Serial Starters



  • Anewbody2021
    Anewbody2021 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm tired of being a serial starter. Been up/down over 25 years...

    If anyone wants a encouragement buddy, you can add me😊
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Lynn, they are adorable. How fun.
    Sara, I hope it was a great day without the Monster.

    Closing went smoothly--big check, so I drove straight to the bank.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good evening,

    Late getting here was watching British Murder mystery and while good they are long.....

    Lynn - cute little things - how old are they?

    Lana- sorry I missed the Happy Hour - brain was fried and I needed a long nap. Will be there next time.

    Boss gone today our computer was being rotten and in the middle of the day I got a call from one of the IT people in AZ asking if my computer system was having trouble and where was my boss? I know this lady as she has helped get a software program installed on my computer. Day is done not too much damage and while I didnt get my goals done my work file is looking better.

    Rumors are almost truth in that it looks like my employer/company will make people come back to work in July and if they dont like it they can quit/retire - there's one way to get my boss to leave. She has been one of the most paranoid about germs..... Director strongly recommending we get the vaccine and saying that an at home work set up is not long term.

    I get to sleep in tomorrow something I have not done in a very long time. With Church starting up Sunday I cant sleep in too long on Sunday but it is not work wake up hours.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited May 2021
    *** May 15th ***

    Welcome to A New Body~ We are simply a social group here on this thread every day. You are welcome to jump in at any time. 🤗

    Maureen - Yes, big congratulations on that closing! 🥳

    Sara - So Monster is super paranoid about germs. Has she been vaccinated?

    If people haven't yet had the vaccine, they should check in with their doctor and take their advice.

    I am grateful for a sun-shiny day out there.
    I've got to hustle along and get my tax return extension signed. I cannot wait to be single again. My returns will then be done by March every year. 😇



    266.4 ⬇️
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I've been absent on MFP for a couple weeks. I've still logged in everyday and tracked things about 50% of the time, but have been struggling with my mental health and needed to take a break. I loved reading this thread and seeing how amazing all of you are doing :)

    I managed to lose weight in these couple weeks, even though I'm up a little bit today I'm still happy with my progress without tracking consistently. Definitely splurging more and being a little bit "bad" but I still feel good. Trying to stick to the same breakfasts and lunches so I know it's consistently within my calories. I just have such a hard time after dinner...because my spouse probably has 2-3 snacks after dinner. I have such a hard time saying no.
    Like yesterday, I had an ice cream sandwich as my treat and it fit within my calories...but then my spouse sits down on the couch with a box of mini freezes. So I thought, screw's Friday and I'm gunna eat some freezies. haha. I felt terrible after though. Definitely not worth it.

    Gotta be smarter. I'm down almost 20 pounds now, but gotta keep moving forward :) happy Saturday everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good morning,

    Got to sleep in on a Saturday for the first time in I dont know when. Got one of my walks in and my fridge needs to be cleaned out.

    Ladychronic - (blanking on name) your total loss is what to be concerned about. If weight loss followed a straight logical line this would be easy. If we do not "treat" ourselves we run the risk of jumping into the deep end out of frustration.

    Lana - Monster got her shots and I actually saw her without a mask - I will not be maskless until we get an "all clear sign" . There will be a party when you are single.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Sara - So glad to hear that you slept in this morning. You deserve it!

    Jordanna - you have to take care of your mental health - so important. Grab Max and walk off those freezies!!

    Hugs to all~~

  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Hi everyone - I am kinda not a serial starter, long story short, I was losing, slowly, but getting down there - then I got sick - and lost a whole lot really fast, so much so I had bat wings, and flabby bits everywhere, nothing fit, I couldn't even rummage in my closet for anything. Anyways a few Dr. yellings later, I am eating more, I am way under calories every day, but the weight isn't dropping. Exercise is out due to a tangle with my dog and tearing my ACL -
    I am actually never really hungry, a leftover from the sickness. But I am eating more than my one Boost a day now.

    Really need some good friends :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** May 16th ***

    Good morning all~~ Just getting us started ☀️

    Welcome to Jsiricos 👋🏻


    266.4 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Good morning, friends.

    Sara, what were you watching? I'm always looking for my next British crime drama.

    Lana and Lynn, it's always so nice to see you on here.

    @jsiricos: You may know this, but I'll mention it in case you don't. When you lose weight quickly, some of it will be lean muscle. Your body won't go back to burning fat exclusively until that lean muscle your body needs is replaced. Stick with it and you will start to lose fat again. After regaining some weight due to rebuilding muscle. You will feel stronger and be hungry again when that happens, too.

    I'm living in a hotel until I move-might stay in a friend's camper part of the time, but the only thing I don't like is that it seems harder to plan meals. I have this "vacation" mentality and eating out--or rather, getting take out--is so much more appealing. I have a box of non-perishables in my car and need to bring it in; just too lazy. Writing about it might help me get over that hump. Back to exercising, more or less, but not at the pace I kept in FL. I don't enjoy walking as much when it's coldish out. But that's just being a big baby b/c it isn't really cold and I know that better than anyone. I guess I'm just missing the balmy weather of Florida in the spring.

    Have a great evening, all.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Went to first church outdoor sermon. Masks, temps 6 feet and all.

    Went back after lunch and worked on the food pantry drop off. Did less than last month -but I cannot be doing this on a regular basis. I need to speak up before next month. Got 6500 steps in, but I would rather have help.

    Monday is tomorrow - joy of joys. Lets hope things go okay.

    Right now I am watching cooking shows, not too many brain cells needed.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** May 17th ***

    'Mornin' all ☀️

    Maureen - when do you move to Charlotte?

    Sara - good for you for getting so many steps in yesterday! Cheering you on! Take your Happy Spray with you today.

    Where is that handsome young man with the pot of half-car?

    *tossing sunglasses and trashy novel onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    268.8 today
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning.
    Welcome Jsricos! Good group to be in.
    Sara - a bit behind, but the day those pics were taken the chicks were 2 days old :) Enjoyed playing with them this weekend.
    I have come down with a bum knee. Did end up going to Dr. hoping to just get a PT referral. Did xrays and found fluid and a bone spur. Waiting on calls back to hear next step Most steps hurt :( Hard to get exercise this way.
    One day at a time I guess.
    Waves to Lana, Maureen (congrats on closing) Runa, Dawn, Tracy, Missy and all others who stop in.
  • Rita7Denise
    Rita7Denise Posts: 27 Member
    I'm tired of being a serial starter. Been up/down over 25 years...

    If anyone wants a encouragement buddy, you can add me😊

    I'm a serial starter myself. lets team up!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited May 2021
    Lynn - Bone spur? Bone Spur!!!!

    What the heck are we supposed to do with a Crappin' Pattootie, Rat Bastige, Grassum-Snonnomous, cursed Friday The Thirteenth Whatever, Flat Tyre, "Piece De Resistance" darned BONE SPUR?

    * Cabana Boys are trying to calm down Lana*

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Lana, I'm not familiar with any of those terms, but they are delightfully expressive. And I plan to arrive in Charlotte around June 30, with July 1 being my move-in date.

    I've been working today and walking Skye for a bit of a break from the screen. In person tomorrow and hoping someone shows up. It's so boring without students. I have plenty of paperwork, but I miss "my" kids. This has all been so hard on them and they are so out of the habit of getting up and out for school.

    I have been hungry lately--too much eating at maintenance or even slightly above, although I don't think I've gained much weight. I have the scale in the car and just need to bring it into my hotel room. And do some shopping to make sure I have what I want in my room. I am just craving salads daily and I've been buying them, but I need more veggies on them to help with the hunger. And probably more protein.

    But, it's been a lovely day today and Skye is doing so well with the change and the casual training I do with her. All in all, a good day.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good evening,

    First thing when I got home was email the Food Pantry and said from now on I will work in the kitchen. Let someone with muscles do the other stuff.

    Got my steps in. Another day done.

    Bone spurs are not fun things to play with, glad you are being proactive.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Thank you for the welcomes, my name is Sue, (easier to type) I got cancer, yay go me! Throat cancer aka, cancer of a million papercuts.
    35 rads, 3 chemos, fun fact - did you know chemo boosts your metabolism to about 3500 cals a day? So with a stomach the size of a grape, and a papercut throat (NOOOO to applesauce omg) Boost became my best friend.
    I lost 100 pounds really fast - 3 months or so. Hence the flabby bits. Got yelled at by my doctors a fair bit too - and threatened with a feeding tube... yuck

    So I ate high calorie to get them to stop yelling, and to stop passing out, (along with throat cancer, I have an incinerated Thyroid, and Baroreceptor dysfunction.) We all have baroreceptors, they live on our carotids, they are what tells your body to pump blood to your head when you stand etc.. without it, you kinda fall down, go boom.. a lot.

    So that's my 100 pound weight loss in a nutshell, I've gained some, now I need to lose, but slower this time, so my skin can keep up :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** May 18th ***

    Hi All~~

    Just getting us started. BBL

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning
    Wow Sue - that is quite the journey. I am glad you are here to talk about it. Inspiring fight!
    Lana - thank you for the smile. I have no idea what the plan is yet. I am limping around in quite a bit of knee pain. MRI next week then I suppose an Ortho dr. and then maybe finally answers.
    Maureen - I am glad Skye is adapting. Dogs are resilient.
    Have a great day!