

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,530 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Boxing Day, or just the day after Christmas if that's more your jam... :smiley:

    Had a lovely chat over speakerphone in the morning with our daughter, and then the early afternoon with our son and his new girlfriend. I honestly don't know why Corey and I both avoid video chatting, everyone has the technology, but it's simply not something we want to do. The phone conversations are more where our comfort zone lies, I guess.

    My son basically found a girlfriend who is so much like me it's funny. She bakes, she writes, she's a crafter, she has the same dislikes and likes across the board, with the sole exception (so far) of the fact that she loves vegetables. :D I told him he couldn't have everything! :D

    The grands were all engrossed with their new toys, and that was OK too. We will (if all goes well) see them on Thursday for a few days, and that will be great. I checked back in with our daughter in the evening to see how she was holding up, and she said she had just felt "off" all day. She's a planner, and the day wasn't like her original plan, I think. Her husband did watch the kids open presents over video, but wanted to do it at 5:30 a.m. when they weren't even up yet. It was his lunchtime in Poland, I guess. She told him she'd call him when all the kids got up. A Christmas truce was honored by the parents, and the kids looked all kinds of happy with their stuff in the pictures.

    The funny part to me is that her ex-husband, her oldest son's dad, who has been a thorn in her side for nearly a decade, told her that if she needed anything, he'd be happy to send rent money or whatever else they need. Volunteered it. I was a teensy bit flabbergasted. It's like all the worms have turned just in time for Christmas. No wonder she felt "off."

    However... everyone survived the holiday with no more massive upsets, just a quiet day. I'm grateful for that and hope everyone here had a peaceful Christmas Day, as well.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    My son wasn't on the beach because he was cooking the Christmas Dinner. It was going to be 15, but DDIL's brother's family had to cancel late the night before because they had tested positive for covid. They had just got the PCR test results back from their return from their skiing holiday in Sweden. My son's family had been isolating for a week and taking lateral flow tests in order to preserve Christmas. It kept us safe with the grandchildren. So he only had to cook for 11. :p

    Otherwise we ate wonderfully, drank surprisingly responsibly, and enjoyed some good films and TV. 'Call the Midwife' was a good watch. Even managed 600 calories of exercise. :o
    I've done my full morning 600 today and will get another 300 in this afternoon.

    Dover Sole tonight. I am not thinking about the price of them. As much as a decent turkey.

    Yoghurt is on the go.

    All good. Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited December 2021
    DDIL's mother asked me on the beach what kind of year I had had. I had to be honest and said, "Very good. Excellent." She looked a bit surprised.
    My word for 2021 was FRUITFUL. And it was. :D I could say it has been one of the best years of my life. I feel I have 'found myself'. 💓
    Took me long enough!!!! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    DDIL's mother asked me on the beach what kind of year I had had. I had to be honest and said, "Very good. Excellent." She looked a bit surprised.
    My word for 2021 was FRUITFUL. And it was. :D I could say it has been one of the best years of my life. I feel I have 'found myself'. 💓
    Took me long enough!!!! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    I'd have to agree ... 2020 and 2021 have been pretty good years for me. :) The world has slowed down a bit at last.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    On Boxing Day (today) ...

    I didn't feel particularly energetic so there was no gardening or other exercise. I wonder when the fatigue goes away.

    Plus it was cold and rainy.

    However, I did get the dining room/office area of our house in a bit more order. It had become a disaster area! That's what happens when you're job hunting, organising cycling events and setting up for Christmas.

    I also decided to take the plunge and set up my "new" laptop. It's slow going, but it is coming along. There's just ... a lot!

    My husband and I will watch more Christmas movies in coming nights but he was tired too tonight so he went to bed and I put on a semi-Christmas movie ... Sleepless in Seattle. :)

    TV in Tasmania doesn't play a lot of Christmas movies and doesn't show much variety in movies or any of their programming. So I've purchased a collection of both Christmas and "regular" movies and a few TV series.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    We have a warm Texas Christmas. 83 right now, I feel like I am in Tasmania!

    So blessed to have all of you in my life. Happy Christmas
    SueBDew in. TX

    I only wish it were 83F (28C) here!!

    We've had such a cool, extremely rain spring and although we're almost 1 month into summer, it hasn't been a warm, sunny one. Yesterday, when I went to the beach, we did finally have a sunny day and it was 23C (73F). One of our better summer days. But today was back to the regularly scheduled programming with a high of 18C (64F) at some point during a brief sunny break in between incessant rain showers.

    I'm actually wearing socks this evening. I usually only wear socks at home in the evenings during winter.

    M in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning ladies
    I slept well..i put Alfies food out but he has decided that snuggling under the covers for now is much better.
    Im watching cooking shows right now..
    Looking back on this year the word for it I will say is Blessed ... the beginning of the year was rough but I am still here and hope to be for a long time..
    I am excited and waiting to meet my new grandson and I hope and pray that 2022 keeps me safe and healthy. My word for 2022 I think is Hope
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :) I was ecstatic this morning to discover that I had left my good Yak Trax attached to my boots so it was easy to get shod to take the dogs out in the several inches of snow that had fallen overnight. Between the snow and the moon, I didn't need my flashlight.

    :)Barbara, Yes, I will be very mindful about ice. There is a gravel edge along the streets to make walking safer and I'll be wearing my Yak Trax. This morning will be the easiest since it is still snowing and nothing has melted and refrozen. The rest of the week will be a bigger challenge. Fortunately we have a giant grassy field behind the house so I can walk the dogs out there in the snow for a long time.

    :) The first thing Jake wanted to talk to me about was to remind me that both Sasha and I are "seniors" and it's not healthy for either of us to walk for too long. I have extra layers on this morning so I'll be warm enough. One concern is Sasha's feet. Yes, I'll be careful.

    :) 2020 and 2021 have been good years for me. I was sorry to have to cancel line dance but I've been dancing at home. I am going to reconsider teaching my class again next month.

    :) I love video conversations in groups but one on one is better on the phone.

    <3 Barbie in snowy NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Well, had a phone call at lunch time that DSIL has tested positive. :o That means she won't be coming on Tuesday with her boyfriend.
    Sad about that. I was actually looking forward to it. All the food is in the freezer, so no problem about that.
    She is sad because she was scheduled to go to her son's for family Christmas today. :'(
    Oh well. This Omicron seems to spread so very easily.

    Went for an hour's seafront walk with DH after lunch. In between showers. :D We were lucky. Half an hour rowing should see me done ✔

    Love to all. Glad to hear you are still feeling ok , Lisa. <3 Enjoy your visit.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Pip looks like you all had a great time..
    Just hanging with Alfie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2021
    We woke up to snow on the ground this morning AND it is Christmas Morning! What a rare treat for us. It has been a long time since our last snowfall, and this morning it is a winter wonderland.

    Machka was helping me with uploading the teddybear angel and I conked out. I am really quite embarrassed with my own lack of skill. And I'm sorry that I wasn't able to finish the process of uploading a photo. I definitely owe Machka an apology.

    Katla in a Winter Wonderland
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited December 2021
    Alas, my turntable and my old LPs are not getting along. Stylus arm skates across the vinyl, never catching in any grooves. Tempted to tape a dime onto the head ;)

    Was missing that “Christmas” feeling.
    Trimming tree was more chore than joy. Eggnog and cookies didn’t satisfy. Not obviously sad or grieving, just… dull, empty, flat. Watched Bethany’s livestream of Christmas Eve, especially enjoyed the half hour of music before the service. Went to bed feeling a little “light”er.

    Couple of power blips this morning so we built a precautionary fire in the wood stove. Easier to do in a comfortably warm house with the light on, than in the cold and dark. Daylight revealed a dusting of snow on the yard but nothing like Barbie’s back yard. Several inches accumulated on the canopies covering the van and woodpile. Joe got more than his daily activity ration by knocking them all clear before the gales hit. Looking forward to staying hunkered down… so long as the power stays on!

    Julie joyeux noël.
    Lisa flabbergasting Christmas miracle! “… might clean something…” naaah :laugh:
    Machka I watched “You’ve Got Mail” after Joe went to bed last night. ;)
    Barbie “reconsider teaching my class again next month” what criteria will you use to help you decide?
    Allie you are a testament to the power of hope and prayer. Inspiring!
    Heather what a disappointment about DSIL’s positive test. Hope it’s a mild mild case.
    Pip your smile says it all!

    Wii says I didn’t weigh in twice this past week. BP log had a few gaps and don’t even wanna talk about daily activities. Will follow Annie’s example and push Lisa’s re-set button right NOW.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited December 2021
    Christmas Day was kicked into touch for us. First one of the housemates of our elder g/s tested positive on 23 Dec so he had to isolate and get a PCR test, which was difficult in Christmas week. Still waiting for his results.

    Secondly, our g/d who flew home for Christmas on Sunday 19, was pinged on 23 Dec, so she also isolating, and needed to get a PCR test. As we were supposed to go to DDs house for Christmas we had to change our plans. Her negative test results arrived this morning.

    We spent Christmas Eve making up care packages (we were providing the turkey and other goodies) to make sure everyone had their share of food and other goodies. We spent most of Christmas morning running a mercy mission to exchange food/presents/other goodies with the various households (furthest lives 40+ miles away, g/s lives in Belfast, halfway between). Then we had to organise Christmas dinner for ourselves and our other daughter at our house.

    At least we all got to share present opening on Skype.

    Then we discovered that our niece in America has caught Covid. Her parents flew out to America on 18 Dec. Niece is a doctor in a Covid ward in Potsdam. She is in isolation at home. My in-laws are looking after their 7 year old g/d. So none of our family got the Christmas they were expecting. We did FaceTime with them on Christmas Night. They looked frazzled. My niece’s wife was cooking their dinner.

    Our great niece is our little miracle baby born 12 weeks premature. She has had lots of problems, but is now a very lively, energetic youngster.

    You can’t always depend on things going to plan 😂
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2021
    I hope this worked. I've had help from Machka and DH. I am grateful for both of their help. :heart:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Did my annual go to Target Day after Christmas. Best bargain I got was a replacement for a lit tree I like to put behind a lighted deer. I got
    a set of three trees years ago. The slowly died out. The tall one went this year. So I got a new one for 70% off. Since I leave outdoor lights until the end of January I will enjoy it. It gets so cold and dark here this time of year I like to leave the outdoor lights out longer. A number of people follow suit here. Willing to spend 25 with tax not 80 as would have the original price.