

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Tina - I didn't see your post till after I posted mine, I had planter Fasciitis too about 15 + years ago, and tried everything rest/braces/insoles... I was hesitant at the idea of steroids a friend recommended acupuncture and for me that was the answer 2 sessions and it has never come back.

    smiles Kim
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    (((KIM))) Big Hugs!

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Kim ... so glad you have your nephew and trusted counselor in your life. Hugs, hugs, hugs ....
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Lisa-Good news that you have an advocate! I hope you get some answers. I think I’d have given up trying to figure it out by now.
    I finally have something to try regarding my sore feet. I should know if it helps by next week. Sadly, I’ve been dealing with it so long that I forget to pay attention to the pain. [/quote]

    Tina - Not trying to sound facetious, but I'm pretty sure I don't have a "give up," button where certain things are concerned. I don't mean I'm Miss Mary Sunshine. I sometimes think the challenge of having to fight for every inch with the VA keeps me from giving up. I have always loved a challenge. Hope the steroids are helping.

    Kim - So good to see you... Your life will be your own soon--but I know it doesn't make the worry stop. Thinking about you.

    Katla-So good to hear your DH was up and walking, hope his progress continues.

    Tracey-Thinking of you, baby girl.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Kim-It's good your DN is able to help with getting mom home. Someone else in the family seems to understand. I still think it is outstanding, given your bio family situation, that you have cared for your mom so well-speaks volumes about your character as a person.

    Tina-steroids can be very helpful. I have taken them for some things. I got a call late this afternoon from the company that is compounding the cream (ointment?) for my foot. Not sure what all will be in it other than gabapentin). They told me my insurance is paying for it 100%. I don't like the way some of those nerve medicines make me feel (I have tried them before) so I like the idea of just putting it on the body part that is having the nerve issue. My doctor has told me all along that I have to keep moving. So I am still working on best shoes and will try this medicine. I was able to get 3 miles in today. I am trying to at least get 30 minutes in a day.

    Lisa-I concur with your lack of "give up" button!

    Going off to watch some tv before bed.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    edited April 2023
    Tracey – (((HUG)))

    Barbara – a lady at the soup kitchen today told me that she has narrowing of the spinal column and that is spinal stenosis. Why the MD didn’t just say that (if that’s what it is) is beyond me.

    Kylia – the movie “Where the Crawdads Sing” is somewhat different from the book. The book takes place in Hickory, for one thing and the movie takes place in Asheville. I thought the book was very interesting but the movie was just “ehhh” after reading the book. Maybe it’s because I could identify so much with many of the places

    After the soup kitchen stopped at WalMart to get a prescription for Loki

    Took my walk then walked down to Food Lion to get some fruit. Actually, I went for stuffing (they're the only store that sells the kind I want) then we went to Lowe’s to get more salt for the pool. Got 5 bags (each is 40lbs). Took them down to the pool area and dumped two bags into the pool. You know, pulling those 5 bags in the cart reminded me of when we were putting down all that river rock. It just seemed harder to do. Well, putting down that rock was 10 years ago.

    After dinner went for another walk. Unfortunately, Vince didn't go with me. The good thing is that he did his pt exercises while I was gone. So I guess that's something.

    Karen VA – if you learn MahJonng and want to play online, I’m up for it. Let me know

    katla – fantastic news!

    After dinner took another walk. Just as I got home, it started to rain!

    Warning: whine below. Skip if you’d like
    You know, I’m getting somewhat frustrated with Jerry. Today one of the managers told me that M (store manager) wasn’t picking him up because he doesn’t do his job. He does like to have everyone else do his job and he gets paid for it. Many times he does cut corners. Anyway, what we’ve been doing for months since he doesn’t work on Saturdays is on Friday we take a pail of pickles and divide them in a tin container and drain the liquid from the rest and leave it in the pail. I then put a note on it “do not use” and if I don’t need it all on Saturday, I just take this note off. The objective is that I can pick them up on Saturday. Well, two weeks ago I reminded him twice that we needed to do it and I got “I know, I know”. Well, I finally had to go to M to ask her to have him do his job. I shouldn’t have to do that. Last week he never brought up the fact that he doesn’t work on Saturdays when A told me that she’d pick him up the next day. I think she 1) forgot that it was Saturday and he doesn’t work on Saturdays and 2) just wanted to get me out of there so her “labor” was down. Another manager, A1, had to do it for me.

    Then today I reminded him twice that we needed to do it and I got “I know, I know, you don’t have to remind me”. So I didn’t. Then when I was ready to leave I had to ask the other manager, A1, if she would comment to Jerry that it had to be done. Well, she said that she’d do it. I shouldn’t even have had to go to her.

    I understand from a third manager, A2, that M isn’t picking Jerry up sometimes since he doesn’t do his job.

    I left work today at 10:30 and the garbage still hadn’t been taken out.

    Yet, he was so proud of the fact that Wednesday he peeled and sliced the onions for me. B came in around 9 and left around 4 and told me that he didn’t see anyone else doing the prep. Why do my job when you need to do your own job? I’m sure early in the day there are lots of things that he needs to do.

    I’m just whining here. I am going to mention it to Jerry on Monday that he doesn’t need to do my job. He should concentrate on his job. It could very well come to where he doesn’t get picked up which would mean he’d make less money. He still has to pay his electricity and rent (which he told me went up but who knows?) and if his income decreases, that’s not a good combination.

    I’m trying to treat him as an adult. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what he has against “pickles”. It’s really not a big deal.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited April 2023
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I caught a bit of an interview the other day, and it was of someone who had written a book about fitting exercise in where you could. Unfortunately I can not remember exactly when I was listening, the author’s name, or the book title… BUT the good news is it was about the little things, so not kicking your shoes into the closet but bending down, picking them up and putting them away, learning to balance enough to put your pants on while standing, standing up without pushing off, walking with great posture, pushing the cart (at the grocery store) or a stroller without leaning on it but just pushing with your hands … you get the idea and for me where it is hard with a full time job, full time care giving, and just keeping a house and yard going I have a hard time fitting exercise in these were ideas that did not take any extra time they were just going about life with exercise as the default. I thought it was brilliant. At least for me.

    Kim in N. California

    Purposeful exercise is great, but many years ago, an ergonomic specialist told me that it is also very important to keep active throughout the day by doing all those little things.

    - parking a little further from the store to lengthen the walk
    - taking the stairs
    - carrying a grocery basket rather than pushing a cart if you're getting a small quantity of groceries
    - standing up straight and sucking the tummy in when walking around the office
    - taking extra steps around the house rather than trying to make it all in one trip
    - doing calf raises while waiting for the kettle to boil
    - get off the bus a stop earlier
    - park in one location and walk to all the shops around
    - clean the house
    - tend to the garden
    - have walking meetings
    - stand in meetings (and lots of people, I've noticed, move their desks into a standing position to stand during ZOOM meetings). I'm still waiting for my sit-stand desk to arrive.
    - stretch periodically
    - I take Rhody (the cat) out for a walk when I get home from work. While that isn't a lot of exercise, I am standing (and often stretching or doing calf raises), and then jogging to the next spot where I stand for a bit.
    - I keep weights next to my comfy chair at home so I can do a set of bicep curls whenever I want

    13 Easy Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

    Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

    25 Ways to Sneak in More Exercise Every Day

    30 Office Exercises to Try Right Now

    Type 'sneak exercise throughout the day' into Google for more! :)

    Because parking in the city is a real pain, I take the bus which means that walking is part of my commute, and at lunch, if I'm running errands or attending appointments, I walk.

    First thing I do when I arrive at my office building each morning is to walk up 4 flights of stairs with my backpack on to get to my office floor. Plus I get up and walk up and down more flights of stairs throughout the day ... got 193 flights of stairs in April!

    I mentioned Rhody and the weights by my chair above.

    I also take 2 or 3 trips to get something done at times. So I'll carry my food to the work kitchen and get it into the microwave, then I'll walk back to my desk to get my water glass and coffee cup and I'll fill them, then walk back to my desk to drop them off. Then back to the kitchen to get my food.

    I hang dry all my washing because I don't have a dryer.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Last February I signed up to do rowing workouts at the Row House in support of a friend who enrolled. I regularly use the rowing machine in our condo gym, but I enjoy the Row House sessions for variety and more intensity, so figured I'd go for a couple of months. I hit my first milestone, 50k, last week. My trainer Ryan makes our 30 min sessions fun. Think I'll keep on going to see how long it takes to hit the 100k mark. Sadly, the scale is not budging, but I think that has more to do with resetting my daily routine to accommodate working late and shifting my eating window well into the night. Thankfully, this is just for another few weeks.

    Stay well, friends. It's been a challenging month. Here's believing that May will be much, much better!

    Colorado Foothills

    Very well done!! :smiley:

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member

    Like reading and colouring and riding my bicycle. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    got to work in my garden a bit- got the one raised bed for my tomatoes all worked up/added composted manure/worked it in and then planted some of the tomato plants. I will need to find more places to plant them. I have ten different varieties and multiple of each kind. I will be sharing with mom and a few friends. Felt great to be up there working in it. I will have my son work up the other one. For some reason, that one is always harder to work up the first time around. I think I need to add even more compost to it.
    Planted more catnip seeds- none of the ones I planted before came up at all. I NEED lots of catnip ;)

    Got new cell phones. Mine was working fine for me- I need just the basic(text/Facebook and CandyCrush). I use my desktop for most things, including MFP. Took a long time to get them set up
    They offered dh a great deal so now we will be paying $10 less, we both got new phones and they are sending him a $400 gift card.

    Toy show tomorrow. Doesn't look like he has as much to take this time as we did our first one. He doesn't expect it to be very busy. The guy isn't charging us for the booth so we aren't out anything except our time. Temp is not supposed to be as hot as they were predicting. Only 85. Not sure yet if we are inside or outside. Hoping inside. Have to be up early, leaving here at 7:30, show starts at 10.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    got to work in my garden a bit- got the one raised bed for my tomatoes all worked up/added composted manure/worked it in and then planted some of the tomato plants. I will need to find more places to plant them. I have ten different varieties and multiple of each kind. I will be sharing with mom and a few friends. Felt great to be up there working in it. I will have my son work up the other one. For some reason, that one is always harder to work up the first time around. I think I need to add even more compost to it.
    Planted more catnip seeds- none of the ones I planted before came up at all. I NEED lots of catnip ;)

    Rhody becomes aggressive around catnip. We've tried it with him a couple times and it's not a good reaction.

    And I'm planning to change and get outside into my garden shortly. :)

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Rori – so great to see you. You’re missed when you’re not here. Yea for the Row House. Great pic

    Debbie – good luck at the show! I use my desktop for MFP mostly, too. Sometimes I do have to use my tablet, tho. Like if I’m away or something. But most of the time I use the desktop.

    M – what an inspiration. Way to go. Showing how small steps lead to big leaps.

    Not sure why, but I can’t seem to get to sleep. Hope this doesn’t last long.

    Michele NC