5’-5’3” girl success stories before & after



  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    IM 5'2 and 143lbs. I would like to get back down to 130. I started to gain weight after I had my son. I really never lost it as the "baby weight" become just extra weight. I'm a success story in a way because I am not giving up and am determined to do this even I struggle with the pounds coming off

    I was in the same position as you and decided to recomp (see recomp thread). However, it took me about 1 year to get off 10lbs, nice and slow. I look way better now though. Cut/bulk may be your style, but being a post-grad and working like a dog at a big 4 accounting firm, it was not mine. just my 2 cents.
  • Jeffcott1
    Jeffcott1 Posts: 3 Member
    jonni82014 wrote: »
    I’m 5’1” 135# 68yo. Breast cancer survivor 30 years this year. Over the last year I have released 22#. My caloric intake is around 1200-1400 calories. I am VERY frustrated right now, but not giving in to a “plateau” that has been nagging me for over 2 1/2 months. However, there is a positive side to my weight release is that I started a walking fitness program February, that lead to a decrease of 11% of my LDL cholestrol and 10% increase of my HDL cholesterol. Looking forward to an increase of bone density.
    Being happy and healthy is the key, though the number on the scale sometimes doesn’t make us feel that way.
    I would like to breakthrough to a goal weight of 125 and tone up, any suggestions?
    Thanks to all for your insights and inspirations.

    Take a look at the workouts from a lady named Shellea on Fabulous50s.com
    I am currently doing her Summer shred 14 day challenge.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    What an inspiration❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for sharing.
    Height : 5'2
    HW: 147.4lbs
    LW: 116.1 lbs
    CW: 133.5lbs
    GW: 110-112lbs

    I thought that I could finally get down to my GW in 2019 but alas covid came and boom bang wham, my weight went back up to 133ish. I just could get my mind set right when covid started and when I worry or get depress, I tend to graze and then binge. Am going to try again to get down to my GW. Thank you ladies for your inspiration photos❤️
  • eallard
    eallard Posts: 1 Member
    I am 58, 5' tall, and 116lbs. I so want to lose at least 6 pounds. Here's to the future!
  • sheena_shewell
    sheena_shewell Posts: 48 Member
    TinaJija wrote: »

    Me at my heaviest on the right 82kgs on the left me today at around 56kgs. That's about a 26kg weight loss. I initially lost 20kgs then gained 10kgs back then lost a further 15kgs. It has taken several years to get to this point. I am now in a good place mentally and emotionally with a good support system so I know I will not gain all the weight back again. I'm now currently doing a bulk trying to gain weight and build muscle. You all look great and have done a fantastic job!

    I have found the inspiration I was looking for , Well done for the great work, we are close in height and I was 82kg at my heaviest-I lost 9kg so far and I want to get to 50kg- may I ask if you have any loose skin anywhere and how to tone your arms and inner thighs cos that’s where I have most fat.

    Hi lovely sorry for the late reply. How are you going on your weight loss journey? I have found doing strength training had been great for toning the body. I still struggle with my lower body but it is a work in progress. I don't have any loose skin as I took my weight loss slow over about a year.
  • baxter466
    baxter466 Posts: 14 Member
    What accomplishement .....may I ask what calories food plan and exercise you followed
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    AprilWhine wrote: »
    Hey all! Beginning weight 242 lbs in June 2018. Hit my target weight of 125 lbs a year ago and have maintained. I'm 66 and 5'3. Beginning size pants was 22 and wore 2XL shirts. Now wear size 4.

    Wow, what an amazing achievement, way to go! And I LOVE your sense of style!
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