What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Worked today but got out early enough I could get a 98 minute Elliptical workout in for 6 miles. My 14 hour days ended yesterday (Thank God!) It was a long 12 weeks. Now back to 10 hour work days and got out at 9 hours today. Don't know how to act, leaving work when the sun is still up!
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    Walked for 40 minutes on the treadmill and did about 20 minutes of weights. Then played 9 holes of golf!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    No workout yesterday due to poorly managed schedule logistics early in day, plus sangria at lunch with a friend. 🤷‍♀️

    Today, stationary bike, 10k+3'CD, trying to keep it slow and easy, 89W average on the 10k piece, almost entirely Z2, just 1:23 even in Z3; 11,076m overall in 29:51.1 including CD.
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    20 minutes of skipping rope this Sunday evening.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    First large group trail run of the spring today. Ten of us met up and ran 5 miles over some local MTB trails at an easy pace. Saturdays are hard effort days for most of the group, so Sunday runs are social affairs. Walked the steepest climbs and ran the flats and downhills. No wind really helped.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did 9K on the rower today. Planned 12K but got in like 50 minutes and felt that was good enough today.

    @Djproulx -- thanks for the kind wishes on my wife. She's slowly improving. She had to have 3 toes reconstructed -- bunion and the next two (which were completely pushed to the side). It's kind of like pick your poison for her. Either not be able to walk without terrible pain or go through a very hard surgery. The real tragedy is her other foot is doing the same thing. Nearest thing that Orthopedic surgeon can think of is that her old bunion surgeries were out of date in terms of how they were done and they went over again, but with them (her big toes) being shortened years ago, they left her middle toes longer and they went to the side like in advanced arthritis. But when you look at the joints, they aren't really arthritic. Surgeon thinks this will permanently fix the right foot. He's the best Tucson, so we'll see. Hopefully, because she could barely walk a few 100 yards without being in massive pain and it keeping her up at night. I believe the worst is behind her now.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical 183 minutes for 13 miles.
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    I only walked 9.12 kms this morning and burned 600 cals in 97 minutes. I couldn't push through as I did skipping yesterday evening so my ankles are sore.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Rest day today.
    @Mike - my sister had foot surgery for reducing the debilitating effects of bunions l, so I’m familiar with the painful process to get foot correction. Glad to hear that the worst may be over.

    Hoping to ride outside tomorrow. Spring has been playing it cool here so far.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    6K on the rower and 20 minutes more on the LateralX. Around 50 minutes of total cardio.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Rowing machine again, same ol' 3 x (2k on, 2' off/CD). Started off intending 2:30-2:35 easy pace, but the Monday post-rest-day body seems to have decided averaging 2:28.5 (at 20spm) was better. 🤷‍♀️ Still mostly Z3, just a couple of minutes barely up into low Z4.
  • ddbms1
    ddbms1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hack squats 5x6
    Leg press 5x6 supersetted w calve raises 5x10
    Lying leg curls 4x10 slow negatives
    Leg extensions 5x10 last set drop set
    Standing leg curls 4x10
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    10 kms walk took me 104 minutes and i burned 652 cals.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Circuit work in the gym today. Three rounds of 1:00 on/:30 off rounds of goblet squats, assault bike, TRX rows, TRX skull crushers, weighted lunges, mtb climbers on sliders. Finished with four rounds of core work done as :40 on /:20 off alternating between bicycle crunches wearing resistance bands into Swiss ball fallouts also wearing bands on feet. Fun and challenging session.

    Nice weather today, so we have a small group ride planned for tonight. Hoping to get a couple hours of climbing in.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited April 2022
    Just some supersets today. Skipped the hard cardio -- more work in the backyard. We did the pool and deck last year and now are filling out the backyard landscape. Challenging week with tax week (always bad when you're self employed), wife recovering from surgery and now landscaping crews in the back! First world problems, shouldn't complain.

    Oh, also took my goofy puppies (I call them puppies, they are actually 8 and two that are 6) for around a mile or so walk. The two younger ones (litter mates) weigh nearly as much as me, so it's more exercise than it should be because they do not walk on "loose leashes". It's like a tug of war for a mile with me and them, LOL. I have to keep my special needs fella's leash in my other hand because while I'm fighting with the two strong ones, he likes to lag behind and smell EVERYTHING -- he's half Bassett Hound. He has a deformed but functional leg and you have to be super gentle with him. Quite the balancing act actually!

    @AnnPT77 -- saw this today from one of my rower buddies. Thought you might find it interesting.

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    Oh, also took my goofy puppies (I call them puppies, they are actually 8 and two that are 6) for around a mile or so walk. The two younger ones (litter mates) weigh nearly as much as me, so it's more exercise than it should be because they do not walk on "loose leashes". It's like a tug of war for a mile with me and them, LOL. I have to keep my special needs fella's leash in my other hand because while I'm fighting with the two strong ones, he likes to lag behind and smell EVERYTHING -- he's half Bassett Hound. He has a deformed but functional leg and you have to be super gentle with him. Quite the balancing act actually!

    Have you ever looked into what is called a "pinch" collar?

    My son has one for his Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie mix. She is only 38 lbs but I had a Terrible time walking her while he was on deployments years ago. Constant pulling. All I had to do, was put the collar on her, to hook the leash to and she walked nice. It reminded her from the first step out the door, not to pull. She probably only ever got pinched the first time my son used it on her, never with me.

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited April 2022
    swimmom_1 wrote: »

    Oh, also took my goofy puppies (I call them puppies, they are actually 8 and two that are 6) for around a mile or so walk. The two younger ones (litter mates) weigh nearly as much as me, so it's more exercise than it should be because they do not walk on "loose leashes". It's like a tug of war for a mile with me and them, LOL. I have to keep my special needs fella's leash in my other hand because while I'm fighting with the two strong ones, he likes to lag behind and smell EVERYTHING -- he's half Bassett Hound. He has a deformed but functional leg and you have to be super gentle with him. Quite the balancing act actually!

    Have you ever looked into what is called a "pinch" collar?

    My son has one for his Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie mix. She is only 38 lbs but I had a Terrible time walking her while he was on deployments years ago. Constant pulling. All I had to do, was put the collar on her, to hook the leash to and she walked nice. It reminded her from the first step out the door, not to pull. She probably only ever got pinched the first time my son used it on her, never with me.

    Yes, I know what they are but the wife never let me use them. She'd rather see my arm half pulled out of socket. If you're going to use one, you should start them out on one as puppies typically. I believe in them, the wife not so much. With my two (mostly the male) that pull, it's kind of too late.

    They will do the same as my old Golden Chow did over time -- age. I used to whine and hope my Joey (the Chow/Golden mix) would weaken and not pull me as hard. Over time, he did. He was 100 lbs of solid muscle -- the size of a Golden and the strength of a Chow -- a terrible combo and the reason no one wanted him at the pound. Joey eventually got old and couldn't pull any longer. When they do, you miss their strength and youth.

    These two will do the same. Linus (the biggest one) is the main one with the issue and he gets better once he's gone around a 1/2 mile or so and gets some of the energy out of him. And I'm strong enough to handle them, so it's all good. Linus is around 80 lbs and Lucy is around 70. They are a weird mix -- 1/4 Jack Russell, 1/4 Beagle and 1/2 Great Pyr. Really adorable but both scared of their own shadows.

  • yukfoo
    yukfoo Posts: 871 Member
    Biceps day

    cat curls for perrrrrfect biceps!