Women 200lb+, Let's Astonish Ourselves This April!!!



  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    @rockitwell86 and @tlucas2017 welcome!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    But I am worried - my garbage disposal is dead. Like dead dead & I have to replace it. My dishwasher is backing up into my kitchen sink & the sink isn't draining. So I can't really wash dishes right now. I'm hoping I can get this fixed ASAP so I CAN actually meal prep when I return. I do so much better if I can cook. And not being able to wash dishes is really going to mess with my mental health (ADHD and can keep things clean, but once they start to get cluttered it gets overwhelming).
    (((hugs))) when the kitchen goes awry it is hard to get sorted in the meal dept. I had my dishwasher go out, and just that alone was tough.. it was doing the back up thingy. Clutter is overwhelming, I can't see past it either.. sometimes it downright paralyzes me.

    Who were the Home Edit peeps? Are they like the Japanese lady re: de-clutter? Oh my goodness, I can't remember her name.. she would say, "If you can't use it and it doesn't make you happy, thank it and pass it on or throw it away." Depending on the condition of the thing.

    I had some "Flylady" training back in the day. She is all about a tiny space in the room at a time. How to do little things every day so that you don't stay in perpetual overwhelm. I had her stuff pre-internet, but she is still here for others who get overwhelmed easily flylady.net (ahem, might only be for people who suffer from a procrastination/overwhelm spiral - which as an often sick person I would finally physically feel better, then be in the spiral).

    Do you ever wonder if "clutter" and "problems with eating organization" are somehow related? Many people are working on both, I am thinking there might be something to it.
  • rockitwell86
    rockitwell86 Posts: 36 Member
    @justanotherloser007 - my friend's dad is wonderful & said he can come by tomorrow afternoon! Thank goodness that will be fixed.

    It definitely derailed my evening yesterday. Came home with all this motivation to work on decluttering my office. Spent an hour trying to drain the kitchen sink instead. Ugh. Hopefully tonight I can get some stuff done in the office. COVID quarantine hit my house hard & I've been playing get yourself organized for a year now. Oops. Oh well.

    I definitely think my clutter & eating are related. I know both, for me, are a sign of when my ADHD get out of control. ADHD High as I call it. When I start to feel more focused & in control is when I start organizing things & getting a better grip on my eating. I spiraled quite a bit the first year of COVID & then spent 6 months playing "find the right meds" game. Finally coming out of all that & feeling in control again.
  • rockitwell86
    rockitwell86 Posts: 36 Member
    @JAC581 - I love Leslie Sansone videos! I have some of her DVDs. When I lost a lot of weight previously I did her stuff primarily for my work outs. Very easy to follow & seems to go by quick.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @JAC581 @rockitwell86 Walking is awesome!! A while back now, someone on this thread told me about Leslie Sansone - at the time I didn't think I would need it since I am a general outside walker (yes I do take my dog out during hurricanes, why do you ask?) But in January, the hubby got sick and I was stuck inside the house while attempting to get dizzy (walking in circles for 1-2 hours) in the house lols... Leslie to the rescue!! So wonderful!! I still watch it for when the dog is being lazy and doesn't want to walk long distances. I have done some growwithjo, and she is good and that is nice, but I like how I can put on a show and match Leslie's beat with the stuff and just rewind until I get it the hour or more I want in. Growwithjo, I pretty much can't do anything other than maybe podcasts - and I will do that some days, most days I just wanna stomp it out.

    @seltzer_lover thank you for sharing your story!! So wonderful!!

    @CupcakeCrusoe awww yeah for the bike riding!!

    @roz0810 looking good! I am not sure if you know this, but you really should not expect to lose a pound a day, every day during this weight loss journey.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    @JAC581 Leslie Sansone is my go to exercise when I was able to do her videos. Her workouts are great.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Happy Thursday all,

    I am doing bullet journaling and yesterday didn’t have any to dos on the list after my Jobsearch workshop. I often go into my bedroom and lie down to regroup. I didn’t get anything come up to do besides a walk. Then we got the estimate for replacing our hot water tank that is slowly leaking. It is connected to a radiator which heats the water and house. They recommended some improvements to the piping. We got sticker shock. I thought it was like the cosmos knew I had this to deal with instead of anything else. I did get a walk in with my youngest but we decided to have a shorter one since I have been pushing it for me all week. This week I planned easy meals many of which were from our weekly dairy delivery. They partner with others and have healthy prepared meals you can add to your order. They saved us through the pandemic so we didn't have to go grocery shopping as much.

    My workshop is actually very helpful. I am really looking for my last job. I am in transition and this is helping me think things through. I am being considered for a planned/probable but not official position where I was working recently. So I want to see if that pans out since it will pay me the same good salary and the job transition should be less effort. There are a series of 5-6 modules in this workshop so I have a few weeks of this. I just need to set up a healthy routine and outline tasks I want to get done now that I have more time.

    So far I have had exercise every day. I am sort of eating what I was when I was losing slowly but now I am logging it and tracking things on the spreadsheet so I get a sense of the next step to lose a bit more quickly or reliably.

    @justanotherloser I think weight loss and de-cluttering are related at least for some
    @porquenoirl and @tlucas2017 I appreciate your sharing about your experience recovering from COVID. Why? it reinforces my feeling that I do not care if I have been vaccinated and boostered. I still do not want to get it even if I probably won’t die. I am still wearing my mask in indoors public places. Now it is a N95.
    @CupcakeCrusoe enjoy your time playing with friends.
    I am seeing some progress from a lot of you
    @JAC581 I like how you are responding quickly to the weight gain. I am learning to do that better. I agree even a little exercise helps a lot.Glad you reminded us of the Leslie Sasone option
    @seltser_lover I loved your NSV story.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    So I re-read the beginner Flylady into, and why I think weight loss and a cluttered/chaotic home are related - it is a theory (yes the hubby is going to be late today and I have been in a reflective mood):

    Being overweight, and having a cluttered house are a sign of being: overwhelmed. (every story is different in what caused the overwhelm I am certain)
    Being overwhelmed: Most go into survival mode, and are constantly exhausted or are paralyzed to change at the time.

    So you got some emotions in there: grief, anxiety, fear of the future, sudden loss, attempting to deal with the here and now when you haven't even begun to process where you have been. Because, survival mode. It is really important to survive! Not everyone gets into survival mode and can do any sort of prioritization (for me there is no organization when I am in survival mode it gets all foggy and cloudy). At some point, in your journey, you realize: you might be able to do something about it now.

    Weight loss tools: Build food and fitness habits little bit by little bit. Do not overwhelm yourself with overly optimistic goals either deficit or fitness wise, you will quit. This means learning what nutrition is and what fitness is, and which ones you are actually able to do - if any. Add habits together to eventually have a consistent way of life to deal with wherever it is that you actually landed. When you get to goal, maintain this and keep your tools in mind for the next survival event.

    De-clutter tools: Build habits in baby steps, "in 15 minutes anyone can do anything" Never tackle the whole project and think you will just massively power through it and get it done (you won't you will just quit). Pick little spaces, and go little space by little space over time (usually 6 months is considered a good time, probably depends on lifestyle and house size, and number of occupants). Once you have decluttered, build good cleaning habits (keep remembering you can't clean clutter!). Little daily short habits, build up until you have good weekly habits. Keep them up, and de-clutter every 6 months to maintain. Keep your habits for the next survival event.

    I just see a lot of similarities in the process and goal of these two objectives.

    Ladies, I wish all of you healthy weight and fitness goals - and for those of us who need it, good declutter and home goals!!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    SW: 273.4

    4/17 272.8 (-0.6)
    4/18 271.8 (-1)
    4/19 270.2 (-1.6)
    4/20 268.6 (-1.6)
    4/21 267.2 (-1.4)
    4/22 264.2 (-3)

    Total loss: 9.2lbs

    TOM due. Tracking everything, drinking 2+ litres of water daily and walking. also doing intermittent fasting, most days 18:6 😁