What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    Rest days are so important but so hard to stick to when you feel like you're on fire. I was really active before the pandemic, then switched to a desk job and stopped exercising for a year and a half. When I started back up my exercise, I went with twice a week to ease into it. By month 6 I had to impose a strict "don't you dare go to the gym on sunday" rule for myself. I would get restless and want to go.

    But it's paid off! Now, month 9, it's much easier to take my rest and listen to my body and the mindset of 'not showing up = failure' is out of my system.

    Anyway, my period is due today so I'm gonna do an easy pilates class and maybe walk to the store to get groceries and that's it. It's dry out and after the storm and rain yesterday that's very welcome.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,237 MFP Moderator
    I did 2.5 hours of weed-eating. My whole body feels like a wet noodle... I guess this is an indicator that I need to get back into strength training.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    Well I had to do my easy 30 min Sunday WO today because I forgot to tape up. Was feeling good and I thought let’s go for 4 miles. As I hit mile 3 I got a twinge on the right nipple… 🤬aka runners nipple…… 😫 settled for a decent 5k…

  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Back on it today after my rest day yesterday 😁

    Caroline Girvan Iron Series - Day 2 30 mins upper body workout.

    36 mins power walk at an average speed of 5.8 kmph.

  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Had my best ride of the year so far today. It was so good because we had 5 riders of similar fitness levels, all of whom enjoy both the work and camaraderie during a training ride. Temps were very warm, but we had quite a bit of shade and cloud cover, so it wasn't that bad. Route was a climb through NW Connecticut into Massachusetts, following the Farmington River. The "out" portion is a false flat with some more pronounced climbs, then after a 3-4 mile loop around a reservoir at the distant end, the return trip is much faster due to the modest descending grade. Practiced race day fueling, consuming 4 bottles of fluid/electrolytes, as well as taking in 650 calories. Felt really good at the end and prepared to start a run.

    Total ride was 55.2miles completed in 3:08:14, or a 17.6mph pace. Averaged 146watts for the ride, which is on the low side of my HIM power zone. Very happy with that number this early in the season.

    Now I REALLY need to focus on my swim and run, or it'll be a long painful day at Watkins Glen in July, lol!

    Wow that's incredible. I've only ever done 55 miles in a car 🚗 🤣

    But seriously - well done!!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Bodenista wrote: »

    Wow that's incredible. I've only ever done 55 miles in a car 🚗 🤣

    But seriously - well done!!

    Believe me, its almost always more fun in a car. :)

    Thanks, but I've been at this stuff for quite awhile, so its just part of the lifestyle. I'm lucky enough to have a large group of friends who swim, bike, run, hike, etc. It is usually as much a social activity as a physical one.
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Bodenista wrote: »

    Wow that's incredible. I've only ever done 55 miles in a car 🚗 🤣

    But seriously - well done!!

    Believe me, its almost always more fun in a car. :)

    Thanks, but I've been at this stuff for quite awhile, so its just part of the lifestyle. I'm lucky enough to have a large group of friends who swim, bike, run, hike, etc. It is usually as much a social activity as a physical one.

    Sounds amazing, I wish I was part of your friendship group but I'd be the one lagging at the back saying, "hey, wait for me" as I fell over a rock 🤣
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Bodenista wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Bodenista wrote: »

    I'd be the one lagging at the back saying, "hey, wait for me" as I fell over a rock 🤣

    Then you'd fit right in!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited May 2022
    Saturday was nearly a rest day. I did do a bit of a walk, getting 8 miles in total.

    Sunday was fun. A few of us went climbing. I only got one hard route, but I was the only in the group to get it. (There were 5 of us; I am probably 3rd best. It is reasonably close, though - Debbie has by far the best technique, and Jon is is strongest. I am the most stupid, which lets me get some stuff the others don't.) It took me about a minute of terrifying slab shuffling to get to the crux. There, I needed to match on a small crimp with my body leaning at an angle, cut loose and immediately swing out to get a foot on a small ledge the other side of the arrete.

    We went of a barbecue afterwards. It was nice; it felt like a return to normality after lockdowns. I decided to walk home. At about 7 p.m, I thought better of this plan as the walk is around 18 miles (I had done about 6). So I got on the train, and only did about 11 miles for the day.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited May 2022
    Did an easy 80 minute workout yesterday. Around 30 minutes on the rower (easy stuff, around 2:25 pace) and then the rest on the Assault Bike. Trying to extend the duration of my Sundays a bit. Had gotten away from the long, slow workout day. Need to get it up to around 90 minutes on Sundays but strive to keep it super easy paced as well.

    Completely agree with others on rest. Seems like when I turned 50, I had to be extra cautious in listening to my body. 60 isn't all that far off now for me (two years). I know a lot of folks (and obviously some in this group!) that train well into their 60s. I know one rower that trains hard in his mid 70s! But all those folks know when to train hard and when to really back off their effort. It's a huge balance game and knowing your HR zones very, very well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think I'm going to be doing mostly swim and bike this week...Achilles bursitis.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    TMI: period

    My period's been weird this month. Usually I get headaches the week before and milder headaches and full body fatigue during the worst days and then it's over. But this month I've had cramps. Bad cramps. For two full days. And my legs have been entirely useless.

    We had to do 3 8-minute amraps (as many reps as possible) with 4 minute rests between. The first round was 150m ski and 5 pull ups (or 200m row or 500m bike), then 150m ski ("") and 10 push ups, then 150m ski ("") and 15 air squats. I scaled the pull ups down to ring rows and did push ups off a 30 inch box. During the first two 8 minutes I was fine but thought hmm so much arm work, I'm ready for some leg work. Except when the first set of air squats came around, my legs gave up. 15 air squats took a minute. And then I was so exhausted I couldn't ski at my usual pace either so my strength at the ski halved and I got almost twice as slow. So annoying.

    But yeah so I did 6x150m ski and 32 ring rows, then 5x150m ski and 40 push ups off a 30 inch box, and then 4x150m ski and 45 air squats. And even then I thought I was gonna pass out during the last set. The 4 min rest between amraps were long enough, my body had re-energised. The first 150m ski of the last set was fine, at my usual pace, but the air squats destroyed me. My legs feel like jelly and my back feels like I did 450 air squats instead of 45.

    Thankful that next week I have a work thing on the day our box is gonna do the Murph wod. Running is so not my thing.
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    TMI: period

    My period's been weird this month. Usually I get headaches the week before and milder headaches and full body fatigue during the worst days and then it's over. But this month I've had cramps. Bad cramps. For two full days. And my legs have been entirely useless.

    We had to do 3 8-minute amraps (as many reps as possible) with 4 minute rests between. The first round was 150m ski and 5 pull ups (or 200m row or 500m bike), then 150m ski ("") and 10 push ups, then 150m ski ("") and 15 air squats. I scaled the pull ups down to ring rows and did push ups off a 30 inch box. During the first two 8 minutes I was fine but thought hmm so much arm work, I'm ready for some leg work. Except when the first set of air squats came around, my legs gave up. 15 air squats took a minute. And then I was so exhausted I couldn't ski at my usual pace either so my strength at the ski halved and I got almost twice as slow. So annoying.

    But yeah so I did 6x150m ski and 32 ring rows, then 5x150m ski and 40 push ups off a 30 inch box, and then 4x150m ski and 45 air squats. And even then I thought I was gonna pass out during the last set. The 4 min rest between amraps were long enough, my body had re-energised. The first 150m ski of the last set was fine, at my usual pace, but the air squats destroyed me. My legs feel like jelly and my back feels like I did 450 air squats instead of 45.

    Thankful that next week I have a work thing on the day our box is gonna do the Murph wod. Running is so not my thing.

    Oh bless you. I'm 54 and don't have the damn periods to worry about now but I feel your pain.

    You did really well considering. Take it easy, do some meditation and rub some lavender oil into your stomach.

    Sending lots of 🤗🤗🤗
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    An impromptu rest day for me. I just didn't have the time to do anything 😒