

  • kizanne2
    kizanne2 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2021
    Katla - Happy Birthday and what a wonderful surprise.
    KJ A few minutes can so easily turn into hours for me. Hope you had fun.
    Rebecca you look like you are having fun!
    Barbie - so jealous. I need to get some zucchini planted
    Carol - Don't we all with chocolate milk shakes were a weight loss tool :)
    Heather - I know what you mean on the social media. I have a sponsorship for my seahorses and I need to get back to the plugging.
    You can do it! Post your link and I'll sign up to boost your numbers
    Annie You are so consistant loggin 757 days.
    Allie - I had spinning at one point and it was actually low blood pressure. I hope yours is nothing serious
    Debbie even more jealous of your rows of planted anything.
    Sue hope your eye settle down soon. Glad you don't have to do chores
    Machka Looks fun. Need to get a hobby like biking but the seat always hurts my bum.
    Kim I'm a shortie and any extra weight shows on me. Of course I have so much extra weight it would show on anyone.
    Pip- Kirby is sweet.
    Michele you are so consistant about the exercise. I need to get there.
    Rita - I love my Low Carb ketosis eating. It isn't really keto. It isn't quite LCHF. I saw it as a trend called healthy keto. I eat less than 50 grams net carbs but lots and lots of veggies and the fat is just natural like in cheese or on a good cut of meat.
    Vicki - Sorry the new girl didn't work. Finding good help is so hard. But happy news with the baby!
    So the Low carb ketosis diet with intermittent fasting is working well for my main goal of lowering triglycerides without meds. And to counteract Insulin Resistance to avoid Type 2 diabetes.

    I have been taking a few non-prescription things like niacin to bring tri's down which was helping. Last week I quit the Niacin and my numbers still look good, I included some background for scale. I started Low carb ketosis on 6/26
    Before this I was eating 'healthy' mostly low fat with veggies. So chicken, green beans and sweet potato with no butter or oil would have been dinner. Overnight oats with flax would have been breakfast. Or a 180 calorie frozen breakfast sandwich. I was eating fewer calories and losing less weight than 'they' say I should. And if I ate anywhere near maintenance calories I gained.
    Before I got hungry a lot, had cravings. Now I eat when I'm hungry but less hungry and fewer cravings.

    Date...............Weight ..............Total Choles..........Tri
    10/10/20.......198.1...................136................. 311
    6/24/21....... 204.2.....................196...................235
    Day I started LC
    7/2/21..............202.1.............. 175.....................120
    7/20/21.............200.5..............160...................123 So fairly happy today.

    Today at work was quite a day. I stress ate. I knew I was doing it but still ended the day near 1500 calories. I am hoping to find the strength to do a little mild exercise before bed to knock 100 calories or so off that total.

    I did had 54 net carbs so that is too many. I'll check ketosis tomorrow.

    I am thankful for my husband. He is a great and wonderful soulmate who brings me coffee in the mornings.
    I am thankful for my house. It's messy but mine and allows me an escape from the world. All my favorite things are inside it.
    I am thankful for my job. They may ask ridiculous impossible things sometimes but I get to work from home and help children who need it. My pay is low but higher than most people in the world.
    I am thankful for reading and finding reliable information about insulin resistance and low carb healthy keto. It has given me hope of a healthy future that I didn't think was going to happen.
    I am thankful for my yard. While I have fallen down on the garden right now, it still has some raised beds waiting for me. It has Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon, Fig, Persimmon, Pindo Palm, Mulberry, Peach and Loquat that I don't have to do anything and still get fruit :)
    I am thankful for my hobbies as they are a great creative outlet. Raising baby seahorses is fun.

    Goal: Stop stress eating. Don't quit my job.

    North Florida
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,547 Member
    Rebecca - I am over the moon for you. Next time you see her she will carry on as if she saw you yesterday. :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I am hoping that's the case!💖. I told son, I don't want any special treatment, I hope I can make some great meals for them, watch Athena as they maybe go out to eat. But immerse myself into Athenas world.👍
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Denise Austin’s Power Zone DVD then went for my aerobic walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do (maybe just a part) Gilad’s 45/45 split Fat Burning Workout DVD

    Rebecca – sorry, but that picture of you with Athena – well, she’s just the center of the picture, she’s so adorable. You know, I had to go back and look at the picture of you! Glad you had such a wonderful trip!

    Counted the collection money at the church then the lady I count with and I went out to lunch. I’d never been to this place and she didn’t even know it was there! It wasn’t real expensive, but I was glad to see that they had grilled things. I was thinking that they only had deep fried since the place is called “Dixie Chick”. Had a grilled chicken sandwich, lettuce, tomato, no mayo and instead of the french fries, had applesauce. Just water to drink.

    Right now I’m making a loaf of sourdough bread for the new neighbors. Maybe later today I’ll work on the towel for them. Then, to find a time when they are home, or that I’m reasonably sure they are home.

    Carol GA – You know, they take me about an hour/towel to make.

    I know when ordering online with WalMart you can request “no substitution” so I would think you could do that with Instacart, too.

    Barbara – the reason I really don’t want to drive into Hickory for the mahjongg is not so much that I wouldn’t have to drive at night, but I just can’t justify driving that distance for only a few games. And, to be honest, I really like going to ceramics. I can’t do as much now that they have reduced hours.

    Happy birthday Katla, you spring chicken, you. What a wonderful birthday call you had!

    Vicki – so happy for you all

    Went for my evening walk then played mahjongg by the pool. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so I’ll probably go in the pool and the WHY traps need to be cleaned, they catch EVERYTHING I love reconnecting with high school friends.

    Kiz – even tho you went over calories, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you saw a loss. Sometimes our bodies need to be “fooled”. If they keep doing the same thing (at or below calories) it gets used to that. By mixing it up, it fools the body.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Well ladies
    Just back from our riverfront park, had a blast with my girlfriends ,the name of the band was Locomotion and they played all the old stuff,earth wind and fire,kc and the sunshine band,the jackson 5 ,we were jàmmin.. only thing is i sat to long in my chair and had to hold onto the picnic table to haul myself up..
    They are power washing the condo complex starting tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Allie, If you enjoy listening to music at the park, you would probably enjoy listening to music at home while you do chores. YouTube has practically every song you can think of. Listening to music has gotten me through many tough times/

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,123 Member
    Allie sounds like a great outing!

    I have to get up early and drop off my car for an oil change. It needs the registration renewed with an inspection. I just hope I don't need new tires yet.

    My diet is not going well. I am trying to use up the food we bought for my sister's visit, but it leaves me unsatisfied then I get into the cookies at night.

    Annie in Delaware
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    kizanne2 wrote: »
    Machka Looks fun. Need to get a hobby like biking but the seat always hurts my bum.

    North Florida

    Bicycle saddles can be changed.
    The bicycle set up also goes a long way toward comfort.

    I also don't entirely "sit" on the saddle. If you've got reasonably strong legs and core, you can distribute your weight between your feet and bum. That helps with comfort too. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,547 Member
    Michele in NC as our photos with grandkids should be huh?!!😁💖. We could've taken more photos, but our purpose for being there was to capture the memories in our hearts, not really on our camera.🙃👵

    Reading my book "Life Interrupted" she is on a discovery journey, visiting all the people who inspired her to get better with leukemia, and a bone marrow transplant. This is what one guy told her:

    "When we travel, we actually take three trips. There’s the first trip of preparation and anticipation, packing and daydreaming. There’s the trip you’re actually on. And then, there’s the trip you remember. “The key is to try to keep all three as separate as possible,” he says. “The key is to be present wherever you are right now.”

    I suppose you could say life is a trip in essence. Remembering your life past tense, but being present with the life you're leading now.💖
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Katla - Happy Birthday!🧁

    Kim - I feel so blessed to be a part of my daughters and their friends lives. I have been invited to sleepovers, bachelorette parties, just missing eat other times, I don’t take a minute for granted. You will miss Dylan, I hope he can visit occasionally.

    Rebecca - what a beautiful photo of you and Athena. I’m so happy for you that you were able to go. I really wish it would cost me my first born to send you some stickers, paper, washi tape. You enjoy it so much and it’s just sitting wasting away here.

    Machka - I am feeling the same way. Tired and Lazy. I have so much that I could be doing, but I don’t have the energy or motivation to do it. Yet, I sit here all evening 5 nights a week and complain that I’m bored. Truthfully I think I’m lonely.

    Carol - Do you see your grandchildren often? I’m sorry you won’t have them for the sleepover. I bet their Mom is really sorry.

    Vicki - sometimes deciding it’s not the right fit for either makes things so much less stressful. I’m curious what the job entails that is so difficult to find the right person, besides the hours.

    Happy for your niece and the baby being theirs, that must have been incredibly stressful.

    Barbie - I so agree with you about music. It soothes my soul. I listen to really old country right up to today’s country. Rock from the 70’s and 80’s, some gospel and a lot that my Dad listened to. It makes me feel closer to him.

    I won a Google Nest from work, a few months ago and my grandchildren started asking it to play songs for them. Now I do too. My grandson is 9, he asked it to play Johnny Cash - One piece at a Time and sang every word with Johnny. I was shocked!

    Worked late again tonight. I am really trying not to because I am still extremely angry about the lieu time. Unfortunately, if my work doesn’t get done it affects hundreds of others. Staff for their payroll,small businesses we support by using their services, resident families for their financial statements along with several other tasks. I never take a lunch break or other breaks and she just thinks we should be happy and go along. I did talk to my supervisor about how I feel about it tonight. She has offered to fight for me. I told her not right now, as she works longer than me and was told the same thing I was. I don’t want to get something she can’t get too. The worst of it is that there are two staff that get all the lieu time in the world given to them and they don’t ever work a full week.

    My cousin hasn’t contacted me again, I see in FB that she has started using her maiden name. I fear that she has left her husband. They have been a couple since she was 14, and married 35 years next week. I hope she gets the help she obviously needs. I miss her and am angry with her at the same time. I guess it’s a grieving process. We have been friends since our teen years, we never lived near one another but still managed to keep a good connection.

    Well I guess that’s enough bellyaching tonight. I’m going to have a bath and hope that hubby gets home early again. The smoke from BC and the States is causing air quality issues so they sent him home early last night.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Reading "Life Interrupted".
    A quote that made me ponder.
    ,"Recovery isn’t a gentle self-care spree that restores you to a pre-illness state. Though the word may suggest otherwise, recovery is not about salvaging the old at all. It’s about accepting that you must forsake a familiar self forever, in favor of one that is being newly born. It is an act of brute, terrifying discovery."
    💖 Rebecca

    Oh yes!

    Thank you, Rebecca

    Karen in Virginia

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    O. M. G. The Neulasta* is finally kicking in. I have no words. Nothing I've ever felt before. Pain, and not exactly pain. But kind of like I am repeatedly being slammed into by a truck, or a very large cow, maybe?

    But thank God it is working. My neutrophils this afternoon were crazy low. The PA's advice? "Don't hang around people who are obviously sick!" :smiley:
    *Neulasta: Bone marrow stimulant
    It can help the body make white blood cells after receiving cancer medications.

    Hanging in there. Had a total breakdown at the beauty salon this evening as she cut my hair. I had both stylists and my son crying. All four of us had a good cry. My son held my hand the whole time she was shaving/cutting. But it is done now. My hair is soooo short. I will post a before and after later. Can't quite manage right now.

    Didn't get many steps in today. Crazy busy at work, then doc, then hair, then art commission meeting, then prepping for class tomorrow.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    ((((( HUGS )))))
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BP, dogs to powerline, gas, line dancing
    Bonus: 40+ mins grooming Tumble, another tarp load of salal chopped.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, T’ai Chi, Farmers’ market, dog group, make whey lemon pie filling, call R, follow up incorporate Doreen’s and Chief’s response and send out minutes, reconcile Medicare part B statements, figure out how to see what’s using all our mobile data, USE those torture bands/do that BB&B video, call S, fire district: drop off cookies, transcribe district volunteer forms, research NFPA, grant NIMS requirements, ongoing: input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, Monday confer with Susan and Rhonda about interest for serving on next board, likewise Lee skills/tasks, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Nothing but You, Do Your Thing, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick; practice dances: One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat),); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    Jump back July:
    21-Identify what helped you get through a tough time in your life: that would be Joe.
    Stuck line dancing out for the whole two hours despite cranky knees. Pretty pooped so only skimmin’

    your friend’s posting spoke to me too. I’ll google Brene Brown for the washing machine story.
    Flea (((hugs)))

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    July: leaner/stronger/kinder than June.
    daily: sit with Joe: 20, weigh/wii: 19/0/0; steps>6701=6763, vits=18, log=20, CI<CO=18, CI<250<CO=18, Tumble=14, Shadow=16, mfp=20, outside=23, up hill=19, clean 10=7.
    wkly: Sun: Mon: Tue:LD=. Wed:TC=2 PW=1. Thurs: Fri:TC=3. Sat:PW=3. rX x4=3.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/4: 140.7 7/11: 142.9 grr! 7/18: 141.8 7/25: 7/31:
    mnthly: board mtg=1, grant=, 21 plan=, waist=42.0
    bonus: AF=13 play= sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW