Women 200lb+, Let's Get The Job Done This June!!!



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    @goal06082021 The cat is doing okay. She is still in my garage and very round. No signs of kittens yet. We are sort of patiently waiting. :# I still cannot pet her but I can sit near her when she eats and she will come out sometimes when I bring her food in rather than waiting for me to leave the garage.
  • itisjessdarling
    itisjessdarling Posts: 46 Member
    Wed Weigh In (I weighed in but forgot to post)

    Age: 38
    Height 5'4"
    June GW 195

    6/2: 203.8
    6/9: 204.6

    Didn't lose much as my family went to a restaurant over the weekend and I ate all the things. My meal and shared appetizer was more than my daily calories! It was my favorite foods from there. I will probably just avoid these types of restaurants in the future. Most have healthier options, but I don't have the discipline to not eat my go-to's yet. My family is headed on vacation this weekend with friends and they are already talking about all the unique restaurants they want to try out. Just going to try and watch my portions and maybe drink a shake before heading out to dinner so im not as hungry. Any tips would be great!
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    ended the month down 2#. I'll take it, what with the stress of this month. Feeling a bit more in control now!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @JNettie73 I'm glad she's still doing well - cat gestation is only about 8-9 weeks, so if you could tell she was pregnant a month ago she's bound to pop soon! Best wishes for an uncomplicated birth and a small, healthy litter. (and if you can, please share pics!)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @OnceAndFutureAthlete I understand the agony of fighting poison ivy! I’ve even had it in my 👀. Mine never goes away unless I go to the doctor so I’ve learned to go right away. They always give me a steroid cream to use. Once it was so bad I also got a steroid shot, steroid packs, and pills to whip it! I’ve had it at least 4 times and it wouldn’t go away on its own. Good luck! They say calamine lotion helps, but I didn’t find it all that helpful. Hope it clears up quickly.
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    Well, I did not hit my June goals but I know why. I'm not throwing in the towel. I've got at least a year to go to hit my goal, unless I keep taking these darn "maintenance" breaks.
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    edited July 2021
    nebslp wrote: »
    @OnceAndFutureAthlete I understand the agony of fighting poison ivy! I’ve even had it in my 👀. Mine never goes away unless I go to the doctor so I’ve learned to go right away. They always give me a steroid cream to use. Once it was so bad I also got a steroid shot, steroid packs, and pills to whip it! I’ve had it at least 4 times and it wouldn’t go away on its own. Good luck! They say calamine lotion helps, but I didn’t find it all that helpful. Hope it clears up quickly.

    Yeah, after 5 days of crazy itching and spreading rash and going commando so the elastic wouldn't aggravate it, despite calamine ALL OVER and oral benadryl and tylenol and rubbing alcohol and showers and everything else "Dr. Google" suggested, I broke down and called my brother (an actual MD) to call in an Rx for a steroid pack. Almost instant relief. [facepalm]. Next time - if there is one - I won't be such a masochist/stoic and wait so long!
  • cmeyer32
    cmeyer32 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm completely new to this site (I used to use My Plate years ago and loved it, but am joining a virtual group through my doctor that will discuss health/weight loss and am required to use My Fitness Pal---which I don't love so far, lol, but I'm hoping it'll grow on me). It's been years (YEARS!) since I've had any emotional control over my eating habits and my ability and motivation to work out has been limited and/or non-existent). I've had a couple of lower back surgeries, both knees have had total replacements, and have nerve damage which resulted in foot drop - just in the last couple of years. So, other than one more surgery in a couple of weeks (neck), I should be on the road to recovery. I also recently got married to the most patient, understanding, accepting husband in the world. He always lived a very active life and was drawn to my appreciation of nature, love of hiking, working out - but, he hasn't really, truly seen that side of me due to all of my issues. I know that I'm still healing (and like I said, have another surgery coming up in a week), but I also just feel lazy. I used to be so much better at just getting *kitten* done. Anyway, here's the nitty-gritty-nasty-truth. I weigh 100 pounds more than my husband. ONE HUNDRED pounds. He has no idea. My body type and height really seem to hide it a bit. I'm fairly evenly distributed, I guess. Lots of weight in my legs/butt/chest, so it kind of works in a way. But, when he met me, I was probably 40 pounds lighter. And, I need to be at least 100 pounds lighter than I am to be at a "doctor's recommended" ideal weight. I'm overwhelmed and really wish I could just ease right back into the right eating mindset and desire to work out (hard!)... and be productive around the house (like I used to be).

    Hoping this is the place I draw some inspiration and drive. So, here's what I'm seeing everyone else include on their posts -

    Age: 48
    Height: 6'
    Starting Weight: 295
    Goal Weight: 190

    I love you all for sharing your stories and for letting me and everyone else on here know that we're not alone. Mwah! I want to visit "Onederland" again in this lifetime. It really is a fun place to be! I just need to find a place in my heart and mind that believes I can get there again.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member