Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    My boyfriend was saying I should start some blog or something about the experience and have others share because people (or at least I do) tend to feel very alone, even though I have seen others like that. I was fortunate that I made it through the swim and rode my back in.

    I'm not sure how to start it and/or title it without it seeming negative.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    My boyfriend was saying I should start some blog or something about the experience and have others share because people (or at least I do) tend to feel very alone, even though I have seen others like that. I was fortunate that I made it through the swim and rode my back in.

    I'm not sure how to start it and/or title it without it seeming negative. offers free blogs. I have one, but few people see it. They have free lessons on how to set it up.

  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    Hello group,
    My name is Sharon.
    This is my first time in this group.
    I'm 53, wife, mother of 3 grown children, grandma to 5 granddaughters. I have disabilities Fibromyalgia, 9 Herniated Discs, Arthritis, asthma, ptsd, anxiety etc... I'm 228 lbs, trying to get to 160 lbs. I've tried everything and am tired of yo-yoing. I have high blood preasure (even though I'm on 2 different BP pills daily and I have hi cholesterol and a family history of heart attacks. I have a hard time walking around for more that 10 mins because of my back, so I don't do exercising, So I have to do it through diet. I take 9 different meds aday mostly for pain, BP, cholesterol & Acid Reflux. The doctors want me to have surgery on my stomach. I don't want that so I'm trying to lose weight myself. I have no support at home.So I've turned here trying to find some. My weigh in days are Monday. πŸ’•
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Welcome Sharon. Fortunately you can lose weight without exercise. But, have you ever tried anything In The water that could be less pressure? Sorry you don’t have support at home but we will try. Is it bariatric surgery? Good for you for trying on your own to lose weight. I lost, then regained some, then lost some and now I am stalled. We will get there.
  • andi_uk
    andi_uk Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Sharon and Lori

    I'm the same as Sharon no one at home needs to lose weight so feel like I'm on my own. Last time I lost weight it was with support from people I didn't know through an online forum like this.

    Would be great if we could support each other as the desperation is getting real.

    Thank you in advance
  • tylerbreelayne
    tylerbreelayne Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Bree. I've struggled with my weight my weight my entire life. I've lost weight and gained it back. No matter how much I lost I've always been overweight. Jumped back on the wagon in April. I lost 30 pounds. Relapsed in July and gained back 10 of it. My cw is 264 and my first goal is to get under 200.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome everyone to the group. It's very supportive.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Hello again everyone and welcome to anyone new! I'm just getting back into my routine after being sick for a couple of weeks (I dont care what that test said, it was covid). Having relapsed hard in the past during similar times when my routine was disrupted, I'm proud of myself for getting back to it relatively quickly. Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks of quarantine will also help in my routine. Feel free to add me! I think the difference maker this time is really that I've been more active in the community on mfp. Support between friends has been pivotal with progress. Hope everyone has a great week, no more relapses we've got this!
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Hello all! Welcome Newcomers!!

    Sorry I haven't responded in awhile ... sometimes ya gotta tunnel vision to get through alive ha.

    We are taking family pics today and I'm glad I was able to get back down 10 lbs or so into a more comfortable, though high, weight- I'm back to being what I was when I met him ha. Into a zone of where I have been before vs never been before! Hurrah! Ha.

    We decided to go vegan as best we can for env and health. which means I have been cooking a Lot I have quietly taken on keeping up the dishes and of course floors need to be always keptup cause the wee one keeps getting into things. All-in-all, it's a lot but I have managed to balance so far though I have been missing my workout sessions because of it all....

    Despite the drawbacks, I have kept my calories on track by keeping active in here which definitely helps! (I AGREE @Gold6767 !)

    T- <20 weekd to break 200 again. Incredible I did it the first time ha.

    Getting nails done, balancing my diet and a new hairdo really helped Revved my engines again! Ready to get into balancing all things plus working out!

    Timing is hard....

    Stay strong my friends!! We got this!!

    @SwtHedgehog you should! My sister does it as a therapy and finds it very therapeutic!
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've lost and gained weight at least three times in my adult life. I'm on attempt four (which sort of is attempt three, but I gained 15 pounds over summer that I'm trying to lose). I really want to get to 140ish and keep it off. My husband is supportive but he has never struggled with his weight so he doesn't get how frustrating it is.

    I can never just enjoy food. Either I'm eating something that's good for me and craving anything else. Or I'm eating something that's bad for me and I'm already mad myself for giving into temptation.

    I don't post often but I'll try to post here consistently.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    It's been a while since anyone has written on here so I thought I'd check in. Today is the first day back on to getting more serious again. I had taken a month off after my race so the I could try to re-center. I didn't go totally out of control, but it is enough for me to realize how I need more focus, and need to also get back to adding more vegetables back into my diet. I really do feel much better when I'm consuming more of them then just bread/cookies/cheese.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    By the way, I was still eating vegetables during the mo th, but not nearly enough.
  • lantana411
    lantana411 Posts: 99 Member
    Well I earned my seat in this chat room! Relapsing has taught me humility and successes have taught me that I really feel more comfortable in my own skin when I weigh less. The good news is that the periods of relapse have gotten shorter as I've gotten older. I just feel better when I am average weighted and more often I find myself willing to do the work. I'd love to have accountability friends - please let me know if you are interested. Thanks!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 4,995 Member
    I have lost 105lbs yrs ago eventually gained it back + some, then about 10 yrs ago I lost 135 lbs and have kept it off for 8 yrs until covid. I have only gained 10 lbs but the thought of gaining weight terrifies me, I can't do this again. So here I am . I am done playing at getting this covid weight off. Time to get serious. I need support and would love to support others anyway I here's to good health and making time for ourselves.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome to the group. I can help with motivation/support, unless it involves technology. :-)
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    I'm checking in to see how people are doing. I'm still struggling with eating more than I should. I 've been meaning to make some air popped popcorn, but haven't done so. I recently got a cup of popcorn seeds from the food pantry garden I volunteer at. I can't wait to try it out; especially knowing I had a part in harvesting it. Yesterday was the last work day, and already I miss it.

    I 'm hoping everyone else is continuing on in their journeys. I would live to gear how people are doing.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Not a morning person but I'm awake and at work (with a giant cup of coffee, but that's besides the point). Overall I've felt pretty good lately, progress has been slow but I keep reminding myself that losing weight fast in the past didn't mean I kept it off. I'm 2lbs away from where I was before my last "relapse" this summer. Recently got engaged so hopefully that will be extra motivation to keep working at it!
    @SwtHedgehog fresh popcorn sounds great, such a good snack. I have days from time to time when I overeat, may have to do with what we're eating (not enough protein? or mix of macros?) don't get down on yourself those days will come and go fluctuations tend to happen
    @themommie congrats on your weight loss and keeping it off 8yrs that's amazing! Good for you to catch it early, you have proven that you can do this you'll be back on track before you know it
    @lantana411 such good insight, it's not all about the number on the scale you have clearly learned a lot about yourself on this journey.
    To all the group newcomers: You can absolutely do this. There will be missteps but if you get back up and keep going you will get there. Welcome and feel free to add me. I love friends who are motivated, motivating, and active on mfp.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I finally got to the 180s after a lot of work to get there but I get to 180s and self sabotage so I’ve gone to 203! But I’m not going any higher! I’ve lost 3 lbs of it now but want to get past this behavior in my mind. I really have done well this past year and lost 50 lbs and kept it off with some gains of 5-10 lbs but then get back on track I really have changed my body a lot and I’m pretty amazed noticing this 16 lb change how uncomfortable it is. I never noticed it before and never believed people who said that 10 lb gain was uncomfortable. I definitely see and feel in my body. First time I’ve stuck with a diet about 1.5 years without stopping. I just started snacking and having seconds at dinner and overeating too much. I knew I was doing it I guess to handle anxiety but now I’m getting back to not snacking and seconds. Started track calories again so I see what I’m doing!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    I'm trying to check back I. with the group; no one has posted in nearly a month.

    Angelexperiment: I was trying to say I agree/understand your struggle. I've also been aging difficulties with the snacking and going back for seconds. I've been trying to look at the root cause, but am still working on that.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 174 Member
    I like this thread and I'm trying to people to come back and/or join.
    I'm Lori. I struggle with grazing and moving around more in the day. I work from home in WI, so some days are a struggle to push myself out of the house. I've been more consistent with getting to the gym in the mornings before work, and the evenings twice a week, but miss the days when I wouget more steps during the day.