

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Worried about DH. I’m hoping he gets a telephone call with his doctor, or an in person appointment. It is too late to go today, so I hope he can talk with his doctor on Monday. <3

    I'm concerned, Katla. As I'm sure you are, too. Has your husband become immobile? (Since the fire department had to come help him get into bed.) If things are that bad, can it wait until Monday? Should you call an ambulance to get him to the ER?

    Hoping you've at least heard from the doctor to get some guidance.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Worried about DH. I’m hoping he gets a telephone call with his doctor, or an in person appointment. It is too late to go today, so I hope he can talk with his doctor on Monday. <3

    I'm concerned, Katla. As I'm sure you are, too. Has your husband become immobile? (Since the fire department had to come help him get into bed.) If things are that bad, can it wait until Monday? Should you call an ambulance to get him to the ER?

    Hoping you've at least heard from the doctor to get some guidance.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    That's what I would have done ... and what I have done twice in the past 3 years.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    edited March 2022
    Today's Ride ... bicycle ride, of course. :)



    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,307 Member
    edited March 2022
    In the UK we have a thing called 111, where we can ring and discuss a medical problem in brief and then they decide if it's urgent enough for them to call an ambulance. It's helpful if you are not sure and don't want "to be a nuisance". I did this with my allergic reaction and DH did it for his bump on the head. Both times they called the paramedics, who then decided to take us to hospital,.
    Neither time did we absolutely need to go, but it was reassuring to be checked over.
    Of course, all of this is free in the UK, but we try not to abuse the system.
    I hope you can get some reassurance, Katla. Doctors do work at the weekend here, but it would only be a locum. Is there no weekend cover in the US? Sending hugs that he begins to feel better. <3 ❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤ 🧡 💛 💚

    Beginning to feel that DH and I ought to do something together, now that we are not going away. We have hardly been out for months. The last few weeks we have seen no one except the family once a week. Basically quarantining for the cruise. Covid numbers are rising again in the UK, especially in the over 70s, but it seems to be fairly mild. Undecided whether to step on a bus! Masked, of course, in my FFP2.
    I do feel the lack of a joint activity. The cruise cancellation brought us together in shared shock, but that's wearing off now and we need a shared project. If we go out together it always gives us a boost, even the Tuesday pick up brings us together. We make a good team.

    Love to all. :love: We weren’t going to get a newspaper today, before the cruise, but now we will, for the TV schedule. I don't write on Saturdays, just skim through the extra large paper. It's the only day we get the Guardian, as I read it online usually. (I make a financial contribution) I do like a TV schedule though, so I can record things, especially foreign films, or clashing programs. Also ones with adverts. Grrrrrr!

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    Nice evening walk after a great morning ride. :)


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    In the UK we have a thing called 111, where we can ring and discuss a medical problem in brief and then they decide if it's urgent enough for them to call an ambulance. It's helpful if you are not sure and don't want "to be a nuisance". I did this with my allergic reaction and DH did it for his bump on the head. Both times they called the paramedics, who then decided to take us to hospital,.
    Neither time did we absolutely need to go, but it was reassuring to be checked over.
    Of course, all of this is free in the UK, but we try not to abuse the system.
    I hope you can get some reassurance, Katla. Doctors do work at the weekend here, but it would only be a locum. Is there no weekend cover in the US? Sending hugs that he begins to feel better. <3 ❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ❤ 🧡 💛 💚

    We've got Triple 0 (000) and they do much the same thing. Both times I rang them for my husband, they took him to the hospital. First time was a grand mal / tonic clonic seizure (2019). Second time was a heart attack (2021). It's also free here.

    We've got After Hours clinics here which can be helpful. From my experience, Canada does the After Hours clinic thing better than Australia, but at least they do exist here and I found one very useful when I broke out in a massive rash in 2016 (measles).

    Beginning to feel that DH and I ought to do something together, now that we are not going away. We have hardly been out for months. The last few weeks we have seen no one except the family once a week. Basically quarantining for the cruise. Covid numbers are rising again in the UK, especially in the over 70s, but it seems to be fairly mild. Undecided whether to step on a bus! Masked, of course, in my FFP2.
    I do feel the lack of a joint activity. The cruise cancellation brought us together in shared shock, but that's wearing off now and we need a shared project. If we go out together it always gives us a boost, even the Tuesday pick up brings us together. We make a good team.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    My husband and I have been involved in the joint project of our gravel footpath and patio this summer. :) It's been good!

    We also cycle together (like our 50 km ride today) and organise cycling events for our cycling club (like the 200 km event we held today). I do most of the organising but on the day, we're both there and helping on the day.

    We travel a bit, but only on our island. This is the range in which we have roamed over the past 4 years:

    "Roughly heart-shaped, Tasmania is 296km (184 miles) long, ranging from 315km (196 miles) wide in the north to 70km (44 miles) in the south."

    It feels relatively safe and I know I wouldn't feel the same safety level even going to the mainland.

    Machka in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    Alexandra-thyroid meds are a balancing act. They monitor them to cut down on potential heart issues and other things. Not unusual for them to tweak them at first.

    Allie-good luck with the Carmine situation. I think they are on track with setting boundaries. In some cases, the boundary setting is read as "I guess they really do care." Myles does seem to be a little porker-but mother's milk is wonderful stuff.

    Pipgood to see you progressing so well.

    Katia-hope you get some insight to your husband's condition. If he has lost mobility I will be getting him in to ER.

    Rita-glad your son is in a safe place right now. Hope they are able to get him help.

    A bit of snow here this am-guess on the way to bomb the east coast. Hopefully this is last of the season, but snow up until Easter is not unheard of. Will spend most of the day in house taking care of things. Will wait and go to store tomorrow-don't need much. May go to Aldi to change things up. Read article this week about lead levels in Kroger brand stuff (even the organic and naturals). Management of local store ticks me off anyway.

    Breakfast time!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thunder and lightning in Virginia this morning! :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a srength Full body circuit DVD yesterday. The plan for today is to do a Cathe Afterburn DVD

    Our friend came here yesterday. First, I laid by the pool, he came later in the day. Went out to dinner at this place, Orleans, here. Had water to drink, something called “surf & surf” which is mahi mahi and shrimp, steamed broccoli and then cornbread (I wanted to try it). Bad thing is that I had ice cream afterwards – but then again I really don’t get mint ice cream any other time

    Going to skim since I don’t have a lot of time before I need to leave for exercise

    Barbara – good luck at the MD

    M – another advantage to the mask is that it hides those chin hairs if you haven’t plucked….lol It also helps keep your face warm….lol

    MIL had her sewing machine in this real nice cabinet. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the bobbin can be threaded. I think Vince broke one part. Anyway, we’re going to see when we get home if we can take her machine out of the cabinet and put mine in. I do hope so. At least both are Singers.

    Allie – boy, Miles is sure growing!

    Bought a wooden folding table at the spca thrift store yesterday for $2.50 so I’ll take it to the gym and just leave it there. I really need something more in the shower room and I see that others like something more, too.

    Gott run. See I need to buy a paper, too

    off and running
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,307 Member
    Weird I was talking about a joint activity just this morning, and I have now booked to do something on my own!
    I had a message from my DSIL about making plans for my brother's 70th birthday party. 14th May. His actual birthday is the 15th.
    This kind of thing strikes fear into DH because he really has no idea how to relate to my extended family. He feels like an alien! So I made a suitable excuse for him, (they don't mind at all), and I will be going on my own, which is quite a relief, honestly. Nothing worse than dragging along a reluctant companion. >:)
    I have booked myself into a walking distance (from the venue) guest house and will go on the train. The train app says that they don't know if there are engineering works that weekend, but I am crossing my fingers. :# I HATE replacement buses.
    I really enjoy going on my own and will be able to hang out with my brother beforehand after check-in.
    Hooray! :D

    It will be ten years since I started on my 'diet' that took me to my current weight range. It was directly after my brother's 60th birthday party. I felt so embarrassed by my size, that it spurred me into losing the weight I had gained during my cancer treatment, and afterwards. I was very depressed and my mobility was badly compromised.
    That was in June. In August I joined MFP and found this thread. It took me 18 months to lose 57 lbs.
    I have put a little bit on since then, but I'm in the process of losing it again. 🙃

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,307 Member
    Me, at my brother's 60th, ten years ago.


    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :) I have been going to bed a little earlier each night this week and setting my alarm a little bit earlier to try to take the shock away from the time change this weekend. I don't really care whether it's dark or light morning or evening, I just don't like the jolt of the abrupt time change.

    :) We are going to venture into a restaurant for lunch today for the first time in many months. Some good friends from out of state have come to assist a family member in Hospice and deal with her possessions and they wanted to get together with us. They are vaccinated and we chose the restaurant.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,054 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did a srength Full body circuit DVD yesterday. The plan for today is to do a Cathe Afterburn DVD

    Our friend came here yesterday. First, I laid by the pool, he came later in the day. Went out to dinner at this place, Orleans, here. Had water to drink, something called “surf & surf” which is mahi mahi and shrimp, steamed broccoli and then cornbread (I wanted to try it). Bad thing is that I had ice cream afterwards – but then again I really don’t get mint ice cream any other time

    Going to skim since I don’t have a lot of time before I need to leave for exercise

    Barbara – good luck at the MD

    M – another advantage to the mask is that it hides those chin hairs if you haven’t plucked….lol It also helps keep your face warm….lol

    MIL had her sewing machine in this real nice cabinet. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the bobbin can be threaded. I think Vince broke one part. Anyway, we’re going to see when we get home if we can take her machine out of the cabinet and put mine in. I do hope so. At least both are Singers.

    Allie – boy, Miles is sure growing!

    Bought a wooden folding table at the spca thrift store yesterday for $2.50 so I’ll take it to the gym and just leave it there. I really need something more in the shower room and I see that others like something more, too.

    Gott run. See I need to buy a paper, too

    off and running

    Chin hairs? Thankfully I haven't encountered those ... yet!

    It does keep my face warm ... too warm. I end up washing my face in my pre-work shower, and again when I get home from work because I've been sweating, and often again before bed because my poor face just looks like it needs a good, drying wash.

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    HEATHER sorry about your cancellation. It could be à fin from the company if they say all ports are closed due to covid scores but no trace of that online. Maybe due to rising costs of fuel? Or projected fuel shortages ? Spain may be à haïr closer than a tour of Italy? Or them grouping 2 trips...?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    EMERGENCY doctors numbers.

    We have that too here: 15.
    You often have to wait a bit

    Then sos medicine if you need a house call. The 15 ones seem fairly good. So medicin very so so...but better than nothing and all covered.

    We now have doctolib. Online uberization doctors booking. You can either book your usual doctor or see who s available with little notice. Usually OK to get on weekdays. Much less weekends options...

    Many established MDs take no new patients but it's all there online...

    I ve gotten good online last minute appointments. The best was when I was hiking and in a remote village but was able to get a good diagnosis in the late afternoon or evening...w very good MD. (Torn meniscus diagnosis)..

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Eating richly. Rich pastry for lunch. On the upside it was tasty. I put it down for 500 c. So hard to gage. Lots of clean and chocolate. :o

    Skimming as usual. Miss a couple of days here and .....

    Yesterday off.
    Skipped breakfast.
    Nearly double lunch.
    Little movement

    Hi to everyone.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,307 Member
    edited March 2022
    Julie - I think it was because the identical sister ship had to turn around and go back to England because of covid on board. They probably took fright. Apparently the Port Agents in Italy had conveyed the information to the company. The ship is still going to Tunis, Africa, so it probably isn't oil costs.
    I'm fine with it now. 🙂

    I've just made a cauliflower cake for dinner. I had cauliflower in the fridge plus feta. There was no feta in the recipe, but I used the idea from the spinach and feta pie that I often cook. It looks fabulous! Smells divine! My version is smaller, with fewer eggs etc, but the proportion of cauliflower is higher. The original recipe makes a HUGE cake. I will bake a few fries for DH. I like having the dinner prepped early. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well Tracy took a job with Dunkin Donuts it is a chain here mostly on the East Coast..
    She will be working 7am- noon ,which means i have to lug little boy in the car seat to take Carmine to school..im glad thats only fora month and a half and then Carmine will be out for the summer.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,345 Member