October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Here's one article I found on the topic of maximum HR (and an online calculator, which the article itself explains is just a guide):
    https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax#Test yourself

    And a quote:
    "The traditional formula for determining HRmax is "220 minus age", but can underestimate HRmax by up to 40 beats per minute in seniors. In fact, the method is inaccurate already at an age of 30–40 years, and gets more inaccurate the older you are."

    Scroll down in the article and they give instructions for testing your max HR. Another good indicator that's been mentioned here is to look for your max HR from a 5k that you raced at a hard effort. For a personal example, my highest recorded HR in 5k was over 200, and I'm definitely older than 20 😆
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,103 Member
    @polskagirl01 Interesting. It's nice to see some validation of my own experience. The 220-age isn't crazy far off for me yet but it definitely underestimates my max HR. I readjusted my HR zones in Garmin a few months ago and used strava data (online not the app) to look at my max HR over the past 2 years. It made an immediate difference in the amount of time I was spending in upper HR zones on garmin and made the look of my HR more closely match my perceived exertion.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,103 Member
    October total: 34.4/180 miles

    10/1: 10 miles
    10/2: 6.1 miles
    10/3: 6.2 miles
    10/4: 5.1 miles
    10/5: 7 miles

    Did my run after work yesterday. This was the marathon tempo workout again. This time, I adjusted a little for the heat (mid 80's) to a pace I could maintain for 5 miles that felt like a similar level of effort. I was about 15 secs a mile slower than prescribed pace but was able to be pretty consistent. It felt like a workout, but I didn't have a fade in the later miles and my HR came down some during my cooldown so I know I didn't overdo it.

    While running last night, I passed these 2 guys that were definitely related, maybe even twins. Same height, build, gait, hairstyle, beard. They were even dressed the same. The funny thing is this is the 2nd time I have seen this. Two different brother/twin pairs running in the neighborhood. My husband has uncles who are twins and they still look and dress very much alike and they are in their 60's.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,103 Member
    @scott6255 Hope you have a rest day coming up. That morning achy leg thing happens to me pretty regularly on this new schedule. By the time I have 6 run days in a row my legs are talking to me. But, like you, it seems to work itself out as I warm up.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @eleanorhawkins sorry you are getting sick 😪 That's no fun. Hopefully it will be mild and you'll get through it soon.

    @jane_76 I haven't had knee issues, but I chronically get lower leg injuries (shins, ankle, Achilles, PF). When I feel it coming on, I will lower the intensity of my runs, maybe shorten them, and double down on the foam rolling, golf ball rolling, calf stretches, etc. When the pain subsides to around 3 or 4 out of 10, I will concentrate strength training on that particular area and the larger muscles around it (for me that really is just everything from the hips down). Complete rest never does any good for me.
    Hope the swelling and stiffness subside soon!! Good luck.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,871 Member
    @jane_76 I suspect you need new shoes. o:)>:)
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,103 Member
    @jane_76 I would say the good news is that your physio is telling you this is appropriate for where you are in recovery. It’s good that you have a professional to help you figure out what your body is trying to tell you.
    I have had intermittent knee pain over my years of running. I was a ballet dancer and have the chronic joint damage that often goes with that. I think I may have had a meniscal tear several years ago though I never got any imaging to confirm it. When I was getting into running, I would get pain and an uncomfortable fullness in my knee after longer runs. Some ice and advil helped to take the edge off. Since then, I worked on my gait, corrected some overstriding, and tightened up my form to eliminate some plodding that was putting a lot of pressure on my joints. And, last but not least, strengthening my leg muscles has helped so much. Some strength/cross training goes a long way along with mixing in nontechnical trails at least once a week to keep supporting muscles active. I rarely get any significant knee pain anymore even though I am easily running twice the mileage.
    Good luck with your recovery and keep up the exercises your physio gives you. I have all the faith that you will come out the other side stronger.
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,152 Member
    Haha.. your Sleazy T is my sprint pace. What sort of heart rates do you have on your slower vs faster runs?

    Well done Jane on getting your 2nd session in. C25K is an awesome program. I can remember I repeated it one year when I was not feeling the mojo and it helped a lot. I also had a meniscus tear back in the '90's from snow skiing It kept me from running more than 20-30 min or 2 miles for many years because it would get that pins and needles internal swelling feeling and then it would be achy for days. As long as I kept the run short it was ok. When I restarted running in 2017 I was pretty sure that I would not be able to finish a 5K with it but either it has worn smoother over the years or something about the run/walk build up has made it invisible to me as an issue. I did use KT tape on it for a few years but have even stopped that right now. Longest run has been about 11 miles but mostly I keep my runs between 5 and 10K these days.

    Running without a Fitbit at the moment... (Allegedly it was waterproof. Googled it to make sure! Spoiler alert: took it swimming. No it wasn't 🤦)

    From memory though... Hit upto 165-170 when running at around 08:30" min per mile consistently over a split