♥️❤️February Daily Log-in & Weigh-in Challenge❤️♥️

jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
It’s the month of learning to love and take care of yourself. Join our group journey of putting your health and well-being first.

Welcome new and returning friends. Post who you are, how far you’ve come, and your daily and/or monthly goals.

We look forward to encouraging and supporting you!



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    Welcome new and returning friends!

    You can just copy, paste, then personalize this format if it’s easiest for you, or you can create your own:

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Jill and I’ve been on and off MFP for years. 2022 is the year I will get below and stay below 200 pounds. I’m 5’8” tall and I turn 52 on February 16th. 🎂

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 pounds each week… 26 pounds this year
    ⚫️Get below 200 pounds

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a 10 minute dog walk or 10 minute dance workout
    ♥️Plan meals and log in advance
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Eat at or under my calorie goal
    ♥️Get 30 minutes of exercise or close my Apple Watch activity ring each day
    ♥️Drink and log more water

    Highest weight: 234
    Current weight:
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—
    February 2—
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    February 27-
    February 28-
  • ksl10
    ksl10 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2022
    Thanks for setting this up. I've been looking for a boost in my accountability, and starting with one month makes perfect sense.

    Current honest weight: 178
    Daily Goals for February:
    Check in and log every day
    Keep net calories at 1500 or less 6 days per week, 2000 or less day 7
    Exercise 30 minutes per day or more 6 days per week
    Weight under 175 by the end of February

    I'll note adherence to my goals each day.

    February 1—
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  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 87 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Chelsea, 23, I’m 5’9” tall. Trying to take control of my life from snacking!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Workout heavy 3x-4x/week + sauna

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a smoothie
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Drink/log 100+oz water
    ♥️Cardio for 30min/day minimum

    Highest weight: 234
    Current weight: (Have to wait for Jan challenge to end first!)
    February Goal Weight:
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—
    February 2—
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    February 28-
  • ksl10
    ksl10 Posts: 14 Member
    Chelsea - looks like your goals are reasonable, at your age and height.
    I'm also 5'9", but am age 72, and although I'm shooting for a 4lb loss by the end of Feb, a more reasonable goal for me is to lose around 1/2lb per week, so I'll be content with that.

    Good luck, Chelsea!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    Feel free to get an early start on February, if you’d like. Only 2 more days to go.

  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 87 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Chelsea, 23, I’m 5’9” tall. Trying to take control of my life from snacking!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Workout w/weights 3+/week + sauna

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a smoothie
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Drink/log 100+oz water
    ♥️Cardio for 30min/day minimum

    Highest weight: 234
    Current weight: 207.4
    February Goal Weight: 202
    February weight lost so far:

    January 28—207.4
    Figured I should get us started! :)
    January 29—
    January 30—
    January 31—
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  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    Hi! Excited to participate in another challenge! I’ve kept off 7 pounds so far after starting these challenges in October. I’m planning to work out every work day for 45 minutes, restrict eating out for the weekend, log and drink 8 glasses of water daily.

    Highest weight: 165
    Month start weight:
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1 -
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  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️


    2022 goals:


    Daily Goals:


    Highest weight: 255
    Current weight:
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—
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  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 87 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Chelsea, 23, I’m 5’9” tall. Trying to take control of my life from snacking!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Workout w/weights 3+/week + sauna

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a smoothie
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Drink/log 100+oz water
    ♥️Cardio for 30min/day minimum

    Highest weight: 234
    Current weight: 206.4
    February Goal Weight: 202
    February weight lost so far:

    January 28—207.4
    Figured I should get us started! :)
    January 29—207.6
    January 30—206.4
    January 31—
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    February 28-
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    Happy last day of January. Tomorrow begins a fresh start to a fresh, new month. 🥰
  • SilviaLastname
    SilviaLastname Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2022
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Silvia and I’ve been on and off MFP on and off for 6 years. First time sharing my journey here. I’m 157 cm tall and I turn 28 in November.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 kg netto each week to get at of below 55 kg, from which max 25% fat (now I'm at 30.2% fat according to my nutritionists measurements)
    ⚫️Have 1 hour of moderate or intense activity every day

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a short walk
    ♥️Plan meals based on my high protein vegan/vegetarian plan (40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat) and log every day in advance
    ♥️Eat according to plan
    ♥️Get 1 hour of Crossfit (4x a week)
    ♥️Get 1 hour of another activity like walking or biking (3x a week)
    ♥️Sleep 8-9 hours each night by going to bed at 10pm.
    ♥️Drink more water and log it

    Highest weight: 65 kg
    Current weight: 61 kg
    February weight lost so far: 0 kg

    February 1—
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    February 28-
  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 87 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Chelsea, 23, I’m 5’9” tall. Trying to take control of my life from snacking!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Workout w/weights 3+/week + sauna

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a smoothie
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Drink/log 100+oz water
    ♥️Cardio for 30min/day minimum

    Highest weight: 234
    February Start Weight:
    February Goal Weight: 202
    February weight lost so far:

    January 28—207.4
    January 29—207.6
    January 30—206.4
    January 31—206.8
    February 1—
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    February 28-
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited January 2022
    Woot! Woot! I’m here. I've been hanging out with Jill since last January... and even a bit before that, in another challenge. So thanks, Jill, for getting this started. The new year brings the additional challenge of trying to recover from my weight slide back to sometime in 2020. Although I basically maintained throughout most of 2021, I totally fell off everywhere mostly between Hallowe’en and now. Alas. I did not succeed in getting myself back on track in January. It's something I need to do better on. So... here I am again.

    I'm 63 yo, live in the Arizona desert, and I'm 5'7. My goal is is 155ish. I'd be happy with that. If it's a little lower, than so much the better. I "walk/run" and ride my bike on the weekends, although I haven't done as much of either lately as I should, and consider myself lucky to get in about 20 minutes of walking each day. And sometimes, I overshare. :)

    My goals, which haven't changed from last month, include (from most difficult to the easiest)
    🚦 Getting started
    🥤 Drinking more water than diet soda
    🥅 Staying within my calorie limits
    📚☕ Making sure I get some “me time”
    😅🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️ Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes total - not always an accurate time since I don't have a fitness watch. I use my phone, and I'm not allowed to have my phone with me during the day at work, so this category won't get a "thumbs up" unless I'm sure I've hit that 20 minute mark)
    📔 Tracking every meal
    ⚖️ Weighing daily is a given for me, so this will be the easiest one for me. I'm hoping to make it into the 180s in February, and stay out of the 190s.

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Final weight (January 31, 2022) = 193.2 (+1.6 from my January starting weight :( )
    Starting weight for this challenge (February 1, 2022) =

    🚦 Ready... set.... GO!
    01/31/2022 - ⚖️ 193.2
    02/01/2022 –
    02/02/2022 –
    02/02/2022 –
    02/04/2022 ¬
    02/05/2022 –
    02/06/2022 –
    02/07/2022 –
    02/08/2022 –
    02/09/2022 –
    02/10/2022 –
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    02/23/2022 –
    02/24/2022 –
    02/25/2022 –
    02/26/2022 –
    02/27/2022 –
    02/28/2022 –
  • andi012
    andi012 Posts: 24 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Andrea, 56, I’m 5’5” tall. Trying to turn around the results of my sedentary lifestyle over the past year.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 1-2 lbs per week
    ⚫️Work out 5 x week to tone up

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Log food daily
    ♥️Drink more water
    ♥️Stop mindless snacking

    Highest weight: 212
    Current weight: 210
    February Goal Weight:
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—
    February 2—
    February 3—
    February 4—
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    February 28-
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Jaci and like Jill, I’ve been on and off MFP for years. Also like Jill, I turn 52 this year, but my birthday is in May. I am 5'5". Right now I am focused on dropping the COVID 15.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 15 pounds by July 1

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️ Exercise at least 15 minutes a day.
    I know it isn't much, but getting into this habit will be huge for me.

    ♥️ Log my food honestly.
    Logging food has always been the key to my previous successes.

    ♥️ Drink at least 64 oz of water per day.
    It's winter. It's cold. I don't like drinking water when it's cold.

    1 point for each successful goal. Total points possible 84. February Goal: 70 points (83%)

    Current weight: 164 (1/31/2022)

    February 1—
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    February 28-
  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 691 Member
    ♥️♥️February Challenge♥️♥️

    Hi, I'm Stacey, from Montana.
    I am feeling better and back for another round with Jill! I was looking over last months numbers and was surprised to see I actually lost a couple of lbs during the month.
    Hoping to lose 5 pounds in February :)

    5'2" 55 years old
    Highest weight: 182
    Current weight: 144.6

    February 1—144.6
    February 2—
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    February 27-
    February 28-
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    edited February 2022
    Glad to have new and returning friends on this journey to better health, confidence, and over-all well-being.

    We’re all starting this fun adventure together. Find your fun way to get in movement. I like to start my day with 10 minutes of Dance walking with Gina B on UTube. https://youtu.be/lt9OU_ENidE
    Find your fun… and you’ll enjoy doing it!

    Here’s to a Fantastic February!

    Jill 🥰
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Jill and I’ve been on and off MFP for years. 2022 is the year I will get below and stay below 200 pounds. I’m 5’8” tall and I turn 52 on February 16th. 🎂

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose .5 pounds each week… 26 pounds this year
    ⚫️Get below 200 pounds

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Start my day with a 10 minute dog walk or 10 minute dance workout
    ♥️Plan meals and log in advance
    ♥️Log honestly and consistently
    ♥️Eat at or under my calorie goal
    ♥️Get 30 minutes of exercise or close my Apple Watch activity ring each day
    ♥️Drink and log more water

    Highest weight: 234
    Current weight: 205.6

    February weight lost so far:

    February 1—205.6… Here we go!
    February 2—
    February 3—
    February 4—
    February 5—
    February 6—
    February 7—
    February 8—
    February 9—
    February 10-
    February 11-
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    February 27-
    February 28-
  • LilPetesMama
    LilPetesMama Posts: 12 Member
    ♥️❤️February Challenge❤️♥️

    I’m Jodi. I'm 5'5 and 46 yrs old. Been doing MFP on and off for a while now.

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Lose 5 lbs a month… 60 pounds this year
    ⚫️Get below 200 pounds

    Daily Goals:

    ♥️Plan meals and log in
    ❤ Avoid at best any lunch take out
    ♥️ Stop eating after 8pm.
    ♥️Eat at or under my calorie goal
    ♥️Get up to my step goal per day.
    ♥️Drink and log more water

    Highest weight: 246
    Current weight: 239.6
    February weight lost so far:

    February 1— 239.6
    February 2—
    February 3—
    February 4—
    February 5—
    February 6—
    February 7—
    February 8—
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    February 26-
    February 27-
    February 28-
  • SilviaLastname
    SilviaLastname Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all, for me this is the first challenge, so I'd like to ask a few questions first. The idea is to copy-paste the main message every day and fill in the updates every day? And how can I reply with text to individual messages that others have posted here? I can only select a flag, a quote, a like etc.