

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Heather smart idea to cover your pots with grates. I have problems with chipmunks digging in my pots. I try to put forks along the edges to keep them out to mixed results.

    M We get morning son in our front yard. I have success with geraniums, allyssum, pansys. mums, latana, pentas (in the sunniest spots) Moss roses are good for sunnier and dryer spots. In the shadier spots begonias, impatience. I also bought a water meter that will tell me when to water. We have sandy soil at our home and more shade than sun. Our son's house is clay and lots of sun.It sounds like you have a good mix of soil so that should not be the problem. If you have a sunny spot in your home you could start some of your seeds inside to make sure they germinate. If you let them become seedlings harden off before planting and plant later in the day.

    Every year is a surprise. Some plants really take off and others I think will do well not so much. The weather makes a big difference. This is one reason I plant a variety.

    Ideally water in the morning and try not to get the leaves wet. When a plant looks droopy check with a water meter. Over watering can kill a plant as much as under watering.

    Sometimes it is insect or fungal diseases that do plants in. I watch for infested plants and remove. If not too bad I will spray with a natural insect spray or fungicde. There are many recipes on the internet for this.

    If you buy any bedding plants to fill in spots you want to gently untangle the roots because often they are root bound and if you just plunk them in the ground they will not do well.

    Using the internet is probably your best tool you can go find many answers to your questions. I am member of Grow with Kare on Facebook and it is fun to see all the wonderful garden ideas and people do ask for answers on this site. Universities will often have sites you can go to with questions too.

    Happy Gardening. I do attribute gardening to helping me stay well.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    So up at 7:18 AM! Sitting with my mug of black coffee and feeling quite proud of myself! Its so true that habits are just one right thing strung together with others. Doing all five seems daunting, but in essence, they are each very basic things. You would think that by now, I would be doing each quite well. But nay nay, I am a fabulous procrastinator! 🙃😁. If the boat rocks, well I might as well jump out now! Too hard, or schedule-istic, well count me out. I seem to be gung ho from the get go, but crash and burn when I mess up. So this weeks tasks will be to look at each 5 things not as a "ladder I have to climb" to go about my day, but as simple stepping stones. I flit onto each one...boop.....boop....(I can see me, I think I am wearing a silly pintafore frilly dress but whatever, I am booping)!
    Cheers my coffee to yas
    In Whidbey
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Snow is lovely just now, but it seems to be packing down. I’m happy to see it from our windows. The hummingbird feeders did not freeze so the birds can drink all they want.
    This seems like a good day to be warm and cozy inside & to enjoy the view.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Waitrose came and gave us lots of food. :D The only thing wrong was that they substituted brioche dough for wholemeal pizza dough. ;) The delivery man was equally puzzled. :p He took it away and I will get a refund.

    Before they came I was resting after my afternoon rowing session. And before that I was playing with my new video editing app. I think I'm getting the idea. :*;):o For this ol' gal it's a stretch! I don't think I'll order equipment just yet, because I may not use it often enough. I'm yet to bite the bullet and do one for real, instead of just practising. I am not thinking of doing long YouTube stuff just yet, more a quick 10 second thing, just saying hi. It's fun to play though, and good for the brain cells to learn something new. :)

    Chorizo and lentil stew for dinner. Broccoli. Yummo.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    “ Rita oh… I get it… “Friends of Bottomless” Lake. Not the first image that leapt to mind :naughty:”. Love it! We have an event called “Topless at Bottomless” too!

    Jeeps rendezvous here with their ‘tops’ off!


    RvRita at Bottomless Lakes in NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    One goal I have that I didn’t write down is to try to be more positive. Starting here!!

    Meeting went well last night. Now I need to write up the minutes. I’m on the board and the secretary.

    A bit chillier than yesterday but going to do camper tags then nothing planned but I’m sure something will come up!

    RvRita in NM
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: BP, dog group, made up yesterday’s line dancing.
    Bonus: email for Joe’s lab results, Lone Ranch with Joe and the dogs, dropped of D’s goodies, Post Office, gas
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    30: Let someone know how much you appreciate them, and why. Joe, going out of his comfort zone stringing Christmas lights along the fence/drive and around the garage rafters, just because he knows I like them..

    10K+ steps today, unusual for me. Even if I repeat tomorrow and the next, still won’t quite meet my 7391 avg steps/day goal for this month, but grateful for every step.

    Debbie, that’s why they call us native Californians “prune pickers” ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    yep, most of the kids I grew up with including us girls, all picked prunes- Many used the money they made to pay for school clothes. Others had to pick because their parents owned the ranch.
    We picked for a neighbor- we all remember dodging the rotten ones being thrown at us by the owner if we were caught messing around. Pay was per box, not per hour.
    Our hometown baseball team is called the Prune Packers!!

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    No rain for today- nice to actually see the sun. A bit chilly- low 40's again today.
    Going to be a bit of a rough day. Today is the first anniversary of my dad passing away.
    It has been a rough year. I will call and check in with mom.
    Dh and I both have today off. I got up early and picked up a 3D Doodle kit-it is a school type kit with 8 pens and everything else with it- got it from the "buy nothing " group on Facebook- loved that it was just two blocks away. DH is so thrilled.
    He wants to go do a few errands- not sure exactly what we will do.
    Stayed up too late, reading another Amish book then couldn't get to sleep- then kept waking up during the night.
    We might go check out a new Mexican place- it is out of town so not sure if we will go today or not. Will leave it up to him.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    I got a text from Tracy in a panic her boss one of the vets she works for tested positive and now she is freaking out ,she took a at home test and its negative and has to take a PCR test monday for the C Section on Friday.. she cant go back to work next week so she is upset she is losing 4 days of pay and for her every payday counts.. she is worried that she will be quarantined from the baby.. àll sorts of scenarios.. All I could tell her is have faith...
    Poor thing..Im guessing i wont be going to the hospital to meet the little guy the rate here is going crazy i think its like 18% and right now they are restricting any visitors so Kyle will be able to be there, but will wait until they get home.. everyone keep them in your thoughts
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Good afternoon my dear friends. Just popping by to catch up on all your doings. Delighted to report that my grandson got a negative PCR test yesterday, so hopefully all set for a great New Year's day celebration.

    Beth: This is the one time when we hope for a little negativity 😂 Hope your results are! And if not, may you have a very mild dose of the *glitter*
    Flea: sounds promising.
    Lisa: 😂🤣😂 let Egg dip her food in her water. It's like us dipping biccies in our tea!
    Michele: I'm exhausted reading all the things you do in one day. So sorry about Denise's attitude.
    Debbie: A stunning snow scene to contrast with Machka's spring in Australia.
    Machka: What A useful list. I've copied that for future reference. Fabulous views on your walk. Making me look forward to the coming summer. 👍🏻 Building healthy Habits is crucial. Trumps willpower and motivation every time for me!!! I love gardening, but can't do some of the tasks because of my knees.
    Tracey: My 'boobage' can vary by 3 sizes, depending on what scaffolding I use 😂 I hope you can get some relief from that dreadful cough. Did you MAKE those mugs. I'm so impressed. They're brilliant.
    Katla: Snow and hummingbirds. Such bliss.
    Rebecca: 😱 3 eggs!!! I would be land-locked for days if I ate 3 eggs. Awww... 😍 Athena and her snowman
    Annie: Snug clothes are kinda one of the things we have to put up with at the end of December. Just take it as an indication that you had a good Christmas. Timer is a good idea. I have one set every 2 hours to remind me to get up and walk.
    Rita: Attagirl. Start the new year on a positive note.
    Allie: 🤣 a cardiologist with a sense of humour 😂
    Tina: that sounds like a lovely relaxing Christmas. I've watched the Matrix movies too and I don't really know what they're about.
    Carol: Lovely painting. It has a look about it of The Happy Painter, Bob Ross.
    Heather: You are a dear girl to be so caring to your friend. We get such good council from all our ladies here. What a lovely thought that he was dancing the night before. 🤓Beware the rabbit hole that is digital housekeeping.

    2021 has been a good year for me. Looking forward to 2022. My goals and habits will be largely the same as 2021.

    Well, darkness has fallen as I was writing. Must go have my afternoon coffee.

    December Habut tracker

    Live long, and prosper, as Spock would say.

    ☘️ Terri

    Explain landlocked? Lol! Constipated? Really? Oh me and my eggs are like this... "Crossing my fingers*. 💖. Today I get a cup of roasted chicken cubed in my Asian salad. Then a slice of a marinated pork loin in my ramen with spinach. Dessert is a sq of chocolate 85% and a sweet prune.💖👍
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    “ Rita oh… I get it… “Friends of Bottomless” Lake. Not the first image that leapt to mind :naughty:”. Love it! We have an event called “Topless at Bottomless” too!

    Jeeps rendezvous here with their ‘tops’ off!


    RvRita at Bottomless Lakes in NM

    I would be "so there"! The nudist in me is running......😁
    Bundled up on my cold little island of snow
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri -I’m happy to know your grandson got a negative PCR test. Excellent news!

    Barbara & Debbie – Most of the kids I grew up with also picked fruit. We were put on a berry bus in the morning and driven to the strawberry farm. We picked all day, and then were driven home. We were invariably sun burned. The sunscreen back then wasn’t very good. When I was older, my mom drove the two of us to a bean yard. We picked beans in the cool of the morning and went home. I spent the money I earned on school clothes. When I was old enough I got a job at a cannery. It was much nicer than being outside in the heat.

    Allie – Sending good thoughts for Tracy.

    We had a lovely snowfall yesterday and it is still on the ground. We stocked up of food ahead of the storm and we are warm and cozy in our house. The hummingbirds are enjoying our sugar water feeders that are on the windows. I am enjoying watching them.

    Katla in NW Oregon

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited December 2021
    Allie - How sad that Tracey cannot get Maternity Pay. Over here you get 95%of your pay for 6 weeks and a maximum of £151+ for 33 weeks after that. You can take paid leave before the birth in order to rest.
    Of course, medical care is free.
    I very much hope she hasn't caught covid, with all the isolation complications. <3 So stressful for her. And you.

    My friend whose husband died is over her covid. She tested negative this morning. She is going to go home from her sister's with just one local friend so that she can enter their house alone and "be with him". She just left everything as it was, including all the Christmas decorations he put up. She said Monday. It is quite a journey home.

    I'm thinking of going for a run tomorrow morning. Weather forecast says rain overnight and very early morning, then clearing. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
    Terri , you are right! My granddaughter's painting is similar to those of Bob Ross. Evidently, she has watched his show on PBS.

    Carol in GA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Heather ,she will get partial maternity pay after the baby is born.. but she has another week of work before she delivers and now that her boss has tested positive she cant go back ..she will get partial pay for 3 months and then i think will be working for Kyles cousin from home.
    Im waiting to hear how everything went at the drs office today
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    I almost had a salad today. I chopped up the pepper and cucumber right before I went to the dentist. I didn't think about the numbing. Now I'm not supposed to eat until it wears off, and even then I don't think salad will work. Maybe tomorrow!

    Annie in Delaware