Foods that make you gag...



  • I love onions, anyway they come! Now pickles, even the smell of them - gross. What I really don't like is when you order your food at a restaurant and tell them no pickles, and they have obviously forgotten and taken thhem off the plate before bringing it out. Hey wake up -PICKLE JUICE!
  • 68LBS thats awesome - well done!:smile:
  • I agree with the post about sea urchins! When I first replied, I forgot about sushi. What gets me is scallop nigiri. What a terrible texture!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I really cannot think of a food I really hate...

    Which is probably why I am here, I will eat ANYTHING just about.

    Well sometimes that's a good thing though. I've noticed sometimes it's the ones who are really picky eaters and don't like healthy foods, vegetables, etc. are the ones who are overweight. Not always, but it's something I've noticed.

    I like peanut butter but if it's REALLY thick on a sandwich it's gagging. :) I like a very thin spread of it. Same with mayo, etc. We ate at a restraurant in Chicago that served grilled/ toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Our son thought it was awesome but I couldn't watch him eat it with the peanut butter running out. Won't say what it looked like. ha

    I could probably eat a can of black olives if I didn't make myself get away from them! Like green ones too but black are sooo good!
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Yogurt. Cannot stand the texture, blech.
  • makes me think of soft teeth?! Weird I know!

    I am so on board with this. I am not a picky eater in general but Hominy and anything type of "organ" (gizzards, hearts, livers...) OMG all I can say is YUCK!!
  • Mushrooms! Any type....
    I can't even eat a sauce if I know it has mushrooms in it (even blended).
    It's annoying cause I love chicken and so many products think chicken and mushrooms go together...THEY DONT!! Yuckkkkk :P
  • mushrooms
    canned spinach
    sweet potatoes
    cooked green beans
  • Asparagus! **dry heave**

    I knew there was at least one I was forgetting!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I'll add that I cannot even bring myself to try cottage cheese. Just the thought of it makes me gag a little inside. I really want to like it, but I'm scared to try it.

    Ewwww I agree... I can't stand to eat something that looks like it's already been eaten once and vomitted....ewwwwwww
  • :noway: I loooooooove onions, gosh.

    Gag foods would be cauliflower, walnuts, and seafoods in shells like mussels, vomit. Oooh also Rocket leaves or roquette, however you spell it, that tastes like poison!
  • Cheese!!! GOD I HATE CHEESE!! I actually hate most dairy really... Even just the smell has been known to make me lose my lunch.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Egg whites :sick: I have no idea how people throw away the yolk and only eat whites. I can only eat them if they're mixed together with the yolks in omelettes and the like.

    Also anything with tentacles :sick: Watching "Old Boy" nearly made me barf.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hot dog sausages in brine. Don't eat meat...but the smell is enough.....:sick:

    Sue :smile: x
  • I am with you and Miracle Whip is worse. BARF! I used to make sandwiches for my husband and he liked miracle whip. When you stick the knife into the jar and get it on your fingers/knuckles is like fingernails on a chalk board for me.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    :sick: :sick: cooked carrots!!!!!!!!!!!! love them raw but not cooked

    How funny! Me too! I hate cooked carrots. Can eat them raw but def. not cooked!
  • and rice! the look of it makes me sick

    I cannot stand rice. Figures, the almost cheapest food in the world and i cannot stomach it.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Energy drinks -- I will lose my stomach contents if I have to smell that stuff. Horrible!! Sometimes just seeing someone with a can in their hand gets the gag reflexes warmed up.

    I also cannot stand milk. Ick.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    brussel sprouts. unless grilled by my brother.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Sorry I'm just checking in to see what people can't stand. I always find it fascinating because I have never tried anything that made me gag.

    Me too! I'm only on pg 2 of browsing, I'll keep going and see if I find something. I'm a cheese hater but I won't gag over it, a little on pizza is ok just to keep all the veggies together.