Coronavirus prep



  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    My SIL texted me that her neighbor had gone to the health dept vaccine clinic nearby for her appt and heard they had a couple of hundred extra J&J shots that they were accepting walk ins for. I put on some real pants and ran down there and within 15 minutes I was vaccinated.

    I am on their mailing list and follow them on FB, and there were no emails or posts advertising it. And there were folks there, but no line. I'm so grateful I found out about it, but no idea why they weren't pulling names off the state list and texting people.

    So I ran a bit of a fever last night and felt generally achy. I woke up this morning and the fever is gone for now, but the news said the FDA is suggesting the US halt J&J because it's also seeing rare cases of this blood clot disorder. Oh boy :neutral:

    Nate Silver has a valid point if you follow him on Twitter. Basically pointing out that the number of deaths prevented by going forward with the vaccine far outweighs the number of deaths from this blood clot issue. He is right.

    Politics and common sense application of statistics, they are antithetical
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    edited April 2021
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Who here (besides me) bought a pulse oximeter because of COVID?

    when myself and a family member both had covid, it was comforting to check my oxygen levels while recovering at home.

    I bought one for ourselves and had one delivered to both grown children and some other family members. Article in the local news about a healthy 32 year old dying in our community when her levels got too low before seeking medical attention.

    My wife and I both had Covid and used it, but we never got a reading outside the normal range.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    In a related question to the pulse oximeter (which my Apple watch has one and sometimes it is accurate LOL). How many folks do NOT have a thermometer? I am constantly astounded to hear friends tell me when I ask if they are running a fever that they do not have one......I will admit that without children prior to having the flu in early 2018, I only had a couple old ones which the batteries were dead on, but with Covid, I have at least 1 which runs mechanically (not mercury but another chemical which is just as difficult to read) and 2 which are digital.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,989 Member
    In a related question to the pulse oximeter (which my Apple watch has one and sometimes it is accurate LOL). How many folks do NOT have a thermometer? I am constantly astounded to hear friends tell me when I ask if they are running a fever that they do not have one......I will admit that without children prior to having the flu in early 2018, I only had a couple old ones which the batteries were dead on, but with Covid, I have at least 1 which runs mechanically (not mercury but another chemical which is just as difficult to read) and 2 which are digital.

    I think it is way more common to have one if you have kids.

    I had an old, nearly dead digital one that I hadn't used in a got some use early on in the pandemic, when I was paranoid and taking my temperature every day.

    I just replaced it with a new digital one, and put it to good use! Got to tell the CDC survey exactly how high my fever was after my second vaccine dose!
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Who here (besides me) bought a pulse oximeter because of COVID?

    when myself and a family member both had covid, it was comforting to check my oxygen levels while recovering at home.

    I did too. I read that people were going to the ER way too late because they didn't realize that their oxygen levels were dangerously low, so I ordered one.
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    My SIL texted me that her neighbor had gone to the health dept vaccine clinic nearby for her appt and heard they had a couple of hundred extra J&J shots that they were accepting walk ins for. I put on some real pants and ran down there and within 15 minutes I was vaccinated.

    I am on their mailing list and follow them on FB, and there were no emails or posts advertising it. And there were folks there, but no line. I'm so grateful I found out about it, but no idea why they weren't pulling names off the state list and texting people.

    So I ran a bit of a fever last night and felt generally achy. I woke up this morning and the fever is gone for now, but the news said the FDA is suggesting the US halt J&J because it's also seeing rare cases of this blood clot disorder. Oh boy :neutral:

    Nate Silver has a valid point if you follow him on Twitter. Basically pointing out that the number of deaths prevented by going forward with the vaccine far outweighs the number of deaths from this blood clot issue. He is right.

    From a public health perspective it makes sense, even if 1/1000 people died from the vaccine, the other 999 would be protected from COVID death. But do I want to be that one person who sacrifices myself for the cause? Not really.

    I think the main issue here is that we have other vaccines available that don't *seem* to have the same reaction. So is it really ethical to continue using vaccines that do cause this reaction?

    As paperpudding suggested that probably depends on how bad the outbreak is in a given place. In Australia it would seem that they could safely wait without too much death and destruction happening. Here in Ontario cases are out of control and our hospitals are getting overwhelmed, so might not be the best idea to wait.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    All our thermometers broke, batteries corroded, otherwise not functional. We might have one, but I'm honestly unsure. We too bought a pulse oximeter that I find comforting to use occasionally even having NOT had covid :D Also had adult offspring buy them.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    In a related question to the pulse oximeter (which my Apple watch has one and sometimes it is accurate LOL). How many folks do NOT have a thermometer? I am constantly astounded to hear friends tell me when I ask if they are running a fever that they do not have one......I will admit that without children prior to having the flu in early 2018, I only had a couple old ones which the batteries were dead on, but with Covid, I have at least 1 which runs mechanically (not mercury but another chemical which is just as difficult to read) and 2 which are digital.

    I did get a pulse oximeter, and around the same time I also got a thermometer. I'd not had one pre-covid (no kids, so I never really had a need), and I realized that I wouldn't know if I were running a fever (or even what my normal temp was). At first it was hard to find one, so I suspect there was a run on them, but I eventually acquired one.
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Just heard on the news that Canada had it's first case of vaccine induced blood clot. They also said the woman is "recovering at home" - so that is encouraging. Now that they are aware of it I guess they can be on the lookout and treat it promptly when it happens.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    33gail33 wrote: »
    Just heard on the news that Canada had it's first case of vaccine induced blood clot. They also said the woman is "recovering at home" - so that is encouraging. Now that they are aware of it I guess they can be on the lookout and treat it promptly when it happens.

    They're not releasing her age, dammit. Although we know she's over 55....