
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    After torrential rain yesterday, the day dawned bright and beautiful. Bluest sky.
    DH and I decided to go out for my 5k run. Gorgeous, even though chilly.
    Came back and did a half hour row, then carried on with my editing. :D

    Need to contact my brother, who is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, petrol permitting. I will text him for info. I would rather be getting on with my book, but I am happy to put that aside for Friday. I could not book a decent restaurant for dinner as everything was already booked solid by last week! I have an alternative planned, or we could order delivery. I am on the waiting list for one place.
    My birthday is Saturday, so we can treat it as a pre-birthday celebration. On Saturday Edie and my son are going to make me a cake for my birthday tea. <3

    Sun still shining, but there is an autumnal nip in the air.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Well here at my daughters.. they had the cabinets ripped out in an hour.. and are starting on the new ones..looking good so far..
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2021
    Kate UK - Good to see you posting! We are also hoping for a third jab, but there is none available now. We did have flu shots and the person giving the shots was not gentle. :grumble:

    Pip – Enjoy Bodega Bay. I hope you’ll share photos. I have never been there and would love to see what it looks like. :star:

    Barbara – DH will be in charge of booking. He will try for aisle seats near the restrooms. He has mobility issues. :ohwell:

    Tracey – Banff is glorious! :bigsmile:

    Machka - I hope all the tests come back without serious worries. :flowerforyou:

    Heather – I hope your brother is able to get to your place without petrol shortages. :star:

    Yoga today! I haven’t been there lately and I’m looking forward to it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Tracey, Rita, Pip ... beautiful photos!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    No yoga today. I drove there and home again. :ohwell:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Machka--Glad you had an okay re-entry from your procedures. I pray you get some answers and treatments that heals .

    DH is home again today. He does have an appointment with the heart doctor next Thursday.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE <3
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Barbara, What's your average number of steps usually?

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Barbara I think it was emotional. I felt nauseous this morning again but much better after a good day.

    continuing saga with O and F - better at the moment
    Today we had the major meeting with key players.
    O and I were to go representing our group and then F - who we've barely seen for 6 months got invited by someone else last minute - going for the group without letting us know - whereas we had planned someone else would be going if a 3rd place opened up ;

    For F, I had drawn up a mail asking him to refrain from being agressive etc. I was going to send it next week - after his retirement, not just before (there is a retirement drink at school for 22 teachers having retired this year and last year) .

    I have a couple of other friend-colleagues who are among the 22 retirees, so I will go. there will likely be 50-100 people. because F was coming today and I was apprehensive, of some before or after or intermediate time in small numbers - I sent him the mail this morning at 8 am. our meeting was at 9:30 -he probably arrived at 9 and didn't see the mail. he is not very connected to mails.

    when we met up I gave O a cheek kiss as we all often do in normal times; I think F (who has not apologised or anything ) was thinking to give me a kiss cheek and I avoided that. In the meeting since F was invited by someone else he was sitting slightly away from us. Since he didn't prepare with us, his part was a bit messy and personal. Personal is okay, in small dose, due to the context. He didn't speak much in this day long meeting. O and I spoke quite a lot and I think it went quite well on that level. we got positive feedback from others.

    We went out- the 3 of us - with the 2 who had invited us. fora quick lunch during the long day. F was next to me, (with 5 people - nearly everyone was either next to or across from). He showed me something he was working on, for the collective that someone had asked us to do. when I asked if he was working on it alone he suggested working together; (no way!) I gave someone else in the collective's name. I wasn't crazy about what he was doing but no way will I work with him right now.

    And then we went back to meeting and split up afterwards.

    I haven't heard from them since. I suppose he got his mail when he got home.

    O was against me sending such a formal mail, (I sent it to him and woman colleague for feedback) but a woman friend who knows the story thought it was just perfect as is. it's much more formal than our usual way of interacting.

    "I ask you to refrain from...". and I mention the frequency and duration (over a year) of the problem, and said that since had only interacted 3 times in past 6 months I thought that would be okay but he was agressive 3 out of 4 times, all times when there were 2 or 3 people (me an 1 close friend of his), and not when there were 7 people.

    I said it's a shame to have to come to the point of writing a formal mail but the many informal times I asked him to refrain were of no avail.
    a bit more long and detailed but that's the gist.

    O said yesterday he had spoken to F and told him he shouldn't be vulgar. and f had said I should have said xx, instead of xx. but my impression was that they thought that a non-vulgar synonym of a vulgar word would have been okay. when I said that to O he didn't answer. That if I speak about something I'm not comfortable about, I speak about specifics that are actionable, that it' s not useful to just say "you are xx (insult, vulgar or not)".
    O seems okay on the comunication level if told somethign he usulaly gets it but I'm not sure if O got it. sometimes he gets it a few days later maybe - and sometimes maybe never ! I don't know.

    O seemed sympathetic that I had to sit next to F and was concerned and asked afterwards if it was okay: no problem;

    no problem at lunch today.

    They might get more or less upset/angry with me for sending such a mail to F, especially 2 days before his retirement. I'm sure it's not the greatest thing to get, but really he can just refrain from being agressive to me (which he of course should and needs to do) and then, simple as that, it would be a non issue.

    GOOD THING TODAY. activist stuff
    some union and other major actors were in the meeting today. we have more or less been waiting over a year for such a meeting, with key players. I had issues with two of the parties present. several years back -they were not straightforward and really manipulated things and made life very very difficult. using people's situations as negotiating tools, for major things. It was a horrible situation but I made it through in the end, better than I might have.

    but today our group was clearly the most organised and dynamic and prepared of all the different people/groups present. (there were 2 unions present, us, invited by the 2 unions and various officials on the other side) (One from a major group thanked us for being dynamic in the meeting and when we were preparing to leave they asked us to stay for the next point, as they wanted our input - this was major, as this particular group - which has the most seats- has been avoiding inviting us and answering us). As it is they spoke with us as we were leaving offering to help us with something.
    We had a lot of responses, numbers, examples etc. to offer to the situation. the others had so little prepared overall.

    and any negative image that might have erroneously remained or seemed to have been spread -from 6 years back- seemed very much to have resolved today for good -o think. notably the couple of individuals who seemed key manipulative players 6 years ago each seemed very stressed. I think they (previously colluding) were very much at odds with one another and very tense. They were both not very good when they were speaking, whereas apparently usually they are much more skilled. It's way too long to go into in more detail.

    in reality I don't know if we will get what we are asking for, with ease - surely not- the officials were listening well and being friendly but the woman running the meetings is known for that -- it is said that you feel very listened to and then after a day of discussion you realise she has not really promised anything of substance, and sometimes promises are not kept. So we need some leverage or to use the little leverage we have.

    but in any case our image is quite good, that's for sure.
    We were sometimes quite tough, and also able to make some jokes spontaneously at the end, that made people all around crack up laughing.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Pip- enjoy Bodega Bay- We went all the time as kids. Either there or to our cabin just south of Mendocino (where 128 and Hyw 1 come together). The Tides is a fun place to check out. It is just over an hour from us.
    Napa Valley,CA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    Goodness me, Janet, you have had your share of tragedy. To lose your granddaughter like that must be terrible. I hope your husband 's situation is not too bad. Sending love and hugs. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Janet: (((hugs))) and smiles through the tears. So much upheaval. You are in my heart. Remember you are STRONG, and this too, shall pass.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Goodness me, Janet, you have had your share of tragedy. To lose your granddaughter like that must be terrible. I hope your husband 's situation is not too bad. Sending love and hugs. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Thank you Heather, yes every time I think of my Callie, it feels like a kick in the stomach. Sometimes I feel like I can't survive, but know I have to. Jack's cardiologist changed some of the meds, he seems to be doing better but they are checking everything out.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
    We didn’t put everything up.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,809 Member

    I'm so sorry about your granddaughter's loss, as Heather said, you've more than had your share of tragedy, my dear. I hope Jack's tests lead to a treatment path that works well. Thinking of you, and good to see your face pop up.

    Lisa in AR