HALP! Heavy Lifting Made Me SUPAH Bulky!!!



  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Been lifting heavy since June, and this is the longest and most consistent I’ve ever been with going to the gym.

    Started cutting calories one month ago and took a before picture. Took a progress picture this morning and I can actually see a difference! I’ve only lost 4 lbs so far… lifting works!


    Looking forward to another progress pic in a month… always been a forum lurker but had to contribute to my favorite thread!

    Fantastic results 💪
  • Yiche912
    Yiche912 Posts: 7,134 Member
    You look amazing! Keep up the great work.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    Bumpity bump. Ladies who lift! Need new before/after pics. Don’t be shy!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    @amioc Is that a new profile pic? Share that win, honey!
  • MelissaLu1216
    MelissaLu1216 Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi everyone! I'm going to be joining the gym in a few months after a 3 year hiatus. I used to love weight lifting (I was 165lbs at that time) but didn't get much results other than strength (which is great don't get me wrong!). This time around I want to actually get fit.

    Anyone have any tips? I'm 5'5 @ 195lbs. Gained a lot over the last few years sadly. I know my main goal is to lose weight but I've always heard I should be weightlifting at the same time and I should still lift heavy. I found it harder last time to stay in a deficit while weight lifting because I was always hungry :D
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    My first post! Have been stalking for a long time..and love this thread..wanted this to be my first. Its a very old before pic..and a new pic I had to take..as I couldnt beleive I could actually see leg muscles lol. I've always had tree trunk legs..so it's a big nsv for me :blush:kumdyfnjkmcs.jpg

    Wow! Truly impressive.
  • IheartPGH
    IheartPGH Posts: 39 Member
    edited February 2022
    Blue Lotus tea is awesome.
  • IheartPGH
    IheartPGH Posts: 39 Member
    edited February 2022
    amioc wrote: »
    If I just lift weights and don’t change my diet would I still get good results and loose inches? I’ve started lifting again and it’s going great 😊 I love it and I’m pretty much back to the strength I was before I stoped over lockdown and various illnesses 😀. I already feel a bit less wobbly. I just can’t stick to healthy eating for long because I’m weak in regards to food 😕. I want to loose weight so badly so why can’t I stick to the food side of things 🤷‍♀️ Which is why I’m asking if I will still loose inches without a clean diet? Any advice would be much appreciated 🙏

    Abs are made in the kitchen. You can train like an animal, but the diet has to be clean for the results to show. Sure, you'll look better and feel better in terms of strength, but you can't forget about what's under the skin. Your heart and overall health in-general benefit from a clean diet. You may lose, but it will be minimal. You're concerned with weight after just admitting that you've dealt with various illnesses. Well, a healthy diet will help that tremendously! Why not? That should be the question you're asking.
  • smrsfaith
    smrsfaith Posts: 7 Member
  • teamhugcpt
    teamhugcpt Posts: 24 Member
    cppeace wrote: »
    You all are so inspiring! I've been interested in lifting for a long time. With my stiff wrists though don't think there's a lot I can do. I do my Total Gym for now and love it. Keep it going!

    *IF* you want to try lifting (it sounds like you do, but if you're happy with what you're doing now, don't let us talk you into changing!), one thing you could try is practicing the moves with a broomstick. It won't be as challenging*, but you can build mobility and practice good form without putting any load on your wrists.

    Then if that doesn't bother your wrists, you can try gradually increasing the weight. If you have gym access, they probably have a selection of barbells and weighted fitness bars (training bars?) from 10 to 45 lbs. These are also available on Amazon or Walmart pretty cheaply, assuming you have somewhere to store them. :P

    * (That said, a REALLY full-depth bodyweight squat is no joke.)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    edited August 2022
    valspaeth wrote: »
    This thread has always been a HUGE inspiration to me and I have always wanted to be able to post here. I have started heavy lifting before, but this is the first time I've stuck with it long enough to see significant results. I know my results aren't nearly as dramatic as some, but I'm very happy so far! I am 5'1" and started counting calories, lifting, and walking on 1/1/21. I am following Stronglifts 5x5 and using a home gym that my husband and I built. My starting weight was 213.6 and my current weight is 187. I would like to get down to 130 and then I'll reevaluate, but I'd much rather be strong and healthy than skinny! Here are some progress photos so far: bha4pmvaaa0h.jpg

    @valspaeth - how are you doing? Your transformations are SO inspiring!
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    edited August 2022
    [Accidental Duplicate Post Deleted]
  • jjboseov
    jjboseov Posts: 1 Member
    Same experience here. Congrats, you look amazing. :)
  • MoveandChew
    MoveandChew Posts: 1 Member
    It would be helpful if you could post two pics that are the same angle. Would you please post a pic square facing the camera for the after pic, that is the exact same angle/pose as the before pic?
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It would be helpful if you could post two pics that are the same angle. Would you please post a pic square facing the camera for the after pic, that is the exact same angle/pose as the before pic?

    @MoveandChew, this thread is literally 136 pages of photos. They were taken by normal average people like yourself, and not all of them even knew they were planning to post before and after pictures that (in most cases) are at least months and possibly even years apart. They can't go back and retroactively pose in some old photo in a way that's most illustrative. I'm sure many wish they could! (I do, even though I don't have results as good as shown in this thread.)

    I understand and appreciate where you're coming from, but there are quite a few photo pairs here that do seem to be posed as you'd like. Maybe enjoy those?

    I hope you're making a plan, based on your comment, for exactly how you should pose in your before photo (or as "before" as today happens to be) so that your before and after photos will have the maximum benefit for future readers of the thread?

    Best wishes for amazing progress on your path: The women here have (IMO) given us the clear signal that amazing things come from hard, patient work.

    This is exactly why I like you Ann :-) :)
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 456 Member
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member

    (Hope this works - phone won’t always post pics on MFP!) time to bump up this thread, and for those worried about suddenly looking huge when they lift 😀

    Total OT aside (though still admiring the beautiful muscles and slender frame!) I’m loving your hairdo.
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