

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Katiebug- WHAT, pray tell, is a naked smoothie?
    xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    It’s a smoothie made with just protein powder and water or maybe almond milk. I throw in some ice to make it colder and smoother. Some just throw it in a blender bottle and shake it up.

    It has a lot less calories than a full-blown meal replacement smoothie. For those, I add fruit, chia seeds, greens, and sometimes other things like peanut butter, banana, lemon juice, cucumbers, cauliflower, etc. The naked smoothie is good for an afternoon snack. The protein will hold you until dinner.

    I have my Zoom tonight with my Metabolic Reboot group. I’m down 3.8 lbs since I started. The only inches I’ve lost are 1/2 in the boobs, but it is early days yet. They want us to really persevere this first week with only the one carb serving at dinner. I’ve made it two days, but it is tough. I was happier last week when I was also having the 12 g of carbs zucchini carrot muffins with my breakfast. If I can go back to that, I think this way of eating is sustainable. We shall see. I do like logging it in MFP so I can keep an eye on the calories.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,455 Member
    Cute clothes PIP!!
    Have crab salad for me! I miss my Crab festivals on the coast!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
  • kizanne2
    kizanne2 Posts: 123 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Katiebug- WHAT, pray tell, is a naked smoothie?
    xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    It’s a smoothie made with just protein powder and water or maybe almond milk. I throw in some ice to make it colder and smoother. Some just throw it in a blender bottle and shake it up.

    It has a lot less calories than a full-blown meal replacement smoothie. For those, I add fruit, chia seeds, greens, and sometimes other things like peanut butter, banana, lemon juice, cucumbers, cauliflower, etc. The naked smoothie is good for an afternoon snack. The protein will hold you until dinner.

    I have my Zoom tonight with my Metabolic Reboot group. I’m down 3.8 lbs since I started. The only inches I’ve lost are 1/2 in the boobs, but it is early days yet. They want us to really persevere this first week with only the one carb serving at dinner. I’ve made it two days, but it is tough. I was happier last week when I was also having the 12 g of carbs zucchini carrot muffins with my breakfast. If I can go back to that, I think this way of eating is sustainable. We shall see. I do like logging it in MFP so I can keep an eye on the calories.

    That sounds a lot like what I'm doing. I know you said you were doing something similar. Is the reboot mostly just low carb?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had a flu shot. DH needs one too. I’m hoping for another CoVid vaccination for both dh & me before we travel to Virginia. We will see how things go. Keeping my fingers crossed. o:)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip – Kirby is a brilliant man. What a lovely table. I’ve loved Cannon Beach since I was a little girl. I hope you enjoy your time there. :heart:

    Tracey- Thank for your kind words for the loss of my brother in law. He was past 90 years old and lived a good life. He was surrounded by his adult children at the end. He will be missed. My heart aches for my sister-in-law. Her daughters are keeping her surrounded with love. :heart:

    RE: Election day in Canada—I hope it turns out okay in the long run. :star:


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Beth near Buffalo— Thank you for kind words regarding our brother in law's passing. He lived more than 90 years and was surrounded by the love of his wife, his daughters, and his grandchildren when he passed. :heart:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Barbara - so happy you got to dance outside!

    Terri - I “rewarded” them today when I dropped them off after school with a slurpee and bag of chips. Their Mom still had 45 minutes of work and was upstairs. I told them unless there was blood or a fire they weren’t to interrupt her. I checked in later and she said they were wonderful!
    She is training for a new work from home job, the training portion is full time so DH and I are shuffling them back and forth to school. We live 25 minutes away from them and we both work. Our son in law’s parents are helping some days. We have this week and next then she’ll be on her regular schedule where she’ll be working when her husband is off.

    I have started using my craft supplies more now that I have it organized.

    Machka - I was a model a couple of times for our youngest daughter. I was as nervous for her as she was herself. It’s a great way for them to learn.
    I hope that WCB starts listening and gets this all straightened out soon.

    Rita - I know a young girl that is subbing. She shared a post last week stating she had been told
    Not to lick a big list of things. She was teaching kindergarten.

    My Grandson told me he had a tough day today. I was scared he had been bullied again and was ready to go back into the school. Turns out he had told his crush that he liked her and she didn’t reciprocate. He said, she didn’t say anything so I told him maybe she was going to think about things and let him know but he shouldn’t push her. She sits in front of him in school so he is worried things will be awkward. I can’t believe it’s time for these conversations already. I miss my little boy.

    Beth - that will probably be a pressure lifted. Congratulations on your retirement.

    Michele - I was late coming home tonight and I noticed three balconies lit up with Christmas lights! I hope they used them as patio lights too.

    Pip - great finds, love the colours.

    Katla - it’s seem we just spent 600 Million (according to news reports) to get the same government we had. 😂

    Well I’m ready to call it a day! Doing the Grandchild Shuffle is making me wake up earlier and then work later to make up for lost time. Tomorrow I don’t have to do the afternoon pickup, hopefully just Thursday left this week.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2021
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Carol--Love the new hair color.


    Julie--I find friends like that just suck the life out of me. I have gotten good at limiting my contact.

    Michele--I am excited to see how you paint the mermaid.

    DH got to spend several hours yesterday in the ER. He should of went in Saturday, but won't go until the doctor told him to. They did all these tests as his blood pressure was high and had chest pressure that woke him up Saturday morning. Also his left eye is numb. They said it is a reaction to his 2 Covid shot and sent him home to rest, but if doesn't feel better or gets worse to come back. So yesterday was a very stressful day.

    I am having a dept meeting this afternoon and I am afraid it is not going to be fun. Have to go over some changes and explain again the way somethings are done. I get so tired of going over the same stuff over and over. The good news is the one lady I interviewed last week has accepted the job and should start Oct 18th, so that is good news.

    Sunday DH and I were at Walmart and looking at Halloween stuff. Saw some bright blue temporary hair color. So decided next month when we go to Iowa to visit our son and family we will use it before we go. It should be fun.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE <3

    I'm sorry about your husband; that is a strong reaction to the shot.
    the temp hair color sounds fun. I was thinking of doing that during summer - when I have no students - going for purple streaks but never got around to it.

    I think I set things straight with my friend, S.. She probably didn't realise how offensive it was to keep telling me I looked tired and THEN interrupt me to ask me why I don't wear make up. It Is true she is often a talker more than a listener but sometimes she does listen and empathise. I sent her an sms suggesting to google "tell some one they look tired" it takes you to countless pages that say it's not something generally welcome nor helpful - and often is heard by women when they don't wear makeup, or is understood as "you look bad". I then ran into V who was happy to have hired S (through my suggestion and encouragement). So I texted S - to get back into positive mode to tell her that about what V had said and she thanked me. (I know S is having work and esteem problems - she's highly qualified in a very specialised area and has little work.) I'm gonna chalk it up to a bad day. S. is more focused on image than me. I think it's partly her culture -she's from a culture where people tend to give more importance to make up and fashion. Here and in the USA (Boston area anyway where I'm from) natural lowkey look seems to often be appreciated.
    S and i probably talk on the phone 1 or 2 times a month maybe on average and meet maybe every 2 months or more often for a walk or to go to something together. My guess is that we won't be calling one another nor planning a walk or an outing together right away. We have some common work-friend people so it's much better to be on a good or neutral basis.
    I actually did wear lipstick on zoom yesterday, though, in response... My zoom meeting folk might have been surprised (If they noticed!) as its I think the 2nd time I wore lipstick in 1.5 years.
    But I will probably especially avoid wearing it if I see S. any time soon. Though she did say she rightly remembered seeing me with light makeup previously.
    This other friend a pretty natural high school teacher but who got rid of her quite grown out gray and straightened her wavy hair and had her eyebrows tattooed (I didn't know the twas a common thing - it seems not to be a very permanent tatoo) before back to school period after electing brows and hair go wild and gray all summer, and who does not seem very image focused, also had said about a month ago - just as she was going to the eyebrow place- maybe it would look nice if I got my eyebrows done, too, and then said. "oh I shouldn't tell you what to do" or something like that. I will surely not get my brows done but I did think that if I manage the time maybe I will go to the "eyebrow studio" (I had no idea there was such a studio!) to have my brows professionally tweezed, shaped and made up for once, and I'll follow up on my own as I see fit. IF I find the time.

    Also for sure in the teaching field where I am it's not a big makeup and heels look trend. I think the majority of my colleagues never/rarely wear makeup.
    S and I used to call one another from time to time maybe 1 or 2 x a month and meet up maybe every couple of months or so for a walk in the parc. Mostly nice -other than last Saturday and that time several years ago. I think I won't be calling her anytime soon. With time we can see how things go. We have some common work/friend relations so it's preferable for both of us to stay/get back to a peaceful or neutral way of relating.

    SO here's question from Julie -

    ( FUTURE?)

    Do you sometimes, always never wear make up? What about "dressing up" (which means different things for different people.)

    BARBIE I used to cut my own bangs sometimes - to be able to go a spell between cuts - and it seemed okay. I think most people are so much more concerned about their own appearance than that of others on zoom.

    BETH that makes sense that you retire from a job you don't like if you don't need the money!
    I liked physical jobs somewhat when quite young and energetic. My sister had a cleaning company (and cleaned), I liked waitressing and other physical jobs for a few years in my early 20s. I I don't much have physical energy to spare like I had in abundance in those younger days.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Katiebug- WHAT, pray tell, is a naked smoothie?
    xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    It’s a smoothie made with just protein powder and water or maybe almond milk. I throw in some ice to make it colder and smoother. Some just throw it in a blender bottle and shake it up.

    It has a lot less calories than a full-blown meal replacement smoothie. For those, I add fruit, chia seeds, greens, and sometimes other things like peanut butter, banana, lemon juice, cucumbers, cauliflower, etc. The naked smoothie is good for an afternoon snack. The protein will hold you until dinner.

    I have my Zoom tonight with my Metabolic Reboot group. I’m down 3.8 lbs since I started. The only inches I’ve lost are 1/2 in the boobs, but it is early days yet. They want us to really persevere this first week with only the one carb serving at dinner. I’ve made it two days, but it is tough. I was happier last week when I was also having the 12 g of carbs zucchini carrot muffins with my breakfast. If I can go back to that, I think this way of eating is sustainable. We shall see. I do like logging it in MFP so I can keep an eye on the calories.

    IS that tasty ? maybe it grows on you? to read it powder and water doesn't sound appealing but of couse it depends on the powder!

    It must be quick to make with little to no washing which is a plus.
    I not often but sometimes drink soy milk in a similar vein. not much but protein in unsweetened soy milk. The taste and texture is fine. I think I'd get sick of it if I drank it alone very often - but it's good in a pinch. I have soymilk some frozen berries and protein cereal (high protein) sometimes for breakfast of snack or protein treat.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Gaaaah! This is my first post of the month. The days have been flying by. This has been an unusually social and active month, and I have to admit I love it!

    ▶ Saw Jimmy Buffet in a concert at Red Rocks Ampitheatre. He is in his 70's and still a strong performer. I hadn't seen a live concert in years, and this was an outdoor venue 5 miles from my home. So much fun, yet in some ways emotional as some songs reminded me of my DH, and I had spontaneous tearing.

    ▶ My friend of over 27 years visited from Texas. I hadn't had an overnight visitor in ages. It was a great motivator for getting my brother's room cleaned out, refreshed and set up as a guest room again. Kathy lost her DH and 2 sisters in close succession, so she was a most comforting person to have around when I was feeling blue. We had alot of fun during the 6 days she was here. We are in the season of festivals here, and so we did a couple of those. Fortunately, she is an avid paddler on a dragon boat team, so we also made good use of the condo gym.

    ▶ New ladies have entered my life who are also single and over 50. We have been on a group walk, a luncheon, coffee, art show and one 60th birthday party. We haven't known each other long, but it's remarkable how quickly we are bonding.

    ▶ I have been getting alot of medical visits done. Hearing checked. Vision checked. Flu jab done. Right thumb (hurt it when I fell off a bike) checked and splinted. Bone bruise only, so it should be fine in another couple of weeks.

    Looking at my calendar, there is more to come including a trip to Pennsylvania to visit my dear friends who have built their dream home on a lake in the Pocono mountains.

    Although I am still grieving, I can honestly say LIFE IS GOOD and I am finding FUN again. I am embracing every day, with an open, smiling heart.

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back here. I will try to be more present going forward. Hugs and energy to all who need it. We can do this.

    Flowing Along
    in the Colorado Foothills

    I'm so glad to hear this ... you deserve to have fun in your life. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    I needed this walk today!!

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Gaaaah! This is my first post of the month. The days have been flying by. This has been an unusually social and active month, and I have to admit I love it!

    ▶ Saw Jimmy Buffet in a concert at Red Rocks Ampitheatre. He is in his 70's and still a strong performer. I hadn't seen a live concert in years, and this was an outdoor venue 5 miles from my home. So much fun, yet in some ways emotional as some songs reminded me of my DH, and I had spontaneous tearing.

    ▶ My friend of over 27 years visited from Texas. I hadn't had an overnight visitor in ages. It was a great motivator for getting my brother's room cleaned out, refreshed and set up as a guest room again. Kathy lost her DH and 2 sisters in close succession, so she was a most comforting person to have around when I was feeling blue. We had alot of fun during the 6 days she was here. We are in the season of festivals here, and so we did a couple of those. Fortunately, she is an avid paddler on a dragon boat team, so we also made good use of the condo gym.

    ▶ New ladies have entered my life who are also single and over 50. We have been on a group walk, a luncheon, coffee, art show and one 60th birthday party. We haven't known each other long, but it's remarkable how quickly we are bonding.

    ▶ I have been getting alot of medical visits done. Hearing checked. Vision checked. Flu jab done. Right thumb (hurt it when I fell off a bike) checked and splinted. Bone bruise only, so it should be fine in another couple of weeks.

    Looking at my calendar, there is more to come including a trip to Pennsylvania to visit my dear friends who have built their dream home on a lake in the Pocono mountains.

    Although I am still grieving, I can honestly say LIFE IS GOOD and I am finding FUN again. I am embracing every day, with an open, smiling heart.

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back here. I will try to be more present going forward. Hugs and energy to all who need it. We can do this.

    Flowing Along
    in the Colorado Foothills

    I'm so glad to read that you are enjoying life all around: concert, new friends, old friends, walks, fun.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    I hope that WCB starts listening and gets this all straightened out soon.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    It's all in the hands of lawyers now and we've been told to brace ourselves for a long haul. It might not be too long (several more months or a year or so) ... or it could be quite long (many more years). Early days, so we don't know yet.

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    We had a good meeting last night.
    I write the agenda usually because no one else does it. I wrote it tight theoretically - knowing we wouldn't stick such tightness but to give an idea. 2 minutes for this, 5 minutes for that. Usually we go over time-wise so we planned it for 1h with 30 min leeway for those who can and wish to stay, to, cause if we schedule 1.5 hours we very often go over too!. But some bits were skipped. (New people didn't show up, so there no need to introduce them. Another thing that we thought was more advanced was less than we had thought, so that gave us time for us to have more breathing space in other areas.) I'm one of the main leaders, and it went quite well. several people who had said they would be present were overloaded and didn't come - but like last time- having a meeting with 5 or 6 people was really efficient and more comfortable and easier to manage than the meeting with 8 to 12 people. We started late m-between waiting for people to arrive and tech issues, but finished the meeting 1h later once the meeting had started. There was good humour and enough time for everyone present to speak as they wanted to. That was uplifting. okay time to get going.