Less Alcohol - APRIL 2021 - One Day At A Time



  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    @chocolate_owl I believe he will be on board soon. He is forming a bit of a belly pooch as well and not happy about it. I believe he will put the two together quickly. I need to train him as well to ask before pouring, because if he sees an empty glass, it must be refilled. And I can't let it go to waste LOL

    Today will be 5 days AF. 7 more to go before I will allow myself to indulge a little. Just a little
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    @globalhiker thank you for your research findings and your stages. They make sense.

    I am posting for my own accountability. I am also using the app 'dry days' which I love so far. I like looking at the 'calendar' to see a visual of the days I have had alcohol and the dry days. It is really making an impact for me.
    April 1-4, ....3 AF day 1 A,- 3 spirits
    April 5-11... 7 days AF
    April 12-18 ...5 days AF, 2 days A- 3 wine, 4 spirits
    April 19-25
    ...April 19 AF
    ...April 20 AF
    ...April 21 AF
    ...April 22 AF
    ...April 23
    ...April 24
    ...April 25
    April 26-30
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,604 Member
    Hi : - )

    I joined this thread November 2018. I was a daily drinker at that point.
    I am drinking less chiefly to lose weight.
    My goals now are the same as they have been since January 2020, kind of my sweet spot.
    16-20 AF days per month
    NO drinking 2 days in a row
    Keep 2 AF days in between drinks days.
    3 is my max or I throw up.

    Here goes my diary style:

    Wednesday April 21 - AF - I have been going at a breakneck pace this week, trying very hard to get all of my jobs done so that I can have 2 days off in a row minus Friday morning dedicated to paperwork. Planned drinks tomorrow (if I get it all done) and probably Friday too with my friend out on her deck. I also hope to get my potato garden planted during my day and a half off - it snowed, so when it melted it was too wet to till. Got to 5AF days in a row and my 16AF days : - )
    Thursday April 22 - 2 1/2 drinks. So lovely, feeling more relaxed than I have been all week. I am still not used to my new schedule. Other than 4 hours of (paid) paperwork tomorrow morning, I will be on days off until Sunday morning. Planning on drinks tomorrow evening with a friend. My goal/rule for myself is changing since my new extra job. Very crappy weather here, the idea that I would have a day and a half off to get my potato garden tilled for planting is out the window...rain turned to snow today. I will take the opportunity tomorrow to blast some classical music throughout my house, grind myself some delicious coffee and putter around. Any excuse to be outside I normally take, but this is not the weather for me. I don't plan on getting dressed at all tomorrow, pj's it shall be : - )

    Rolling total: 16 AF days out of 22 days
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    2 glasses wine with steak dinner, cards and movie with DH.

    @chocolate_owl - about 10 years ago when I turned 50 I finally threw out a pair of short shorts from college. I would never have worn them even if I had lost the weight LOL Still digging in my closet to toss. Oh and the t-shirt drawer is getting a cleanup too!

    @dawnbgethealthy - Relax and enjoy your PJ day! DH and I pulled up more dead bushes from the freeze today so now to start planting new bushes. Things around here were not made for hard freezes. I still have 2 pots where I lost plants that I need to replace ... and a couple of other areas in the yard that had tropicals that bit the dust. I've not planted potatoes in years. My kids loved the red potatoes in straw ... in was like hunting easter eggs. :) My veggie garden right now is focused on tomatoes, peppers and herbs for spaghetti sauce and fresh herbs for guacamole.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,622 Member
    Hi all, and welcome newcomers! Congratulations on the consulting gig @globalhiker!!!!!!! That’s fantastic!

    Three days in a row AF this week, and I slept great. Had only one glass of wine with dinner yesterday , and woke up in the middle of the night. Grrr! But at least I only kept it to one. Tonight I have a work cocktail party then book club, so I’ll have to split the difference between the two and just have half a glass at each.

    Weekend is upon us, may we all stick to our goals!