☀️ July Daily Weigh in and Logging Challenge 🥗



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,183 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight : 202.8
    Goal: 197.8 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    07/01…...202.8…..(Trend Weight 203.0)…..
    07/02.…..202.6…..(Trend Weight 203.2)…..
    07/03.…..204.6…..(Trend Weight 203.4}…..
    07/04.…..203.6…..(Trend Weight 203.4)…..
    07/05.…..205.0…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..
    07/06.…..203.2…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..
    07/07.…..202.0]…..(Trend Weight 203.4)…..
    07/08.…..201.8…..(Trend Weight 203.2)…..
    07/09.…..199.6…..(Trend Weight 202.9)…..

    07/10.…..198.4…..(Trend Weight 202.5)….. Watched calories carefully since I’m not getting in a lot of movement or exercise with this Covid virus. Appetite is good. I can still taste and smell. Very tired, not sleeping well and the worst part is the phlegm that causes such coughing. Throat getting rough . Feels more like pneumonia than anything, but I’ll wait and see how it is after day 5 is over. It’s far to a hospital for X-rays. Weight still coming down. I’m really trying to work on it. Spacing my meals out and leaving enough calories for a snack is key.

    07/11.…..195.6…..(Trend Weight 201.8)….. I went over calories in the red by 45 calories last night for the day, so before closing out I did some mild exercise that would not greatly affect my covid symptoms. I did a 6 minute slow walk around my rural back yard and then I did some stretching inside so I could get back in the green. I’m following my diet very well. Scale is catching up to efforts I think. No waterpill yesterday but still a drop. It’s funny……you get Covid and EVERYONE runs for the hills (as they should). But without all that influence, no daughter bringing home treats, no friend inviting you to dinner, no travel that includes restaurants, no holiday meals or social invites, no shopping for treats for grandson that you poke at too, etc. etc. it’s amazing how much faster you lose weight. If I had no social life…….. well, no, that would not be better I suppose. Anyway, clearly I’ve learned the meal prep, planning secrets, etc. Clearly I’ve learned what’s expected of me. It’s my response to the holidays, the social gatherings, etc. that are my weakness. I am stronger than I think when I’m locked in a box full of food and no one is here, but knowledge is power and I know I need to be just as strong when I’m with people who eat, eat eat.

    07/12.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight )…..

    07/13.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/14.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/15……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/16……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/17.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/18.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    07/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    07/31.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • HorsesRock9999
    HorsesRock9999 Posts: 222 Member
    Heaviest weight: 148.9
    Current weight: 135.2
    Goal weight: 127

    Goals for Weight Loss - Month of July: 132 (3.2 loss)

    Daily Goals:
    🐎 Weigh-in Daily
    🐎 Log Daily (Food and Exercise)
    🐎 Morning Time - YouVersion
    🐎 Stay on Workout Schedule
    🐎 Gratitudes for the Day

    July 10: 135.2
    July 11 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day): 134.2 (lighter dinner sushi, I was better about not snacking! Ready for the week!)
    July 12
    July 13
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day) GOAL 134.5
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day) GOAL133
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30 (Month End Weight) GOAL 132
    July 31

  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Somehow lost my note from previous posts and MFP won’t let me copy and paste. Starting again!

    OSW: 250
    7/1: 228
    7/31 goal: 222
    OGW: 150

    7/1 228
    7/2 228.5
    7/3 228.5
    7/4 228.5
    7/5 229
    7/6 229 😑
    7/7 228.5-this is like watching paint dry-trying to watch my macros now
    7/8 228 like a rollercoaster with baby bumps!
    7/9 227
    7/10 227.5 my macros have been on point the last two days 👏🏻
    7/11 227.5 I unintentionally ate keto yesterday, I was so full and tired!
    7/12 227.5 I guess my body likes to hang out here at 227.5 lol my moving average says 227.2, which I like better
  • HorsesRock9999
    HorsesRock9999 Posts: 222 Member
    Heaviest weight: 148.9
    Current weight: 135.2
    Goal weight: 127

    Goals for Weight Loss - Month of July: 132 (3.2 loss)

    Daily Goals:
    🐎 Weigh-in Daily
    🐎 Log Daily (Food and Exercise)
    🐎 Morning Time - YouVersion
    🐎 Stay on Workout Schedule
    🐎 Gratitudes for the Day

    July 10: 135.2
    July 11: (Monday Official Weigh-In Day): 134.2 (lighter dinner sushi, I was better about not snacking! Ready for the week!)
    July 12: ⬆️ 136.1 I was a bit surprised of how this number was, however, it was really HOT here and I drank a lot of water!! I stayed on my food/exercise plan.
    July 13
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day) 134.5
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day) 133
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30 (Month End Weight) 132
    July 31
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,689 Member
    edited July 2022
    Heaviest weight: 204
    Current weight: 185.5 lbs
    Gained 1.lbs ⬆️
    I have a simple goal this month is to be active for 20 minutes a day. Also to organize my mothers pictures. She passed away over 2 years ago. I am thinking if I do this it will help in my emotional eating.

    July 1 184 lbs Happy Canada Day
    July 4…Happy 4th of July! 🎆🎇
    July 6 185.5 lbs ⬆️⬆️ 50 minutes on treadmill
    July 7 185 lbs ⬇️
    July 8
    July 9
    July 10 185lbs
    July 11 185lbs
    July 12 185lbs Been off the radar. My schedule has been off since the holidays. I am weigh myself but forget to post. Also I am getting my 20 minimum activity in.
    July 13
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30
    July 31
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,184 Member
    Heaviest weight: 293 (1/28/21)
    Current weight (Jul 1): 163.4

    Daily Focus:
    🌼 stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    July 1 - 163.4 (Happy Canada Day! Work gave us a four day weekend. My husband and I came up to the lake last night. Sun is shining!)
    July 2 - 162 (We got a 60 minute walk in yesterday in the heat and had a few drinks to celebrate Canada Day. Night was cut short as we had a huge thunderstorm and the Internet was so bad inside because everyone was in their trailers so we went to bed early and had a great restorative sleep.)
    July 3 - 165.2 (Up early and back home as we have a 75th birthday brunch to attend. Later today we also have dinner out with friends.)
    July 4 - 164 (Happy 4th of July to all the Americans! Our work gave us a four day weekend for Canada Day so I was still off today. I did two Peloton rides and a 5 mile walk and food stop with my husband and dog... so much fun but I am wiped. Need to do some housework now.)
    July 5 - 164 (Busy work day but I got away at lunch for a walk with my husband. After supper and some TV we went out for another walk with our dog. Lots of steps again today.)
    July 6 - 164.6 (Didn't sleep as long as I wanted. Started with a good filling breakfast. Will get my 10K steps today and hopefully ride the Peloton too.)
    July 7 - 164.4 (Had my long ride on the Peloton last night. Today I hope to get back on the bike but I also need to finish getting my house ready for my company tomorrow.)
    July 8 - 163.4 (Started my day with the Stampede Parade and a breakfast. The sun is shining and our city has come alive. I worked this afternoon and tonight we are laying low because my husband is in a 160 KM Gran Fondo bike race tomorrow that we're up early for.)
    July 9 - 163 (Up early as my husband is in a Gran Fondo bike race today. I am hanging out in beautiful Longview, Alberta waiting for him. Will try to walk and get some steps while I wait.)
    July 10 - 161.2 (Today I want to do two Peloton rides, get a walk in, and then we go out for supper in downtown Calgary with friends.)
    July 11 - 160.8 (Amazing dinner out last night at the top rated new restaurant in Canada according to a recently issued list. I had gotten a lot of of exercise and planned for it so the scale was kind to me this morning. This afternoon I have a party at a corporate tent for Stampede and then we go to the grounds for a concert. Will be a late night and my exercise will all be getting my steps.)
    July 12 - 161.8 (Busy day to navigate yesterday. Worked from the office, went to a tent party for Stampede at 3, and then we went to the grounds for a concert. Didn't get home and in bed until midnight. Had one food choice I made for a cost savings reason than my waistline - you live you learn.)
    July 13
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30
    July 31
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Log During Maintenance
    Maintain Weight 178-182
    Accept Fluctuations

    October 2021 Weight: 206
    Loss to Date: 28.0

    July 1: 179.1
    July 2: 178.2
    July 3: 178.0
    July 4: 177.2
    July 5: 177.5
    July 6: 177.0
    July 7: 176.5
    July 8: 178.2
    July 9: 179.8
    July 10: 179.0
    July 11: 178.1
    July 12: 178.0
    July 13:
    July 14:
    July 15:
    July 16:
    July 17:
    July 18:
    July 19:
    July 20:
    July 21:
    July 22:
    July 23:
    July 24:
    July 25:
    July 26:
    July 27:
    July 28:
    July 29:
    July 30:
    July 31:
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    Starting late! Hoping I can finally stick with it vs starting over and over again!

    Goal: 12 lb loss
    Total July loss: 4

    July 8: 218.6
    July 9: 216.8- good start!
    July 10: 215.6 - started my workouts again and feeling good
    July 11: 215.4 - went to a mexican restaurant with family last night and did well limiting myself! Small accomplishment!
    July 12: 214.6
    July 13:
    July 14:
    July 15:
    July 16:
    July 17:
    July 18:
    July 19:
    July 20:
    July 21:
    July 22:
    July 23:
    July 24:
    July 25:
    July 26:
    July 27:
    July 28:
    July 29:
    July 30:
    July 31:
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,733 Member
    My name is Christie, I'm an Aussie mum-of-one, working full time as an accountant and loving my life!

    Starting weight: 138.3kg (304.9lbs)
    July Goal weight: 129.5kg (285.5lbs)
    Ultimate Goal weight: 64kg (141lbs)

    Daily Focus:
    🌼 Reduce portion sizes
    🌼 Close Apple Watch rings

    Exercise Goals:
    🌱 20+ minutes per day
    🌱 Start some slow, weighted workouts
    🌱 Daily walking
    🌱 Start morning workouts

    July 1 132.4kg (291.9lbs) | No exercise
    July 2 132.0kg (291.0lbs) | 11 mins walking
    July 3 131.1kg (289.0lbs) | 70 mins yoga
    July 4 DNW | No exercise
    July 5 DNW | No exercise
    July 6 DNW | 10 mins walking
    July 7 131.5kg (289.9lbs) | 15 mins Darebee workout + 5 mins walking
    July 8 131.5kg (289.9lbs) | 20 mins Darebee workouts
    July 9 131.7kg (290.3lbs) | No exercise
    July 10 131.2kg (289.2lbs) | No exercise
    July 11 131.5kg (289.9lbs) | 30 mins Beat Saber + 5 mins walking
    July 12 131.5kg (289.7lbs) | 25 mins Darebee workout + 20 mins yoga
    July 13 131.9kg (290.8lbs) (had Chinese for dinner last night so this gain is from water retention; stayed within my calories despite the takeaway so happy with that)
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30
    July 31
  • dave0628
    dave0628 Posts: 102 Member
    Daily Focus:
    Weigh in everyday in July
    Stay under calorie goal 6 out of 7 days per week
    Exercise 4 days a week

    July 1st 210 lbs. Tracked and met calories, no exercise besides a short walk. Traveling to NC to visit inlaws, may not be able to weigh for a few days.
    July 2nd DNW no scale. Ate below calories and walked a lot.
    July 3rd DNW no scale. Ate over calories, but tracked as best I could. Exercised for an hour..
    July 4th DNW DNT. Traveling finally caught up with me. I let myself get overly hungry and ended up binging on snacks. Back at it today, starting with a long walk. Happy 4th.
    July 5th DNW Hit calorie goal, lots of walking
    July 6th 209 lbs. Tracked and met calories, strength workout - back from NC with more predictable food choices.
    July 7th 208 lbs. Tracked and hit calorie goal, no exercise
    July 8th 209 lbs. Tracked and hit calorie goal, 30 minutes elliptical
    July 9th DNW DNT. Way over calories, no exercise
    July 10th 209 lbs. Tracked and hit calories, strength trained
    July 11th 208 lbs. Tracked and hit calories, strength trained
    July 12th DNW way over calories, no exercise - old habits trying to make a comeback!
    July 13th 209 lbs. Tracked and hit calorie goal, 30 mins elliptical
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,184 Member
    Heaviest weight: 293 (1/28/21)
    Current weight (Jul 1): 163.4

    Daily Focus:
    🌼 stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    July 1 - 163.4 (Happy Canada Day! Work gave us a four day weekend. My husband and I came up to the lake last night. Sun is shining!)
    July 2 - 162 (We got a 60 minute walk in yesterday in the heat and had a few drinks to celebrate Canada Day. Night was cut short as we had a huge thunderstorm and the Internet was so bad inside because everyone was in their trailers so we went to bed early and had a great restorative sleep.)
    July 3 - 165.2 (Up early and back home as we have a 75th birthday brunch to attend. Later today we also have dinner out with friends.)
    July 4 - 164 (Happy 4th of July to all the Americans! Our work gave us a four day weekend for Canada Day so I was still off today. I did two Peloton rides and a 5 mile walk and food stop with my husband and dog... so much fun but I am wiped. Need to do some housework now.)
    July 5 - 164 (Busy work day but I got away at lunch for a walk with my husband. After supper and some TV we went out for another walk with our dog. Lots of steps again today.)
    July 6 - 164.6 (Didn't sleep as long as I wanted. Started with a good filling breakfast. Will get my 10K steps today and hopefully ride the Peloton too.)
    July 7 - 164.4 (Had my long ride on the Peloton last night. Today I hope to get back on the bike but I also need to finish getting my house ready for my company tomorrow.)
    July 8 - 163.4 (Started my day with the Stampede Parade and a breakfast. The sun is shining and our city has come alive. I worked this afternoon and tonight we are laying low because my husband is in a 160 KM Gran Fondo bike race tomorrow that we're up early for.)
    July 9 - 163 (Up early as my husband is in a Gran Fondo bike race today. I am hanging out in beautiful Longview, Alberta waiting for him. Will try to walk and get some steps while I wait.)
    July 10 - 161.2 (Today I want to do two Peloton rides, get a walk in, and then we go out for supper in downtown Calgary with friends.)
    July 11 - 160.8 (Amazing dinner out last night at the top rated new restaurant in Canada according to a recently issued list. I had gotten a lot of of exercise and planned for it so the scale was kind to me this morning. This afternoon I have a party at a corporate tent for Stampede and then we go to the grounds for a concert. Will be a late night and my exercise will all be getting my steps.)
    July 12 - 161.8 (Busy day to navigate yesterday. Worked from the office, went to a tent party for Stampede at 3, and then we went to the grounds for a concert. Didn't get home and in bed until midnight. Had one food choice I made for a cost savings reason than my waistline - you live you learn.)
    July 13 - 161.2 (Kept indulgences to a minimum at my work party yesterday so I was in good shape to come home and ride the Peloton.)
    July 14
    July 15
    July 16
    July 17
    July 18
    July 19
    July 20
    July 21
    July 22
    July 23
    July 24
    July 25
    July 26
    July 27
    July 28
    July 29
    July 30
    July 31
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Somehow lost my note from previous posts and MFP won’t let me copy and paste. Starting again!

    OSW: 250
    7/1: 228
    7/31 goal: 222
    OGW: 150

    7/1 228
    7/2 228.5
    7/3 228.5
    7/4 228.5
    7/5 229
    7/6 229 😑
    7/7 228.5-this is like watching paint dry-trying to watch my macros now
    7/8 228 like a rollercoaster with baby bumps!
    7/9 227
    7/10 227.5 my macros have been on point the last two days 👏🏻
    7/11 227.5 I unintentionally ate keto yesterday, I was so full and tired!
    7/12 227.5 I guess my body likes to hang out here at 227.5 lol my moving average says 227.2, which I like better
    7/13 225.5! Woosh! So strange, yesterday I had too much sodium and too few steps 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • HorsesRock9999
    HorsesRock9999 Posts: 222 Member
    Heaviest weight: 148.9
    Current weight: 135.2
    Goal weight: 127

    Goals for Weight Loss - Month of July: 132 (3.2 loss)

    Daily Goals:
    🐎 Weigh-in Daily
    🐎 Log Daily (Food and Exercise)
    🐎 Morning Time - YouVersion
    🐎 Stay on Workout Schedule
    🐎 Gratitudes for the Day

    July 10: 135.2
    July 11 (Monday Official Weigh-In Day): 134.2 (lighter dinner sushi, I was better about not snacking! Ready for the week!)
    7/12/2022 136.1 I was a bit surprised of how this number was, however, it was really HOT here and I drank a lot of water!! I stayed on my food/exercise plan.
    7/13/2022 134.2