Labor Day Shredders!



  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree, the scale is not my friend. The past two days I've added 20 minutes of zumba as well in hopes to get some of this stubborn fat I've been carrying around for 5 plus years.

    We also have insanity (my husband's) and we did one of the videos before starting 30DS (I don't remember which one) and I literally couldn't finish and ran into the bathroom and got sick......soooo I think I have to work my way up. So I'm leaning towards RI30, maybe we could do 30DS shred again as a group!

    Kristyn-how old is your baby? Mine is 7 months, born Feb 10th. I wanted to nurse it just wasn't in my cards. I had latch and supply issues from the beginning so I ended up pumping for four months then my supply just kinda dried up. I wanted it for all those extra calories being burned, and other obvious reasons as well.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    I agree, the scale is not my friend. The past two days I've added 20 minutes of zumba as well in hopes to get some of this stubborn fat I've been carrying around for 5 plus years.

    We also have insanity (my husband's) and we did one of the videos before starting 30DS (I don't remember which one) and I literally couldn't finish and ran into the bathroom and got sick......soooo I think I have to work my way up. So I'm leaning towards RI30, maybe we could do 30DS shred again as a group!

    Kristyn-how old is your baby? Mine is 7 months, born Feb 10th. I wanted to nurse it just wasn't in my cards. I had latch and supply issues from the beginning so I ended up pumping for four months then my supply just kinda dried up. I wanted it for all those extra calories being burned, and other obvious reasons as well.

    LMAO!!! I totally got sick after my first try at Insanity, so I have not return to it.... IM SCARED!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Erica- How funny, your baby was born on my due date! I had a planned csection and had Easton on feb 8th. They say breastfeeding burns a bunch of calories, but from my experience with both my boys, all it does is hold onto fat reserves. Apparently the fat is what helps to make the milk. With Colton I dropped 10lbs in a week while my milk dried. This time around Im 4lbs above prepreg weight, but all my body measurements are smaller right now so Im hoping once my milk is gone so will 10lbs! haha
  • steffyjomartin
    Good afternoon everyone!! I did D2LV1 last night---which seems to be working for me to do it at night--and i felt great afterwards! I am hoping that come this weekend I will be able to 2-a-day for Saturday to at least catch up and move on to Level 2. by the 27th of the month. I am looking to finishing the 30DS by the 19th of October and then I plan on moving to Biggest Loser Boot Camp and Yoga Weight Loss DVDs. I am really pushing myself to do it 6 days straight without a break and taking Sunday to recover and enjoy family time! I do plan on doing 2-A-Days each Saturday to finish the program by the 19th! I am excited for weigh in on Thursday to see what I have lost and keep moving forward!

    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!

  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    OK ladies, I'm trying to do my other workouts WITH the 30DS as I'm seeing more movement in the scale that way. Would you go to the gym beforehand and do weights or after tonight? Opinions please?
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Erica- How funny, your baby was born on my due date! I had a planned csection and had Easton on feb 8th. They say breastfeeding burns a bunch of calories, but from my experience with both my boys, all it does is hold onto fat reserves. Apparently the fat is what helps to make the milk. With Colton I dropped 10lbs in a week while my milk dried. This time around Im 4lbs above prepreg weight, but all my body measurements are smaller right now so Im hoping once my milk is gone so will 10lbs! haha

    That's funny about the birth date of my son. My due date was Feb 18th but I had high blood pressure so they induced me at 39 weeks. Ended up with an emergency c-section though :( I'm teetering right at my pre pregnancy weight but I was obese to begin with. So I can't really brad about being pre preggo weight lol
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Alright, day 6 is done. I'm starting to get some pain in my pelvis where I had stress fractures years ago. I really hope I'm not getting injured again :( . I had a hard few days calorie wise. I didn't realize how many calories were in one cup of pasta, so I'm sure that's why the scale is up again.
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    D6LV2 complete...Im wondering if we are gaining muscle? I have not been doing anything different, I always have 1 day where I go over my calories so this should not be the issue!! If anything I should be maintaining? I just don't know, I too will wait on the measurements because I am just having a hard time dealing with this gain!

    Maybe I'll do a protein break for 3 days?? What is everyone else feeling about this? I'd love to throw my scale away but its my wii, lol. Anyone weighing in on the wii fit? I guess I just figued it was the most acurate?? Of course the fact that it tells me I'm over weight doesn't help :sad:
  • kabatoff
    Just completed Day 5 Level 2....(half way thru level 2) I'm behind a day... I will do my weigh in tomorrow morning... Hopefully I will see a lost. It appears most are not seeing a loss of pounds... I am wondering if it because we are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat... I am anxious to see tomorrow...

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Good luck everyone on rest of Level 2.

  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    So kinda bad news! Yesterday when I was cleaning the litter box (gross job I know) I was bent down and I hear/feel a pop crack sensation in my lower back. Well I could barely walk and hobbled to my bed to lay down for a few minutes. (This was around 1130am) I took ibprofen and put some icy hot on it. It got progessively better throughout the day, but still hurt. I was able to do the 30DS last night and I felt like the exercise actually made it feel better.

    Then I wake up this morning and it hurts sooooo bad. I hope I'm just stiff b/c I can barely move anything without being in pain. I took an 800mg ibprofen I had...........hoping it helps some because it's too late in the game to give up.

    Any advice? I also took a hot bath last night to help relax the muscles.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Keep taking the ibuprophen regularly and id say heat and stretchs???
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    It does feel a little better, but not much. I'm hoping my movements throughout the day will help it. But seriously, I wasn't looking to get injured during this lol My knees are also killing me I think from the lunges and double jump rope.

    I haven't peeked at level 3 sooo just a guess but is there a triple jump rope? lol Is level 3 a lot worse than level 2? I'm excited to get level 2 over and done with. lol
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Level 2 has always been my least favorite. Level 3 is tough but its my favorite. L2D7 DONE!

    Glad your back is feeling better. The shred is just hard on the knees in general.

    How is everyone else doing? What day is everyone on?? Likes? Dislikes? NSV???

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    OK ladies, I'm trying to do my other workouts WITH the 30DS as I'm seeing more movement in the scale that way. Would you go to the gym beforehand and do weights or after tonight? Opinions please?

    I say one day try shredding 1st then gym, the next day try the opposite and see how you feel. I have heard of a lot of people doing additional cardio with the shred. Me personally just straight shred all 3 rounds. That way I can see what results I am getting from the shred and nothing else.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    D6LV2 complete...Im wondering if we are gaining muscle? I have not been doing anything different, I always have 1 day where I go over my calories so this should not be the issue!! If anything I should be maintaining? I just don't know, I too will wait on the measurements because I am just having a hard time dealing with this gain!

    Maybe I'll do a protein break for 3 days?? What is everyone else feeling about this? I'd love to throw my scale away but its my wii, lol. Anyone weighing in on the wii fit? I guess I just figued it was the most acurate?? Of course the fact that it tells me I'm over weight doesn't help :sad:

    Stef, The shred from what i see doesnt make ya drop a ton of weight. My experiences though are that i've lost a ton of inchs, and after 2 csections I have tons of definition in my abs, you can no longer feel a space between my abs that pregnancy creates, and my butt and thighs look great!!! I use to get really hung up on the lbs, and still do sometimes, but I am really trying to step back and just focus on how great it is making me look, and not what it is making me weigh.
  • kabatoff
    Finished Level 2 Day 5 last night and weighed myself this morning... I am down 1.6 pounds in the last five days... I am happy with that... The nice thing is that my jeans are starting to feel a little more comfortable. :)

    Half way thru Level 2... its still tough and I sweat lots!

    Half way there!!!

  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 7 done. I convinced my hubby to do it with me, and he dropped out after the walking push ups. That made me feel strong!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    D6LV2 complete...Im wondering if we are gaining muscle? I have not been doing anything different, I always have 1 day where I go over my calories so this should not be the issue!! If anything I should be maintaining? I just don't know, I too will wait on the measurements because I am just having a hard time dealing with this gain!

    Maybe I'll do a protein break for 3 days?? What is everyone else feeling about this? I'd love to throw my scale away but its my wii, lol. Anyone weighing in on the wii fit? I guess I just figued it was the most acurate?? Of course the fact that it tells me I'm over weight doesn't help :sad:

    Stef, The shred from what i see doesnt make ya drop a ton of weight. My experiences though are that i've lost a ton of inchs, and after 2 csections I have tons of definition in my abs, you can no longer feel a space between my abs that pregnancy creates, and my butt and thighs look great!!! I use to get really hung up on the lbs, and still do sometimes, but I am really trying to step back and just focus on how great it is making me look, and not what it is making me weigh.

    Thanxs for the respond!!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    D7LV2 Complete, better late than never!! Still waiting for it to get easier, lol
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    D7L2 complete!

    My knees were killing me so I tried not to bounce so much on the oblique twists and jump rope..........hopefully tomorrow they will feel a teeny bit better. My back is still killing too. I've been taking ibprofen all day :-/

    On a positive note, gonna take it easy and rest and tomorrow is a new day!! And my HRM will be here tomorrow!! Woot! Also going bowling with my husband. His work is having a bowling alley party on base we are stationed at. Free food and beer! No beer for me though, and easy on the food. lmao