What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Elliptical: 5km hills
    Strength: Leg Day

    Squats 4x20, BB Step-Ups 3x10, 1-Leg Leg Press 5x5
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited September 2022
    mtaratoot wrote: »

    Three words: Oar-powered boat.

    Even a sail-powered boat is a lot more work than burning petrol. Not to mention there's always work to do to keep the boat in "ship shape." You'll move around a lot.

    Nice idea. I like kayaking.

    The weekend boat was actually a sailing yacht, but big boats don't require much work. Dinghies are a lot more fun for sailing, I sailed various flavours of them when I was young. Some were definitely hard work. I've vaguely considered learning kite surfing, as it would hedge against being blown out at scuba nicely.

    I went climbing yesterday. It was fun. I got every v3 I tried, although the hardest took about 20 goes. I got to the final move on a v4. It felt like it should go, but the gym was ultra-busy so I only got to try that route once. 2.5 hour session.
  • Squiktater
    Squiktater Posts: 12 Member
    This thread looks fun, so I'll jump in!

    Lifted weights at the gym this morning, then I'll head to the barn this afternoon for a 45 minute ride.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Weights only today, back day:

    Pulldowns / Chindowns
    High machine row
    Low machine row
    T-bar row
    DB Shrugs
    DB side bends
    Preacher curls
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    Yesterday: strength training, a day later than intended.
    - 3 sets dumbbell bench press
    - 3 sets barbell rack pulls
    - 3 sets dumbbell shoulder press
    - 3 sets assisted pull-ups
    - 2 sets dip bar leg raises
    - 2 sets hip raises

    Today: I worked a lot later than planned, till 7PM. So after dinner and a short wait for digestion, I managed to do a 5km run, in 32min23. I prefer to run before dinner (running on a full stomach isn't great) but I am making it harder for myself. Ever since my BF changed jobs (no more working from home) I find myself taking longer lunch breaks and working later, leaving less/no time for workouts before dinner. Note to self: improve work schedule!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    PT worked on me today, so my hip/glute/hamstring felt great. My posture was slightly out of alignment, but it was an easy fix. I was thrilled that I was even able to complete a two mile walk without any pulling.

    That said, the only time my heart rate jumped today was when I ordered a copy of "Be Iron Fit - Time Efficient Training Secrets for Ultimate Endurance" by Don Fink. :) I've said yes to another 70.3 race next summer that will be fun (IM 70.3 Musselman in NY).

    Now I just need to remember that I've retired from long course racing when my race pusher friends start to apply FOMO tactics, lol.

  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    4.4 mile Run/Walk, 12:30 pace. Ave HR 133.

    It’s cooling off here!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    The usual Wednesday morning row, this time in 3 seat of the quad, but more like 6.5k than 7k because the bow rower today has gephyrophobia, which another friend tells us is fear of bridges - although in this case not fear of driving over them, but of running into them. (We've been teasing some of the bow rowers about stopping pretty far short of the bridges at either end of our standard circuit.) Did a few power 10 intervals on the way up/down river.

    This evening, another one of those short group bike rides, last one this season, 11.78mi at 11.8mph moving average. Easy pace, nothing above Z2 (!).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Bike ride, little over 22 miles at 10.7 mph moving average. Carried some boats at open rowing, but didn't row myself.
    nossmf wrote: »
    Being as competitive as he is, DS21 proclaimed he would break my time within a single week of training. Mind you, he used to run marathons a few years ago, but hasn't done any running in years. Anyway, after dinner he went out to do another mile run, came back looking like death warmed over, and revealed his time was 10:20. I did my best to be supportive, but inside I'm shaking my head how this guy thinks he's gonna knock off some 5 minutes off his mile time in under a week.

    Sounds like a learning experience is about to happen there . . . . ! 😉😆
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    That looks amazing & a fun time! For you. The amazing & fun time for me, would be to watch!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited September 2022
    Took a PTO day today and off the next 2 days too. No surprise here. Elliptical 181 minutes for 12.5 miles.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Rowing again, back in bow of the quad.

    The university water ski team was out practicing in the buoy course downstream of our boathouse, so rather than our usual bridge-to-bridge circuit, we did a double loop on the upstream end. That's the slightly larger part of the loop, so we ended up with 9151m, rather than the usual 7k-ish.

    We did a number of 10 and 15 stroke power pieces, usually 15 more moderate strokes between. Before and after the row, we helped the club president move some double/quad boats off and back to racks, so she could work on them or to rearrange.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    That looks amazing & a fun time! For you. The amazing & fun time for me, would be to watch!

    It will be a lot of fun. @swimmom_1 With your screen name and elliptical endurance, you might surprise yourself if you signed up and did the race. Swim and bike would be fun, then a short run to finish!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited September 2022
    Djproulx wrote: »
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    That looks amazing & a fun time! For you. The amazing & fun time for me, would be to watch!

    It will be a lot of fun. @swimmom_1 With your screen name and elliptical endurance, you might surprise yourself if you signed up and did the race. Swim and bike would be fun, then a short run to finish!

    @Djproulx My 4 boys were the competitive swimmers. I was the mom! We called the moms of the swimmers, a swim mom. Kind of like a Soccer mom. My oldest son is the one who made my first email moniker. He is now 37. (37, 35, 33 & 26) I am the one who pushed the swimming. As being a nurse, I used to work in Pediatrics and had taken care of near drownings. I look at the ability to swim, as a life skill.