
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    ETC in AR it sounds like it was a pretty good report overall. Hopefully healing continues. And you can have whatever name you want!
    Terri-thank you for sharing your journey. A very sensible approach.
    Lanette-congratulations on the egg!
    Vicki-foot could be gout, or maybe just arthritis. If it persists I would get it checked.
    Rebecca-I think everyone is weird in one way or another! You just do you-you are right, accepting a lower weight can be tough. You are mainly eating healthy. Keep moving and you will lose some if you care too.
    Allie-glad they are checking things out thoroughly.

    Need to get ready to run to ladies group (actually I will drive there!). Regular day-a couple of meetings, some people acting like jerks, etc. Did have most excellent walk this morning while it was nice and cool.

    Take care all,
    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Thanks ladies!💖🤗
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited July 2023
    :)Heather, My library has "Humble Pi" as and e book so I was able to read the first chapter as a preview. It looks like fun. I didn't check it out because I have too many books I'm reading now, but I'll read it in a few weeks when I finish what I have.

    :) My solo drive in my new car was great. It handles well and was fun to drive especially because I figured out how to play my music. I would have gone farther but I had to get home to put the chicken in the oven for lunch. I think Jake was nervous as though I were a teen ager taking the car out for the first time. Next thing to learn is how to use cruise control because the car wants to go faster than it should on neighbourhood roads.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    A little bit about me ...

    I'm Machka and I am in Tasmania, Australia. :)

    Some of my favourite hobbies/sports/activities include:
    -- cycling
    -- walking
    -- hiking
    -- running
    -- gardening
    -- beekeeping
    -- reading
    -- photography
    -- colouring
    -- working on my website
    -- learning stuff

    I bake, but don't cook, sew, knit, etc.

    Most of my day is spent working with health data, spending time with my husband (who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury 2 years ago) and our kitty, Rhody. I'm also involved with an ultra-distance cycling club, beekeeping clubs, and brain injury organisations.

    My husband is not able to work anymore, so one of his main activities is gardening. He works at that at his own pace and we've got quite a lovely garden of flowers, fruit and veggies.

    This is Rhody ... an all black, almost 4 year old "domestic" who joined us 3 years ago. :) He's a COVID Kitty.


    About weight and weight loss ...
    I was slender pretty much from the moment I could first walk until my early 40s, and I've always been active. I had times where I would put on a little bit of weight, but a slight increase in activity would take it off again.

    When I moved from Canada to Australia in 2009, at the age of 42, I started putting on weight, a tiny bit at a time. I would lose a bit too, now and then, so the overall weight gain was easy to ignore. But about a year after we moved from the state of Victoria to the state of Tasmania, I hit a weight that was not easy to ignore.

    I joined MFP in February 2015 and over 15 weeks lost 15 kg, took a 1-month break, then lost another 11 kg. By Christmas 2015, I was down to a weight I hadn't seen in quite a few years ... since my early 30s: 57 kg.

    In 2016, 2017 and the early part of 2018 I maintained while increasing my cycling. My sport, within cycling, is ultradistance cycling: Audax, Randonneuring, 24-hour races, etc.

    Here's me in 2016 in Brisbane, QLD a couple days after cycling a 300 km event in 18 hours including all breaks.


    In late 2017 and early 2018, my husband and I were in great shape and feeling good. We were cycling events and on our own and building up the distances in the hopes of going to France in 2019 to ride the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 km event. We met on a Paris-Brest-Paris in 2003, and the 2019 one was going to be a bit of an anniversary trip.

    And then on March 22, 2018, my husband had a very bad accident at work ... and life changed. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and post traumatic amnesia for 7 weeks and in hospital for 100 days. Then, a year after the accident, he had a tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure which set him back. He'll never fully recover but he's doing better then they originally predicted.

    He is cycling again but gets very tired so can't cycle consistently or for long distances. Some days he has the energy to ride a bit, other days he doesn't.

    Because cycling is something we've always done together, this means I'm not cycling the ultra long distances at this point either. In an attempt to boost my exercise we've set up a home gym, and I've got into running again. I hadn't run since I was in my late teens!

    But all the time sitting at the hospital and dealing with the aspects of care for my husband, plus working, plus attending university has taken its toll on my weight and I don't look like that picture above anymore! :open_mouth:

    In 2020, I lost some weight and figured I was on a roll. Working from home with our home gym right here was fantastic! But come mid-2021, I started going through changes at work and in the job I was doing.

    January 2022, I started a new 6-month term position.

    I gained weight in that job partly because there were always extra snacks and they were always easily accessible ... often sitting on the desk right behind me. And I gained weight in that job because we were tied to our desks. We had to be there to answer the phones and emails that poured in. Plus I was absolutely exhausted when I got home from work.

    I moved to another job in July 2022, and lost some weight, but then stabilised and very gradually inched up again especially when I was sidelined by skin cancer surgery in December 2022 and when I ended up with a 1-month break in Feb-March 2023. Although I usually exercise more during breaks, I also often end up eating more.

    In late March 2023, I moved to a 2-year term position, and in May 2023, I began losing weight again. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Planning a relaxed day doing my own thing 😂 Exercise, chores, planting out lettuce, crochet, play a few games. … yada yada yada …. Generally having fun.


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Geesh i woke up feeling like I didnt sleep at all..
    Im going to try the mouth tape again
    Going out with Sue and Bente for breakfast this morning
    Then back home..