

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    So happy to hear from you Tracey. <3
    Those financial loan people are criminals. I hope the lawyer is able to sort something out. (((HUGS)))

    Had a Waitrose delivery after lunch. Dinner is salmon fillets with leek and fennel in crême fraiche. I've prepped and pre-cooked the veggies, ready to put the salmon and crême fraiche in later.

    There is a teacher's strike on Wednesday. My son quickly nabbed two morning places at the Art Club's emergency sessions, but he has to work over lunch, so we will collect the girls at midday, give them lunch, and keep them until around 2.30. No problem. I have a Zoom at 4 and normally it's our painting day, but it's all fine. We are painting on Thursday afternoon at the Pottery place! We have Edie this Saturday for painting anyway.

    Love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I woke up with a grumpy tummy, and have taken two Imodium Softgels. I hope they solve the problem asap.

    I watched old westerns on TV with DH last night . He was sleeping when I peeked in this morning. I’ll check in on him a bit later.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    Beth - hoping your family is getting over the crud - you continue to feel well, DH doing better, your son breezing through it.

    Rosemarie - these Facebook cooks making high protein dishes aren't doing anything we can't find ourselves in cookbooks or online recipe sites, except they present it in interesting videos, "cooking show" style and I need that type of inspiration these days.

    I ran across another one - B. Dylan Hollis. He's not into high protein or anything necessarily healthy, but he has such a fun and animated way of presenting old recipes. I'm tempted to try the Almond Joys! Here he is:


    I can see him getting his own TV show. :p:D

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy in Alaska
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
    Barbara ~ BIG CONGRATS on your new weight and BMI.

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) New ladies!! Welcome, welcome. When I first found this group, someone said it's like a "salon" = cozy cafe. Different conversations at different tables. There's the fun table, the support/listener/good cry table, the cooking and recipe table, the health/weight loss table, etc. Some of us jump from table to table. All the time. :p It's really OK to sit by yourself in the corner and just listen. For as long as you want.

    This came from Lanette and I thought it was worth sharing again in case you missed it. I love this description of us/
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Sandy from Kentucky— Welcome to a great group of Women. My DH has been an insulin dependent diabetic for more than 50 years, beginning before we met. He takes insulin shots daily. Have you gone to a doctor who specializes in diabetes? It is a good idea. I hope you will find the right doctor for you. Perhaps you’ve already found that doctor. I hope so. ⭐️
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member

    Gratitude list
    Word of the year: APPRECIATE—- Today I appreciate my heater!

    1 Sit in silence for three minutes... it's harder than you think—DONE
    2 List 5 things using each of your senses——DONE
    3 Let go of at least 5 items in your house—tossed Christmas card I had collected
    4 What was your favorite Christmas gift? (this year or ever)—This year was jewelry from my ‘adopted’ granddaughter.
    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today—-Done plus #1 again!
    6 Share a goal you achieved last year—-Bringing my car to the car wash one or more times a month!
    7 Slow down and savor one meal today—-Breakfast-savored the texture of my OUI yogurt versus the granola I added.
    8 Who was your favorite teacher—My French teacher in High School. Sister Jeannette
    9 Create something today—-I will work on my crochet - making a granny square afghan out of left over yarn.
    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song—Against the wind, We were running against the wind. We were young and strong, we were running against the wind.
    11 Send a card/note to someone today—Done! Note to DH and card for Uncle’s birthday.
    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? Losing weight and better financial status.
    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today—Done!
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol) 1. I got to go to TN to attend my daughter’s wedding last year, My brother from AZ came to visit us in NM, I experienced my first 5.4 earthquake in NM this past December.
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week—Called my mom, and texted my 3 kids.
    16 What made you smile today—-The beautiful scenery on my morning wetlands walk.
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for—17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for—! Picture in spoiler

    On my morning walk. You can see Captain Mountain in the background (where Billy the Kid had his hideout)
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...heat, air conditioning, water, sewer, a roof over my head, a car, internet, electronics, clothes, shoes, medicines, food, means of cooking, refrigerator, use of a freezer, use of a washer/dryer, books, writing utensils, everything I use every day!
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently—Done!
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself. I’m tenacious, my hair color, my love of learning, my ability to mediate, my technology abilities.
    21 Pay it forward in some way—to be accomplished
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?—Being debt free.
    23 Go an entire day without complaining—-This is going to tough!
    24 What about you makes you special? My patience
    25 Spend time with a loved one—My DH (do it every day!)
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy? When my babies were born.
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend - This is something I do often
    28 What fear have you overcome? Divorcing my first husband
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice. I made a report on missing items for a camper rather than making the Ranger do it. He was off duty.
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed? On my 60th birthday party with my two daughters. (Almost 7 years ago)
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) New ladies!! Welcome, welcome. When I first found this group, someone said it's like a "salon" = cozy cafe. Different conversations at different tables. There's the fun table, the support/listener/good cry table, the cooking and recipe table, the health/weight loss table, etc. Some of us jump from table to table. All the time. :p It's really OK to sit by yourself in the corner and just listen. For as long as you want.

    This came from Lanette and I thought it was worth sharing again in case you missed it. I love this description of us/

    Welcome new ladies!!!. This definition is perfect!! That is exactly what this group does. I’ve been in it since the beginning and they are the best bunch of people ever! I love them and the thoughts and ideas and love from all over the world. All different but all worth considering until you find what works for you!

    Welcome again!

    RVRita from NM (I live in an RV and manage a campground with my DH)