What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Trainer ride this morning. 70 minutes to build high end aerobic endurance and increase FTP. After warmups, did a ladder routine holding 170w for 5min, 180w for 10min,190w for 15min and then back down at same outputs and duration. Then 10 min cooldown.

    Will do a 35 minute shake out jog on the trail later.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    Had to do a sprint workout on the rower today as part of my training, but no particular plan for anything. So I did a "rate ladder", starting w/ 3 sets of 500m @ 77 Drag Factor/Rate 18, then 3 @ 85 or so/rate 20, 3 @ 93 or so/rate 22 and then finished with 3 @ 100 DF/rate 24. Twelve total sprints w/ 90 seconds of rest. Hit 92% of max HR by the last set. Total time working, including rests, waiting for HR to drop, around 45 minutes -- 620 or so calories.

    Weight lifting tonight at the gym. I've never been a member of Planet Fitness, so I'm trying to be cautious. Don't want no "lunk alerts" going off on me. I'm certainly no plate dropper or grunter, or inappropriate clothes wearer, but I do work hard and sweat hard. I felt a lot of people staring at me my first visit. First time (since I was obese) that I felt just a little self conscious in a gym.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Had to do a sprint workout on the rower today as part of my training, but no particular plan for anything. So I did a "rate ladder", starting w/ 3 sets of 500m @ 77 Drag Factor/Rate 18, then 3 @ 85 or so/rate 20, 3 @ 93 or so/rate 22 and then finished with 3 @ 100 DF/rate 24. Twelve total sprints w/ 90 seconds of rest. Hit 92% of max HR by the last set. Total time working, including rests, waiting for HR to drop, around 45 minutes -- 620 or so calories.

    Weight lifting tonight at the gym. I've never been a member of Planet Fitness, so I'm trying to be cautious. Don't want no "lunk alerts" going off on me. I'm certainly no plate dropper or grunter, or inappropriate clothes wearer, but I do work hard and sweat hard. I felt a lot of people staring at me my first visit. First time (since I was obese) that I felt just a little self conscious in a gym.

    I wouldn't be surprised it there was just a little envy from those watching you work hard.
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Upper body session second one since deload and I popped 2 blood vessels in my back 😬😬😬
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,729 Member
    Easy pace bike ride, just under 17 miles, mostly paved trails through wooded areas . . .woods pleasanter than the sunny bits, since mid-80s F and 50% or so humidity. Mosquitos are theoretically terrible this year, but not bad when moving at cycling pace (even my slow one).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Easy pace bike ride, just under 17 miles, mostly paved trails through wooded areas . . .woods pleasanter than the sunny bits, since mid-80s F and 50% or so humidity. Mosquitos are theoretically terrible this year, but not bad when moving at cycling pace (even my slow one).

    That cycling can be habit forming. ;)
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Had to do a sprint workout on the rower today as part of my training, but no particular plan for anything. So I did a "rate ladder", starting w/ 3 sets of 500m @ 77 Drag Factor/Rate 18, then 3 @ 85 or so/rate 20, 3 @ 93 or so/rate 22 and then finished with 3 @ 100 DF/rate 24. Twelve total sprints w/ 90 seconds of rest. Hit 92% of max HR by the last set. Total time working, including rests, waiting for HR to drop, around 45 minutes -- 620 or so calories.

    Weight lifting tonight at the gym. I've never been a member of Planet Fitness, so I'm trying to be cautious. Don't want no "lunk alerts" going off on me. I'm certainly no plate dropper or grunter, or inappropriate clothes wearer, but I do work hard and sweat hard. I felt a lot of people staring at me my first visit. First time (since I was obese) that I felt just a little self conscious in a gym.

    I wouldn't be surprised it there was just a little envy from those watching you work hard.

    Thanks, I did just go and do my thing (as quiet as possible). Their rules read something to the extent of, we can throw you out, if either intentionally or unintentionally, you bring any attention to yourself.

    For instance, I have that crappy right knee where lunges aren't easy for me. So many times, I'll use a stairmaster, skipping steps on a higher clip rate. To me, that's a cooldown. But I get a lot of people staring at me.

    I'm also dripping sweat (and wiping up as I go constantly), so that has a lot to do with it as well. And it's also embarrassing, but I don't really rest between lifts, except to thoroughly wipe and disinfect equipment. I suppose if I rested 10 minutes between sets, I would likely not sweat as much, but it would also take me 90 minutes longer to get in all the lifting that I do.

    But I've been getting in heavier lifts that I just don't have the equipment at home to do with the leg press and the chest equipment (as well as shoulders and back), so it's been a nice change. I do one lift at home and one at the gym (just twice a week). I might add in a 3rd lifting day once my body acclimates completely to this routine. Likely do that one at home as well.

    Got my 70 lb Kettlebell in this week. The 30 lb one at the gym seemed ridiculously light last night compared to my 53 lb one at home. My KBs, step and cardio equipment are better at home. But the machines are fantastic at the gym.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Bootcamp today, extra long and sucky in honor of a fallen brother who succumbed to COVID! F**K COVID.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Pool workout this morning. 2500yds. After 800 yds of warmup stuff, main sets were:
    2 rounds done as 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate on 20 sec recovery
    4 rounds done as 50 mod, 50 fast, 50 mod on 15R
    4 rounds done as 25 mod, 50 fast, 25 mod on 10R

    200 cool down
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Had to do a sprint workout on the rower today as part of my training, but no particular plan for anything. So I did a "rate ladder", starting w/ 3 sets of 500m @ 77 Drag Factor/Rate 18, then 3 @ 85 or so/rate 20, 3 @ 93 or so/rate 22 and then finished with 3 @ 100 DF/rate 24. Twelve total sprints w/ 90 seconds of rest. Hit 92% of max HR by the last set. Total time working, including rests, waiting for HR to drop, around 45 minutes -- 620 or so calories.

    Weight lifting tonight at the gym. I've never been a member of Planet Fitness, so I'm trying to be cautious. Don't want no "lunk alerts" going off on me. I'm certainly no plate dropper or grunter, or inappropriate clothes wearer, but I do work hard and sweat hard. I felt a lot of people staring at me my first visit. First time (since I was obese) that I felt just a little self conscious in a gym.

    I wouldn't be surprised it there was just a little envy from those watching you work hard.

    Thanks, I did just go and do my thing (as quiet as possible). Their rules read something to the extent of, we can throw you out, if either intentionally or unintentionally, you bring any attention to yourself.

    For instance, I have that crappy right knee where lunges aren't easy for me. So many times, I'll use a stairmaster, skipping steps on a higher clip rate. To me, that's a cooldown. But I get a lot of people staring at me.

    I'm also dripping sweat (and wiping up as I go constantly), so that has a lot to do with it as well. And it's also embarrassing, but I don't really rest between lifts, except to thoroughly wipe and disinfect equipment. I suppose if I rested 10 minutes between sets, I would likely not sweat as much, but it would also take me 90 minutes longer to get in all the lifting that I do.

    But I've been getting in heavier lifts that I just don't have the equipment at home to do with the leg press and the chest equipment (as well as shoulders and back), so it's been a nice change. I do one lift at home and one at the gym (just twice a week). I might add in a 3rd lifting day once my body acclimates completely to this routine. Likely do that one at home as well.

    Got my 70 lb Kettlebell in this week. The 30 lb one at the gym seemed ridiculously light last night compared to my 53 lb one at home. My KBs, step and cardio equipment are better at home. But the machines are fantastic at the gym.

    I belonged to Planet fitness about ten years ago. I have to believe that the intent of the policy is to let them manage and perhaps remove those who are discourteous and/or intimidating, since that would cause some members to leave the club. After all, its all about keeping members.

    My guess is that you are a bit more concerned about your situation than some other folks would be. Since you're simply doing the work you need to do, and with good intentions, that should be ok with club members and the PT management.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Once I got to the gym, it was push day, so heavy DB presses, moderate bench press, DB front/side/rear raises for my shoulders, and skullcrusher finisher.

    Of course, it was a bit of exercise just to get TO the gym, as one of my son's guests parked in my driveway, blocking me in, so here I am at 5:30 in the morning going from one visiting teenager after another, waking them after they'd barely gotten an hour of sleep, and asking each in turn if it was their car blocking me in.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    50 minutes of rowing machine today (10K). A bit hot outside, creeping up near 100 again, but had the cooler right on me. So for Steady State, HR got a bit higher than I like 76% of HRR, not HR max, but I felt pretty solid the entire time. Pace was slower (2:33 or so @ 21 SPM/DF of 103), so kind of a weakish row, but considering the heat (and we have humidity right now too -- it was over 40% today -- add in the swamp cooler and it's more like 60%), I'm OK with it.

    We only have humidity around 2 months out of the year, during Monsoon season. I realize, during that time, I don't miss humidity at all. You can have it.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Sun Salutations (10-30m)

    HSPU - 10x3r (30r)
    Pull-up - 10x3r (30r)
    Dip - 10x3r (30r)
    Cossack Squat - 10x3r (30r)
    Ab Wheel Rollout - 10x3r (30r)
    Jumprope 10x100sk (1000sk)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,729 Member
    * 7k rowing bow in the quad, uneventfully, thankfully.
    * Just over 5mi walk, right near 3.5mph again.

    I wasn't feeling the walk at the start, went anyway, saw some fun things and ended up happy. Knees are cr*p, uncomfortable pretty consistently when walking, but saw my osteopath (manipulation specialist, not GP) for the first time in over a year (pandemic), which I'm hoping may help a little: Sacrum tends to get out of whack.
    Djproulx wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Easy pace bike ride, just under 17 miles, mostly paved trails through wooded areas . . .woods pleasanter than the sunny bits, since mid-80s F and 50% or so humidity. Mosquitos are theoretically terrible this year, but not bad when moving at cycling pace (even my slow one).

    That cycling can be habit forming. ;)

    Agreed. I do enjoy it, but realistically it's going to stay a side dish not a main meal, as long as I'm able to row. I am a rower. I like to ride my bike. Kind of identity vs. good pastime. 😉
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    pulled my glute during my warm up so went light on the thrusts and hamstrings but got the quad work done!
  • Xikaiden
    Xikaiden Posts: 37 Member
    This morning a 7 1/2 mile walk

    Evening ab exercises and upper body exercises.
  • guillemros
    guillemros Posts: 1 Member
    Today I did a 5x5 workout from Hevy!

  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    A cardio intensive bootcamp workout. Evening got to get some abs workout for a challenge and badminton practice for a tournament...
  • KevHex
    KevHex Posts: 256 Member
    Easy 6 mile run (recovery power zone 1) this morning and an easy 40 mins indoor cycle on Zwift. A really good day all round.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member