
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    Yesterday ...

    I spent the afternoon out digging up a garden bed ... then this. :)


    M in Oz
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Debbie -- you have a beautiful family.

    I have enjoyed everyone's pictures -- so many grandchildren! <3

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member

    Tracey – when I was in school in Boston, there was this one hotel that had heated lights outside so their sidewalk was always clear. No one else had that. I have friends who are transgender and I’m always so amazed how comfortable they are with their bodies. I remember that in many ways I took my father for granted. Now that he’s gone, not a day goes by that I don’t think of him and want to ask him a question or something reminds me of how he did something. I do hope it doesn’t take the death of us forDenise to realize how she treated us and how it affected us.

    Everyone’s grands are so adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics

    I’m inviting Ken & Lynette here for New Year’s eve. I’m thinking of having a ham (can’t have fowl), mashed potatoes (left over from Christmas Eve, but I may have to make more), not sure which vegetable they like (I’m getting sick of corn and carrots), for dessert left over from christmas M&M cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and I need to make some dessert in green (for money). Not sure which kind of “green” dessert I’ll make. Just remembered that Lynette likes mac & cheese so I'll probably get some

    Vicki – how do you keep from wanting to squeeze those cheeks?

    Tracey – feel better fast.

    Bowling today. My handicap is still in the triple digits!!! Vince goes for his allergy shot tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Debbie -- you have a beautiful family.

    I have enjoyed everyone's pictures -- so many grandchildren! <3

    Willamette Valley, OR

    thank you- he is my one and only kid. Got a bit of a late start ;)
  • kat2266
    kat2266 Posts: 8 Member
    I am new to discussions.
    How Is everyone?
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,997 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    Finished digging the side garden!!
    Hours of digging over 2 days.
    Dug up lots of rocks and roots.
    The rocks were carried up to the new rock feature.
    Ready for planting now.

    I can hardly move!! Everything feels stiff and sore!!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    I’m thinking of having a ham (can’t have fowl), mashed potatoes (left over from Christmas Eve, but I may have to make more), not sure which vegetable they like (I’m getting sick of corn and carrots)

    Michele NC

    Can't have fowl?? Is someone allergic?

    There are heaps of other veggies than corn and carrots.

    Leafy green – lettuce, spinach and silverbeet
    Cruciferous – cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli
    Marrow – pumpkin, cucumber and zucchini
    Root – potato, sweet potato and yam
    Edible plant stem – celery and asparagus
    Allium – onion, garlic and shallot.

    Soy products – tofu (bean curd) and soybeans
    Legume flours – chickpea flour (besan), lentil flour and soy flour
    Dried beans and peas – haricot beans, red kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils
    Fresh beans and peas – green peas, green beans, butter beans, broad beans and snow peas.

    We usually have a mix of cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, green beans, broad beans, snow peas, carrots and corn most meals. :)

    M in Oz

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,590 Member
    Chose well: BP, SWSY, dogs to powerline YAY!
    Bonus: phone chats with P and S, veg prep
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    28: Be kind to the planet, eat less meat, use less energy. Stay home, don’t drive all day.

    Woke to beautiful, big, puffy snowflakes falling. Caught them on phone. Didn’t “stick.” Got the dogs down to the powerline during a break, but wow, temps in the low 30s F felt cccold (sorry Tracey). Forecast for tonight is a wintry mix.

    Skimmin’ as I’m pretty sleepy but have to say Vicki, :love: your youngest GGD. Is that a red Christmas bow around her waist?
    Lisa Can’t imagine working a 24 hr shift as a functionally single mother with young children. Can you share what your her job is?
    Pip neat-o new laundry. :love: the sparkles.
    Sue you remind me of when we lived in Idaho. Joe had to shovel a path around the back yard for the dogs to use. Sometimes the snow was so deep, all you could see was the tips of their tails. Thankful for rain instead. ;)
    Annie hooray for yoga, boo for frozen bell peppers and cucumbers :sick:
    Allie fingers X’d for the cardio appointment.
    Tracey good luck finding those pink and purple panties! Warmed up to -26? Brrrr.
    Debbie great gift for your mom and pic of your son.
    Michele “triple digits” handicap :laugh:
    Rori :love: to see your smiling face, and Mars too.
    Welcome @kat2266 ! Would you let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale?
    Machka I’m tired and sore just reading about your weeding/rock moving project. Well done!

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Rori- love love that pic of you and Mars the leash loving cat..
    Kat2266- welcome and like Lisa said jump right in the water is fine..
    My cousin in Tennessee is at the hospital as we speak getting induced .she is overdue wuth her baby boy do that will give my first cousin Bridget and her husband Doug 11 grandchildren. You should have seen me trying to keep the 9 straight that were there when I went for the wedding lol
    The covid stuff is getting crazy and ramping up it is over 10% here in Connecticut in guessing because of the holidays.. like I said I am keeping my circle small and when i go to the cardiologist ill ask if i need another booster.. im not going to mess around.
    10 days till my grandson is here we are all getting super excited..
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,809 Member
    Betsy - So glad it was a good Christmas.

    VickiL - Nevaeh is a beauty!

    Barbara AHMOD - Thanks for asking! My soldier daughter is now a sergeant, and her job is patient administration. She has developed a well-deserved reputation as a troubleshooter who can turn a flailing department around. She just started her second assignment inside the large hospital facility where she's stationed, to help another department that's not doing well. The hybrid hospital departments staffed as half civilian, half Army have unique problems. She is also taking college classes and is partway into her first year of getting her nursing degree. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all.

    Rebecca - Pictures of Athena are always such a joyful thing.

    Terri - Love the family photo!

    Tracey - Holy frigid frozenness, girl, that's cold.

    Pip - Loving the laundry room, and the big family picture is just awesome.

    Heather - There is something about Bea's getup that makes me happy. Kinda loving Edie's intrepid steps into the cold water, too!

    More later,
    Lisa in AR
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,833 Member
    First of all, I've noticed a few new names so would like to extend a hearty welcome the new people that have joined over the last while.

    Rori: The feeling is mutual. This is such a lovely group of ladies. Have a great time with your sister et al. 💖Mars
    Machka: It's funny reading about your gardening when we are so deep in cold wet winter here. Carrying those rocks is better than a gym workout 😂
    Rita: What good looking guys.
    Pip: Very organised! 😍Your new nails
    Barbara/Debbie We don't get a lot of snow in Northern Ireland. Temperature today is in the lower double-figure centigrade. Like you, I do love all the pictures of the snow, though. They remind me of my skiing holidays.
    Vicki: 😍 Nevaeh. Such a happy little sweetheart.
    Michele: I hope your toe isn't damaged. It can be such an inconvenience, especially when walking.
    Barbie: Before Omicron arrived, I had thought I might return to some more of my activities in the new year. I've changed my mind until I see how things go over the next month or so.
    Beth: I think of our departed family members a lot at this time of the year, have a trawl through old photos, remembering good times together, and make a pledge to them to keep their memories alive. It's a little personal ritual.
    Rebecca: 😍 The pinny, and Athena the baker.

    I overdid it a bit on the walk yesterday with the family, so I'm having an easy day today. DH has just headed off for a walk with her younger guard and her dogs. He does this regularly since her partner left her a couple of Christmases ago. It gives them a chance to talk politics without boring the pants off me.

    All in all it's been an interesting Christmas, but we have managed to make the best of it. Covid has impinged on a lot of our lives, but we are strong women, and we will prevail.

    ☘️ Terri