

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Heather Congrats on your new book
    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    Stat for the day-

    housecleaning etc- 3hrs 58sec, vacuum, dust, make hummingbird food, laundry fold/put away, sweep front entryway and patio, empty dishwasher, etc= 835c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    No work so did Debra Mazda’s Let’s Get Stepping DVD. Then my blueray locked up and I couldn’t put in the pilates DVD. It was drizzling so didn’t go for a walk but went to WalMart. Made another key lime Zucchini cake for Vince. Stopped drizzling so as soon as the cake comes out of the pan, I think I’ll go for my walk. Update: did

    Finished one jigsaw puzzle last night and will start on the next one

    Rebecca – good news about your Lee! Love Athena’s eyes. I don’t recall you mentioning that she went to DisneyLand, but then again, CRS creeps in.

    Lori – the needles in a jar sure saves a lot of room.

    Pip – when Vince had his cataract surgery admitted he was worried when they did the first eye. When they took the bandage off, his first words were “when you can do the second one”. Are you having both eyes done?

    Allie – good idea to take it easy today. You do so much as it is.

    I went to open a Leslie Sansone DVD, and a yoga DVD was in the case. Well, that’s what I get for buying at the Salvation Army. I can probably use the DVD down the condo. I’ll just put it in a DVD sleeve. In a way, that’s good since room is at a premium in the condo I try to take DVD’s that I’ve downloaded so they’re in a sleeve and not a case.

    Rita – congrats on the job!

    Heather – love all the pics. Thank you for sharing

    Went to church last night. Will be lectoring for another lady next Sat.

    Put the deck to the tractor on. Had to pick it up from the repair place then helped Vince put it on. Then cut the grass and to church. Got my walk in last night then finished the puzzle

    Michele NC

    Both, I’m blind as a bat
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Pip- as my Grandpa used to say- blind in one eye and can't see out of the other lol.
    I miss that man..
    Alfie and I tucked in.. took care of my little puppy friends . They left me 60.00 for less than an hours work.. I love those pups anyway..
    I feel like i got a few things accomplished this weekend which makes me feel good.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Pip, I hope your eye surgery goes smoothly!
    I wish I could get my eyes done Pip, but with my one eye having a pterygium, which is just a jelly mass on the eye that was removed, I don't think they could do it. I had a round part cut out of the back part of my eye coating and stitched to block the jelly part from growing into my iris and vision. It sounds all alien ish but hey its been working.
    With a jelly ish eye on
    Whidbey island

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,396 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Rebecca – how adorable!!! I remember taking my kids to Disney World and them hugging the characters. We had breakfast with the characters a few times, too. Now the prices of things!!! And my understanding is that you have to make a reservation not only for a restaurant but also for the rides.

    Heather – congrats

    Ginny – approval for cataract surgery….thanks for the smile. No, I never in a million years thought I’d be getting excited about things like this.

    Got a call from the lady in Poland who took care of my father. Her granddaughter who lives in Germany was there and translated for us. I took her email address so I can send her a letter in English and she’ll translate it into Polish for Anna. Honestly, I was afraid that she had passed on.

    The one day I don’t have to be at BK, they have a meeting that I have to go to. Oh well...at least it isn’t once a month or something like that. Watch whatever this meeting is about doesn’t affect me.

    Well, went to the “meeting” at BK. When I got there they told me it had been canceled. How nice that I wasn’t sent a text, a voicemail – nothing. Good thing I don’t live far away! So I walked to Food Lion and got things on sale, an energy drink for free that I’ll donate, stuffing since that’s the only store where I can get what I want, and Pasta & Sides for a good price. Now to take a shower and get to bed. I am going to say something to the manager who was there that I never got a text or anything. Maybe the store manager too.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Our weather was cool today almost like fall so I could get outside in the afternoon and do some yard chores that usually can be done only in the morning. I work outside for only 60-90 minutes a day so I don't do any damage to my back.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Hello All.

    Just popping in to comment on Disneyland for those who are curious.
    I've been visiting there since I was a wee child (2 years old the first time). It is indeed very expensive to get in. If you want a one day, one park ticket, it's around $150 now. The daily price goes down if you buy multiple day tickets. Since COVID, you have to make a reservation to get into the park. The only ride reservations are for the new "Star Wars" themed ones, because they are new and really busy. I am not sure you still have to do that (one time was enough for me for a while), but you did when they first opened them. That said, there are some ways to make a reservation or wait less time, if you don't want to wait in the regular lines. The November before COVID shutdowns, I had an annual pass. I loved it because I went with whomever flew out to take their kids and didn't feel guilty if I bolted earlier. Unfortunately, since COVID, they got rid of annual passes. I went last October and doubt I'll be going again any time soon.

    I'm experiencing a phase of trying to figure out "who I am." I seem to have lost myself over the past few years and I don't feel like my life is my own. I need to get back there. Sadly, I don't have a lot of things I get excited about. Cooking was my hobby, but with my weight gain and the mister's erratic schedule, I don't really do that anymore for the fun of it. I do it for necessity. That's a real bummer. I still read sometimes, but I am generally too tired to do that for long. I have no energy. It's too hot to sleep, so I'm tired most of the time. I'm constantly sweaty and feel like showering is a waste of energy and water (not to worry, I do it anyway). Allergy season is ramping up for me too, so that won't help. Anyway, I think I'll have to make drastic changes and I'm not sure the mister will be happy about them.

    I've been reading along with you all, but I didn't take notes. I can only remember some details from the last few posts.

    Kim-Thanks for the bean juice tip! I'm going to try that in something, sometime.

    Virtual hugs to those in need. I know there are many of you having a rough time.

    Congrats to those of you with reasons to celebrate. There are a few of you in that situation too!

    I love the photos. Makes me smile for a moment when I see them.

    Tina in CA

    I hear you.

    I'm also in a figuring things out, transitional type of phase.

    3rd job in 8 months. That was all planned and planning to be in this one for a while (I think) but still, it's a lot of change in a short time.

    Hard to find motivation to do other stuff.

    Feet and legs playing up so exercise is difficult.

    The other day I was thinking that I need something to look forward to.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited August 2022
    Awake early. Too much excitement! :p

    Tina, thanks for posting. That's a great step forward. I know what it's like to feel like you do. Years and years of it. I presume you've had your hormones, thyroid, blood, checked out, so it's nothing physical. <3
    If something makes you turn your head, even a quarter of an inch, follow that. (Liz Gilbert) A tiny spark is enough. Sometimes those fallow periods can be very fruitful and lead to big and necessary changes. But rest is so important. Your body and mind are in a chrysalis phase. Things are changing inside.
    Or, as the Buddhists say, the mud is necessary for the lotus. Or as Christians say, the Dark Night of the Soul. Or as some French guy said, "Reculer pour mieux sauter."
    It feels endless, but it's not. Just keep noticing that quarter of an inch.
    Lots of love to those in their chrysalis. <3
    I always recommend the same book, which actually did change my life, unlikely as that sounds, 'The Way of Integrity' by Martha Beck. Living our truth is the hardest thing, and a lifetime's work, but soooooo worth it.

    Machka - I love something to look forward to. I'm already looking forward to my cruise next June! :p But I'm also tossing around ideas for October, when my husband and I both have birthdays. It might just be a night away in London, which i would love, but I'm also thinking of crashing my step-daughter's 50th in Jersey (if she doesn't get to Japan) We wouldn't actually crash the party, but it would be nice to meet up for a meal or a walk. Jersey is one of the Channel Islands and part of the British Isles, but not the UK. It's nearer to France. Thoughts are going around my head, but I'm waiting for her to get back to me with the dates. Of course, I hope for her that Japan lifts its restrictions, but, we have never been to the Channel Islands!
    Is there any more news on the legal case?
    Sorry about the dermatome problem. Soooo frustrating!

    Love to all. We are expecting rain today. Next door will be getting delivery of their new garden/sun room this morning. The neighbour asked us to move our car last night as a very large lorry will be delivering panels. DH was a bit put out, but he did it with reasonable grace. She presented him with a big box of chocolates. :laugh: He hates the noise of construction while he's writing in the morning. The cutting of the concrete path last week drove him nuts. They were making a trench for the electricity cable. I was fascinated, watching four guys labouring in the rain. A hard way to earn a living. Chopping up and shifting concrete and hard ground. Three were young, but one was older. Made my back hurt just looking at him.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    There is an upside to waking up at 4 am. I've just updated my website. It's been on my to do list for a week. I am not very computer literate, so I'm very proud of myself. Last time I tried, I made a complete hash of it and have been avoiding even trying again. ;):p
    Next job is to make a much better one. The one I have was my very earliest attempt and I need a more professional one. Experimentation needed! :o
    However, it's functional. :)


    My DDIL said she would take some photos of me. I would love a professional shoot, but I don't have that kind of money.

    Publicity is soooo hard. :|

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    We went to visit our daughter and her family this evening. She and her DH showed us around the property. They are planning to tear down an old house and build a new one for us. I wouldn’t mind spending some time there, but I would like to spend time in our home in Oregon, too. This evening there was excitement when a bat flew into their house. Luckily our son in law saw it & sent it out side. It vanished into the night the moment it noticed an open door. I’ve never seen a live bat inside a house before.🦇

    Are you able to take care of your husband on your own and relatively far away from medical assistance as you would be in Oregon?

    That's a big consideration in my situation too. On the one hand I wouldn't mind living more remotely than we do ... but on the other hand I have to consider our health. And reality is that we are not likely to get healthier at this stage.

    M in Oz