August 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,096 Member
    August total: 41.3/105 miles

    8/1: 5.1 miles
    8/3: 5 miles
    8/4: 4.1 miles
    8/5: 5 miles
    8/6: 10 miles
    8/7: 4 miles
    8/9: 4 miles
    8/10: 4.1 miles

    I take back everything nice I said about the weather yesterday. Today was back to the usual mess.

    Today is also the first day of school for us. There were a surprising number of people on the trail and lots of cars and busses driving around. The whole neighborhood schedule changes when school starts back. My kid wasn't thrilled about going back but I think my husband is relieved to have some drama free hours for a change!

    @shanaber Thanks for sharing your friend's post. It's a nice reminder to appreciate the journey even when it's hard.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @martaindale wow, schools here don't start for another month. Enjoy your peace lol.

    After Monday's mistake I remembered to check the plan before setting out today, and yep, it had gone up to 13km. Added the extra (flat) couple on at the start of my usual Wednesday route. It wasn't as fast as last week, but I have reached the point where I can run (slowly!) up the looooooong hill with only a 30 second walk break in the middle whereas not that long ago I had to run-walk-run. My legs aren't very happy with me at the moment, so I'm torn as to whether to make Friday's 26km (which will be my longest ever, yikes!!!) run my usual slog up to the village on the mountain with some extra or whether to reduce the elevation a bit this week and stay down on the foothills. Guess I'll plot both routes and see what I feel like when I fall out of bed.
    Also, Summer weekends have become chaotic where food is concerned and result in too much of the wrong stuff being swallowed, so I'm trying to make up for it by being strict on calories and not eatting junk on weekdays. But damn I wanna donut right now.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @martaindale Sorry your weather went back to being horrible. Our schools started back last week - Thursday and Friday for kids. When I was in school, we always started back the day after Labor Day. I wish it were that way for the kids now. It seems they have a week vacation once a month (probably not, but it feels that way), but start back so much sooner in the "fall."

    @eleanorhawkins You are doing great with your running. Good luck with no junk during the week. Had to laugh about the donut comment.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Oooh, donuts sound wonderful @eleanorhawkins! It's been years since I had one.

    5 easy treadmill miles tonight. After the speed work yesterday, this felt so easy.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,096 Member
    Our schools started back last week - Thursday and Friday for kids. When I was in school, we always started back the day after Labor Day. I wish it were that way for the kids now. It seems they have a week vacation once a month (probably not, but it feels that way), but start back so much sooner in the "fall."

    We started after Labor Day as well. Our school district does a lot of long weekends. We have a 3 or 4 day weekend every month, a full week for thanksgiving, and almost 3 weeks for Christmas, as well as spring break week. When I was in school there were very few 3 day weekends, we only got 2 or 3 days for thanksgiving and our Christmas break was about 2 weeks. It makes for a shorter summer, but I think the kids like the more frequent breaks during the year. And even as a parent, it’s nice to be able to count on some long weekends for little trips to see family or doing something fun without the kids missing school. Pros and cons I guess.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Yep @martaindale we got about 20 minutes of moderate rain last night too. First time since June 11. So people were out dancing in the streets 😏
    But it was back to normal today 😒
    6 treadmill miles this evening.

  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,145 Member
    Today's 4 Miler
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,004 Member
    Sorry you had to DNS @polskagirl01, but you made the smart choice. The mountain is lovely. I wish I had such nice views.

    @AlphaHowls I too am amazed not only by your mileage, but by your shoes. I wear Saucony but usually have to replaced them between 300-400 miles.

    @Teresa502 Have fun on your trip! I am so jealous. 😊