P90X Support Group...



  • deepavignesh
    deepavignesh Posts: 63 Member
    hi i know i m a little late to join the group.. but i would love to.. i am a week late.. probably i ll compensate at the end!! i need some motivation to start p90x.. got the dvds.. looks very difficult!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome to week 2 guys!

    Well, I had a pretty shoddy couple of days diet wise. In summary:

    Too many fats
    Too many carbs
    Too much alcohol
    Not enough calories
    Too many of the wrong types of calories
    Too much alcohol
    Not enough water

    Plus, I totally skipped out on the X Stretch yesterday - not clever, I really could have done with stretching out my hamstrings too!

    Back on the boat today though. Chest/Back week 2 begins today :)

    We've got this sucker guys. If you've made it to week 2, you can make it to week 13 no sweat! The hard part is over and it's plain sailing from here on in. All we have to do is keep pushing that play button once a day!



    P.S. - Did I mention too much alcohol...? ;)
  • Omg DAY 12 yesterday. Legs and Back. I clearly wasnt ready for this one. My original plan was to do Kenpo right after it to play catch up but my legs were so tired and I felt so exhausted after that video. Day 13 Kenpo tonight.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey team!

    Welcome to week 2 and can I say that, in reflecting on week one, we are one of the most supportive team of strangers I have ever imagined. I commend everyone on their daily reflections and on their diligence on creating and responding to shout outs. This is going to be one of our main reasons for success I am confident in that. Keep sharing your follies and your triumphs through this journey - no one is perfect and it is knowing that that will keep each of us driven.

    To our new comers - like they say - better late than never. Take a moment to read through how we did during our first week and know that it will be challenging (deepa...) but it is rewarding and you will walk, crawl, or bawl your way through each of the videos. Rest assured that it gets better everyday you push play. Stay motivated and when you are feeling down come here, I assure you that someone will be just as sore, sweaty and ready to hurl as you. You are not alone.

    Uno... Welcome aboard! Starting on the 19th is great - we will all be here to champion you as you progress through the various routines we were in not too long ago. Our day one is on Tuesdays (for most) gives you the chance to go balls out on the weekend and gather yourself on Mondays. I can't wait to read about your progress!


    So Week 2, Day 1 in the books for me bright and early this morning! Knowing that I was not going to be home until 11 tonight I made the decision last night that I would wake up early and get my butt kicked. My alarm went off at 5:30 and... I HIT SNOOZE! :noway: It's ok though because... as I hit the snooze and started drifting off into slumber I found it difficult to be comfortable... I kept thinking - if I want to succeed, success has to be more important to me than anything. Success has to be more important than sleep. So, I asked myself, is success important? The answer was obviously yes so I got out of bed with renewed energy, grabbed my clothes and made my way to the basement where I KILLED IT!!! I pumped out more reps with heavier bands and more resistance than I did last week and, with the exception of the divebombers, I BEAT everyone of my goals!

    So I ask you - do you want to succeed? Is success important to you? Than you have to wake up every day and put success FIRST - before parties, before food, before SLEEP. Wake up when you have to to get the job done. Bring it for that hour and give yourself a sweaty, well-deserved pat on the back! You can and WILL be SUCCESSFUL!!!

    PS - Ab ripper had me in stiches - I am doing my best not to tear up as I try and maintain good posture at my desk - BRING IT!
  • Thanks guys for the motivation. I had a migraine when I got home from work last night and sat on the couch. That is usually my downfall. I took some excedrin, drank some caffiene, and as my headache began to go away, I was on my way to getting dressed and starting Chest/Back & ARX.

    So glad I can be accountable to others instead of letting myself slide.

    I need to get my diet working properly. I am having some serious eating issues. I continue to graze or drive to the grocery store and get a candy bar. I can't stop! Does anyone have some suggestions for a healthy, more filling alternative to my chocolate cravings?

    Thanks all!
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished up Day 2 of week one..need help logging plyometrics. I browsed through all the cardio exercises, but not sure what to go with.
  • ernestandtawan
    ernestandtawan Posts: 2 Member
    My wife and I started P90x last night. I am struggling with the diet plans. I think the ab ripper was too much for my wife. Any suggestions?
  • Imp... First off... WAY TO GO ON GETTING THAT WORKOUT IN LAST NIGHT! THATS FREAKING AWESOME.... That migraine or these work outs cant see you! As far as your chocolate cravings go, I have 2 items that curb my sweet tooth needs. i LOVE detour protein bars. They have a bunch of different kinds. I like the chocolate carmel peanut. It's got 170 cals, 15 carbs, and very little fat (I dont remember exactly how much). Also... I love my eas protein shakes. I put a scoop of natural peanut butter with my powder and mix it with skim milk. So delicious!!!!!! Try these out... I bet you like them!

    Have a great day yall!
  • So Week 2, Day 1 in the books for me bright and early this morning! Knowing that I was not going to be home until 11 tonight I made the decision last night that I would wake up early and get my butt kicked. My alarm went off at 5:30 and... I HIT SNOOZE! :noway: It's ok though because... as I hit the snooze and started drifting off into slumber I found it difficult to be comfortable... I kept thinking - if I want to succeed, success has to be more important to me than anything. Success has to be more important than sleep. So, I asked myself, is success important? The answer was obviously yes so I got out of bed with renewed energy, grabbed my clothes and made my way to the basement where I KILLED IT!!! I pumped out more reps with heavier bands and more resistance than I did last week and, with the exception of the divebombers, I BEAT everyone of my goals!

    So I ask you - do you want to succeed? Is success important to you? Than you have to wake up every day and put success FIRST - before parties, before food, before SLEEP. Wake up when you have to to get the job done. Bring it for that hour and give yourself a sweaty, well-deserved pat on the back! You can and WILL be SUCCESSFUL!!!

    PS - Ab ripper had me in stiches - I am doing my best not to tear up as I try and maintain good posture at my desk - BRING IT!

    Holy Crap Sassy... This is freaking incredible! Thanks for that! You are such a soldier... SUCCESS IS RIGHT HERE WAITING FOR US! Way to rock it out!
    I BELIEVE... BOOM!!!!!
  • :love: :happy: :smile: Deep and unow.... Welcome to our team! You can do this... Bring it!

    Ernest... First things first. Ab Ripper X is so tough. Too difficult for ANYONE who has never done it. Your wife can do this program... Just tell her to "Do her best and forget the rest!" When my fiance and I started P90, we couldnt get through any of the ARX exercises. We could literally do 3 phifer scissors, 3 v up roll ups, ZERO hip rock and raise, and about 5-8 mason twists. Tell her to keep pushing play. Things WILL get better. She WILL get stronger. Support her and motivate her. I know she can do it.
    As far as the diet is concerned, what are your struggles?
    Are you having trouble bc you are hungry? or eating too much?
    If you have any specific questions on the diet, I know someone in this group will be able to help you. I know the nutrition guide like the back of my hand and almost EVERYONE in this group has figured out ways to modify it so it works for their body. Welcome aboard sir! Congrats on getting day one behind you... KEEP PUSHING PLAY!

    Have a great afternoon yall...
    Ill update this evening about my workout! Cant wait for chest and back with ARX!
    I am so happy and grateful....
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Starting week 3 today. Woo-hoo! Not having a great food day so far but thats ok, I will burn it off. I won't be able to work out until late tonight so I just wanted to stop in and say hi! Great job to everyone so far! I have core tonight and it is one of my favs. Taking a test today after work so I can get back to school for nursing, wish me luck. For those late night work out people, I will be pressing play with you. Bring It!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    All of your posts are SOOOO inspirational. Wish I could be doing it as intense this week but my marathon is Sunday and I have to taper. You all seem to be rocking with the workouts. Keep it up everyone!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Wow - where to begin! You are all fabulous!

    I will go in order because I really have shout-outs for all of you *that and I like reading my own posts haha :laugh: jks*

    Imp - those migranes can be brutal and I am so glad you pushed through it. These things come up from time to time, it is having the energy and the drive to persevere that makes us successful - I know you have what it takes to be successful on this journey! You are bringing it everyday and that is awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Gullett... congrats on completing one of the most difficult P90X routine. Plyo is nothing to shake a stick at. In terms of calories and recording your activity. It is always best to have a heart rate monitor because burn can very greatly per person based on a combination of factors including starting level of fitness, intensity etc. For now it is best to keep it in a moderate range of "burn" generally 10 calories a minute is solid.

    Ernest... Like Drew said Ab ripper is intense and is not something that is expected to be completed in your first go at it. Man, I am at round 4 of Ab Rippers and I am still struggling to pump out 20 for most *some, scissors, are far fewer maintaining good form*. Encourage her, lead her here and let her know that it is completly normal. I know it can be extremely difficult working out with your partner and feeling like you can't keep up with them. "Do your best, forget the rest" is a great motto for getting past that feeling. As for diet - that is always a difficult one to stick with especially when it feels like a huge change. The P90X plan is delish and you actually get to eat a tun. Try reading through the recipes and tailor it where you need. This is a lifestyle that you plan to stick with - you need to enjoy it.

    Drew... I :heart: you enough said - you rock for motivation, can't wait for your next video.

    Wendy... I am glad I can inspire you today. Reading your daily updates on my home page keep me going. You are a trooper. Bring it tonight and let your hubby know what he missed :wink: I love/hate plyo it is an awesome routine!

    Nikki... weeks 3 already! Man the time is flying here! You keep owning it and keep blazing the trail for the rest of us! Next week is recovery and I'll bet that is looking good right about now - keep pushing play and bring it everyday! You rock chick!

    Spring... good luck on your run!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 16, Plyo DONE. Boy did I feel it today... My legs were a little sore going into it, and WAY sore afterwards. My knees are a little.... cranky.... today, and Plyo definitely aggravates them.

    Anyone have any good tips/remedies for cranky sore knees? I do all my leg workouts with soft knee braces on both knees, and I ice them immediately after. I also take a Glcosamine/Chondroitin/MSM supplement, and a Hyaluronic acid supplement, both of which help with sore joints. I also take Aleve, probably more than I should, but lately I've had to cut that back because of some stomach issues.

    Any other ideas for sore knees? This was my last Plyo until week 5, since next week is recovery week for me, so I hope that the knees will be better by then.

  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks Sassy! That helped a lot!!! :happy: Finished up Week 1 Day 2 and already sore!!! LOL Lov'n it!! Keep pushing play!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey all you crazy kids!

    So here I am again in the familiar position of covered in sweat on my yoga mat drinking a recovery shake.

    I loved today's chest/back and ARX, I managed to beat last week's reps on almost everything and increased weight where weight was involved. For ARX, I actually managed 329 movements out of 349! Which for me is pretty damn awesome!

    Looking at my workout plan, I realised today that this is the second to last chest/back workout we'll see until week 9. When I think of it like that, it really feels like we're flying through this - and honestly we are! What are we on, 8.8%? That's awesome guys and gals!

    In terms of diet, I'm back on it with avengance today. Back to 200g baked chicken breast daily. Back to a pot of cottage cheese daily. Back to a portion of Jay's Protein Packed Honey Nut Yoghurt daily. Back to 4 or 5 litres of water daily... You get the picture :)

    You guys really haven't let me down. In a group like this, you'd usually expect people to start flaking away by now but this team is going the opposite way - getting bigger and bigger and each day I can push myself to get on with it by reading all of your updates.

    It's truly inspiring to see everyone really making the commitment to this program - it gives me absolutely no excuse not to keep bringing it!

    Keep checking in guys, we've totally got this by the scruff of the neck here!


  • So this is week 2... I did start on time with this, but I had already been using my P90 (original not P90X) videos on and off for a month while doing some other distance runs or sprints. But now a month and a half into using it, I'm REALLY BORED of the videos!! I want to stay with the program (as I mentioned I've only been doing the vidoes since this blog began day 1) and I'm sooo annoyed with listening to Tony talk about "Cardio I - II" and "the kids". Ugh... of course its not him, its me but I've feel like this for almost a week now. Its not the that the videos aren't challenging.. but I'd much rather be out doors jogging or playing a sport or something. So anyone have ideas on a person trying to stay motivated with this program? I know my own exercies won't be as encompassing as the videos so I know I need to stick with it, but I question staring at the tv screen for 90 days as I don't watch tv reguarlly to begin with.

    Maybe I'm discouraged?... as I said I've been working out this last month or so. Another thing, I have been notorious for not eating breakfast, let alone eating reguarly and I beat myself up over it. How does one manage to eat meals reguarlly? My caloric intake has been "under budget" since I've been on here but apparently I don't eat enough and don't know how to keep that metabolism fire burning.

    Sigh. Going to go kick my but with "Sculpt" in the meantime.
  • I completed Core Synergistics today. Looks like week 2 is off to a good start...let's hope it stays that way.

    I hope everyone has a great week...but mostly I hope the weekend gets here fast!

    Keep Bringing It!

  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    Holy smokes! I don't check the boards for a few days and there are like 4 new pages! Everyone is doing great! I'm impressed by the number of people here as well as the motivation and encouragement! If this keeps up, everyone will look and feel a whole lot better by the end of the 90 day journey!

    I'm within 4 pounds of my short term goal and have 10 more days to reach it. The way I've been losing weight I'll be very, very close. I think I finally found the right sequence of workouts to get the maximum calorie burn and maximum effect from the P90X Lean routine. I'm doing Insanity Pure Cardio instead of Cardio X and substituted Plyo X for Yoga X. Next week is supposed to be a recovery week, but I think I'll go ahead and extend Phase 1 for a week because I will be so close to my goal weight.

    Keep up the great work! Everyone's experiences are so inspirational and many people have asked the same questions I've had. Great job!
  • cjcooper04
    cjcooper04 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 9 for me.. just got done with Plyo X... wow... it is tough! I felt really worn out from a night of tossing and turning (having problems with my rotator cuff), but I definitely did better this second time doing Plyo.

    I am a little concerned 1600 calories will not allow me to lose enough weight but my fiance swears that I need the calories to have the energy for the workouts. Focusing on protein and low carbs should help. I think at day 30 I will evaluate dropping to 1400.

    Congrats to everyone whatever day you are on! I really enjoy reading everyone's posts about pushing through their days and still working out. I am really excited to see result pictures, as well, because I never really trust the ones on promotional websites.

    81 days left! Super pumped!