What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited October 2021
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Road ride - 18.93 miles @ 14.1 mph avg. Upper body workout later today.

    Upper body work done:
    Hammer curls - 3 x 8
    Rows - 3 x 10
    Curls - 3 x 8
    Flys - 3 x 10
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did a timed test for my rowing club today. 6 X 2 minutes/1 minute rests. There was an odd twist on this one where you subtracted off "rest meters" from your total, so you had to stop with like 4 or 5 seconds to go still on the interval.

    Did OK. Just over 2:00 pace with the "penalty" for going over by 15 meters. HR reached 93% of max.
  • Eltriste73
    Eltriste73 Posts: 126 Member
    Had to miss gym yesterday. Had a GREAT lifting session with weights and lots of failures, feeling strong is addictive!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    7-8 am:
    Elliptical - 1miles (8m)

    Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Mobility
    Yoga - (10m)

    Strength: E5MOM
    HSPU - 5-4-3-2-2-2r (18r)
    Pull-up - 6x6r (36r)
    Dip - 6x5r (30r)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Got my morning ride in - 19.91 miles @ 13.2 mph avg, 91 minutes total ride time. I have now passed the 1k mark for the year on the bike (in less than 4 months of riding)!

    Will be doing upper body work later today.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    I got a climb in on Wednesday. There were some signs that my form is slowly starting to improve again - I got a few graded at v2-v4.

    I didn't have much time for exercise on Thursday, but I did manage to get a quick squat session in. I haven't lifted for a while, so I just did 70 kgs for lots of sets and reps.

    I climbed today. It was good - I was actually close to being on form. I got a few new ones graded at 6A to 6B.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Got my morning ride in - 19.91 miles @ 13.2 mph avg, 91 minutes total ride time. I have now passed the 1k mark for the year on the bike (in less than 4 months of riding)!

    Will be doing upper body work later today.

    @ccrdragon How to get the miles in!

    My hamstring is feeling less sore after yesterday's gym work and deep tissue massage at night.

    Took it easy today during my pool swim today. Modest yardage (1300yds) just to maintain my swim habit. Mostly did drills to help improve my stroke, body position and breathing. Hoping that focus during this fall won't make swimming seem like a chore, and it will make winter endurance work easier when I ramp up the volume.

    Rest days tomorrow and probably Sunday. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,773 Member
    Fairly routine Friday: 6.7k in the quad, rowing stroke again. (A little shorter because the folks taking over in bow tend to spin the boat further from the bridges, whereas I'd been working on figuring out how to come safely close for most of the Summer . . . yeah, I did say I'd hit some stuff lately 😬🙄, but it wasn't bridges.)

    After that, walked a bit over 5 miles, 3.4mph - cool day, a little quicker pace? Dunno. Still not fast.

    Boat-nerd digression: We had to take out a different quad today, one set up for a coxswain to steer, vs. the straight (coxless) quad we usually row (another group had that one out). Cox steers (partly) via lines that attach to a rudder arm on the deck, which turns a shaft that runs vertically through the hull, and affects a rudder under the stern of the boat. To row such a boat without a cox, one simply duct-tapes the lines to the sides of the hull so that the rudder's stuck fully perpendicular to the hull, and steers using the rowers as in a straight quad. (These are about 40-foot boats, and the rudder is pretty small (roughly postcard-sized), but it's surprisingly effective for steering. Taping it not-straight is vexing, but we did OK with that.) Straight quad (as well as most other coxless shells) has a fixed fin (skeg) in the same spot under the stern.
  • Eltriste73
    Eltriste73 Posts: 126 Member
    40 min core 20 min cardio
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,302 Member
    Thursday no workout, I had an after work event and got home too late.

    Yesterday some strength training, but just a partial/shorter workout:
    3 sets landmine deadlifts
    3 sets barbell bench press
    2 sets cable lat pull-down
    1 set barbell shoulder press
    1 set Bulgarian split squats
    1 set cable rows

    Today a short but intense run, I'm pushing myself more lately with regards to speed. Starting at 8kph going up to 10kph: 4.5km in 31 minutes.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,773 Member
    Just under 7k in bow of the double, on a mostly-gloomy, damp morning around 40-something degrees F (about 5 degrees C). Garmin had some delusion about my heart rate being high (I'd guarantee it wasn't) - easy steady state throughout, no negative symptoms.

    We're getting to the end of on-water season, water's cold, dock will be icy in the mornings pretty soon . . . I think I'm already on the on-ramp to my typical annual "denial phase", when I refuse to acknowledge reality, skip workouts thinking it can't possibly be over yet . . . then eventually settle down to a grudging Winter relationship with my rowing machine and stationary bike, maybe plus some other stuff. 🙄 Every. Single. Year.

    I could claim it was a recovery phase of my periodized annual training plan, but I'd be lying. 😆
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    No real workout today, but we had our grand daughter... shopping, yard work and keeping up with the girl counts, right???
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    Half hour yoga. Was super sore from epic day 4 so had a much needed rest day in between.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,302 Member
    I planned on a long run before dinner, but some killer TOM cramps decided otherwise. A few hours later, after a light dinner and pain meds, I managed a 5 km run on the treadmill in 37 minutes.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    40 minutes of hatha yoga.

    Sneaky, sneaky yoga. It feels so relaxing, but I know I'm definitely going to feel it in my muscles tomorrow.
  • Eltriste73
    Eltriste73 Posts: 126 Member
    Strength training, barbel squats, biceps with barbell, triceps, back and shoulders free weights, planks, total time 60min
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    edited October 2021
    Elliptical - 1mile (8m)

    Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Mobility
    Yoga - (20m)

    Jumprope - (20m)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Morning ride - 18.2 miles @ 13.4 mph avg, 81 minutes on the road... strength workout later today.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Ran 3.75 miles in the am, pm will be badminton