Was fine during the second half of the run.

    @polskagirl01 Finishing first is an automatic win!!

    @quilteryoyo Now you walk faster than I run.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2021 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs (second attempt)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,023 Member
    @Tramboman I can walk faster than I can run too! :lol: