What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
  • SephirothsChild15
    Having my then-wife tell me she didn't sign up to be married to a fat loser. She then left me for one of my friends on christmas day 2003.

    Having a gf tell me she deserved better than being with someone who was fat (incidently she was about 20 lbs overweight, and I was 30 lbs overweight). The timing? My 30th birthday, 2007.

    Seeing pictures of me playing soccer at 245 lbs and wondering if I didn't really look like a pregnant woman.

    Being told repeatedly that I'm a nice guy, but too big to be worth anything date-wise.

    The ultimate... a few months after my divorce not being able to stand up because my blood sugar count was 512.

    Hot dang you had it rough. *sends hugs*
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I tried to go on one my most favorite rides called the freakout, and the guy couldn't click the front part that was over my chest to the seat. Everyone looked at me, all those skinny blonde kids, and I ended up getting off before it started and I was devistated.:cry:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks to everyone for having the courage to share your stories. At one time, I wouldn't have had that courage, but here I am after 15 months and over 100 pounds down no where near as embarrassed as I once was, so here goes...

    I've had a weight problem my whole life. I wore a pants uniform in grade school and because my thighs rubbed together, the pants got so thin there and eventually split open. I was too embarrassed to tell my mom, so I kept wearing the pants. In high school, I remember two girls who were horrible bullies because of my weight saying the most cruel and hurtful things (and I went to a parochial school).

    Like others who shared, I had the pregnant question; mine was having a nurse tell me I couldn't get a flu shot because I was pregnant (I wasn't)

    The second time I had to get a seatbelt extender, I surreptitiously slipped it into my bag so that I would never have to ask for one again (then hoped I could get it on the plane and out and on without a flight attendant noticing that I had my own).

    Sadly, none of those moments (and many others) got me motivated enough to get fit. It was when the scale hit 291 a year ago May that I made the conscious decision to get fit before I hit 300. I'm currently at 168 and ran in my first 5K today!
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Mine are pretty simple: a size 18 denim skirt being tight and being a female in her 20's over 200lbs....both are / were totally unacceptable to me.

    I started exercising that day and found mfp a few months later. I'm not sure of my exact size now as I'm in the process of shedding the last 10 to 15lbs but a few weeks ago I tried on a size 6 demin skirt and it fit :) Probably still too snug but that's why I have 10 or 15 more pounds to go
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    As the youngest, and only girl- always called "fatty" and otherwise tormented by my VERY thin middle brother. Even though my oldest bro is built like me, I saw him in July after he started running marathons- and realized that I'm bigger than BOTH of my bros now. arg.

    (Thin) Mom repeatedly talking to me as a teenager about my weight (against my Dad's wishes) and specifically telling me that I couldn't wear a bikini- because "no one wants to see a fat belly". I realize now that she's right- but really? Wasn't there a nicer way to say it?


    Being asked if I was preggers- and me trying to blame it on the shirt.

    Turning 30- getting on the scale- and being totally surprised by how big I had let myself get. It was the first time I cried over my weight.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Knowing this is not the first time I have felt like this... xx
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    My fat moment is the fact that 2 years after giving birth, the only clothing that fits me at least half-way right are my MATERNITY CLOTHES!!!!:noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: (((sigh)))...but I'm working on it...:smile:
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    1. Being to fat to do simulated sky diving
    2. Being too fat to go horseback riding on the beach on my anniversary and then having to explain to my husband why I couldn't go, then he stayed back with me.
    3. Being to fat to jump on the trampolines on pier 39 when just 2 years prior I was thin and mastered them!
    4.Having kids in the grocery store say out loud mommy, look how big she is, and then seeing the mom quickly walk away . . that sucked
    5.an ex boyfriend who asked if i would not mention that we still sleep together because he was embarrassed and was telling his friends that he was hooking up with someone beautiful, which i was not (actually his exact words)
    6.Having to always ask where the plus size section in the store was, and then the employee telling em they don't have one
    7.military ball, 'nuff said
    8. my husbands ex-wife of years asking him what he sees in me?
    9. all my doctor appointments ending in "do you know what you are at risk of being overweight?"
    10. sex, I did it with lights off and clothing covering me as much as possible for years after my ex left me, my husband did not see my butt for over a year!
  • darninoud
    I'm new here, I've been trying to get in shape. lost a stone then put it back on again. Because i had a hard time and turned to foods to comfort me. I know it's a real shame. Now I need motivation to start it again though:((
  • Ashley152
    Ashley152 Posts: 10 Member
    Going out to the bar with my sister who is thin and our very in shape friend having two guys come over to hit on them. Our friend was trying to be nice after a while and said "I dont want to dance again i want to play pool go dance with my friend (me)." the guy looked at her and said "now why would anyone want to do that?" I was with my future husband so i didn't really care if he liked me but that really hurt!
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I have enjoyed and appreciated all of these stories, thank you for sharing them. Ya'll are wonderful!

    My moment was while I was in labor with my now four-year-old. We had planned a midwife-assisted homebirth, but Baby was coming faster than the midwife was driving. I was kneeling on the floor, trying to stay in the most comfortable position when suddenly I knew FOR A FACT that my legs were going to give out, that I wouldn't be able to push out the baby and that we would both die. Well, thankfully I was able to get over that fear, and we did not die. She was born just fine (the midwife arrived a half-hour late). But it was a truly frightening moment. I weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 250, but I started exercising for the first time when she was about three weeks old. I even kept it up through another pregnancy, and now am about 70 pounds less than I was then. :smile:
  • lisafrancis629
    Sitting down and feeling my belly rest on my legs.

    and here I thought I was the only one that had this awful feeling. :sad:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    As depressing/funny/sad/angering this thread is, one thing I've notice is in everyones pics, they look super, super happy.

    I like to think in most cases these things came to us as a sign, to make chances to better ourselves, and add years to our lives. Helping not only yourself, you family, friends and everyone else you encouter over the course of it.

    Stuff like that both inspires, and educates others. It may have sucked and been embarassing in the past, but had we all not had an eye-opening experience, who knows...maybe you might be in a really bad posotion healthwise, or not even here today.

    On that note, I once broke a folding/reclining plastic beach chair at a hot-tub party. *cue laughter*

  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member

    2) Around the same time, in maths class we had to be weighed and stand in class order of weight. Obviously I had to stand at the end of the line and the teacher made a "funny joke" about a girl being the fattest and announced to the class my exact weight.

    3) Also around this time, being "punished" by a teacher (who knew I was being bullied because of my weight) for not handing my work in on time - by making me stand in the playground at lunch time in my swimsuit so everyone could see me.

    These teachers were despicable towards you and have earned my utmost contempt!

    I agree. That was ABUSE as far as I am concerned.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Sitting down and not being able to sit Indian style.... just look at my pics in my profile.... I look like a beached whale! =/
  • justanotherteenagemom
    shopping with my fiance, his sister and our best friend at lake of the ozarks. i picked out a pair of soffee shorts, and the saleslady (who had been at my side since i walked in, repeating the same thing over and over and over again) took the shorts from me, asked what size i wore, i told her "i think a large", she responded with "oh, these run small. you're going to need an XXL", rumages through the rack of shorts and tells me "we don't have your size here." what a horrible saleslady! needless to say i walked out, spending no money there, and started dieting the next day.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Having to constantly hold my breath in order to bend over to tie my shoes :cry:

    Ohmygod YES! I'd actually forgotten about this.

    YES!!!! That's the one!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Having to constantly hold my breath in order to bend over to tie my shoes :cry:

    Ohmygod YES! I'd actually forgotten about this.

    YES!!!! That's the one!

    Or to paint your toenails! :blushing:
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    So many....

    1st: the classic many times of "pregnant" comment...I drink alcohol, i'm looked at like a criminal, I got my belly rubbed once, I got question of how far along, etc.

    2nd: all those pictures of me, unflattering...

    3rd: no clothes to wear anymore, almost all too tight...