Positive Affirmations - For Weight Loss and getting to Your Weight Loss Goals



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    I am a follower, loving this thread.

    @pessxx You're not the only one who judges people. You recognize how wrong it is and are a better person for that alone...

    @mpkpbk2015 That is so sad... You truly never know what someone is going through. There are people who let you know that they're struggling and then there are the ones who hold all of that pain in. When I was a senior in high school, there was a freshman, a friend of my cousin's and my brother's. She was an overachiever, prom queen, tons of friends...that type of girl. I had not heard anything of her or seen her in nearly 20 years but I heard about her after she commited suicide. It was so, so sad... It really makes you wonder what was so bad in his/her, anyone's, life that would make a person do that... It's not a selfish decision, but a decision of someone in pain who doesn't see a way out or a solution, a person in absolute desperation...
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Morning to all <3

    What would you say when you are 16 old and your best friend ,having the same name as you, does the same, she was in love with one of my colleagues and of course the boy like another girl from our class, fortunately she was recovered quickly but since then she was not the same person, very enthusiastic and happy, she was just good at school and that was all. She works now in Philadephia and she is happy married, but I thin that all her life she will remember
    she keeps in touch with that boy who works now in Canada.
    I always got the feeling that maybe I could have helpded, both were my friends, but at 16 you do not have the ideas and philisophy of now, so I don't know..

    Saying this I think the quotes of today will be how to overcome destruction and sadness when they come and menace to be over you


  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    for all, have a beautiful Sunday <3<3

  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive Affirmation is: Today I am converting the energy of my dreams into the momentum of action! Today I convert my potential into action and results!
    4/11/2021 - Have a great Sunday stay focused on your weight goals and the journey.
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good morning, is already Monday morning here, it was a nice sunny Sunday!! <3<3

    Love you all and just thinking that all the love that comes from us and all the results of a pure Joy
    Joy we have daily when things are going ok, joy that we see all our NSV , joy that we still live, joy that we have hopes, and what is a good result on every human plan if it does not brig Joy , so the quotes of today are dedicated to Joy




  • justace0305
    justace0305 Posts: 33 Member
    “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t do.” Rikki Rogers

    What is one thing you do now that you didn’t think you could do before?

    I pretrack my food now.

  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    I am a follower, loving this thread.

    @pessxx You're not the only one who judges people. You recognize how wrong it is and are a better person for that alone...

    @mpkpbk2015 That is so sad... You truly never know what someone is going through. There are people who let you know that they're struggling and then there are the ones who hold all of that pain in. When I was a senior in high school, there was a freshman, a friend of my cousin's and my brother's. She was an overachiever, prom queen, tons of friends...that type of girl. I had not heard anything of her or seen her in nearly 20 years but I heard about her after she commited suicide. It was so, so sad... It really makes you wonder what was so bad in his/her, anyone's, life that would make a person do that... It's not a selfish decision, but a decision of someone in pain who doesn't see a way out or a solution, a person in absolute desperation...

    Yes I spent the day with her mom yesterday she is devastated, she's not allowed to see her for 48 hours while she's on the ward. The mom doesn't have any family so I just wanted to be there for her so she didn't have to go through this alone. This was all over not wanting to go to summer school so she can graduate on time next year. I don't understand these teenagers. Her mom works so hard and has given up so much to make a home and good life for this kid. So sad. You have a good day. I am on my way back over to the mom's to make sure she's ok. I am going to post today's affirmation because I am committed to keeping up this thread. Thanks for sharing.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Good morning, is already Monday morning here, it was a nice sunny Sunday!! <3<3

    Love you all and just thinking that all the love that comes from us and all the results of a pure Joy
    Joy we have daily when things are going ok, joy that we see all our NSV , joy that we still live, joy that we have hopes, and what is a good result on every human plan if it does not brig Joy , so the quotes of today are dedicated to Joy




    Little joy yesterday, spent the day trying to cheer my friend up, while her daughter is in the psych ward. I tried my best to brighten up her day but I was hard because my heart was broken for her. I tried my best through. I think it helped just being there because otherwise she would have been alone. She's down here alone just her and her daughter. and hospital rules she can't see her for 48 hours.. Love the joy post it touched my heart . Really need some joy there right now. Glad your Sunday was good. I am determined to have a good Monday though. Going back over to see her, she left me a text earlier. So I am going to post and work out check my garden and run.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t do.” Rikki Rogers

    What is one thing you do now that you didn’t think you could do before?

    I pretrack my food now.

    I copy my supplement and vitamins instead of rewiting them everyday. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. And thanks for sharing.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive Affirmation is My thoughts this morning are forming the Monday I experience. I am creating an awesome Monday!
    I am mentally and physically prepared to get my week off to a fantastic start this Monday!
    April 12, 2021 - Make this the best Monday ever - get focused and stayed focused all week.
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Justace , I am a shy person but look now I encourage my friends , I am living my best time I am posting things for all , I am more open caused I stayed a long time in my shell and with my low self esteem issues <3<3
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Justace , I am a shy person but look now I encourage my friends , I am living my best time I am posting things for all , I am more open caused I stayed a long time in my shell and with my low self esteem issues <3<3

    Pam and your an inspiration to all of us on the thread. For a shy person you have very beautiful thoughts and post. I look forward to seeing what inspirational video or photo or quote your going to post each day. So stay out of your shell and just keep sharing and posting we love it. Have a great day and week. Talk to you soon.💖🌷🌸🌹🌺🌼💐🌻💮
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Thank you all , sometimes is not easy , but I am more and more confident, not that I do not have qualities, but sometimes I just don't believe too much in myself and I prefer to encourage and make bloom the others, this seems very easy for me <3<3

    So today will be for what I want to feel sometimes, Power and feel more powerful :blush:



    And this one I like the most


  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive Affirmation is : Every giant achievement was once a small dream acted upon. Today I act on my dreams!
    Whatever I can unify in my mind and in my heart I can manifest in my world.

    April 13, 2021 - Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Morning , I am also a dreamer and I know what achieving a dream is <3
    But I must confess that with the weight loss I sometimes lose my patience, so today quotes will be about this process we all have been and still are , of , even if we do all the things good, not having sufficient patience to let the results come <3





  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Thank you all , sometimes is not easy , but I am more and more confident, not that I do not have qualities, but sometimes I just don't believe too much in myself and I prefer to encourage and make bloom the others, this seems very easy for me <3<3

    So today will be for what I want to feel sometimes, Power and feel more powerful :blush:



    And this one I like the most


    Have an earache have to go to bed nigthee this really hurts
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Patricia, hope you will get better soon with the ear, take care, hugs <3<3
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,403 Member
    Sorry today is a bad day for me, i am devastated , i just found out that one of my best colleague and friend, same age with me, programmer, has died this evening of heart attack. we were among the first employees of the company and best colleagues, I am almost good at nothing, although i try to think at somethings else. We use the apps made by him and each time i will use them from now on , it will be just pain.

    i just don't know, it was not even covid or cancer or something to have for a long time, just pac, and he is gone, i think we all have to learn that our lives are so precious and that we have to have care of us for us and for the dear ones for which our lives we don even realize how much they mean. As i am not during my working hours and have day off, I found almost the last, cause everybody was writting to me after 10 o clock and asked me if I found out. It is not imaginable even

    it is so strange on 23 rd of March he had his anniversary and now... He impressed us with his analytical programming, everything was tested and re tested , he never gave one app live until he worked night and night for this , he dedicated to a project all his forces, sometimes he called for help but he asked do u have time to test with me this ? He was all the time taking care of not intruding, not taking your time when in fact we all had the interest to finish the project. He was asking thousand of questions which we did not even think about, he was a genius in what he did A nice family with two kids now at university both ,always supportive, always leaving all to help u. Really ...

    Don't know what to say just for you : love yourselves and the loved ones, take care of yr lives, will speak tomorrow <3
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive Affirmation : Wednesday is MY day! While others are getting over the hump, I’m climbing to my dreams! I am super-charging my mind, my heart, and my body for a successful and happy Wednesday
    April 14, 2021 - Not much to say other than own your Wednesday.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Sorry today is a bad day for me, i am devastated , i just found out that one of my best colleague and friend, same age with me, programmer, has died this evening of heart attack. we were among the first employees of the company and best colleagues, I am almost good at nothing, although i try to think at somethings else. We use the apps made by him and each time i will use them from now on , it will be just pain.

    i just don't know, it was not even covid or cancer or something to have for a long time, just pac, and he is gone, i think we all have to learn that our lives are so precious and that we have to have care of us for us and for the dear ones for which our lives we don even realize how much they mean. As i am not during my working hours and have day off, I found almost the last, cause everybody was writting to me after 10 o clock and asked me if I found out. It is not imaginable even

    it is so strange on 23 rd of March he had his anniversary and now... He impressed us with his analytical programming, everything was tested and re tested , he never gave one app live until he worked night and night for this , he dedicated to a project all his forces, sometimes he called for help but he asked do u have time to test with me this ? He was all the time taking care of not intruding, not taking your time when in fact we all had the interest to finish the project. He was asking thousand of questions which we did not even think about, he was a genius in what he did A nice family with two kids now at university both ,always supportive, always leaving all to help u. Really ...

    Don't know what to say just for you : love yourselves and the loved ones, take care of yr lives, will speak tomorrow <3
    pessxx wrote: »
    Sorry today is a bad day for me, i am devastated , i just found out that one of my best colleague and friend, same age with me, programmer, has died this evening of heart attack. we were among the first employees of the company and best colleagues, I am almost good at nothing, although i try to think at somethings else. We use the apps made by him and each time i will use them from now on , it will be just pain.

    i just don't know, it was not even covid or cancer or something to have for a long time, just pac, and he is gone, i think we all have to learn that our lives are so precious and that we have to have care of us for us and for the dear ones for which our lives we don even realize how much they mean. As i am not during my working hours and have day off, I found almost the last, cause everybody was writting to me after 10 o clock and asked me if I found out. It is not imaginable even

    it is so strange on 23 rd of March he had his anniversary and now... He impressed us with his analytical programming, everything was tested and re tested , he never gave one app live until he worked night and night for this , he dedicated to a project all his forces, sometimes he called for help but he asked do u have time to test with me this ? He was all the time taking care of not intruding, not taking your time when in fact we all had the interest to finish the project. He was asking thousand of questions which we did not even think about, he was a genius in what he did A nice family with two kids now at university both ,always supportive, always leaving all to help u. Really ...

    Don't know what to say just for you : love yourselves and the loved ones, take care of yr lives, will speak tomorrow <3
    pessxx wrote: »
    Sorry today is a bad day for me, i am devastated , i just found out that one of my best colleague and friend, same age with me, programmer, has died this evening of heart attack. we were among the first employees of the company and best colleagues, I am almost good at nothing, although i try to think at somethings else. We use the apps made by him and each time i will use them from now on , it will be just pain.

    i just don't know, it was not even covid or cancer or something to have for a long time, just pac, and he is gone, i think we all have to learn that our lives are so precious and that we have to have care of us for us and for the dear ones for which our lives we don even realize how much they mean. As i am not during my working hours and have day off, I found almost the last, cause everybody was writting to me after 10 o clock and asked me if I found out. It is not imaginable even

    it is so strange on 23 rd of March he had his anniversary and now... He impressed us with his analytical programming, everything was tested and re tested , he never gave one app live until he worked night and night for this , he dedicated to a project all his forces, sometimes he called for help but he asked do u have time to test with me this ? He was all the time taking care of not intruding, not taking your time when in fact we all had the interest to finish the project. He was asking thousand of questions which we did not even think about, he was a genius in what he did A nice family with two kids now at university both ,always supportive, always leaving all to help u. Really ...

    Don't know what to say just for you : love yourselves and the loved ones, take care of yr lives, will speak tomorrow <3

    My deepest condolences for your lost, I am so sorry. I will keep his family and you in my prayers take care of yourself my friend. 🙏🙏🙏