

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good morning! We woke up to snow-covered roads today. Crazy weather here in Wisconsin. Over the weekend we had thunderstorms and flooded streets, with all the snow melted and washed away. Today, everything is white again. It is prettier than the muddy streets and brown grass, but I think I'm over the early winter thoughts of "Oh, look how pretty the snow is!". I'll have to get my exercise inside today vs walking outside in order to avoid slipping on ice.

    Plans for today are to make a few batches of soup, maybe minestrone and lentil? Also looking for a good recipe for a pasta dish using beans or lentils, without meat. I'm trying to incorporate more fiber and whole foods and less beef. My husband is a meat, potatoes and corn kind of guy...I think my body needs more fresh foods. I got lab results last week (I think?) showing that I tested positive for auto-immune disease and I need to consult with Rheumatologist to narrow down which one. I am hoping that I can control symptoms by eating less inflammatory foods. We'll see. Life is one science experiment after another lately!

    Tracey - Michaela is such a doll! I love her "you're not a princess anymore..." comment! LOL She knows how to work her Grammie. :wink: I sure miss those days. My youngest granddaughter is now 13 and is on that line teetering between wanting to be a kid and wanting to be an adult.

    Penny - I just came back last week and didn't realize you don't live in the North Pole anymore. I always loved seeing your photos and hearing about Iceland, so I'm glad I was here to see more photos. It's just so beautiful. Such a small town surrounded by those mountains. I'll bet it is very peaceful, tucked away from the world like that. I would love the opportunity to shut the world out right now. I hope you are happy wherever it is you've moved. Thanks for sharing. :smile:

    Pip - You look so good! I hope you get to go home. It's much more comforting to be at home in your happy place surrounded by your loved ones. :heart:

    Katla - I hope your husband feels better soon. I'm sorry you weren't able to go see the puppies! I'm sure the breeder will understand. How exciting it will be to find your perfect bundle of love.

    Tracie in WI
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited March 2022
    Katla - sending hugs. Seeing a loved one in pain is much worse than suffering oneself. I hope he gets better soon.

    I spent the afternoon trying to trace my old lover. I even enlisted my difficult friend, who is a keen genealogist. No luck. I found some names on LinkedIn and Facebook, perhaps his children, and have sent messages. I really just want to know why he suddenly stopped contact 2004. I sent out a random email and it hasn't been returned yet. Two previous ones were. I know it's weird, but I do want to know what happened to him. I loved him, once.

    I was exhausted by all this activity. A Pernod suggested itself. >:) Just the one, thank goodness.

    Sending love to Pip, et al.

    Julie - The much anticipated film, La Belle Epoque, with the divine Daniel Auteuil, turned out to be a washout. We turned it off after 10 minutes.

    Cleaner came today. The company allows us two sessions off with no payment, so that's good. We will use one. She will be back after the cruise.

    Seabass and asparagus for dinner with sauce vierge. Loads of calories in the olive oil, but not too much else. I dId fries for DH.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I heard from the puppy breeder and am very pleased. The puppies will not be born for months, weeks from then before eyes open, and longer still until they’re ready to go to new homes.

    We are happy with this. Right now we have other things to do. DH has health issues to resolve so that he can feel better.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Pip--WOW!! Does look like they got it all without it breaking open and I understand that is a good thing. Prayers for quick healing and feeling so much better.

    Allie--There should be a clinic that does sliding scale for pay. Carmine does have a lot going on but has to learn to deal and I agree living on the streets is not the way to go. Tough Love is not easy and we had to use that for our oldest, it was He**, but it had to be done and when he was older he understood. We even had him admitted to a phyic unit for the 3 day eval which helped a lot to understand for all of us.

    Kylia--Your road trip this week sounds like a lot of fun and quite the adventure. Pictures Please?

    Thanks for posting Joyce's last post as it helped me remember who she was and to see Gloria's and remember her. They were both special ladies and cared about family and us on here. Miss them and LitJrmom- the late in life baby and lenora. Is Lenora the one that lived just next to her son and his family and used the Hottub a lot?

    Saturday in the mail I got a summons for jury duty. June 6-Sept 3. Not thrilled but will do my part. Only problem is I call on Friday night to find out about the next week and my schedule is out for 4-8 weeks at a time and someone has to be there if I can't. So talked to my PRN person this morning and they will be on standby if I have to go. Then the middle of June we have plans and paid fees for a Motorcycle rally in Billings MT. So I put that on the sheet and will see what happens.

    Machka--Your garden and patio look great and a great place to just relax.

    Betsy--Hugs, sometimes the memories are hard and sweet at the same time.

    Heather--What a terrible time to relax in. Hope her next visitor does better and she gives up the drinking. Enough already.

    Tracey--Glad you had fun at the baby shower and got to spend time with family and friends. Your granddaughter is so cute and helpful.

    Annie--Prayers and hugs that the answers will come as needed.

    Penny--Good to see you posting. Thanks for sharing the pictures and looking forward to more.

    Michele--Great news on Jess and even if she is 40 by the time she is done, she is doing what makes her happy and better now then never.

    Katla--Pray DH feels better soon. Sorry you had to post phone meeting the puppies, but when you do it will be less time before you can bring your new furbaby home.

    Well it started sleeting and snow on Saturday night and still going. Only about an inch of snow and sounds like it is to keep coming the next couple days. Winter just late. Glad I am working inside and am working acouple hours longer today.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND ,NE <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,027 Member
    wow- must have been a busy/exciting weekend for all of you. Just gone since Friday evening and have 8 pages to read just to catch up. Looking forward to reading all the posts after I pick up my daycare girl from school. Came home from mom's this morning. Just enough time to unpack. I didn't even make any stops on the way. Need to leave here in 30 min to get Ezie. A few more things in the car to unpack but got all the frozen/refrigerated stuff put away. Need to pack a quick picnic lunch for her-we go to the park right after school Mondays and Tuesdays.
    Got a lot of work done in mom's greenhouse with help from my friend and then the second day, her and her husband came out and helped. Mom was busy (or distracted) by other things and didn't plant anything. She did finally come out but ended up weeding underneath the tables in the green house.

    Just glad we got a good start on it. Brought in a lot of extra trays that we filled with potting soil so they are ready when she gets the rest of her seeds in( not sure if she actually has ordered them or not-one time she said she did but they hadn't come in and another time she said she hadn't ordered them yet)
    Helped at the food program/food bank Saturday morning- up at 3:45AM- love helping with it but hate being up that early.

    Ok- Will check in a little later.
    Going to enjoy this, my last day in my 50's, and the weather is perfect.

    Napa Valley,CA (after a weekend in Alexander Valley,CA)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Responding to Allie, Machka wrote:
    She only just had the baby, didn't she? Can she take a course in something so that when her mat leave is up, she has the skill set to work at home? Mat leave here is a year, I think, so if it is similar there, she's got time to get, for example, a childcare certificate.
    It's no way similar there. Parental leave in the US is up to the employer. Many give 0 pay for maternal leave and women have to take sick leave or unpaid leave to give birth.
    Read this and weep: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/11/11/global-paid-parental-leave-us/

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Yogi is missing his mom something fierce i bet!! So is Kirby xoxo get home quick!!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2022
    Yay Pip!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Sorry.. my post didnt print lol
    Yah Pip
    Kirby and Yogi will be beyond excited !!
    As we all are for you ❤
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip — Congratulations for being discharged from the Hospital!!! I’ll bet Kirby and Yogi are doing the Happy Dance! Three Cheers for the whole family! Three cheers from your friends here, too. 🌹😘❤️
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    PIP ~ Take Care! <3