P90X Support Group...



  • NO CRYING! I did Legs and Back today and there were no tears ;-). I was able to do more pull up reps but OF COURSE I used a chair...I do feel stronger maybe by next time I will be able to do 1 on my own, doubtful, but a girl can dream!

    I'm off to watch college football....and there will be beer but I will try to contain myself this time...otherwise I will be running 10 miles tomorrow!

    GO Cougars!

    Everyone have a great Saturday!

    Make your workout count!

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Done workout two - Arms and Shoulders with Ab Ripper. Did 25 reps on the first two and then toned it down to 20 each. Had a great time, loved the burn. Upped my resistance on ALL arm and shoulder exercises which was a tremendous accomplishment!

    Feeling great

    Jay - way to bring it!! You are a machine!!!
    Drew - haha I know what you mean in terms of not being able to lose. I have had people tell me it doesn't matter who wins and loses and my immediate response is "if it didn't matter we wouldn't keep score" hahaha. Keep pushing it, keep working hard and enjoy it!

    Ro - Way to bring it - no tears is amazing and I am confident you will totally work out at least one pull up :flowerforyou:
  • Sassy... Way to jump back on the train with a vengence! BOOM! Thats what Im talking about!

    Ro... I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Pull yourself up there on tuesday! You got it! Believe!

    Day 12 yall!!!! Day freaking 12! we are crushing this thing...

    I did legs and back this evening with the most outrageous 9 year old beast I have ever known. His name is Timmy and he freaking brought it hardcore. I was totally impressed. He also did ARX, but didnt fair quite as well with that one... neither did I.
    My entire body is exhausted you guys... I feel like I am going to HAVE to take a rest day at some point... but it wont be tomorrow or anytime soon!:explode:

    Enjoy your Sunday! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Sunday folks!

    So we're on day 13 and all but out of week 2! Awesome! I may take that rest day tomorrow but then again... My calves are a bit tight so maybe I'll take the X Stretch.

    Now as I mentioned before, Saturdays always seem like a real chore to get my workouts in, but Sundays always feel like fun. Like this is what I'm doing on my day off as my hobby :)

    I was up fairly early this morning and the Fiance had to go out for a few hours so I had a bit of time to myself to do with whatever I wanted. I decided today was the day I'd try running. I've never been much of a runner, although there's a great path running directly outside my house for 1.8 miles in one direction and 2.6 miles in the other. I see runners and cyclists going past all day long, looks like a good run!

    So after some messing around trying to get a GPS run tracker working on the iPhone, I set out at about 10:30. I managed 2.5 km all in with a mix of jogging and walking and it took me 23 minutes. Man, I have to tell you, running's TOUGH!

    Got back and cooled down a little and got myself set up for Kenpo X. I tell you guys, this is the FUN workout from P90x. I'd do this every day just for fun, never mind the program! Killed it as usual and got the ARX in afterwards (the one I missed yesterday - didn't get it in before bed as I fell asleep on the sofa).

    Anyway, I realise I haven't done any shout outs for a few days, been so wrapped up in getting myself through this but I do read each and every post in this thread and you're all doing amazingly well!

    Drew - You're killing this man! If you need a rest day, listen to your body. Knowing what I know of you though, I can see you pushing through to recovery week now before any rest day will be coming.

    Sassy - Doubles!!! Awesome way to get them in! You're a workout machine! :)

    Ro - I have the same issue with pullups. I'm wondering if it's something in the way I'm positioned in my doorway. I may get out to the park at some point and find a sturdy branch to see how I fair with a full range of motion without having to tuck my legs.

    Uniqute - BBL on topof P90x!? Awesome!! Way to bring something extra to your schedule :)

    Everyone else. Keep up the great work and keep posting in your progress! Have a great day.

    BOOM!! (Chaka laka laka) :wink:

  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    hey ya'll im new to the group, i am on week 7 of p90x, this week was harder for me, then the rest. I guess b/c I had little to no sleep all week, so i want to repeat this week. Do ya'll think thats a good idea? or should i just move on to week 8? thanks
  • I'm getting ready to start week 6 & I'm a Beachbody coach. I missed 5 days of workout from being sick. I used my recovery week to make them up. The whole purpose of the program is to switch up routines to work different muscle groups so that when one set of muscles get used to a workout you change. re-doing a week might not do any good if you actually did it, whether you dogged it or not. Good for you for sticking to it thru a tough week! But I don't see any harm in it either. Personally I would continue on with your workout. But I know for me that if I miss a workout I feel like crap & have to make it up, so do whatever you feel is best for you! All that matters is that you stick to it!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Woo! 500 posts already! Bump to follow the new thread...
  • yeehawww
    yeehawww Posts: 28 Member
    kriots... i've had a few setbacks on my p90x schedule too in the past. if i did bad one week or missed a few workouts i would usually just redo the week, or do doubles the next day. i recently watched a youtube video though where tony horton says that if you miss a week just to add it to the end of the program. i think either way it doesn't really matter as long as you do it eventually and bring it! :) good job keeping it up you are doing great either way
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    I was wondering if someone could help me. A friend of mine is giving me her p20x dvds but doesn't have the book or anything. Do I need this book, if so what is in it? Can I find it online?
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Wow a new thread already!?!? What an awesome, dedicated, motivated group we are!!

    So, it's Sunday, and I'm enjoying a relaxing day at home watching football and baseball games, but not before getting my X Stretch done for today.

    Day 21 complete. Week 3 complete. It's time for recovery week for me, which means 2 days of Yoga, 2 days of Stretch, 2 days of Core Synergistics, and 1 day of Kenpo. Sounds like a fun week!

    I watched Core Synergistics yesterday, because I haven't done it yet... Looks interesting. There are some moves in there that look pretty hard. Can't wait to try it!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! BRING IT!!!

  • yeehawww
    yeehawww Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Day 1 Week 12 completed!! I'm so excited the end of round 1 seems so near to me! Today I rocked Chest, Shoulder, Triceps and ARX. I really brought it today and either did the same amount of reps or more on all of the chest, shoulders, triceps exercises. ARX felt harder for me today but I pushed through it and got all 25 reps done. I also upgraded from using 2 1/2 lbs to 5 lbs on the mason twists :) I want those abs bad!!

    Everyone keep up the hard work you are doing fantastic! Feels so good to work hard and knowing we are all doing it together makes it even better. You guys rock!

    - Jazzy

    ps: excellent work GoLeanWendy :) I love that you took the rest you needed and that you are coming back "with a vengeance!" as Tony would say
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    So... Who's rocking the X Stretch tonight and who's taking a well earned rest day?

    I'm undecided. I'll probably decide once I've done my 100 pushup challenge for the day tonight.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Morning all! Happy Monday!! (Ugh... LOL)

    Started my phase 1 recovery week this morning with a good session of Yoga X. I have to say, it was tough to get motivated for Yoga at 5:30 on a Monday morning, but I dragged my *kitten* out of bed, ate a banana, drank some water, got dressed, and got it done. I am definitely getting better at this workout overall. The vinyasa segment (I say segment, it's really half the workout...) no longer feels like 45 minutes of torture! I'm holding my positions stronger and with better form, I feel my flexibility getting better, and I really only have trouble with the Warrior 3/standing split/half moon section (the up on one leg stuff). I have to put my back leg down for much of this section... hoping to get better at this.

    Then there's crane. I have at least attempted it the last two times out... I get up to the point where only one toe is on the floor, then I try to pick that toe up, and can only hold it for a second or two. So I put the toe back down and hold that way. I think I will get better at this move soon....

    Anyway, tomorrow will be my first time doing Core Synergistics! Can't wait!

    Enjoy the day everyone!! Rock your workouts and BRING IT!!

  • Hello! I am starting week 3 of P90X, first two weeks had to skip at least one day still got a good workout in and lost 5lbs. My only problem is since I didn't actually purchase the DVDs I didn't get the nutrition guide. I have a copy but half the stuff on there just doesn't sound good to me. Now I wanna follow the plan but I am sure there is other things I can eat to get the same nutritional intake that I need. So i am wondering have any of you out there tweaked the nutrition plan? If so how did you do it? Thanks!!!!!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I did pretty bad again this weekend, didn't finish my logging and probably went way over my goal. I didn't get my workout in yesterday, so I am skipping my breakday today and catching up. Week 4 starts tomorrow! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Found you guys! Congrats everyone on week 2 in the bag!! Bring on Week 3!!! BOOM
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I found you too! I have been alternating running and P90X, every other day, I am feeling so much stronger already! I love this program!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Going to do Cardio-X again today so that I am bright and ready to go first thing tomorrow morning *4:45 rise for a 5am chest and back routine!!* Bringing it - I love the weight work outs in the morning, I find that I am pumped for the day! Plyo is always in the evening simply because I feel like I am going to die after eating right - I would hate to see what its like when I haven't LoL.

    Wendy... way to bring it - I am super pumped to hear that your back is feeling a lot better and that you brought it today! Rock out and keep up the excellent work.

    Nikki... no worries about a weekend - haha this weekend I did a girly night with my cousin and downed a bottle of wine haha just get back up and work it off
  • Hello Everyone!
    I'm new to this site and would like some advice on logging on workouts. I'm currently on my 2nd month of Insanity and my 2nd week of P90X. What is the best way to log my workouts accurately on MFP?

    Thank you :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Heart Monitor - otherwise I go with 10 cal/min for cardio and 5 or so for the weight routines
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