

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    edited January 2022
    Terri - I love your poems. <3

    Machka - It's kind of Chlanethli. Sort of. Lots of throat clearing. :p The celebrant really would have had Welsh as her first language.

    I pulled myself together and got myself out early for a run. Hooray! Gorgeous morning, just about above freezing. Just as I was going out of the door I was rung up by Phil the butcher, to say the haggis I had ordered had come in. I picked it up know the way home, along with pigs cheeks.
    On my run I came across this couple, doing their push ups on the bench. :D:D



    Now to write.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    The sleep study: I finally convinced my doctor to let me take the in-home one since it was around the holidays and this could be done rather than waiting for an appt. for an in-house one. Well, the result is that I do have sleep apnea. Now he wants me to have a CPAP titration study done. I honestly don’t understand, you either have it or not. What additional information will this give them? What settings to put the machine on? And does it mean that I have to spend the night there? I really would prefer not to. The first place he sent me to wanted me to do the sleep study at the hospital. If you want to get sick, go to a hospital. I have no desire to go to the hospital, none whatsoever. So I went to the place where Vince goes. Why is he dragging this out? I went to see him in Nov and he sent the order then. Admitted, that was my fault – I gave him the wrong number. So I gave him the right number and did the sleep study at home. Now he wants ANOTHER study. Arrrrrr. I WILL NOT get one of those machines that looks like an elephant. I’ll freak out and rip it off, I know that. Vince has one where the tube attaches at the top of your head. I can live with that. So we shall see how it goes.

    Michele NC

    Did you ask your doctor these questions?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    edited January 2022
    Today was my first day of work.

    In this job, I'm looking at the same data I've been looking at but from a different perspective. It'll be a good learning opportunity.

    I'm on a different schedule which will take some getting used to. And I'm trying to figure out the buses at that hour of the morning. I ended up leaving home an hour earlier than usual but getting home about the same time as usual.

    The team is squashed into temporary accommodation because the much larger COVID team has taken over their usual area. Rumour has it we'll be moving back to usual accommodations next week which might be better.

    So we'll see how things go. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,501 Member
    Chose well: 142.4, Joe, readings, BP, osteo back, T’ai Chi, dog group, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, mfp50+.
    Bonus: jetty stroll and shopping with D,
    Workin’ on it: H20x4, active 3.16.
    Happier January 2022
    19: Focus on what’s good even if today feels tough-it does. Glitter fatigue and people I like moving away. The good? Joe, the dogs, not getting sick, outing with D and dog group yesterday.
    20: Go to bed in good time and allow yourself to recharge. That was yesterday too.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I’m reading “The Brain’s Way of Healing” on your recommendation. Fascinating but can’t say I’m enjoying it all that much ;) . . . Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Our enjoyment of something may vary depending on circumstances. :) I read with hope that my husband and my situation could, at least, stabilise rather than deteriorate.

    One of the fascinating things for me is that I haven't heard of a lot of things mentioned in the book ... and I'm wondering why.
    M in Oz

    Machka, Hmm. Could it be that big pharm hasn’t figured out how to profit from mindful, concentrated exercise? ;} “scorpions” :noway: Con VERY grats on the NS sleep shirt victory!
    Annie whew! Yes your Teddie is precious. Tumble and Shadow get NexGard every month, spendy but effective and safe so far. You might want to puff diatomaceous earth on the carpet, let it sit over night before vacuuming. You can also comb the fleas out. Float a little dish soap in a bowl of water to drop them into. Ecchhh. Good luck! And Brava for continuing with elliptical, yoga AND dumbbells. You’ve got this, kiddo!
    Kelly pneumonia and kidney stones and no health insurance? :cry: Prayers that you can get Tim up and walking to knock out that pneumonia quick.
    Barbie “huggable” yes and sometimes it even seems as though they hug us back ;) Health safety vs saving a few pennies, seems like a good bargain to me.
    Flea we get our NexGard from Chewy but you’re right they’re spendy either way. Sure your friend appreciated your understanding of why she wrote the obit she did.
    Kim “believe in trusting or at least listening to that inner voice” Yes, truth this! I’ve heard self defense folk say that we can subconsciously pick up signals alerting to danger but too often ignore them. Well done.
    Margaret what you said about non-glitter related hospital availability AND our interconnectedness.
    Vicki hope your funeral baking helps burn off the “mad at the world” feeling. ((hugs)) Then again I’d be more than mad at the roof company. Saw on Holmes Family Rescue that if the roofer doesn’t install the shingles according to manufacturer’s specifications (spacing and nailing) it voids the warranty… :rage:
    Katla so glad to see you post, you’ve been in my thoughts.
    Mary and Rita safe travels!
    Heather sometimes a whitewash is what those left behind need at the moment …
    Beth beautifully said both to Carla in MN and to Kelly re: insurance.
    Rebecca “5 years” oh my!
    Ginny fingers X’d for favorable scan and visit.
    Allie, was going to snark about Dan and the laundry but then read about your friend Lil. :heartbreak: ((hugs)) :cry: and bravo to her family for respecting her wishes despite how hard it must be.
    Debbie how did you and your dh get connected with Charlotte Stewart and her otherworldly lapidary husband? Sorry your DH gave you such little time/notice. I cannot imagine even 10 minutes of Zumba masked.
    Michele maybe everyone is making cracker toffee? ;) Imagine not everyone needs the same percentage of oxygen or pounds of pressure. My cousin has an eensy one with a tiny tube into each nostril. Good luck! P.s. you’re right about “The only thing I can do is change my way . . .” true in so many situations.
    Heather Welsh accents always like the speaker is singing to me ;)
    Terri thank you for the poem! :heart:

    Lovely jetty stroll and chat with D who showed me a bakery in GB with really delicious treats. Fortunately they are VERY expensive and 20 miles north. ;) Dragged to dog group but passed on the second pack walk, came straight home, fed pooches and crawled into bed next to Joe. GOOD sleep ‘til two, now its time for another two hour nap before I start my day.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    Barbara - this accent was so strong she sounded as if she had a speech impediment or had a 'foreign' accent. Very stop/start. Haven't heard it often, except on the TV occasionally. The average Welsh accent is very melodious, I agree.

    Delighted I got some writing done this morning. It was a fight against disinclination. I spent a long time rummaging in my box of old poems. All my yesterdays. Unfortunately, I'm missing the one I was looking for. 😕

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,060 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Machka good luck with your new job.

    Teddy's fleas are gone this morning. Yay! Unfortunately when I let him out this morning, his Frontline from yesterday got wet in the rain. Hope it didn't wash out. It's supposed to snow soon, but I can dig out his coat now that I'm awake and thinking.

    So more vacuuming today and he gets a bath on Sunday.

    I'm wondering whether to cancel my horseback riding. I usually don't drive at all in the snow.

    Have a great day!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,577 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Michele--The insurance company didn't file a claim since they only charged us $300 and our deductable is $500. I just pray the repair works and we have no more problems.

    Yesterday was better mood wise and I did better on eating. Part of the problem is I still like cr**. Have cough and sore throat, yesterday the nursing supervisor heard me coughing and told me I needed tested. I explain I had one a week ago and it was negative. She said I needed one, so after work I went to our employee health nurse and was tested. Surprise it was negative.

    Heather--I understand what you are saying about your friend. This funeral I am helping with tomorrow, They were getting a divorce and had filed and was to go to court March 1. He had lots of female friends and now she is the one who has to take care of everything. They have 2 sons that are adults and they are helping, but it is a mess. We both will be glad when tomorrow is over. Her biggest fear is who is going to show up at the service and try and cause problems. I am sitting at the door and screen people when they come in. Never had to do anything like this before, but if it helps as she has so much she is dealing with already.

    Machka--Good Luck with the new job and great NSV with the night shirt.

    Lisa--I love the obit, and lately some I have seen have been very interesting. Lots of people seem to be writing their own. One in the paper here not to long ago went on about how they did not vote for the current president and would not be sticking around to see the mess. Another went on about family and was very honest and funny. I have a book to fill out about all the final arrangements and details about what and where stuff is. DH and I have filled out the information for the obits but change it every once in awhile.

    Well here is to a better day. I am off the next 3 days. Have the funeral tomorrow and Saturday have 3 great grandson's birthday parties. Sunday is church and we are ushers.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 617 Member
    edited January 2022
    @drkatiebug I'm sorry about your dad. Hope he heals soon and well. Yes, dealing with aging parents is really tough.

    @fanncy0626 Mary, we had a similar funeral experience but opposite as some friends had a pre-planned vacation for the same time as our son-in-law's funeral. We told them to go and when they came back, we thought things were fine. After several months of them making excuses not to get together, we found out that they were telling everyone that WE WERE ANGRY that they didn't come home for the funeral. They haven't spoken to us since. Their loss.

    @cityjaneLondon I don't want a funeral either!!! I've told my entire family that what I'd really like is one of those New Orleans, jazz band processions in the street and parties at the end! We shall see...

    @bwcetc thanks Beth, the sad part was that there were no likes or hugs at the time either... THAT'S the part that bothered me. I checked back. I looked. If there had been, I wouldn't have said anything.

    @exermom Michele FREEZE WINE?!? You let it last long enough to freeze it?!? LOL
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,328 Member
    Lisa ~ I thought your obit was great and so funny.

    I bit the bullet and made an ENT appointment for my allergies and hearing. Unfortunately, I cannot get in until March 3rd. My hearing has gotten notably worse lately so it's time to get help.

    Everyone enjoy your day and hugs for all.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    edited January 2022
    Lisa - What fun! I'm not very funny, but I am honest, so might try writing something. In the German series I mentioned people have all kinds of ways of marking their passing, Minicooper - One had a band and joyful procession, one attacked her mother's coffin, and one wanted to control the obit. Etc etc. I find people so endlessly interesting.
    I didn’t even realise that you don't have to have a funeral until a female undertaker came to give a talk at our W I. You can just have the body disposed of for a reasonable sum. I would prefer the money spent on a nice dinner/party with speeches and music. I hope everyone will be joyful. I've thought of some music, including, 'Enjoy Yourself, It's Later Than You Think.'
    It's different when people die young, but I have lived a fulfilled life and "je ne regrette rien."

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,328 Member
    Lanette ~ So glad to see you here. And, so sorry to hear about your husband's decline. You are a strong lady and I know you will see this through with courage and hope.

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,976 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: 142.4, Joe, readings, BP, osteo back, T’ai Chi, dog group, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, mfp50+.
    Bonus: jetty stroll and shopping with D,
    Workin’ on it: H20x4, active 3.16.
    Happier January 2022
    19: Focus on what’s good even if today feels tough-it does. Glitter fatigue and people I like moving away. The good? Joe, the dogs, not getting sick, outing with D and dog group yesterday.
    20: Go to bed in good time and allow yourself to recharge. That was yesterday too.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I’m reading “The Brain’s Way of Healing” on your recommendation. Fascinating but can’t say I’m enjoying it all that much ;) . . . Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Our enjoyment of something may vary depending on circumstances. :) I read with hope that my husband and my situation could, at least, stabilise rather than deteriorate.

    One of the fascinating things for me is that I haven't heard of a lot of things mentioned in the book ... and I'm wondering why.
    M in Oz

    Debbie how did you and your dh get connected with Charlotte Stewart and her otherworldly lapidary husband? Sorry your DH gave you such little time/notice. I cannot imagine even 10 minutes of Zumba masked.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    We first met Charlotte at a ComicCon thing- she was in a few sci-fi type movies, like Tremors. VERY sweet lady who likes to spend time chatting. She quilts "Beadle Bags" We found out that she lived right in Napa. I invited her to our annual gourd and craft festival that we were having at mom and dad's place. Didn't think she would do it- Didn't charge her for her booth as she donates part of her proceeds to breast cancer research as a b.c survivor. She came and was just so sweet and down to earth. Spent a lot of time chatting with her over the two days at that festival . Michael had a booth next to her, and at the next one. We went to her book signing party and stayed in touch. She was at another comiccon and invited us up to their plant sale at their place and then dh and Michael talked more about his meteorite stuff-dh wanted to buy more after really liking the pieces he bought at the one show.

    Good thing that recipe is quick and I have it memorized. The hardest part is that when I was trying to make it, that was the time dh decided he needed something in the kitchen and then son and his girlfriend decided to warm up their dinner. Our kitchen is small so no room for that many in there at once. I got it done and had 10 min to chat with former hubby before going to class.

    Zumba was hard but glad I didnt quit. If the manager of the place isn't there Monday, we don't have to wear our masks as long as we continue to stay 25 feet apart- that is very easy as we are in a place about the size of a basketball court I guess and only 4 of us in there.
