60 yrs and up



  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 350 Member
    I'd like to join you all. I'm 73 but a young 73 with no pains and no reason not to get off my butt and get going. I need a place to make me accountable. I need to lose this weight. I'm healthy other than having diabetise 2 I need more friends with the same problem. Do come visit me and join me. Now to come back tomorrow. If i'm not here i lost you's
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,641 Member
    Morning....I'm a little upset today as my scale says I went up 3lbs this week. I know this is almost impossible. I'm hoping it is just water weight or too much sodium this week. I ate very carefully and had almost the same menu as last week and I lost almost 2lbs. This is a little discouraging especially when I'm just starting out. If I had been dieting for a few months and this happened I wouldn't be as upset but not when I've only been at it for a month. I'm going to change up my menu this week, eat food with less sodium and drink a lot more water and hopefully that will get this weight off.
    Thanks for letting me rant and here

    If you didn't eat 10,500 calories over maintenance calories, or move that much less (!!! you'd notice), then that 3 pounds is absolutely not fat gain.

    Since you've only been at this a month, I'd point out that it's quite common to have a quick drop up front (from changing nature/volume of what's eaten), then some water weight rebalancing soon after. The first month can just be a little weird. (It's too bad that that can come at a time when many people are most vulnerable to discouragement, since they've just made so many positive changes).

    Hang in there. IMO, no need to do anything special, it'll sort itself out.

    P.S. If you or others haven't read this article, it's IMO very much worth the read: Reassuring.

  • MidnightsMaMa
    MidnightsMaMa Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am 72 and need exercises that are more geared to my age. I see most of the exercises listed on myfitnesspal, and I really want to do them but I know I can’t. I wish they would have a “Senior” section.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,641 Member
    Hello. I am 72 and need exercises that are more geared to my age. I see most of the exercises listed on myfitnesspal, and I really want to do them but I know I can’t. I wish they would have a “Senior” section.

    Hello, and welcome, to you and to all our other new participants!

    @MidnightsMaMa, have your looked on YouTube? There are lots of exercise videos there (www.YouTube.com) that may work for you. Put "Senior fitness" or something like that in the search box, skip ones that say "Ad", and take a look. Or, if you particular things you want to work on, or work around, you can put things like "exercises for weak hips for seniors". Watch the video through, see if it looks reasonable. Some are by physical therapists who have their degrees/certifications in the descriptions, too.

    Maybe someone here can recommend specific senior exercise videos for you there. I have not used any specific ones of those on YouTube, but have used some of the Bob & Brad (physical therapists) videos for specific PT issues. (I don't think their advice on diet is uniformly good - they are not specialists in that, so IMO should not be ranging into some things they don't do well).

    If you're in the US, and have Silver Sneakers as part of your health insurance, they have many exercise videos and even some live online classes. (You do have to sign up with your insurance info to access them.) I have done some of these and thought there were well done, and some of my senior friends love them and use them regularly. Their web site is https://www.silversneakers.com/, and there's an eligibility checker there.

    AARP has some exercise videos for seniors free (no account needed as far as I know) on their website, at https://videos.aarp.org/category/videos/fitness. Since this is a US organization, I don't know if they somehow limit access to the US portion of the internet, but they seem to be free and open here.

    Just a few thoughts about options. Best wishes for success with your fitness improvement!
  • Sistersue3285
    Sistersue3285 Posts: 112 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Morning....I'm a little upset today as my scale says I went up 3lbs this week. I know this is almost impossible. I'm hoping it is just water weight or too much sodium this week. I ate very carefully and had almost the same menu as last week and I lost almost 2lbs. This is a little discouraging especially when I'm just starting out. If I had been dieting for a few months and this happened I wouldn't be as upset but not when I've only been at it for a month. I'm going to change up my menu this week, eat food with less sodium and drink a lot more water and hopefully that will get this weight off.
    Thanks for letting me rant and here

    If you didn't eat 10,500 calories over maintenance calories, or move that much less (!!! you'd notice), then that 3 pounds is absolutely not fat gain.

    Since you've only been at this a month, I'd point out that it's quite common to have a quick drop up front (from changing nature/volume of what's eaten), then some water weight rebalancing soon after. The first month can just be a little weird. (It's too bad that that can come at a time when many people are most vulnerable to discouragement, since they've just made so many positive changes).

    Hang in there. IMO, no need to do anything special, it'll sort itself out.

    P.S. If you or others haven't read this article, it's IMO very much worth the read: Reassuring.


    Thank you for the information. I definitely didn't eat any extra calories. I was on goal or below goal all week. I'm sure it will start coming off I just have to be patient
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,641 Member
    Hello. I am 72 and need exercises that are more geared to my age. I see most of the exercises listed on myfitnesspal, and I really want to do them but I know I can’t. I wish they would have a “Senior” section.

    I think maybe the reason there isn't a "senior" section is because exercise and fitness aren't defined by age? I hangout with a group of female friends. We range from age 62 (me) to the oldest who's 80. We all met years ago through our dragon boat team and have now formed a strong friendship. We all still paddle on the dragon boat team during the summer, but now we also kayak together, cross country ski, snowshoe, do yoga, walk, and drink wine together. A couple of the women (one is the 80 year old) also play pickleball several times a week.

    Maybe searching YouTube for "beginner" exercises or "chair yoga" would have better results?

    I agree that exercise (in reality) isn't defined by age, but rather by fitness level. Having done the searches for beginner friends from a 55+ RL group, though, "senior" is in practice the way a lot of these seem to be labeled on YouTube. 🤷‍♀️
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Hello. I am 72 and need exercises that are more geared to my age. I see most of the exercises listed on myfitnesspal, and I really want to do them but I know I can’t. I wish they would have a “Senior” section.

    Hi and welcome to the thread @MidnightsMaMa. You might find that YouTube Senior Fitness With Meredith has some video workouts you could be comfortable trying.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    I've been pretty active my whole life and can still get overwhelmed. 2021 was not a good year for me healthwise but now that I feel better I'm trying to improve my fitness. I started with big plans and little follow through. I scaled back the plan to walking and adding other activities (yoga, stretching, some cardio videos) as I feel ready. I know that if I just stick with it I will get results - better strength, endurance, range of motion, balance - and just overall feeling better. Start small, keep with it and don't get discouraged if you have an "off" day. Or in my case, an "off" year.
  • lindadoiron50
    lindadoiron50 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys please add me also as I am 61 and started Fitness Pal march 12 2020 and have lost 30 lbs and still trying to lose. I love to have a group of people that is in the same age group. Let motivate each other and encourage each other to become the healthiest we can be:)
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,860 Member
    Mumof3ms wrote: »
    Hi all. I am a 61 year old morbidly obese woman finally buckling down and deciding to do something about it. No resolutions but a resolve that I need to be healthier. My dream is to travel the world and 7 seas when I retire (and that will be soon.) I am seeing a Functional Doctor to lead me on the right path for my health. I know I will need to figure out a lifestyle change. Get off this lazy behind and be active. I will admit that I am already feeling overwhelmed but then I go downstairs and do a crazy dance to 80s music and I feel better. Helps to go crazy when no one sees you. lol Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    There's no need to feel overwhelmed 🙂 This is YOUR journey. Some people feel better going "cold turkey" and making a lot of changes at once. Other people make small changes and then build on each success. It's entirely up to you. And as you progress you may find that what worked at one stage, is no longer working and you need to tweek your approach. And that's okay too. The goal is good health and each little step you take towards that is a win.

    I was obese and had been for over 20 years. I never lost my "baby weight" after my third child and just kept adding to it, till finally I decided enough was enough. My kids had all left home and I was still working full time. I approached my weight loss journey like it was a part time job. I read everything I could get my hands on. Some things I tossed out because I knew instinctively that it was bad information. Other things I stored away and retrieved at a later point in my journey. Meal prep and logging were duties of my part time job. So was movement. I had always walked, but then I also added deep water running classes two or three times a week. As you can see, I was a supporter of the "make a lot of changes at once" team LOL. But that may not be you at all. On the other hand I was also a believer in celebrating life events and had birthday cake and vacations and indulged at Christmas. Then I'd get right back at it. That would be why it took me three years to reach my goal weight! You see, there's no one road to reaching your healthy destination, other than "eat better-move more".

    I've kept my weight off (within a range) for five years. One book that I found helpful was "Thinner This Year" by Chris Crowley and I actually re-read it whenever I need to get back to basics. Like in January! You can do this, and we're all here to cheer you on.
  • PatriciaNeves2015
    PatriciaNeves2015 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello! I just turned 74 and I feel fortunate to have good health. I had two knee replacement surgeries in 2018, one taking 4 mo recoup and the other 18 months! I worked very hard with the needed exercises and dropped 20 lbs. I still need to lose another 20 to get to my desired normal weight. and I'm really trying.

    To all who are trying, you can succeed with a driving will and support, which is here!

    I'd love a "partner friend" to message with a few days a week. I can be a good supporter!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited January 2022
    Welcome newbies - January is certainly a busy month, I wish you all the very best and hope you stick around for the journey! B)
    In 7 months I have lost 35 lbs, including a little maintenance over Christmas & New Year. This time around really feels different somehow, like I finally get it.

    @ridiculous59, I resonate with much of what you wrote and thank you for the book recommendation, downloaded it to kindle today! :)

    Keep on keepin' on everyone.
    @alteredsteve175, I hope you are feeling better and not contagious anymore.
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Congrats BC
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited January 2022
    In 7 months I have lost 35 lbs, including a little maintenance over Christmas & New Year.
    OMG - I meant 5 months!! In 5 months I have lost 35lbs...I joined MFP mid-August...sheesh.

    Thanks though 😀
  • PatriciaNeves2015
    PatriciaNeves2015 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello, this morning. Went up Wednesday. Was more in control Wednesday. I'm an emotional eater! Trying to stay focused on portion control and regular exercise. My goal is to be down 18 lbs by end of March. Did my bike and pulleys yesterday and two hours of active housework. Made turkey chili and lentil soup! Did not touch the cornbread!

    @BCLadybug888 Congrats! Impressed about maintenance over holidays.

    Let's keep on trying! Wishing all the best!

    01/17 148.1
    01/18 148.1
    01/19 148.1
    01/20 148.8
    01/21 148.1

  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,423 Member
    Greetings, all you seasoned citizens. Been out for a few days. Caught the Wuhan flu. Was a little achy Sunday night. Was severely achy Monday morning. Went for a rapid test - came up positive - because, of course.😞

    Naproxen took care of the muscle aches by Tuesday. Also had a very sore throat and congestion. Dealing with that now, but I should be fully recovered by tomorrow.

    Because of my wife's cancer situation, the nurse came to my home and tested her and my daughter. They were both negative, so we dodged a bullet there. Fingers crossed going forward.

    Will have to stay out of the gym for a few more days. Had to cancel a scheduled blood donation as well. AARRGGHH!

    Still losing weight slowly by watching calories closely. Should be able to get out to walk with the dog this weekend.

    Many of you have noted that you have been overweight for a long time. I know that story all too well. But MFP has been the difference for me this time. Four years maintaining a 45 pound weight loss. Still not where I want to be, but I have never maintained any significant weight loss for this long. I'll take that any day. Hang in there and keep working toward your goals!

    Hope you feel better soon , glad your wife and daughter were both negative.
    It's a rollercoaster Steve but your doing so well and are always so supportive, you have got this!