

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    Very Happy New Year to one and all,
    Barbie thank you again for bringing us into 2022
    Woke up with some flank pain took some tylenol and will try and go back to sleep.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited January 2022
    exermom wrote: »
    There is this guy at work, Jerry. Now I know that he has some sort of emotional issue. He used to go to this place, Connections, that deals mostly with people over 18 who have emotional issues.

    Is there anything I can say to him to get him to calm down?

    You could try doing quite a bit of reading on anger management in mental health and brain issues situations.

    But know that each person is unique. What works for one might not work for another.

    One thing that might possibly help (no guarantees) is to give him choices and don't talk down to him. Perhaps, "Jerry, I could really use some help. I need tomatoes and cheese, would you be able to get me one of those and I'll get the other?"

    If you really want to get to know Jerry and his situation, you might see about accompanying him to Connections or wherever else he goes.

    But until you're armed with some training on anger management in mental health and brain issues, I'd keep my distance. Be pleasant, but stay out of it. Let the managers handle it.

    exermom wrote: »
    M – what is so special about a verification code expiring within 10 minutes? Why is that preferable to having it expire in, say, an hour or two? Newcomers used to expire in 24 hours.

    Michele NC

    Most verification codes expire in about 1 to 5 minutes. 10 minutes is quite long.

    Temporary passwords might last 24 hours, but a 24-hour verification code kind of defeats the purpose of the verification code.

    The thing is, you use a verification code immediately.

    Most of the things I log into at work use 2-step verification now. I enter my user name, and my password, then the verification code shows up to my phone or through email about 10 seconds later, I enter the code and keep working. If I leave the site inactive for about 15 minutes, I go through the whole process again. There would be no point to having a long limitation on a verification code.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka did you build the greenhouse? :love: the new year cartoons. Yes if we just start… I’m really liking your Sweatpants and Coffee memes, better than the Actions for Happiness ones. Do they post daily or have a monthly calendar? Put that book on hold at our Library, will pick it up Monday. Thanks!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    No, I didn't build it. My husband did. It took him months and months, and there were lots of starts and stops and complete restarts. He got discouraged and frustrated sometimes because he knew that pre-accident, he could have whipped it up in a couple weekends. But he persisted.

    The part of his brain that deals with math and things like maps/orientation/blueprints and things like procedural memory is still fairly intact. He also has reasonable long-term memory. So he knows what a greenhouse should look like. He can draw quite good pictures of what it should look like. He can measure and calculate and do the math. And he can do the building because that's a procedural thing for him. He has been building things for a long time. But there are often disconnects along the way where something in that process goes wrong because his cognition has been affected by the accident.

    Nevertheless, I encouraged him to keep working on it and made many trips to Bunnings to get more materials because I figured that it was beneficial for him to use his brain, even if he made lots of mistakes, rather than just sitting around doing nothing.

    This is the Sweatpants and Coffee website: https://sweatpantsandcoffee.com/ I rarely go there. Instead I follow them on Facebook. Usually, there's a once a week meme on Sunday nights for the coming week. Plus there are usually daily memes of various sorts. Usually something inspirational. Many don't connect with me, some do. I tend to like their once a week memes more than the daily ones. They also post blogs from time to time.

    I like checking out Action for Happiness's calendars and seeing if the new one each month connects with me. Sometimes it does, often it doesn't. This is their website, and I follow them on Facebook too: https://www.actionforhappiness.org/ I see each of the days in the calendar on FB, and some of them make me stop and think. I'm also in an Action for Happiness private group because occasionally someone there has something interesting to say.

    This is their January 2022 calendar if it is of interest.

    I find both helpful in the interests of creating new, more positive neural pathways. :)

    When I'm on holidays, I don't usually like reading anything other than fiction but I've been so fascinated by that book, I haven't picked up the mystery story I was going to read. It doesn't read like a textbook. But there are lots of references to neurologists and scientists and other work, that a person can do additional research. I'm tempted to research a couple things already, in the sense of looking up the scientist and study referred to and reading more about it.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,494 Member
    Lisa - very similar, we had mice. I remember one time a gopher somehow got in the house it was between the floor upstairs and the ceiling from downstairs. There was a gap in the floorboard and when it stuck its head up Dad shot it with his .22. He didn’t remember that in later years until I told him about it.

    Oh my word, Tracey, seriously, you and I had the same childhood. One of the rats that lived in our attic decided it would stroll across the upper window sills of the room each evening, so basically circling half the living room, but well out of reach, and then go back up in the attic. He did that one too many times--and my father was waiting for him with a .410 shotgun. Repairing the hole in the wall was almost as much fun as cleaning up the mess.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Happy New Year to my sisters!

    Thanks for another month, Barbie...appreciate you!

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks BARBIE
    Happy New Year everyone

    Kate UK ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) We survived New Year's Eve fireworks. Bessie was not nearly as agitated by them this year as she has been in the past. She came out to the living room about 6 PM when the fireworks started and lay next to us. All was quiet when we went to bed at 7 but at 9 she was next to the bed asking to get in with me. I put her in bed and played music and my audio book on the phone to cover the sounds of the fireworks. We both slept a bit and finally it was quiet at 12:30 when we go out for a quick potty break followed by a snack. After that, we slept straight through until morning.

    :)Suebdew, Bessie and Sasha love the snow. They have fleece lined waterproof jackets. This year it got much colder with the snow than it has in the past and their feet got cold quickly so they asked to go back in after about 15 minutes. These cold temperatures are unusual for us so I don't see any reason to add dog boots to what they wear. Temperatures will be above freezing again in a few days.

    :)Lisa, Jake heard what he thought he heard a big gun shooting off last night and had several guesses about what it might have been--not as big as what you heard but troubling.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Happy New Year ... love and blessing to all of you and your families!

    Alexandra and Paula ... Welcome!

    Barbie ... thank you for another year of starting us off right!

    Flea ... love Augustine's writings. I've been reading through the Bible for several years now ... always find comfort and peace there.

    Barbara ... the word "listen" keeps coming to mind for me as well for the same reasons.

    Last year I wrote this as my 2021 goals: ...
    "I really need to move off of my current weight and, ideally, would like to lose about 1/2 pound per week. At that rate I should be 25-26 pounds lighter at the end of 2021 ... still overweight, but going in a much better direction. Will continue IF and will most likely do so with OMAD. Exercise has been limited due to a deteriorating knee and I have been referred to an orthopedist with an appointment in January. I need to be able to at least walk for exercise. Limiting sugar helps so that will be on my list. The family wants to focus on more plant-based meals, so that will be included as well. Dealing with family dynamics when husband retires on Feb. 1st and having both sons temporarily home will be a challenge both emotionally and financially. I will continue to work part-time if for no other reason than to get out of the house!" Did I achieve any of this? No. My weight is the same. My knees didn't get better (as you know I broke a leg instead). Sugar is still in my diet. Plants based meals were almost non-existent. My husband, however, did retire. I ended up retiring too! (official date was yesterday 12/31/21). Our oldest son died. Our younger son is still at home. But we're ok with that. He's healing. He's working.

    Word for the year ... 2019 year my word had been committed. 2020 the word was steadfast. I didn't choose a word for 2021 and in retrospect ...there were no words for 2021. After giving this much thought (considering and tossing out several words/phrases), my word for 2022 will be "perseverant." Perseverant/perseverance that is cheerful, endures with hope, and with patient continuance.

    2022 Goals ...
    I continue to need to move off of my current weight. I will continue with the intermittent fasting window of 20:4 each day of the week. Ideally, I would like to be 25 pounds lighter at the end of 2022, but I will work with my body, not against it. Just because I feel like I've lost my direction this last year does not mean that God does not have a purpose for my life. Looking forward to what He will bring. I know there are battles ahead. I will be strong and courageous. And I will join all of you here to lift you up and encourage you as you search and work for your best selves too.

    Beth near Buffalo
    Where it's a gray rainy day but changing into a winter snow storm later tonight.
  • annham
    annham Posts: 3 Member
    Happy New Year; I have been a member of Fitness Pal for a while but have never really used it. (WW member but they closed in person meetings and local online meetings) so here I am. Hoping for some motivation and tips on what has worked for others.

    Peterborough, ON