

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,876 Member
    Got up to 27* today and a little of the snow melted but not much. The pest control guy got here but he had chains on his vehicle. I have an appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow and DD and I are going to try to get our Covid boosters as she is off work. Hope that works out. Hose has thawed out just enough that I have been able to use it to fill horse water. Yeah!

    Flea - good luck with the PET scan. That having to be still for 30 minutes and not even read or listen to music is a pain but hope you get good results.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Barbara – I have a spreadsheet that I keep on my phone for my exercise DVD's. I would have bought a lot of DVD’s that I already owned had I not had this

    Worked, then went to Aldi. It was raining a bit, then stopped, but there was almost no body in the store which was great. No lines, etc. I was in and out in about 45 minutes (spent almost $100) Then a friend of mine wanted us to come over to see her nativities. She has a lot from different countries. I made a triple chocolate cheesecake to take to her. Her daughter was there along with her gd. I hadn’t seen the gd in 4 years. Boy, is she smart! I would have sworn she was in kindergarten had I not known better. I do know that her mother read to her a couple of books every night. In daycare she’s with the 5 year olds

    After work put a load of laundry in (also so that I can wash my BK shirt).

    Got milk at Aldi so now have it making yogurt. I want to try the strainer I got for Christmas. I have one for 2 quarts, but this one is for a gallon. Tonight I made buttermilk chicken for later in the week. Tomorrow I want to stop at Food Lion since they have pork tenderloin on sale and I want to get some to make for next week. Vince and I may have it for New Year’s and then when Ken & Lynette are here I’ll make a ham. We’ll have the lime bars and I’ll cut them up so we can have them Sunday also

    Afterwards stopped at Lowes Foods for Vince’s soda that’s on sale then to Publix to get lobster bisque. Ken and Lynette are going to come over Sunday for dinner.

    Lisa – we’ve had our cats put their food in the water dish. The reason they do this and put other things in their dish (such as toys) is because they are bringing it to their “nest” and since they don’t have a nest outdoors, they are using their water dish. There really isn’t anything you can do about it short of taking the food (or toy) out of the water. We’ve had cats for over 20 years and we’ve never had the food and water separate. Now the food/water and the litter box, that we’ve had separate.

    M – I’m a religious gardener. “If God means for it to live, it’ll live”. That’s my philosophy about gardening

    Tried to register online for my appointment tomorrow. However, when I put in my Medicare number it said it was invalid. I double checked it, and it isn’t. So I’ll just go and tell them tomorrow

    Vicki – the last time I bought a coat was probably about 15 years ago. Well, we don’t need it much down here so I really can’t justify buying a new coat to wear a few times a year.

    I just realized that I have an eye doc appointment next week at 10:00. I’ll try to do as much prep as possible so, hopefully, I don’t have to go back to BK. I have no clue whatsoever if they are going to dilate my eyes or not

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    We still have a little snow on the ground, but it should disappear later today. But it is currently snowing a little. I love the snow.

    PET is scheduled for next week. I'm not really nervous, just curious more than anything. It is a pain of a test to prepare for because it is a metabolic test, so they say, so I have to relax the day before, eat a low carb diet, and then after I am injected, I have to sit in a dark room and not think about anything for 30 minutes. The actual test itself isn't that horrible, and the prep could be worse.

    I'm really not trying to complain, but I think it might sound like that. It's a good test that will give us good information, so worth it.

    The insurance company denied coverage for Xgeva, so I will take Zometa instead. Hubby is a little annoyed, but I am fine with it. It does basically the same thing just in a different way. Plus it has a generic, so that helps with cost. Still no official word on the Ibrance, but Ibrance is pushing educational information to my patient portal, so I am thinking the prescription is in the works.

    I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday week between the two holidays. We are being very low key.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    "I have to sit in a dark room and not think about anything for 30 minutes."

    I'd be asleep in about 30 seconds!!

    All the best with the test. :heart:

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited December 2021
    M I noticed it was sunny. How long does it stay that sunny? The grass also looked dry. You may need to do more watering also before you plant seeds make sure spot is well watered and soil in loosed. The hedge looked like part of the garden is shady. Shady plants would be hosta and astillbe. Flowering shady plants would be impatience. Sunny flowering plants like at least 6-8 hours of sun. I had better luck with Lobelia this year I put them in a sunnier spots and made sure it didn't dry out. Also how hot does it get there. As far as bulbs go do you have any squirrels they will dig up bulbs. Rabbits will eat the greenary that comes up. If you have squirrel wrapping bulbs in chicken wire when you plant them helps they also like bone meal. For rabbits there are deterants you can try.

    In early October it started raining and didn't stop till early December. We had record rainfalls in October and November. So there wasn't much sun at all in those months when the bulbs should have come up and bloomed.

    I took the photo at about 2 pm. East is to the right of the photo and west is to the left of the photo. So that bed gets morning sun and then as the afternoon progresses it goes into shade.

    From all the digging I've done in another area, the soil appears to be a mix of heavy sand and clay. That looks to be backed up by some info I've found on the internet about the soil composition. Just in case that's not great for plants, I've added store-bought soil mixtures with nutrients etc.

    The grass in the front yard dries very quickly. We can have two months of steady rain, like we did, and a week later that front yard will be brown with a lot of weeds. The grass in other areas of the yard is much better. I'm thinking we should give up on grass in the front all together and put in something drought resistant.

    Despite all the rain, we're in Stage 1 water restrictions. Not because there's not enough water in the dams, but there is too much and the systems can't process it. So our automatic watering system can only water between midnight and 6 am for about 30 minutes. It comes on every day about 1 am. During the day we can hand water, so I fill a watering can and water the bed that way.

    It doesn't get hot here. It's very much like the Pacific Northwest ... cool and damp. In summer, we'll have a "hot" day where it will gradually get up to 30C (86F), stay at that temp for about 15 minutes, and then cool off again. And the next day will struggle to get up to 20C (68F).

    Australia doesn't have squirrels. In fact, Australians will go to North America and want to see the squirrels and get all excited about them.

    But we've got possums and all sorts of birds that do dig up bulbs. We had the bed covered in net for a while and I also replanted numerous bulbs when I found them in various locations in the yard. I expect that some were taken by possums and birds.

    I have this image in mind that the bed will be filled with spring flowers and as those start to die off, mainly short white, pink, lavender, and blue flowers will spring up between them and bloom through the summer.

    BTW - I am discovering I don't mind gardening. I found digging out the other bed to be a good workout. There's something satisfying about pulling weeds and it helps me stretch out my lower back and hamstrings like Pilates. And when things do actually grow, it's kind of exciting.

    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,522 Member
    My goals for 2022!
    All those circles are to replace with smiley faces!
    Accountability is my super power!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Gorgeous Day! 28C (82.4F)

    First the warm-up walk ...


    Then the 5K run ...


    And finally the cool-down walk in as much shade as possible ...


    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Allie - I hope Tracy doesn’t have to isolate from her new son.

    Flea - I think for what people have to pay for insurance that they should provide what is recommended by the specialists.

    Rebecca - well played, make sure you aren’t insulting anyone. 😂
    Here it is BC that is Albertans say can’t drive in the snow. Sorry Evelyn, I know it’s not true.

    Vicki - have a safe and successful trip. I was thinking today how much I appreciate the new winter coat I got last year for Christmas. It is so warm and covers my butt!

    Katla - I would enjoy that type of snow too. Ours lasts and lasts.

    Michele - that’s a great philosophy. God wants a lot to live in my yard, because it sure isn’t my care and tending nature.

    Beth - I’m sorry! I hope everyone has mild symptoms only.

    Turns out that I don’t have bronchitis, my cough is a side effect of my BP pills. They changed the prescription today and it will take a few days to get the old one out of my system but at least it’s nothing too serious. I also got a prescription to help with the menopause issue again. I have an ultrasound appointment on the 12th hopefully the answers can be found as to what is causing this.

    On the plus side I made two more cups today! I’ve also included the picture of the one I made yesterday.

    Tracey in Edmonton, it was a balmy -23 this afternoon.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    Tracey- I had the same problem when i was on B P pills,and they changed it and i was fine..well awake at 2 am ,hopehully I can go back to sleep
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Tracey - Nice! :D How is that done? I know nothing about it, but I am interested.

    I was awake a fair bit last night. Nothing terrible on my mind, but couldn't stop it churning. ;) Watched a couple of calming videos. My new book is still a bit of a mystery to me. I think I will just have to plough on and see what transpires. I have ideas, but nothing is coalescing yet. I will have to write as if no one is going to read it. Might have to start in the middle.

    I'm also contemplating buying a cheap video kit for short reels. Very short. First I need to see what I can do with my phone on its own, but my son says a microphone would be good. I wish he lived nearby as he has the whole shebang and makes a small living from it. Very professional!

    Things to ponder in the dark of the night. :s I do all the things I'm supposed to, to get them to go away, but they creep back. :#

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Chose well: BP, dog group, made up yesterday’s line dancing.
    Bonus: email for Joe’s lab results, Lone Ranch with Joe and the dogs, dropped of D’s goodies, Post Office, gas
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    30: Let someone know how much you appreciate them, and why. Joe, going out of his comfort zone stringing Christmas lights along the fence/drive and around the garage rafters, just because he knows I like them..

    10K+ steps today, unusual for me. Even if I repeat tomorrow and the next, still won’t quite meet my 7391 avg steps/day goal for this month, but grateful for every step.

    Machka thanks for the https://www.bikeradar.com/advice/fitness-and-training/healthy-habits/ link. You sure know how to seize the (gorgeous) day.
    Annie brava for the elliptical, yoga and green tea. Great strategies!
    Allie sure hope Tracy won’t have to quarantine from her newborn!
    Debbie, that’s why they call us native Californians “prune pickers” ;)
    Carla in MN, :love: your Harley, though I expected a completely different subject. ;)
    Flea it really frosts me that when you ( or your DH’s employer ) pay for rx insurance, the company can “deny” a medicine your doctor prescribes. Happened to Joe with the one eyedrop that seems to help him “Simbrinza.” We chose to pay retail (not prohibitive like your Xgeva) and change Part D carriers… Prayers for good PET scan results.
    Rebecca the first time I visited Seattle on business, from San Francisco, there was white stuff on the roads and sidewalks, but all the Seattleites patiently explained to me that “…it doesn’t snow here.” So maybe it was Starbucks whipped topping? :laugh: You should have seen the denial driving. Yoicks! Like your goal setup, look forward to all those smileys!
    Vicki safe travels.
    Rita oh… I get it… “Friends of Bottomless” Lake. Not the first image that leapt to mind :naughty:
    Pip What a pain. Took us several calls to get our records from retiring eye Dr here to new eye Dr in Medford. Took several calls, a personal visit and finally more calls to prescribing doctor to get rx’s to new pharmacy after ours closed. SMH.
    Margaret, thanks for the reminder about squirrels and bulbs. Think I’ll try putting some in pots, like Heather.
    Michele “…religious gardener…” :laugh:
    Beth Oh nooo. ((hugs)) Please keep us posted.
    Tracey, what you said about prescriptions and insurance. In spades. Sorry to hear the menopause issue persists, hopeful the changed BP rx lets you get some sleep. Love the mugs, how does the mug press work?
    Heather, I always leave a few dirty dishes in the sink. That way when the things to ponder creep back and won’t go away, I can get up, wash the dishes. Somehow that lets me sleep. Grateful Joe is tolerant of this.

    Dug out my (big, puffy, hooded) Idaho snow jacket, the past two days. Was warming but forgot how heavy and bulky it is. Also picked up my raincoat from the dry cleaners, before they close down permanently at the end of the week. Guess not much call for dry cleaning in a tourist/retirement destination.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    And then, when the temp cooled a little, we went for a bicycle ride. :)


    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Barbara - Yes, the bulbs are in a big pot, using the 'lasagne' method. But, even so, we put the bbq grate over the top until they are well growing up. Our squirrels have already tried to get in there, but they were thwarted! :p Foxes too dig holes in our grass. In our last house, all the yellow crocus were pulled up and destroyed by something, but they left the purple ones. Pigeons?
    DH is a very light sleeper, so I am limited in what I can do. If it's nearer to 6 I just go next door and play with my tablet, but, in the middle of the night, I go upstairs to my lair, and amuse myself until I am sleepy. I find Eckhart Tolle videos very helpful. Calming and lulling. I use other techniques from other writers which often work, but sometimes my brain will not play ball. :laugh:
    Fortunately, I do not have to drive heavy machinery the next day! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx who is popping out to buy a couple of fillet steaks for New Year's Eve. It has to be fillet for DH's teeth. :o
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Wrote a couple of paragraphs when I got back from the shops. I am thrilled 😊

    Heather UK xxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,495 Member
    edited December 2021
    Tracey - I LOVE Yellowstone, and really looking forward to the Season 4 finale they're supposed to drop on Sunday. I know it's going to be another dang cliffhanger, but I really do love the story, as well as all the characters. My husband told me it was a "soap opera," and I just said, "So, what's your point?" :p I know it's hyper-dramatic - that's what keeps my attention! So, when I'm watching the show, he just picks up his book. <3 Love the mugs, they look very professional. Hope you get more resolutions from the tests. Thinking about you.

    Allie - It would have been awesome to have you as a grandma. My grandmother was a wizened old cranky woman who did not like me much and who tended to get into bed with her slippers still on her feet. I thought that's what all grandmas were like--so at a minimum, at least I know how to avoid being a bad grandma. Then again, I think all of us are an example to others. It's pretty much up to us to decide whether we want to be a good example or a bad one. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts as you get closer to holding that next grandbaby in your arms.

    Heather - I use "How the Universe Works," with Mike Rowe's narration or anything Morgan Freeman narrates to go to sleep. :smiley:

    Beth - Hope everyone gets through the #RoRo healthy and happy.

    Corey asked me quite plaintively last night if the entire weekend was going to be revolving around our daughter's imploding marriage, and all I could do was shrug. I don't think she'll talk about it in front of the kids much, and we'll keep it as upbeat as possible. I wore myself OUT on putting together a mini-Christmas and wrapping presents for all of them yesterday. Hopefully, it will be lovely and peaceful for all concerned, with lots of hugs and few tears.

    They're supposed to stay 'til Sunday, but we're keeping an eye on the weather. Saturday freeze is expected, and six hours for her to drive with three littles in the truck. We want to make sure they're all OK.

    Dinners will be ham tonight, breakfast for dinner one night, and if they're here for a third night, probably hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. Lunch is punting each day (family speak for doing whatever you want, no big set meals) and breakfast is cereal one day, pancakes one day, and punt if they're here for the third one.

    Can't believe this year is finally ending. Here's to a peaceful, calm and healthy new year for us all.

    Lisa in AR

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,354 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) A bit more snow overnight and more predicted for this morning. It will be a great walk.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA