

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    We had a flurry of snow today! Cold wind.
    I phoned my brother, but it doesn't look too good for an April meeting. DH has cricket, they have trips planned. Easter. He has got over covid, but is lacking energy.

    I've been indulging myself in plenty of porn recently. No, not that kind - property porn. :p I found two French series on Netflix, called l'Agence, in French. 'The Parisian Agency'. It purports to be a family business, dealing with the most fabulous Paris apartments, and a few houses in other areas. Ouaou! (Wow) as they say in France. :p
    Anyway, I've been enjoying myself in private. :laugh: So much so that I neglected my writing this morning. >:)

    Love to all in the real world.
    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2022
    Machka — DH has 2 identification bracelets and a neck pendant. He has also had a productive meeting with his doctor, and another visit is in the future. He has also had several appointments at home with an RN to set up people who are home health care workers to check on him and help as needed.

    The stairs are a challenge & DH does not feel safe going up and down. A dear friend from school days has mobility problems and has needed help with stairs for many years. My friend has a mobility chair that will take her up and down their stairs. We will contact the company that sold us his mobility scooter to see about a chair lift. We are planning and hoping to purchase the stair lifting chair.

    Heather & Ginny— Our adult children are doing what they can. Our daughter is amazing and very skilled. They are working with home health workers and visiting nurses with medical training.

    We are lucky to have our daughter here for awhile. She is brilliant.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,975 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Had a meeting with my counselor today. It went well and she is discharging me for now. I am feeling good about it. Have plans to send my DSis an Easter card but will tell her that I will not accept anything other than a handwritten missive from her. I want absolutely no contact with my bully of a BIL.

    Cool and cloudy here. Bought a raised garden bed so DD can plant potatoes and she wants to try carrots. I limit my gardening efforts to cherry tomatoes and snow peas. I tried green beans but the slugs ate them all right down to the ground. We built a bigger fence around our little bush cherry. The first year the deer nearly killed it and we put a cage around it but this year it was starting to outgrow the cage so now it has a new bigger fence to protect it.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    Just saw this ant thought about you-
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,975 Member
    Katla - I think it is a wonderful idea! Your daughter is an absolute gem. :D<3 Changes are always hard, but the only certain thing in life is, nothing stays the same. We are all getting older. I have a cleaner. We get people to do things for us that once we could have done in a flash. I was happy to have my son show DH how to do the Firestick. I could do it, but it makes life easier.
    My thoughts are with you. You are so lucky to have caring children in your life. It will make them happy to be confident you have some help, as they live a long way away. My son can dash over anytime, but they can't. Think of it as a present to them. :p<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx and a great spot about the shoes! My old slippers have worn flat. :o

    One thing I told my dad often and he finally started doing was:
    Pay someone to do the things that have to be done(yes, he could still do them, physically, just took a lot of energy) so he would have the time and energy to do the things he liked to do.
    He loved to garden but using the rototiller at over 80yrs old took a toll on him and he didn't have the energy to work in the green house or build his bird houses.
    It took a while, a bit stubborn, but after thinking about it did let others do the hard work.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,203 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,257 Member
    edited March 2022
    We all have huge adjustments to make we get older. I need at some point, to have that discussion with our children. I am still fit and healthy, and work hard at it. That will not last forever. I intend not to go into a home. I would much rather end my life while I am still compos mentis.. No one wants to hear that. DH is very upset by my intentions.
    I will put it all in writing - at length. I have no desire to live on in a half life. Whether anyone will listen is a moot point. I belong to 'My Life, My Decision'..

    Still hopeful, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,476 Member
    Katla, hugs friend! Change is sometimes scary, but its necessary to move forward. Our lives are always influx, changing, acclimating, adjusting to the needs we have to have. Take each change in, as sips of water, to know its better to sip, than gulp when you don't know the glass is coming. You got this!
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 948 Member
    Homes-When the mister and I were house shopping 10+ years ago, we looked at a lot of homes. Many were multiple story. I told him that if our plan was to grow old in this house, it needed to be one story. I didn't want to be messing around with stairs as I age. About 5 years ago he told me he was very happy I convinced him to buy a one story.

    It seems we are waking up with a new ailment nearly every few months. Just as one of mine is better, something else appears. I just got my knee and hip to feel better and now my feet hurt every morning as if I'd been on them for 8 hours. I hope it's just because I haven't been wearing actual shoes much, but I fear it's something worse. All of this is keeping me from getting near my fitness goals and it's frustrating. Does this ever end or is this just how it goes as we age? You all can consider that a rhetorical question if you like.

    By the way, I'm 52. I've never been too much overweight, but I've had to work hard at that. I got up to about 140 in my early 30s and wasn't happy with myself. I started getting into a workout routine. Tried gyms and hate them, so I went back into home workouts (I had started with Denise Austin when I was in my early 20s, but then life "got in the way" of my exercise). I am able to stick with them, though I really hate exercise. However, I like the way I look and feel when I am more fit, so I do it.

    A few years ago, I lost 17 pounds and it put me smack in the middle of my healthy BMI range. I have mostly kept it off, but over the past couple of years, with my hurt knee and hip, I have gained a few back...just enough to make my clothes uncomfortable. And now, I cannot seem to lose an ounce (roughly 28 grams).

    So, with that, I'll go do my workouts for the day. I think it's shoulder and HIIT day. :#

    Tina in gloomy CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 948 Member
    We all have huge adjustments to make we get older. I need at some point, to have that discussion with our children. I am still fit and healthy, and work hard at it. That will not last forever. I intend not to go into a home. I would much rather end my life while I am still compos mentis.. No one wants to hear that. DH is very upset by my intentions.
    I will put it all in writing - at length. I have no desire to live on in a half life. Whether anyone will listen is a moot point. I belong to 'My Life, My Decision'..

    Still hopeful, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I have tried to have end of life conversations with the mister many times and have mentioned repeatedly that he needs to get his "estate" in order in case something happens. He just basically refuses to admit that he will die some day. When our friend passed the other day, he finally started coming to terms with the fact that he needs to get his plans in order. I'm sure it'll be years before he does anything, but at least he's finally admitting it to himself.

    Tina in CA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,415 Member
    edited March 2022
    Ah, Rebecca, You look lovely, and I think Athena gets her smile from you. Both of you can light up a room with your smile. My daughter is also done with Facebook, which allows me to be off of it - I was only on it for pics of the grandkids, and now she sends them to me by text.

    End-of-life stuff: Hard to breach that particular wall with husbands. I've got to get our wills rewritten, and Corey's fine with me doing it all for us both so that all he has to do is sign something in front of a notary. After each other, everything will be split 50-50 between our son and daughter. I need to ask him if he wants a Living Will and a DNR.

    We don't have any heirlooms per se, and what few family treasures we have, like the pistol the kid's great-grandfather carried in World War II aren't worth tons of money. We're fine if the kids fight it out after we're dead. :smiley: I do have the Big Book of Death with all the things like passwords and utility information and credit card information. I need to get it revised and updated, and it's first on the list for updating after the office/craft/dining room is finished.

    I'm thinking I'm going to call it the OCD room, which is so apt it's disturbing. B)

    Back to my doings.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 617 Member
    REBECCA!!! You just MADE MY DAY! <3 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    (you know what I mean) And what a COOL map.

    Ginny, so glad you got what you wanted... then and now!

    Barbie, love that sign.

    God was watching out for hubby, Lisa!!!

    Carla, just chillin' (literally... it's so cold here) in MN
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,476 Member
    REBECCA!!! You just MADE MY DAY! <3 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    (you know what I mean) And what a COOL map.

    Ginny, so glad you got what you wanted... then and now!

    Barbie, love that sign.

    God was watching out for hubby, Lisa!!!

    Carla, just chillin' (literally... it's so cold here) in MN

    Hugs friend! Interestingly enough that map has seen 5 moves since my husband made it up. After he retired in 1998 we bought it, and he organized the pins and flags. Even using his paints to paint the heads of the push pins! He was retired so it kept him out of trouble. He had his log book for his full 20 years, with each port he visited, so along with the port names there is a number of how many times his ships visited them. It was awesome when our middle child and youngest child went into the Navy. We got the customary recruiter home visit, and their looks around our home were priceless. They came all ready to "sell it" only to find that we're neck deep in the Navy. They were both so NERVOUS having my husband a retired Chief, plus also he was a recruiter for a time, sitting in for their spiel. Like a fish in a shark tank! Lol!
    Have a great day!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,203 Member
    edited March 2022
    Rebecca: WOWSER!!! Athena is you to a T!!!
    Heather: DH is quite amenable to discussing what lies ahead. We organised our POAs years ago.
    Lisa: We have a big fireproof
    💀Safe of Death💀 where we keep all our documents and financial stuff 😝

    This afternoon we went to an Easter Film and Tea party. I made the Easter Bonnet I’m wearing in my propic yesterday.

    ☘️ Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,727 Member
    Yes Rebecca you and Athena,are twins to a T..
    There is a caregiver that took amazing care of one of the ladies here,I mean above and beyond.. that lady had no family left so the lawyer for her finally got her into a nursing home,where she should have been a couple of years ago...but she is enjoying it and it is a nice place and she is enjoying the activities..
    Well I spoke with Linda today.. and I told her I want to hire her to help me go through my place and get it cleaned and cleared.. i just don't have the stamina,and its so daunting.. i think if i can clear out alot of the stuff thats in here ,I'll feel a whole lot better..
    We are going to get wind and rain tonight..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,940 Member
    :) Somebody told me that the first step in clearing out your possessions is to stop buying things.

    :) I just posted the new thread for April. Here is the link:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,577 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 948 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Somebody told me that the first step in clearing out your possessions is to stop buying things.

    Yes. True and I am trying that...well, I am trying to stop buying things that are not consumable.

    Tina in CA