P90X Support Group...



  • yeehawww
    yeehawww Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Finished Shoulders and Arms, and ARX today. I've really grown to enjoy weight training so i brought it today! and the results showed! I upped my dumbbells today from 5lbs to 8lbs on most of the exercises, and on some of the shoulder workouts i was using 10 lbs!! Maybe doesn't sound like a lot but i've never really had a strong upper body and when i started p90x i was using 2 1/2 lb weights! so I am verrrry happy! :)

    Also, with ARX I am now able to put my hands up on the beginning moves like in and outs, and bicycles. So for everyone struggling with arx DO NOT FEAR! When i started the program I was sweating, moaning, and crying in pain trying to do even half of the 25 reps. Now I'm doing all the reps, no breaks, and attempting to push through the harder modified versions! yippeee

    Also today I ran around the lake by my house two times! I just recently pushed myself to run around twice so now i've been keeping it up every day and today i only took a 1 minute walking break when i was about 3/4 done with my second time around. improvement! soon i will be able to run twice around without stopping at all.

    Shout out to all of you that are working so hard everyday, i love coming on here and reading all the posts and even people talking about how their workout didn't go so well or what not. No matter what happens, as long as you come back the next day or next workout and really try your best, all is well! Getting physically fit and healthy isn't a quick month long thing of discipline, it's a day by day project. Just never give up and keep doing your best and results will come!! we can do this together!
  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    Alright. I got my workout in today but it was tough. I took a rest day yesterday and Kenpo X because my body was so sore. I did get on the scale and I was 2 pounds heavier :( This is my own fault as I enjoyed the weekend a little to much. I still pushed play and got through it. The post do provide much motivation. Thanks everyone!!!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I haven't been too consistent with the workouts as I should be because of other obligations, but tonight I got in a double workout. I did the Kenpo video with my daughter and then did Stretching with the bf.... it sure was a good workout tonight. Whew!!
  • Well... Here we are! Week 2 already started.... We are FLYING through this thing!
    Today was my favorite workout, Chest, Back and ARX! I freaking crushed it! I increased every push up set except the first decline (where I did the same amount)! As far as back... I must have been firing on all cylinders today! 58 unassisted pull-ups and increased weight on the "row" exercises! I am REALLY feeling it this evening! No Pain... No Gain! BOOM!

    Make Wednesday spectacular yall...
    Bring it!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning team!

    OK, Day 17 complete! Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X at 5:45am, and I was PUMPED. I had good numbers across the board, improving on most everything from last week, including Ab Ripper! Here are some numbers from today, I'd be interested in seeing others' numbers as well...

    Alternating shoulder press, 30lbs, 10 reps each arm (both sets)
    In and out bicep curls, 25lbs, 16 reps (both sets)
    Two arm tricep kickbacks, 20lbs, 10 reps (both sets)
    Deep swimmers press, 25lbs, 10 reps (first set), 11 reps (second set)
    Full supination concentration curls, 30lbs, 8 reps each arm (both sets)
    Chair dips, feet on floor, straight legs, 20 reps (both sets)
    Upright rows, 25lbs, 10 reps (both sets)
    Static arm curls, 25lbs, 16 total reps 4/4/4/4 (both sets)
    Flip-grip tricep kickbacks, 12.5lbs, 12 reps (both sets)
    Two angle shoulder flys, 12.5lbs, 16 reps (both sets)
    Crouching cohen curls, 25lbs, 10 reps (first set), 11 reps (second set) - I do standard curls here to avoid back strain
    Lying down tricep extensions, 20lbs, 12 reps (both sets)
    In/Out straight arm shoulder flys, 10lbs, 16 reps (both sets)
    Congdon curls, 25lbs, 10 reps (both sets)
    Side tri-rises, 20 reps each side (both sets)

    This was a good improvement from week 1 to week 3... A few more days and it's time for recovery week!

    Hope you all have a great day. BRING IT!!!!

  • Day 13 DONE! Kenpo!!! Crazy that I actually felt more powerful this time. I felt less tired and burned more calories. I love workout days like that. I honestly would of done another workout if it wasnt 8pm and I worked 2 jobs that day and had to sleep to wake up at 4:30am. Busy life but still bringing it!
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Wow!!! Everyone is doing great!! Keep bringing it!!! Woke up sore, but worked through it and it felt great!!!
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    I took some before pics, but haven't posted them on the thread...need some help. Will hopefully post tonight.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Personal victory and I cannot get the smile off my face :happy:

    Last night I had an unplanned night over at my cousins and therefore had no clean clothes for work and our recruiting event (I am an accountant for those who care to know) so I had to pick up a professional outfit. I went to one of my favourite stores for work attire and saw a beautiful purple dress. So I grabbed "my size" - an 8. I went to the back to try it on... LOOSE! :drinker:

    I asked for a 6 - they didn't have it in the purple so I tried the maroon. It fit, looked nice but I really wanted the purple so I called up another store and asked them to put it on hold. As I drove there I thought... I am trimming down with the help of my P90X pals... the dress was a little loose... maybe I will try on a 4...

    Tried it on - it FITS PERFECTLY!!! No pulling, no stretching, no naughty lines! PERFECT!! :flowerforyou:

    Moral of the story - I thought I was an 8 I am actually a 4 :oD
  • Good Afternoon Yall! :smile:

    I need some advice... My buddy asked me to join his softball team tonight to fill in for a guy who cant make it. Im willing to help the guy.

    Heres my problem... Today is Plyometrics. I was scheduled to do my workout around 3 pm and the game is not until 6 pm. My concern is this... When I am done plyo, my legs don't want to move properly. I am significantly slower and fatigued.
    So.. Do I workout as planned and deal with it at gametime? or do I play and get my workout in after the game at like 10? If I choose the latter, then I know my workout could suffer...

  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Drew - Can you switch your Plyometrics workout to tomorrow instead and do the stretching or yoga today in place of that so at least you're not missing a workout? Stretching might actually be good to do before playing tonight.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I would say do the workout first and buck up at the game. Being not the hugest fan on baseball *don't think any sport where you can't hit people is much fun haha* but there is not a TUN of exertion required - look at the body composition of many pros :laugh:

    Give P90X your all - maybe switch for Cardio-X and give them both your all?
  • SASSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Tick Tick Tick Tick..... BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! :explode:
    That is what I call a victory... Way to bring it!
    Congrats! :explode:
  • Good Afternoon Yall! :smile:

    I need some advice... My buddy asked me to join his softball team tonight to fill in for a guy who cant make it. Im willing to help the guy.

    Heres my problem... Today is Plyometrics. I was scheduled to do my workout around 3 pm and the game is not until 6 pm. My concern is this... When I am done plyo, my legs don't want to move properly. I am significantly slower and fatigued.
    So.. Do I workout as planned and deal with it at gametime? or do I play and get my workout in after the game at like 10? If I choose the latter, then I know my workout could suffer...


    Drew - I would do Plyo first....as you know I have gone for long runs after P90X and even though I feel tired in the begining of my run a quater of the way in I get my energy back and I feel stronger than if I had not worked out at all. Knowing how much you have worked out recently I don't think you should have a problem with it. Good Luck!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Did Plyo yesterday, had my recovery drink, and my legs are still sore. When I say sore, I feel it every time I move. Is this normal (I did the Lean program before, so I never had to do Plyo) or did I over do it?
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Sassy - BOOM! And you're shakin the room! That's how we win! :)

    Drew - If it were me, I'd do the plyo first and the game later on. You're helping the guy out at the end of the day and for me, my workouts come first - but that's just me...

    msaap - I generally find I have those kinds of ache the first time I do a movement. And I mean a single movement. I did P90x legs a week before I started this round, just for a test run but didn't quite finish the whole routine. Man, my legs were sore as hell! But when I came to doing it again for the real round, I completed the whole workout and just my calves had that soreness because that was the movement I didn't complete first time round. I'd expect you'll feel it like that the first time for each workout before your muscles adapt a little.

    Day 9 at Jay's home gym. Plyo X baby! Now I've said it before but I'll say it again, Plyo X is NOT my favourite routine - which is a shame because there's 10 of them in the program, but at least there's only 8 left! I felt sore in my right ankle around about the second set of twist combo's so I switched down the impact on some of the movements from there and I'll wear a support on it for a few days (and for Plyo X in future).

    I was thinking today about what makes winners in things like this that require a long term committment. I'm sure we've all heard the cliches of "Take one day at a time" and "Visualise your end goal" - well these sound contradictory, I know. I hear you say "do I take one day at a time or do I reach for the end goal Jay?" - let me break it down for you...

    Put it this way, will you be here on day 90 posting your finishing pics? What are you going to be doing on December 4th 2011? Barring catastrophe, I'll be here with the best of us. I know that as a 100% fact and I wouldn't have started day 1 if I didn't believe it. So in my mind I've already visualised how that day will feel - the sense of enormous achievment, how my day 90 pics will look, what I'll type up in my reflection of the program, how it'll be dark outside by then as winter will have drawn in. Every detail of that day on December 4th exists in my mind, although it's 2 and a half months away.

    Now when we think of it like that, it looks very very far away. So, how can I be so sure that I'll keep up with the program for so long I hear you ask? Well I break it down into manageable chunks. I know 100% that I will be completing this program in 81 days time, there's no doubt about that, all I need to do to realise that achievement is to figure out what steps I need to take to get from where I am now to where I want to be 12 weeks from now.

    I can break it down into weeks (1 down, 12 to go), into workouts (3 more chest/back workouts in the whole program, 8 more Plyo X left etc), or into even smaller pieces - 'just get through today and let tomorrow take care of itself'. Hell, I can go as small as I need to motivate myself to carry on - 'just gotta get through this set' or 'just one more rep, then I'll allow myself a mini rest'. Every little achievement I allow myself a celebration in my head - 'YESS! I got that extra rep I wanted!' or 'Whoop! I'm done for today!' or 'GO ME! That's week 2 down!'

    So my tip of the day to you all is to make the commitment to yourself that you WILL be here on Day 90, celebrating with the best of us. To get from here to there, take it a step at a time and celebrate every mini goal. I believe in you guys and I'm totally looking forward to seeing day 90 with all of you on board!

    It doesn't matter if you're at Day 9 with the main bulk of the group or if you're at a different point in the program. If you've come this far, you've done the hard part and made the committment. Following through with it? Well that's easy... Just push play!

    Until next time Team. Keep it real and keep bringing it every day.

  • bampitt
    bampitt Posts: 43 Member
    Can I be a late starter?? I need to do my P90X so that I can be ready for P90X2!!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member

    msaap - I generally find I have those kinds of ache the first time I do a movement. And I mean a single movement. I did P90x legs a week before I started this round, just for a test run but didn't quite finish the whole routine. Man, my legs were sore as hell! But when I came to doing it again for the real round, I completed the whole workout and just my calves had that soreness because that was the movement I didn't complete first time round. I'd expect you'll feel it like that the first time for each workout before your muscles adapt a little.

    Thanks Jay
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Everyone is doing so great! I am glad to be part of this group. Week 3 and I can definately tell I am stronger in some workouts. I had some bad news yesterday about a good friend of mine so I don't feel I got as good of a workout with that on my mind, but I still burned a lot of calories and made it under my goal.

    Jay, you really inspire me with all your fantastic posts. Please, keep them coming.

    Drew, I agree with Jay, workout first. I would just make sure to get a good stretch in before the game. Good luck.

    Mike, you are a BEAST!! Way to go! I do half the weights, if that, and I almost die. Keep up the great work!

    Wendy msaap, and Sassy, you are absolute inspirations to a girl like me. I am doing lean and can't imagine having to do plyo too. Sorry you didn't get all the workout in Wendy, but there's always next time. Sassy, glad to have you as a friend and super happy for your NSV!

    To everyone else on this thread, you are all awesome and keep me going every day. I hope everyone brings it today and for the next few weeks. Have a great workout and an even better day.

  • megsr09
    megsr09 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Team! Just wanted to say thanks for all of your great posts and updates. Although I am not as frequent and diligent with my updates, just wanted to say this group is definitely serving its purpose! I have been motivated by the challenges everyone puts themselves up to and the general spirit. It has helped me stay motivated to watch my diet and get in my 30 min a day. Due to my school and work schedule, I have to get a little more creative with using the p90x program, as I am often restricted on my time, but this group keeps me going. Great job everyone!