August 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    edited August 2021
    Nice run @katharmonic and glad you beat the storms. I think it is amazing that you can run at all after those long hikes. You are amazing.

    @rheddmobile Sorry the cool down didn't last long. Also sorry about DH's ankle. I hope it gets well soon. Hahaha on sucking in your stomach when you pass people. I hope things work out so that the housekeeper can be a full time caretaker for your mom. That would be such a relief for you, I know.

    Welcome @steviebee888 . Wow. I'm impressed that you have run a HM in all 50 states! I hope your hip gets better quickly. This group is great...very supportive and very talkative. It moves fast. Feel free to jump in and comment/ask questions, etc.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Welcome @steviebee888 that 50 in 50 (by 50 even ☺️) is an awesome accomplishment!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,013 Member
    @polskagirl01 Love your hike report and pictures. I can't imagine hiking for over 12 hours! That would be spooky to hear music in the middle of nowhere. Glad you found the source.
    I think you mean @katharmonic :) My legs would not approve of a 12 hour hike at this point. But the spooky music was me.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,110 Member
    @steviebee888 Welcome!
    @ContraryMaryMary Yay vaccines!
    @Tramboman :D:D:D Engage that core!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    You are doing great following Hal's instructions @kgirlhart ! I'm glad you were able to get the bag off of the cat's head. I wish people would be more careful with trash. My husband and I once got a racoon's head out of a quart jar and I got a dogs head out of a big plastic jug. They were both so exhausted from trying to get it off and who knows how long it had been since they were able to get a drink or eat anything. It made me really sad to see.

    Ooops @polskagirl01 . I guess I need to pay closer attention. Not sure how I messed that up. In too much of a hurry, I guess.

    @Tramboman Glad your hamstring felt better today.

    @RunsOnEspresso Sounds like you need a little more Espresso in your life ( :wink: ) and then get out there and start again...slow and steady. You'll eventually catch up with the wagon and jump back on when the time is right.

    @Teresa502 I'm impressed that you are running while on vacation in FL in that heat and humidity.

    Nice run/hike @polskagirl01 ! Love the picture. Looks like a great place for a run.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - driveway laps, barely beat the heavy downpour
    2 Aug - 3.30 Run 1.0 Walk - Tempo run - 2 hours mowing the lawn
    3 Aug - 2.50 Run 1.0 Walk - Recovery Run on the driveway - Weed eat at mom's in the afternoon
    4 Aug - 6.20 Run 1.0 Walk - Birthday run on the driveway - played singles tennis earlier
    5 Aug - 2.50 Run 1.0 Walk - Long Interval Run on the driveway
    6 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Driveway walk this evening - doubles tennis this morning
    7 Aug - 10.0 Run 1.0 Walk - Long Run with Speed Play
    8 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Driveway walk to keep the streak going
    9 Aug - 2.75 Run 1.0 Walk - Tempo Run - driveway laps
    10 Aug - 2.50 Run 1.0 Walk - Recovery Run - driveway laps
    11 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Treadmill walk between shopping and church
    12 Aug - 2.25 Run 1.0 Walk - Driveway Long Interval Run also played singles tennis this morning
    13 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Treadmill walk after work
    14 Aug - 5.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Cut my 10 mile run short so that I could trim mom's lawn
    15 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Walk in the neighbor's field
    16 Aug - 3.50 Run 1.0 Walk - Tempo run doing driveway laps
    17 Aug - 0.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Treadmill walk after running errands all day
    18 Aug - 3.00 Run 1.0 Walk - Foundation run - driveway laps

    43.5/100 miles running 18.0/31 miles walking

    I wound up driving into town this morning to get med refills for Tippy (my dog), pre-plan/pay for my cousin's funeral for him, and get a few groceries I needed. It was almost 2pm when I got home. It had been cloudy all day, but the sun was breaking through, so I opted to run driveway laps so I would at least be in the shade. It was 79°F with 69% humidity. That's better than I have run in lately, but it felt really hot and muggy.

    Today's plan called for a 40 minute Foundation Run - 5 min Zone 1, 30 min Zone 2, 5 min zone 1. I felt like I sped up to get my HR was in Zone 2/3. Imagine my disappointment when mile 2 came up as 13:41 minutes...mile one had been 13:25! Mile 3 was even slower. I guess I was working harder, even if the pace didn't show it.