

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
    edited May 2023
    Beth - sorry to hear about your driveway. It's always something. Good luck with the house re-siding. :#:p. I admire your DH's enthusiasm!

    The gutter guys just left. While they were here they caulked a gap in the outside wall of the house where the garden window is attached and also ended up nailing gutter flashing over a few holes in the shop soffits where the birds had been getting in and dragging out pink insulation. Not the best solution, but it works. Young guys used to being on ladders and roofs are the best ones to do those jobs. ;)

    It's been a miserable rain around here the past couple days, and I have been entertaining myself watching various Youtube videos interviewing Jessie Inchauspé - the "Glucose Goddess" who has a Master's in Biochemistry and has been investigating how to keep blood glucose down. She has come up with a strategy that includes not eating anything sugary the first meal of the day. Have eggs, for example. Save the sweets for later. She says it's all about the order in which people eat food that keeps the harmful glucose spikes down. As an example, for supper, eat veggies first, then proteins and fats second, carbs last.

    She also mentions that a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water before a meal really dampens glucose spikes. I think we've talked about that before in this group. I have her book on order from the library. Here's one of her interviews with Dr. Mark Hyman - I see Dr. Chatterjee and several others have interviewed her recently.

    A couple decades ago I tried a variation of the "Zone" diet (Dr. Barry Sears) which advocated eating protein at the start of every meal or snack. It also advocated 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% sugar. I did pretty well on it, by the way. Her strategy reminds me of that a little. I'm keeping nuts and cheese handy as appetizers.

    Katla - my brother in central Indiana had hummingbirds finally show up a couple days ago. And out here, I haven't seen any "hummingbird wars" so I'm not sure what's going on. Usually by this time of the year we'd have the Anna's battling the smaller and tougher Rufous. Not so. Glad your doc appointment went well.

    Rita - so very glad you have a therapist. So much going on. Crossing fingers the A/C gets fixed quickly! Big Hugs!!

    Heather - so neat to see the your art talent developing. Yours and DH's both! Well done with the pottery! Very nice the grands can join in. This will be one of their favorite childhood memories, I'm certain.

    Make it a fabulous weekend! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Welcome newbies and returnees! (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    I know Rebecca. So I'll be ANGRY for you. Keeping your eyes on the advancements is a great idea. I don't know that I would have thought of that. But you're right. Hang onto the good times and good memories and wait with love and open arms. God Bless you, Mom.

    I'm glad you've decided to carry on with your cruise, Allie. Sorry you won't have your friends to go with you, but who knows?!?

    OMG Ginny, that's so sad.

    Rita, I'm so sorry you have so much turmoil. Sending big (((hugs))) for peace.

    5. Let someone know how much they mean to you and why... called my mom, she sounded great, told her about how grateful I am for everything she and daddy did for me all through my life.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,459 Member
    edited May 2023
    kevrit wrote: »
    Sorry about this but it helps me to list things out and talk to you ladies. I know others are in much worse situations, but just a note helps me tremendously.

    Rita - It really is OK to talk to us about where your head is...As Spider Robinson said, "Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased..."

    Good morning so far... overdid a little outside to finish up pulling all the vetch, so am relaxing this afternoon with food porn--I love the competition baking shows when I just want to chill and relax. The good part about my leaky little sieve of a mind is I can watch the series over as soon as I forget who won the overall. Silver linings everywhere!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    And, as always I pushed it too far, because I decided I'd relieve Corey of one of the grocery store lists tomorrow, since he's getting my oil changed at the dealer. But, I've made it back home again with my feet up, sitting on my heating pad and pain meds starting to work.

    I had some clothes delivered today, and once I opened the bag, I realized that I have very specific clothing that I will buy - For instance, I don't wear prints. Ever. I wear solid colors, both top and bottom. Right now, I'm wearing soft black pants with everything, due to the need for speed when you have colitis. Do you have specific designs that you stick with? Or styles? Are you adventurous with your clothing choices? Just asking.

    Love, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 2min 20sec, 54elev, 3.0ap, 81ahr, 101mhr, 6.25mi= 597c
    Strava app= 766c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 7min 30sec, 436elev, 116aw, 17.8amph, 105ahr, 123mhr, 20.06mi= 395c
    Strava app= 448c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 7min 32sec, 439elev, 116aw, 58arpm, 17.86amph, 20.1mi= 448c
    Other- 29.02min, pressure wash back patio wall= 134c

    Total cal 1126
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    I wear all sorts of solids and prints
    In the back of my mind im second guessing going on the cruise,but in another way after all the work ive done planning and preparing. And paying. I might as well go..and im not a wallflower ,I can go at my own pace and do or not do what I want.
    I know Miles watching the guy across the street is a riot ,i brought his cut up kiwi over there and he was sitting there chowing down on that like he was watching a movie.
    They are over at Kyles momd house for there nieces birthday.. im sure it will not be a fun affair. Miles doesn't know her well,Carmine will sit a corner and sulk.and Jessie's kids will be running around crazy.Im sure they will try and get out of there as fast as they can.
    Joanne ,Kyles mom likes to take jabs at me because I watch Miles and spend time with him..but like I told you before she has quite a few screws loose.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    Lisa I am slowly updating my fashion choices. I used to wear jeans daily, but now I have these joggers with pockets. They are good for both workouts and day wear, but they have to be hung to dry which takes too long. So they haven't quite replaced my tumble dry jeans.

    I have one pair of leggings that show my ankles, and I'm not used to that. It does look like other women wear them that short.

    And I wear tee shirts, either solids or with logos from schools I attended.

    And most often I wear slippers, but barefoot season is coming.

    Meanwhile, the house is finally silent, the roofers are done. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    I see the coronation is on from 4 pm for the rest of the evening tomorrow. The previous coronation happened almost exactly 70 years ago!

    Machka in Oz

    Not quite 😝

    It was on 2nd June 1953, so almost 4 weeks short of 70 years to be exact.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    Put MFP on my phone so now I can check in when I am not home.
    Heading up to mom's soon. Need to finish packing and cut some roses for her.
    Have a great weekend

    Napa Valley, Ca
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    (((Kim)))— Your mom is so lucky to have you. Too bad for her that she has a contrarian attitude and doesn’t realize how lucky she is. Is there a senior center nearby where she might make a friend or two?—and you might have some time for yourself?

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member

    Once someone has been incommunicado for as long as Owain has, it is likely that he would anticipate being held accountable for his behavior, and not in a good way, but in a way (dread and guilt) that may heighten his desire to “escape” again, and make it even longer and more difficult next time.

    What would happen if, when he finally shows up, you welcomed him casually, as you would your other sons, and didn’t mention how horrid he has been or how long it’s been or how worried you have been? You’d have to practice your poker face, of course, because you wear your emotions on your sleeve. <3

    I’m just curious how he would react to being treated as if you saw him just last week.

    Karen in Virginia

    I would love to be able to prove that scenario! Most likely he had a month leave from overseas sea duty to his next command, so if he was to come visit, that would've been the time. Now he is at a new command, the low man on the totem pole so he is low on seniority. I think my first response will of course cry like a loon, then hug and keep him close. I could never be casual!😜💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    I am minimalistic with what I wear. I have 2 pull on black jeans, 3 long sleeved shirts, 4 short sleeved shirts, and 2 fancier short sleeved shirts. I have 2 exercise pants, and a Capri length jeans. I have 4 pairs of socks, and 4 pairs of undies. I have a fleece pullover, rain jacket, pair of flip flops, swimming suit, pair of clog shoes, and a pair of tennis shoes. That's about it. My clothes in a nutshell. Most is grays, blacks, reds, and blues.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    No he gets upset when Miles wakes him up, so Tracy sleeps on the couch with Miles on top of her and he will toss and turn so she is lucky tto get 4 hrs of sleep a night.
    Kyle leaves around 6:25 in the morning and I get there right after so Tracy doesn't have to get Miles in the car to get Carmine to the bus stop.
    Rich ,Tracys dad had a nervous breakdown when I was 9 months pregnant with Dan ,it wasn't great...thank goodness for his parents who kept us afloat.
    Well its 2 am here and here is hoping I can get back to sleep.

    Can Tracey set up a bed in Miles room?

    The current setup doesn't seem healthy for either Tracey or Miles.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member

    A couple decades ago I tried a variation of the "Zone" diet (Dr. Barry Sears) which advocated eating protein at the start of every meal or snack. It also advocated 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% sugar. I did pretty well on it, by the way. Her strategy reminds me of that a little. I'm keeping nuts and cheese handy as appetizers.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    30% sugar? Is that a typo? Surely you meant protein.

    I feel like I've really had a handle on my eating this week/month. I have logged every day, getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 1700 calories. I've hit way over 100 g of protein each day and walked at least 10,000 steps. I've even done my 3 minutes of exercise every single day. Once I've done 3 minutes every day for a month, I'm going to up it 3 days a week to 15 then later 30. Right now the 3 minutes is showing me just exactly how far I have fallen from my days of being a gym rat before the pandemic. Furthermore, I've lost over half of the weight I put on during my father's illness last year. The anniversary of his death is June 20th. I would like to have lost it all by then. At least that's my goal.

    I haven't previously shared my worries about my son over the last year or so, but I am happy to report that he is in a new job and much, much happier. He seems to be coming out of his funk, too, which is helping a lot with my own frame of mind. I feel like I do a pretty good job of compartmentalizing it, but it is always there.

    One of my former bridge club members passed away this week. Her funeral was Wednesday. I still play with her niece. I attended the funeral with another current player. She was 84 and had been in bad health for a while, although we didn't realize it was as bad as it was.

    As for clothing, I wish I could be a minimalist with mine, but alas! I am not. During the week, I do pretty much live in workout leggings and a solid, over-sized vee-neck tee. I have leggings in many colors, but gravitate to the black ones. For casual activities I tend to stick to jeans and a sweater in the winter, but I love skorts in the summer. I also have a wide variety of skirts and dresses that I wear to church and other church type activities. I took an online class to learn how to best dress for my body type, and I try to follow those "rules" when I do dress for social occasions. I kind of went crazy went I lost my first 50 lbs and needed new clothes. If I ever succeed in dropping the last 30 or 40, I will take a more minimalist approach to buying my new wardrobe, using my knowledge from my class.

    Speaking of skorts, someone was saying they would like to find some. I can't remember who. Margaret, maybe? I have bought them from several sources, some inexpensive, some quite pricey. I have found Belk is a good place for mid-priced ones and Kohl's has some really good ones for less than $20 when they put them on sale. My favorite one is from Talbot's, but even on sale, it was not cheap.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Sorry about this but it helps me to list things out and talk to you ladies. I know others are in much worse situations, but just a note helps me tremendously.

    Rita - It really is OK to talk to us about where your head is...As Spider Robinson said, "Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased..."

    Good morning so far... overdid a little outside to finish up pulling all the vetch, so am relaxing this afternoon with food porn--I love the competition baking shows when I just want to chill and relax. The good part about my leaky little sieve of a mind is I can watch the series over as soon as I forget who won the overall. Silver linings everywhere!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    And, as always I pushed it too far, because I decided I'd relieve Corey of one of the grocery store lists tomorrow, since he's getting my oil changed at the dealer. But, I've made it back home again with my feet up, sitting on my heating pad and pain meds starting to work.

    I had some clothes delivered today, and once I opened the bag, I realized that I have very specific clothing that I will buy - For instance, I don't wear prints. Ever. I wear solid colors, both top and bottom. Right now, I'm wearing soft black pants with everything, due to the need for speed when you have colitis. Do you have specific designs that you stick with? Or styles? Are you adventurous with your clothing choices? Just asking.

    Love, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I have a variety because I've got different categories of clothing:

    - work
    - casual Fridays
    - home
    - cycling
    - running/exercise
    - garden
    - bees

    Work: dresses, skirts and tops, occasionally capris, as winter comes on I'll wear slim pants. Dark colours on the bottom, brighter colours in solids or prints on top.
    Love the Jacquie dresses and have quite a few: https://jacquie.jgl.com.au/shop/je-womens-dresses-all

    Casual Fridays: Capris, jeans, less formal skirts or dresses.

    Home: Shorts or stretchy pants (used to be called "haram" pants back in the day), tank tops or T-shirts

    Cycling: full kit in summer or long-sleeved exercise tops in winter. Bright colours.

    Running/exercise: knee or full length running/exercise tights with longish tanks or Ts. Bright colours.

    Garden: I have specific shorts or jeans I wear out there with tanks or long-sleeved tops. Older clothes.

    Bees: Light full length pants and a light coloured T-shirt. And of course my bee jacket.

    I'm particular about texture and temperature.
    Texture: Must be smooth to the touch - nothing rough, nothing fuzzy. Polyester/elastane or cotton are good.
    Temperature: Must be cool to wear. Nothing tight around the neck. Prefer sleeveless or short-sleeved unless it is quite chilly.

    This, for example, really appeals to me and I might pop into Jacquie on Monday to see if they've got one in my size.


    Right now, I'm looking for a very light-weight, 3/4 sleeve "suit jacket" I could pop over a dress like that if I have to go into a meeting.

    Machka in Oz