Wrong answers ONLY!



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    You ever hear of the expression, "one man's trash is another man's treasure?" Well, the same principle applies to other areas of life: one person's vegetables is another's dessert, one person's fingernails-scraping-blackboard is another's singing-in-the-shower, and of course the most relevant to this conversation, one person's work is another's vacation. If you're wanting to take a vacation away from what you consider to be work, then may I humbly suggest you come here and do MY work instead? It'll be such a refreshing change from what you normally do that you'll be thrilled to death, enjoying every moment. To ensure you feel on vacation and not working, I won't pay you, but I will offer you your choice of beverages from the water fountain (the arcing sip or the vertical water bottle-filler) with a festive little umbrella. My office air conditioning works, too, if you need further incentive to accept my offer rather than @frankwbrown's.
    What if it takes me so long to come up with a question that someone else answers Frank with a far wittier reply?

    I don't understand the question...are you implying somebody could possibly come up with a response more witty than I can deliver? Surely you jest! It doesn't matter how long it takes me to reply, I can guarantee I am wittier than any other response. For example, that question asked back on page 17? You know the one I'm talking about. My answer today is far better. I just choose not to answer so I don't make everybody else feel bad. I'm a nice guy that way.


    Talking with a coworker, we realized how much our work environment was mirrored in the Dilbert comic strip. Which comic strip does your work (or home) environment most resemble?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    I'd like to think Calvin and Hobbes, but then again...
    Pogo, Odd Bodkins, Third Wave and Far Side all come to mind.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Next? Next what? Are you talking about the Nicolas Cage movie "Next" who can see a few seconds into the future and, if necessary, change his words/actions to create a better outcome? Are you hoping this website creates a little "next" button which, upon clicking, skips to the next thread without having to return to the menu page? Are you attempting to convey in a single word the phrase, "Nothing to see here, folks, move along?" Were you hoping to elicit so much confusion in the next person to read your response? Shall we all just throw our hands up into the air in synchronized exasperation?


    I work as a contractor on a military installation. For security reasons, I've never been able to fully discuss what I do with my family. But tomorrow, the base is hosting families on a tour of our facility, and my wife and kids will finally get to see where I've spent the last 13 years. What part of my professional life should I share with them first?
  • Pfeniks
    Pfeniks Posts: 5 Member
    Listening to operatic bagpipe and accordion music really calms me down, so that’s my favorite pastime.

    Where do you see yourself working in 5 years?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    *Editor's note: Looks like you are answering an older question there, @Pfeniks!*

    Now that I'm 45 years old, my eyesight is starting to be noticeably weaker than it used to be. In 5 years, I imagine I will have to be leaning far forward with my face only inches from the computer monitor in order to see what I'm typing. Unless medical science advances to the point of allowing me to get a second round of laser eye surgery to restore my perfect eyesight a second time. (I wore glasses for over 20 years as a youth/young adult...you can't make me go back to wearing them again! No, I refuse!)


    (Now, my question repeated...)

    I work as a contractor on a military installation. For security reasons, I've never been able to fully discuss what I do with my family. But tomorrow, the base is hosting families on a tour of our facility, and my wife and kids will finally get to see where I've spent the last 13 years. What part of my professional life should I share with them first?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    edited July 2022
    Show them where the bathroom is. I’m sure you never talk to them about the bathroom, and they’ve probably been wondering for years if you even have one at work. Inquiring minds ———

    I really like the kids who mow my lawn. They do a good job! But my niece wants her daughter to do it. My niece lives nearby, and she’s the only relative who does. What should I do?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited July 2022
    Apparently this question is so stressful, we've all been avoiding it for the last five days. I think the only answer here is you have to move. Let the new owner of the house decide who mows the lawn going forward. Who wants to live that close to relatives anyway?

    I've got some mysterious, creepy-looking, long-stingered insect flying in and out of one of my deck boards. I'm afraid she's laying eggs that'll soon hatch millions more creepy-looking, long-stingered insects. I've already tried the two options below so please think more creativity. How do I get rid of this bug before it moves in its whole family?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    Move somewhere cold. Yeah think this is the only solution. Also, I don't mean like Minnesota/Canada cold I mean Greenland cold. Doubt they have those bugs there. Or if they are I'd like to see them get through your full insulated bear skin jacket to get to you.

    How should I spend this beautiful day off? Cloudy weather l, a little muggy, but overall beautiful. Next week in the high 90s so looking to be outdoors. Any suggestions?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    edited July 2022
    I could use some help moving to Greenland. Bring some boxes with you - I'll provide snacks.

    Other than helping me move, does anybody have a better suggestion for how our friend should spend her day?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Days off from work are a perfect time to get ahead on work! Work on tomorrow's projects at home, that way when you get back to the office you can then work on the NEXT day's projects, and so on. If you do this every time you get a day off, soon you'll be the star of the office, a full week ahead of your peers.

    If you get a week ahead of your peers on work projects, does that qualify as a form of time travel?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,020 Member
    Yes, but unfortunately it is essentially traveling to the past by one week. When the boss sees you have finished next week's work ahead of time, you immediately get a week of additional work assigned to you, and you are at least one week behind again. It's better to get a week behind, and always stay a week behind, so that you are always getting the attention you deserve from the boss (high visibility at the office!), and you never run out of work (job security!). It also makes certain that the boss assigns all the extra work to some poor over-achiever who has already finished their work for the week.

    Some environmental activists want to ban refrigeration devices (air conditioning, ice makers, refrigerators) in order to combat global warming. Is this a good idea?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    That's a terrible idea! Refrigeration devices make things cooler. Common sense suggests we need more such devices, not less. Now, some naysayers will say that refrigeration devices only move heat from one place to another, that for example, your refrigerator makes things inside colder by transferring their heat to the outside of the refrigerator, and it generates more heat in the process. Now, I'll admit I've found that it is always warmer near the back of the refrigerator, and I can't explain that. But consider this: I have ice cream in my freezer at somewhere around 8℉, that's about 70 degrees cooler than room temperature. If you add that 70 degrees to the room temperature to compensate for reducing the inside of the freezer by that amount, the room would be 148℉! Come on, people, use your head! Global warming hah!

    This morning, during a walk, I found the humidity to be higher than normal and it made my walk less comfortable. The humidity was only about 65%, and I have a friend back East who complains about much higher humidity. Now, I understand his plight. So, I started wondering... why don't we have portable backpack dehumidifiers (and backpacker A/C units as well) to make our walks/hikes more comfortable? Or do we, and I just don't know about them?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    The good news is we do have portable dehumidifiers, and you're already quite aware of their existence. You just call them by another name: cars. They're portable (able to move from one place to another) and they can effectively allow you to walk in less humidity (by carrying you to the desert where the air is dryer).

    A gym buddy I know weighs less than I do yet has much bigger muscles. How is this possible?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Simple. He lies! That’s why I’m prettier and smarter than anyone I know.

    I’d like to be in the next lower category on the BMI chart for my next Dr. Appointment. What’s the best way to lose 20 pounds in a month?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,294 Member
    Go to a racetrack in the UK once a week for four weeks and each time you're there, place a 5 pound bet on the worst horse running. In one month you'll have lost 20 pounds.

    Why am I sometimes unable to fall asleep at night even though I'm tired?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,020 Member
    Circadian rhythm is the problem, or rather your lack of the proper rhythm. An easy way to fix this is by eating lots of cicadas. Ideally they should be swallowed whole, and alive, so that they can help act within your body to restore your circadian rhythm. The only downside is that they make lots of noise at night, even while inside your body, so if you choose this technique, be sure to buy some earplugs first.

    My wife has sleep apnea and finds it hard to wake up early mornings for her teaching job. What can I do to help?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    I was going to suggest she stop teaching in-person and instead focus upon teaching over the internet to classes on the opposite side of the planet (so she teaches their day but her night), but she may not enjoy the commute. Instead, you need to adjust all the clocks in the house by several hours, so now instead of waking at 6am to go to work she'll instead be waking at 2pm, feeling very refreshed for having slept past noon. Obviously you can't shift everything by 8 hours in one shot, the body has trouble adjusting to such radical time zone changes. I recommend moving things by about ten minutes per day, leaving Sundays alone. At this rate, you can adjust your wife's wake-up time by several hours by the time the school year starts; waking late-morning has to be easier than waking early-morning.

    Why is it I love the smell of coffee, but despise the taste?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    nossmf wrote: »

    Why is it I love the smell of coffee, but despise the taste?

    Doesn’t everyone? Isn’t that why there are coffee shops popping up all over that have fancy coffees. A favorite recipe

    1 tsp coffee
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/2 cup caramel
    1 cup sweetened heavy cream
    2 cups ice.

    Makes 2 coffee drinks. Sniff deeply. Smells like coffee. Doesn’t taste like coffee.

    ——Oh, wait!— I was supposed to tell a lie, wasn’t I?

    Gas is less than $3.00 down the street from me. I need gas. Yesterday cars were 3 deep waiting in line to get gas. How long should I wait to get gas? Or should I avoid the crowds and drive a couple miles and pay $3.50?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    During the night when crowds have dispersed, walk to the nearby gas station and take their cheap signs down. (Don't worry about the cameras...they only activate to the movement of cars. If you walk, they'll never see you.) Carry that cheap sign down the road to the expensive station, swap signs, and return with the expensive sign. In the morning when cars line up for gas, they'll now line up at the other station, leaving your local one line-free for you to patronize.

    Why is it I wake up early on my days off when I should be sleeping in, and sleep in on work days when I should wake up early?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Could it be? The night before your days off, you are anticipating! Can’t wait to get the fun day started! May even go to bed early to make the night longer. Night before work, dread it so much, hate to let today end, so stay up hoping tomorrow morning will just go away.

    Why is it so hot?!? 20 days over 100. Cooler today cause it rained last night, but 95 and 95% humidity is still HOT!