August 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,078 Member
    Thanks @polskagirl01 . I'm sure you will make the best decision for yourself. It's hard to DNS though.

    @marisap2010 Great job on finishing the 18 miles when you were over it at mile 5. Awesome perseverance. I hope the fruit gus work for you.

    @AlphaHowls You are awesome.

    Great running @martaindale . I have to turn my TV up to max to be able to hear it when I run on my treadmill. Since I'm alone, it doesn't matter, but I can imagine it might aggravate others in the household. Glad you are going to be able to run outside next week. Enjoy.

    Glad to see that you had such a good run this morning @kgirlhart . It's a shame about your sister's anniversary. Maybe they can do something extra special later to make up for it.

    I was still tired today, so opted to keep Sunday as my rest day and walked a mile on the treadmill to keep the streak going. That puts me at 15.00 total miles for the month so far. I still haven't set a goal or decided on a plan going forward, but I'm working on it.
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,162 Member
    Morning all. Got in a 4Miler before work!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,078 Member
    Nice run @tarun_yadavA !

    @eleanorhawkins I'm glad you got to see your mom, but sorry your weekend didn't go as well as you had envisioned. Sorry your DH is being a pain about your running. The idea that you shouldn't run a race unless you think you have a chance of winning shows that he really doesn't understand running. Glad your new road shoes worked out for the run. It's funny that you should mention they felt odd while walking. I used to have some pains in my knees, but only when walking. Once I started running, it went away. I wonder if it was the shoes and maybe that we land differently when we walk. :confused:
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @eleanorhawkins glad you got your hike up to the castle in, but your husband need a good kick in the behind. That is a ridiculous comment about not training for races that you don't have a chance of winning. That just shows complete ignorance about running. But I feel you.

    @martaindale I solved my TV volume problem by pairing my earbuds with the Firestick attached to the TV. It is a game changer. Can have the volume up as loud as I want and doesn't bother anybody (although nobody is home 99.9% of the time when I use the treadmill). If you don't have a Firestick, there are adapters you can get that will allow Bluetooth audio connection to your TV. Just search for "Bluetooth adapter for tv audio" on Amazon.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @quilteryoyo and @Scott6255 thanks, yeah, he's being a bit of a jerk atm and if I suggest that maybe he isn't an expert on running and doesn't understand I'm told well that must be my fault for not being able to explain it properly. Easier to just go "whatever" and juggle, for now anyway.

    @martaindale I was going to say have a look for some sort of Bluetooth or wireless headphones you can hook up to the TV, depending on what kind of TV it is. We have some wireless ones for the old TV in our bedroom that just have an old-fashioned round audio socket, and some Bluetooth ones with a little thing that goes in the USB port on the newer TV in the lounge.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,078 Member
    Welcome @cmcrae0217 ! Sounds like you are doing great so far.

    Thanks @Teresa502 . Can't wait to see pictures from your hike.

    Glad the mountain fire is out @eleanorhawkins .

    Great Monday running everyone.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Welcome @cmcrae0217 good luck with your training!

    @Teresa502 I am very envious or your hikes :-)

    My knees are telling me that I really need to respect tomorrow's scheduled rest day now!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    @Teresa502 16 miles stuck in one gear is pretty funny - AFTER it's over! I hope it's an easy (cheap) fix.

    @eleanorhawkins good news about the fire being out. Hopefully soon signs of life will return.

    Welcome @cmcrae0217 !
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,078 Member
    You are doing great to get out and do anything in those conditions @shanaber ! I hope it cools off for you soon. To give you some hope, we are supposed to have a record low temperature on Sat at 54F. It will feel really cold, I suspect.

    I did a treadmill session after work. Today's plan called for a Fast Finish Run. ...5 min Zone 1/15 min Zone 2/5 min zone 3. I ran 5 min at 4.2 mph, 15 min at 4.5 mph, 5 min at 5.0 mph and then 1:34 min at 4.2 mph for a total of 2.0 miles, with no walking, for an average 13:17 min/mile pace. My HR was right in the correct zones - 5:06 min in Zone 1(less than129bpm)/16:02 min in Zone 2(less than 153pbm)/5:26 min in Zone 3(less than160bpm). I also walked a total of 0.70 miles for warm up and cool down at 3.8 mph. That bring my total for the month to 17.70/62 goal.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Welcome @cmcrae0217!
    @quilteryoyo I'm glad you were able to figure out a plan. Adding that build up at the start is a great idea.
    @eleanorhawkins Sorry your hubby isn't being supportive. I'm glad they were able to put out all of the fires near you. I know that has been really stressful.
    @shanaber Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hobbes looks like he had a ton of fun at the beach!

    My plan called for a 45 minute recovery run in Z1. My legs are still pretty tired from yesterday, but I managed 3.27 miles.

    August Miles: 39.33