
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    🌺 😊 🌸
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    I have a feeling that it is going to be a long journey home for the family. The departure time is only 'estimated' and is projected to take off 40 minutes late. That means more.
    It's my son's birthday today. <3 His fancy oils have arrived, so I will be able to give them to him on Sunday at the brunch.

    I hope to do some editing today. I allowed myself to get distracted yesterday. I think the Bank Holiday vibe was catching. ;) 😉

    Tricolore for lunch and salmon with leek and fennel sauce for dinner. A crisp white wine to accompany, or maybe pink. Friday night is wine night. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited June 2022
    I had an eye exam after work tonight and for the first time that I can remember I didn’t need a new prescription. I told him my eyes have been tired lately and he had his staff adjust the frames. They were bent and because of all of the masks over the last 2 years they had loosened. I think they will feel better in a day or two.

    I went to the dollar store to buy a little 2lb dumbbell for my tennis elbow exercises. I got up to the register with an armful of things and they tell me it’s cash only, their machines were down. I ended up walking across 3 parking lots to an ABM to get cash and then walking back. It was nice to get the walk in.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    My eyes have been getting better gradually in recent years.
    Well done on the walk!

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Well today is my first day without my sling.now I start the exercises that I can remember that I did for the shoulder, the pain begins. Still reading the journals when I have a minute. I’m on July/august 1895 and we have moved to Chico California. It’s getting harder to read.

    When I mentioned something in the journal to kirby the started to get upset saying I am just dwelling on the past and I can’t let it go. Right now it’s 5:04am and I just realized that reading this makes me appreciate, acknowledge, and be so thankful of what I have now with him and how far I have come from that time.

    How are the exercises going?

    I am actually very glad I didn't keep journals when my husband was going through the early days of his injury. I did, however, write emails and lately I've had to read through a lot of emails before the injury and leading up to it for legal reasons, and it is really hard.

    I lost my phone two days ago ... left it on the bus ... and had such an incredible meltdown. I don't think it was just about the phone. I think the stress of the stuff I've been reading and dealing with recently all spilled over too.

    2 days of very little sleep, very little eating, and lots of tears. I'm absolutely exhausted.

    Got my phone back today so I feel a little bit better.

    evie1958 wrote: »
    Retirement is only 11 weeks away, I'm just a teeny bit excited! Actually, I'm very excited!!! lol
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island


    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Found I need to put net up around my blackberry plant out front. The mockingbirds ate the three that were just about ripe- There are a lot on that plant but I want them for me, not for the birds- First ones of the season and the birds got them.

    Blackberries are weeds here. I like them so I don't pull them out, but my husband does. They would be absolutely everywhere if we did leave them.

    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    started my day off by going to a lady who is doing a plant sale on Saturday but got to go today- did something I very rarely ever do, I actually spent money on something for me. I bought a bunch of different plants. A few I have been looking for but didn't even think I could get them locally.

    Good for you!!

    I just had a job pop up in am Indeed email, I think I need to update the resume and apply. It starts at 4.00 more than I am currently making. Same hours and still local. It’s a unionized job so benefits and such would be good.
    I struggle to give up vacation time though. I really feel I need a break.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Go for it!!

    Does vacation time in Canada still work like it did when I left 13 years ago ... when you start a new job, you drop to 1 week of vacation in the first year?

    It's one of the reasons I would prefer to continue working in Australia till the end of my career!!

    But maybe you could arrange a few weeks off between jobs?

    Today is the start of our extended four day Platinum Jubilee weekend. There is a street party this afternoon and evening.
    Both DH and I are of the 'get rid of the lot of them' camp, so all the media madness is a trial, to say the least. I am, by temperament, and conviction, a Leveller. I don't support privilege, honours, royalty, patriotism etc etc. So .... I just have to put my Zen hat on and grin and bear it. :p I expect I will survive.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm in the 'keep them' camp. Pity we don't get an extended weekend!

    If your test shows that you had Covid, will it be a relief? Will you feel you're finally done with that fear? I tested positive in January, after being triple-vaxxed, but had no symptoms (Corey had all the symptoms). It was a relief for me.

    Later, y'all,

    Just remember you can get it several times ... you can get each variation at least once. If you got Delta, you could still get one of the Omicron variations ... and then the other Omicron variation ...

    kymarai wrote: »
    Do something special for yourself. I won't lie, I plan on picking up some ooey gooey cinnamon rolls and caramels in Little Nashville today. Just have to remember to eat them responsibly. May not get my steps in with lots of driving, but will do the best I can!

    Kylia who is grateful for all you lovely ladies!

    I haven't had a cinnamon roll in years! They aren't a thing here.

    exermom wrote: »
    Anyway, she wanted to know why we were leaving early. Deep down inside, I think she was sad that we were leaving early. She made mention of the fact that we would take PJ swimming and she'd just stay home and do nothing (which is fine, she deserves it). Vince was evasive as to why we had to come home. He just told her that we had a meeting, nothing she needs to worry about.
    Michele NC


    I hope you have a lovely day there. Pity about the swimming and day off for Denise.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I found my calendar yesterday & I am so grateful to have it back. It was in the back seat of DH’s car. :)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Barbara Your trip sounds wonderful. I do plan on driving my Miata on a few trips but they will be solo ones. I am only 5'2". DH is 6' with a bad back. I am thankful that he enjoys going out in it as much as he does. We have a 2004 Tbird with only 7000 miles on it. I will say I have put most of those on it myself. We did drive it to Pigeon Forge for our honeymoon. We were only there for a week and had friends who drove down. They were kind enough to bring home our purchases. DH did it for me, but was miserable both drives. He prefers enclosed and big. I like little and open. Even in my Flex, I drive with sun roof open most of the spring, summer, and fall when solo. He closes it. They say opposites attract-lol!

    Journals and emails- I have never kept them. I start but then get distracted and forget. My mom did keep all the letters I wrote her when I lived in the Philippines. I haven't decided yet what to do with that box which she gave me. I may need to read them to decide if my daughters might want some of them. We will see.....

    HeatherUK I have had a fascination with Englandand Royalties since childhood. My friend Jayne moved to my street from England. I loved the comics she recieved from there about the doll hospitals. I do remember if the outside temperature was above 40 degrees, her mom made us play outside. Barbies in a blanket fort. They moved a couple years later and we lost touch. Hard to stay in touch when only 8 or 9 y/o.

    Machka No cinnamon rolls?!?!? Is my first reaction. Then I realized they weren't a thing in the Philippines either. I made them from scratch back then. My Filipino friends enjoyed them . I did weigh less back then, but I was early 20's, walking everywhere, and taking care of two young children . Lol!

    Better get ready for work.

    Hugs to all!
    Make the best choice you can at the moment!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Nothing special planned for today. I bought my mother a divided pill box, in hopes that if I fill it, I won't have to get up for her pills in the morning. Plus I want to get away overnight in August. Hope she can manage it.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Machka No cinnamon rolls?!?!? Is my first reaction. Then I realized they weren't a thing in the Philippines either. I made them from scratch back then. My Filipino friends enjoyed them . I did weigh less back then, but I was early 20's, walking everywhere, and taking care of two young children . Lol!

    Kylia in Ohio

    We don't really have donuts either. There are donut-like-objects but they are usually dry as dust with a rather ghastly icing or a sugar that just falls off.

    The apple scroll is about the closest thing to a cinnamon roll, but it is usually hard as rock without much flavour.


    Sweet stuff here tends to be creamy and flavourless ... like the French vanilla slice and custard tarts, neither of which I like. Or rock hard or dry without much flavour. I've had to experiment a lot over the years with a lot of disappointing results.

    However, I have discovered I like gluten-free brownies. They are usually soft with flavour. :)

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member

    Did part of Shape’s Ultimate Bikini Body DVD. No plans for exercise tomorrow since we are supposedly planning to leave around 8. Not sure Vince is going to be ready, tho. Tomorrow I MAY get a chance to go for a walk, not sure.

    Rebecca – I’m never sure when I will get to the gym to make the reservation. I know my body loves when I go into the sauna. A lot depends on what time I get out of work or the soup kitchen. I know me, and I can’t come home directly from work, I have to go to the gym from work or it doesn’t happen. Like I said, I’m going to ask if they’re still holding to the reservation thing. As far as sunscreen – I have to look at the ingredients in the sunscreen. Jess is highly allergic to coconut. Like I know I can’t use Banana Boat since it has coconut oil in it. Coppertone doesn’t so that’s why I go with coppertone. I just have to check the ingredients. One time I bought her vitamins. Who would think vitamins would contain coconut oil??? Not me, that’s for sure. So I bought them, she had one, and her throat started to close up. She wound up giving them to a neighbor who had small children

    Lisa – I’ve used this stuff called Krud Kutter for Red Clay. It works fantastic! That red clay is a b**** to get out of clothes, it stains everything. Yet, this gets it out. Well, I tried it on our brick and even that didn’t take it out. Maybe I need a higher powered pressure washer.

    Probably not going to have a good day with food today or tomorrow since we’ll be at Steve’s and I know he likes foods that aren’t that good for you (like fried chicken). Well, I’ll just be careful. Like I’ll take the skin off the chicken.

    Tracey – what a great job on that gnome! I see you don’t need the “five foot rule”. What do you use to seal it? I know at the place we go to they spray it with something (I don’t know what it is since I don’t use acrylics) and then put it in some sort of kiln for a few minutes.

    Barbara – one time (maybe 40 years ago) I fell asleep in the sun and, boy, did the backs of my legs blister. To this day, that is why I use a timer. I never want that to happen again!

    Pat – welcome! Of course you’re welcome. But don’t get overwhelmed. Just comment on things that interest you.

    Oh, we were going to get fried chicken and macaroni & cheese for steve’s “picnic”. Only he just texted me that he’s ordered fried chicken and he’s not sure that I can use the oven since he has other things that need to be baked. I suspect that’s more of his way of being nice and not having us buy something. Anyone have a suggestion of something we can buy? I’m thinking maybe a fruit dish. Wonder if a store can cut up a watermelon for me. Then again, watermelon isn’t in season.

    Katla – being retired, I need the calendar. So glad you found yours. I’d be lost without mine. All my exercise, meals, not to mention commitments are on there. Yes, the commitments are on a google calendar Vince and I use, but not the meals or the exercise

    Well, it’s 8:30, and we’re still not on our way. Well, I’m not driving.

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member