What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did a short bike ride tonight before Sunday's tri. Easy one hour effort with a 20 min higher intensity stretch just to wake up the legs. 57 minutes at 17.4mph overall pace.

    PT said my hamstring is no longer inflamed and my control at the end of the range of motion is back to normal. Now it's just strengthening work and following the return to running progression.

    Will do a 2:1 run walk tomorrow.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @AnnPT77 should've said I learnt they were easier *for me! But your comment is very interesting. I can't do any push up or box dip stuff the normal way because of my wrists and have to use handle-type things (DBs for push ups, some kind of contraption for "box" dips) to position my wrists okay. I can't do overhead squats with the proper wide grip either and need to go as narrow as possible while still being able to squat all the way down and heavy snatches also hurt my wrists more than they reasonably should (though at least that pain is getting less with regulsr training). So why are planks on the hands easier...? I'm gonna bring it up with the pilates coach for sure. I'm very curious!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    So why are planks on the hands easier...? I'm gonna bring it up with the pilates coach for sure. I'm very curious!

    Isn't it just a matter of physics? The angle of your body is different: planks on your hands (presumably with stretched arms?) probably mean more weight on your feet and therefore less core implication?

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    I occasionally do a 5 minute plank. Because it's really boring, I'll do one minute front plank on elbows, one minute left side plank on hands, one minute front plank on hands, one minute right side plank on hands, and finish where I started - one minute front on elbows. The endeavour is hard work and not that rewarding, so I tend to only do it once a month or so. I tend to do it after climbing, as static stretches are recommended post workout but not pre (for climbing, I don't know about other stuff.)

    I didn't really exercise much on Monday, as I drove to Norwich after work. I did get 12k steps in, at least.

    Tuesday was my Dad's memorial. I managed more steps (24K) and got a quick kettlebell workout with a 24 kgs wieght (100 swings; 15 goblet squats.)

    I wen climbing on Wednesday. It was a 2 hour session, good fun. I wasn't in very good form, although I did get one v4.
  • Todays work out was 45 minute lower body and core 🏋🏻‍♂️ And 60 minutes 🏃🏻‍♂️

    Plus, I stretched 😁😁
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @Lietchi I have no idea

    @drmwc we rarely do them but sometimes they're programmed as accessory work. The normal core accesory is v-ups, russian twists, hollow rocks and hollow hold but I can't do 3 of those because of my back right now so I'm happy when they schedule something different. Sometimes it's pallof's presses or split squats and lately it's been planks and flyes.
    Sideplanks are often in the warmup but you kinda need a strong core to get into position so I only managed to get into position on my knee a few months ago. A real sideplank off my feet is going to take a lot more time and patience.

    Anyway, tonight I have drinks with some colleagues so I had to go to the gym at noon. It was 3 rounds of
    1 min plate hold (with two fingers if possible, one plate in each hand, very hard to do)
    A clean into 3 front squats
    6 deadlifts (my back hurt so I did strict shoulder presses instead at 22,5kg)
    A clean into 3 front squats
    1 min plate hold
    2 min rest
    The rx version for women was 55kg but I can't clean that much :( I'm so frustrated because I can jerk that much, I can front squat way more, my snatch is only 7kg away from my clean. I just want to improve this.
    I ended up doing 45kg, which mostly hurt to clean but my frontsquats looked very good. Some of the guys were muscle cleaning in a way that looked much too easy but I guess they might've wanted an easy workout for once. I finished in 16:18 iirc including the 4 min rest.

    I'm skipping tomorrow's workout because it involves a lot of rowing, thrusters and muscle ups but I'm doubling up on the open gym because a gym friend wanted to work out with me and practice cleans and frontsquats I think and then I still have the gymnastics homework.
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,593 Member
    I was planning a rest day but I did yoga and going for a walk later.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Thursday is cardio only, no weights, so an hour on the elliptical doing hill work.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    Treadmill run today, for stress management.
    7km in just under 48 minutes, 8.8kph. Felt quite hard, especially the last few km. Humidity, TOM and/or allergies? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Runalyze says my vo2max improved, but might be because my HR is lower during that time of month (resting HR supposedly 43 today according to my Garmin!).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Bike ride, a little over 20 miles, easy pace on hybrid bike, 10.6mph moving average. Some Z3, but mostly below. Low 80s, not so humid, light breeze = pleasanter ride.
    Cause accountability…

    …45 min cycling, 1 mile (streak run), back/bi day
    …stretching cause old

    @MissAtomicBomb238 🤣🤣🤣 stretching because it helps muscles recover right?? 🤣🤣 age is just a number. Also coming from someone who stretches everyday now (for the last 3 months that is 😁😁)

    Age is a number. And yes recovery and all that. But danggggg…I’m creaky.

    WOD: 45 minutes (15 minutes warm up run and 30 minutes of speed work- 30sec all out/ 90 sec running recovery for 15 then 45 all out/ 75 recovery for 10 then 1:1 for 5.)

    Walking body weight lunges and planks

    Stretching for the recovery aka being old

    @MissAtomicBomb238, maybe proceed with caution when it comes to claims about aging in this group: If that's you in your profile photo, you look like a Mere Youth to me. (I'm not the only 60+ person hanging out here, either, with others close behind chronologically.) Do we need to check IDs at the door? 😉😆🤣

    Your workouts look excellent though (go, you!), so anything you need to do to make that go well is worth doing. 👍
    Lietchi wrote: »
    So why are planks on the hands easier...? I'm gonna bring it up with the pilates coach for sure. I'm very curious!

    Isn't it just a matter of physics? The angle of your body is different: planks on your hands (presumably with stretched arms?) probably mean more weight on your feet and therefore less core implication?

    That would make sense to me. Same argument as push-up progressions?

    For sure, my wrists and even shoulders tend to be stressed before core in front planks. (Rowing, especially sculling, does a decent job of building core strength in that plane, IME. I'm a lot weaker in side plank. I can do them, but only more briefly. Front plank with foot raise is achievable, side plank with foot raise is very punitive. I don't know how long I can front plank, though: I get bored, and there's a diminishing return on basic planks, so I'd usually switch to rolling planks, one arm/one leg, or some other progression, maybe other exercise.)
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Quick spin b4 werk. Which is another 50+km of cycling

  • Got in 40 strength (upper body and core) plus 60 minute run today 😁😁🏋🏻‍♂️🤗
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited August 2022
    I seem to have COVID, so no workouts for me. It's a bit annoying, as I had scuba diving holiday booked on Sunday. I was supposed to fly to Narvik in the Arctic Circle in Norway. I suspect I picked the lurgy up at my Dad's meemorial; quite a few people have tested positive.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    I seem to have COVID, so no workouts for me. It's a bit annoying, as I had scuba diving holiday booked on Sunday. I was supposed to fly to Narvik in the Arctic Circle in Norway. I suspect I picked the lurgy up at my Dad's meemorial; quite a few people have tested positive.

    Oh, man, I'm so sorry, @drmwc! Wishing you no or mild symptoms, and a speedy recovery: Your fitness level ought to help with that. Let us know how you're doing, OK?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Unimaginative, I guess: About 6500m rowing 2 seat in the quad again, shorter than usual because - apparently? - today's bow rower, who hasn't bowed much this season, was worried about getting too close to the bridges at either end, so called weigh enough and spun the boat quite a way from both bridges. We did some nice power 10s along the way, though, in pleasant weather, and got the splits down by 30" or more from our starting pace each time, which was good.

    This despite what seemed to be an organized demo of two fancy, shiny new pontoon boats doing circuits from the public boat launch . . . while ignoring the standard US default "keep right" traffic pattern for such waterways, plus making an unpredictable turn into our path at one point (we should have the right of way, as a human-powered, less maneuverable craft). WTF, people who ought to know better?
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hope you feel better soon Matt!

    Did my normal Friday -- supersets and then a rowing interval. I try to do either a fast piece or a longer endurance piece on my two hard rowing interval days, which coincide with my lifting days. Since I did a short sprint on Tuesday, I figured I'd do a longer interval session today.

    Wasn't feeling going out too, too hard today (lift was tough enough), so I thought I would do a hard 10K restricted rate row (at 20 SPM) and then quickly changed my mind :D . Quit at five minutes in and then switched it to a 5 minute X 5 interval/one minute rest @ 20 Strokes per minute. Averaged around 2:09 for the set on pace. Hard enough for today. Around 450 calories burned, just on the rowing part today, in around 33 minutes. HR during the five minute sets was around 85% to 86% max.
  • 15822
    15822 Posts: 269 Member
    Today on my intended rest day I realised I must have clicked on the wrong pickup location for a package I ordered, so that's a 8 KM brisk walk on the books.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Easy paced shakeout swim before tomorrow's triathlon relay. Roughly 1500 lazy yards and had the lake to myself. Saw an eagle grab a trout for breakfast, but otherwise it was perfect stillness.

    Roughly 25 tri club friends will be at the race, so it'll be more of a social affair than real performance test for me.